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Regents Chemistry Vocabulary

1. Arrhenius Acid 44. Halogens 85. Solvent

2. Arrhenius Base 45. Heat of Fusion 86. Stoichiometry
3. Artificial Transmutation 46. Heat of Reaction 87. STP
4. Activated Complex 47. Heat of Vaporization 88. Subatomic Particle
5. Activation Energy 48. Heterogeneous Mixture 89. Sublimation
6. Addition Reaction 49. Homogeneous Mixture 90. Supersaturated Solution
7. Alkali Metals 50. Hydrogen Bond 91. Synthesis
8. Alkaline Earth Metals 51. Intermolecular Forces 92. Temperature
9. Anode 52. Ion 93. Titration
10. Anion 53. Ionic Bonds 94. Transmutation
11. Aqueous 54. Ionization Energy 95. Triple Bond
12. Atom 55. Isomers 96. Unsaturated Compound
13. Atomic Mass 56. Isotopes 97. Unsaturated Solution
14. Atomic Number 57. Kinetic Molecular 98. Valence Electrons
15. Bonds Theory 99. Vapor Pressure
16. Calorimeter 58. Le Chatelier’s Principle 100. Voltaic Cell
17. Catalyst 59. Malleability
18. Cathode 60. Mass Number
19. Cation 61. Metallic Bonding
20. Chemical Change 62. Metalloids
21. Compounds 63. Molecular Formula
22. Concentration 64. Molecules
23. Decomposition Reaction 65. Natural Transmutation
24. Deposition 66. Neutralization
25. Double Replacement 67. Neutrons
Reaction 68. Noble Gases
26. Electrodes 69. Nonmetals
27. Electrolytes 70. Nonpolar Covalent
28. Electron Bonds
29. Electron Dot Diagrams 71. Oxidation
30. Electronegativity 72. Oxidation State
31. Element 73. Physical Change
32. Empirical Formula 74. Polar Molecule
33. Endothermic Reaction 75. Polyatomic Ion
34. Entropy 76. Potential Energy
35. Equilibrium 77. Protons
36. Excited State 78. Reactants
37. Exothermic Reaction 79. Salt Bridge
38. Fission 80. Saturated Compounds
39. Fusion (phase change) 81. Saturated Solutions
40. Fusion (nuclear reaction) 82. Single Bond
41. Gram Formula Mass 83. Singe Replacement
42. Ground State Reaction
43. Half-life 84. Solute
57 Regents Chemistry Facts (Why 57? I don’t know.)

1. The number of protons (positive) and electrons (negative) are equal for neutral atoms, but not
for ions. If an atom gains electrons, the ion is negative (and has a larger radius). If the atom
loses electrons, the ion is positive and is smaller.
2. The nucleus of any atom is positive (because it contains only protons and neutrons). The nucleus
contains nearly all the total mass of the atom.
3. In the modern (wave-mechanical) model, electrons have wave-like properties and are located in
4. Atomic masses and mass numbers are not the same thing. Mass number is the sum of
protons and neutrons, while atomic mass is the weighted average of all naturally occurring
isotopes of an element.
5. If the atoms of the same element are arranged differently, then the physical/chemical properties
will differ. (Examples: graphite and diamond are both composed of carbon atoms; also
oxygen/ozone (O2 vs. O3) have different physical/chemical properties.
6. Electrons in higher energy levels have more potential energy than those in lower energy levels.
7. Light energy (emission spectrum) is released when excited electrons return to lower energy
levels. This light is unique to each element/ion and can be used to identify elements.
8. Elements in the same group (column) have similar chemical properties because the have the
same number of valence electrons (e-‘s in last energy shell).
9. The most reactive metals are at the bottom of group 1. The most reactive nonmetals are at the top
of group 17. Noble gases (18) are inert or unreactive because the have their outermost energy
levels filled (8 valence electrons).
10. Metals have low ionization energy and low electronegativity and typically lose electrons to
become stable. Nonmetals have high ionization energy/electronegativity and typically gain
11. Ionization energy/electronegativity increase across a period, while atomic radii decreases due to
in increase in nuclear attraction for electrons across a period. The trends are opposite down a
group due to increased number of energy levels and less nuclear pull.
12. Chemical bonding occurs due to simultaneous attraction for electrons between atoms. In ionic
bonds (metal and nonmetal), electrons are transferred. In covalent (or molecular) bonds
(nonmetal and nonmetal) electrons are shared. (In nonpolar covalent bonds electrons are shared
equally (I2), while in polar bonds, electrons are shared unequally (H2O))
13. Electrical conductivity depends on the presence of moving charges. Metals (with metallic
bonding) conduct due to mobile electrons. Ionic substances conduct as liquids or aqueous
solutions because they separate into moving charges or ions.
14. Polar molecules have asymmetrical charge distributions. Nonpolar molecules have
symmetrical charge distributions. The greater the difference in electronegativity, the more polar
a molecule is.
15. Intermolecular forces are the attractive forces between molecules. Melting points and boiling
points are affected by the strength of intermolecular forces. Substances with weak
intermolecular forces have low mp’s/bp’s, while those with strong intermolecular forces have
high mp’s and bp’s.
16. Strength of intermolecular forces depends on size and differences in electronegativity. Bigger
molecules tend to have stronger IMF’s than smaller ones. Molecules with atoms with larger
electronegativity differences have stronger intermolecular forces.
17. Matter can be separated into two categories: Pure substances and mixtures. Substances are
always homogeneous (uniform) and cannot be broken down physically. Mixtures can be hetero
or homogeneous and can be separated physically (filtering, distillation, etc.)
18. Elements and compounds are both examples of substances. Elements cannot be broken down
into simpler substances. Compounds can be decomposed chemically.
19. Compounds are formed chemically in definite ratios and have different physical and chemical
properties than the elements that make them up. Mixtures are formed physically and the
components retain their physical properties (which is why they can be separated physically.)
20. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. As
temperature increases, so does the average kinetic energy. (direct relationship)
21. Potential energy is related to molecular spacing. As molecular spacing increases, so does
potential energy.
22. When a substance undergoes a phase change temperature stays constant. Therefore, average
kinetic energy stays constant, but potential energy changes (PE increases with melting, boiling
and sublimation, decreases for condensation, freezing and deposition)
23. There are three formulas for calculating heat. Use q = mC∆T when there is a change in
temperature. Use q = mHf when finding the energy change during freezing/melting and use
q = mHv when finding the energy change during boiling/condensation.
24. Gases have the most entropy (randomness) of all the phases. (Solids have the least.) Gas
particles move in constant, straight-line motion and have insignificant volume and attraction
for each other, according to the kinetic molecular theory.
25. Temperature and pressure affect the volume gases occupy. Temperature and volume of gases
are directly related (at constant pressure). Pressure and volume are inversely related (at
constant temperature). At constant volume, temperature and pressure are directly related. If no
variable is held constant, volume can be determined using the combined gas law.
26. Gases behave like “ideal gases” at high temperature and low pressure.
27. Equal volumes of gases have the same number of molecules (because they have the same number
of moles) at the same temperature and pressure.
28. Chemical reactions follow the Law of Conservation of Energy and The Law of Conservation of
Mass. In normal chemical reactions, mass, energy and charge are conserved.
29. A balanced chemical equation demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Mass because the same
number and type of atom is represented on both sides of the equation.
30. Chemical reactions occur due to effective collisions between reactant particles (based on the
Collision theory). If the frequency and/or effectiveness of collisions between reactants increase,
the rate of a chemical reaction would increase.
31. Increasing temperature, pressure (for gases), surface area, and concentration all increase
reactant collisions and thus increase reaction rate. Adding a catalyst to a reaction also
increases reaction rate by lowering activation energy (alternate reaction pathway).
32. Endothermic reactions absorb heat. Thus the potential energy of the products is greater than the
potential energy of the reactants (∆H is positive). Exothermic reactions release heat. Thus the
potential energy of the products is less than the potential energy of the reactants (∆H is negative).
33. Reversible chemical reactions are in equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal
to the rate of the reverse reaction. At equilibrium, the concentrations of reactants and products
are constant.
34. Changes in temperature, concentration and pressure (for gases) alter equilibrium. These stresses
cause shifts in equilibrium, according to LeChatlier’s principle.
35. Systems in nature tend to proceed towards higher entropy and lower enthalpy (heat energy).
36. Saturated (and unsaturated) can mean two different things. A saturated compound means it
contains all carbon-carbon single bonds, while a saturated solution means the maximum amount
of solute is dissolved in a solvent. (Unsaturated compounds do not have all single bonds and in
unsaturated solutions, more solute can be dissolved.
37. Organic compounds all contain the element carbon. Carbon can bond to itself in chain and ring
structures. Carbon can form single bonds (one shared electron pair), double bonds (2 shared
electron pairs) and triple bonds (3 shared electron pairs).
38. Concentration of solutions can be measured in parts per million (ppm), percent mass (or
volume) and, most commonly, in molarity (M).
39. Likes dissolve likes. Polar (and ionic solutes) will dissolve in polar solvents like water.
Nonpolar solutes will not dissolve in water, but would dissolve in nonpolar solvents.
40. When solute is dissolved in solvent two things happen: 1) the boiling point raises and 2) the
freezing point decreases. The higher the concentration of dissolved particles, the greater the
effect on freezing and boiling point. Ionic solutes, because they separate into ions, have a greater
effect than covalent solutes. (Real life example: rock salt on icy highways.)
41. Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electric current when dissolved in water. Acids, bases
and salts (ionic compounds) are all electrolytes.
42. Arrhenius acids produce hydrogen ions (H+) as the only positive ions in solution. They have pH
below 7. (Example: HCl) Arrhenius bases produce hydroxide (OH-) ions as the only negative
ions in solution and have pH above 7. (Example: NaOH)
43. In other acid-base theories, acids are considered proton (H+) donors, while bases are considered
proton acceptors.
44. Neutral solutions (pH = 7) have equal concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxide ions.
45. When acids and bases react with each other during neutralization the products are a salt and
46. pH is defined as –log[H+]. An increase in one pH unit constitutes a 10-fold decrease in
hydrogen ion concentration. For example, a solution with a pH of 3 has a .001M (or 10-3M) H+
concentration. A solution with a pH of 4 has a .0001M (or 10-4M) H+ concentration.
47. Unknown concentrations of acids and bases can be determined using titration. The end point of
titration represents when the solution has been neutralized, and the moles of acid equal the moles
of base.
48. Redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions occur when electrons are lost by one species (oxidation)
and simultaneously gained by another (reduction). The number of moles of electrons lost is
always equal to the moles of electrons gained (conservation of charge.)
49. Single replacement, synthesis, decomposition and combustion reactions are always examples of
redox reactions because oxidation numbers change. Double replacement reactions are never
considered redox reactions because the oxidation numbers do not change.
50. Voltaic cells are considered batteries because they use a spontaneous redox reaction to convert
chemical energy into electrical energy. The two half cells are connected by a salt bride to allow
for the migration of ions.
51. In electrolytic cells, an outside power source (like a battery) forces a non-spontaneous redox
reaction to convert electrical energy into chemical energy.
52. In both electrolytic and voltaic cells, oxidation occurs at the anode, while reduction occurs at
the cathode. Electrons always flow from the anode to the cathode.
53. Radioactive elements are elements that have unstable nuclei. Unstable nuclei will decay
naturally (natural transmutation) and become a different element.
54. Nuclear stability depends on the proton to neutron ratio. Elements with atomic numbers of 83
and higher have unstable nuclei.
55. Radioisotopes with really unstable nuclei have very short half lives and decay more quickly.
Radioisotopes with more stable nuclei have longer half lives.
56. Radioisotopes with short half lives are commonly used in medical diagnoses, while those with
long half lives are used to determine the age of things (like carbon dating.)
57. Nuclear reactions do not follow the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy because,
especially in fission and fusion, a fractional amount of mass is converted into lots of energy.

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