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with and without option

Bluetooth® module

Coating Thickness Material Analysis Microhardness Material Testing

Instrument for measurement of the ferrite content in austenitic and duplex steel.

Document order number Issue date

902-530 06-2016

Helmut Fischer GmbH Phone: +49 (0) 70 31 3 03 - 0
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sole agencies and subsidiary companies around the globe.

Quality Assurance System of the Helmut Fischer GmbH

DIN EN ISO/IEC Calibration lab accredited for certified mass per unit area
17025 standards

DIN EN ISO Management system certified by DNV GL - Business Assur-

9001:2008 ance

© 2016 by Helmut Fischer GmbH Institut für Elektronik und Messtechnik, Ger-
This operator’s manual remains the copyrighted property of Helmut Fischer
GmbH. All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced by any means
(print, photocopy, microfilm or any other method) in full or in part, or pro-
cessed, multiplied or distributed to third parties by electronic means without the
written consent of Helmut Fischer GmbH.
Subject to correction and technical changes.
FERITSCOPE® is a registered trade mark of the Helmut Fischer GmbH Institut für
Elektronik und Messtechnik in Germany and/or other countries.
Bluetooth® is a registered trade mark of the Bluetooth SIG, USA.
Note: The fact, that the trademark characters ® and ™ may be missing does
not indicate that such names are free trademarks.
Table of Contents
1 Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

2 Area of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

3 Description of the Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

3.1 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
3.2 Control Panel Key Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
3.3 Base and Calibration Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 Probe Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

5 The Path to the First Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

6 System Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
6.1 Install the batteries/rechargeable batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
6.2 Probe Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
6.3 Instrument On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6.4 Setting Up an Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
6.5 Assigning a New Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

7 Adjusting Instrument and Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

7.1 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
7.2 Corrective Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

8 Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
8.1 Selecting the Desired Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
8.2 Application Specific Settings for the Measurement . . . . . . . . . .20

9 Service Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

10 Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer . . . . . .25

10.1 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
10.2 Bluetooth menu — Description of the setting parameters . . . . .27
10.3 Preparations for data transfer via Bluetooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
10.4 Making a Bluetooth connection between instrument and PC . . .29
10.5 Disconnecting the Bluetooth connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
10.6 Additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page i

1 Safety Information
Safety Information

Please study the safety information in the operator’s manual as

Observe the warnings and hints in the operator’s manual in order
to avoid injury and damage to the instrument!

This brief guide offers a first, brief overview of your instrument's operation
and provides quick steps towards your first measurement results. An exten-
sive operator's manual can be found on the Support-CD that is supplied with
the instrument.
The following symbols are used in this brief guide.

Indicates safety information referring to danger for persons and

warnings regarding damage to the measuring instrument or to

Indicates particularly important information and hints.

Indicates a reference to a page or chapter in this guide.

2 Area of application
The FERITSCOPE® FMP30 is used to determine the -ferrite content of auste-
nitic and DUPLEX steel and to determine the portion of deformation marten-
site in austenitic materials.
The instrument has the capability of setting up as many as 100 different
Applications. A maximum of 20,000 readings can be stored in these Appli-
cations. The measurements can be combined in up to 4,000 blocks.
Due to the magnetic induction measuring method, which captures all fer-
romagnetic components in the same manner, the measurements are
always stated in -ferrite. No distinction is made between the different
material components, such as ferrite and martensite.

Page 1 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

3 Description of the Instrument

Description of the Instrument

1 8 1 Probe connector sock-
et, Page 9

2 Display, Page 3

3 Keys for directly retriev-

2 ing functions, Page 5

4 USB port for connecting

a printer and a PC
5 ON/OFF key to turn
4 the instrument on or off,
5 Page 10
7 6 Connector socket for
the AC adapter

7 Cover; additional func-

tion keys can be found
under the cover,
8 Page 5

8 Option Module Blue-

9 tooth®, for wireless con-
necting a PC
10 Option Module COM,
interface for serial data
transfer to a PC or print-

9 Non-slip rubber sup-


11 10 Foldable instrument

9 11 Battery compartment,
Page 8

Fig. 3-1 Front and rear view of the instrument, connections

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 2

3.1 Display
Description of the Instrument

The text lines also include symbols in the display, that show warnings or device

Display Explanation
Information symbols
The normalization routine is active. Measurement Base of the
calibration set, 14.
The corrective calibration routine is active. Measurement on
Base and on various calibration standards from the calibra-
tion set, 15.

Ferrit The magnetic induction test method is used for measurement.

Bell: Tolerance limits are enabled.

Arrow circle: the continuously reading display is switched on;

while moving the probe over the surface the readings will be
captured and displayed continuously.
Enabled/Disabled: Key .
Display symbol for Area Measurement Display mode
Display symbol for Automatic Measurement Display mode
Arrow up:
The upper tolerance limit is exceeded.
Arrow down:
The lower tolerance limit is exceeded.
Exclamation point:
The displayed reading was recognized as an outlier.
Key: Measurement block is closed.

Chain: Applications that have been set up, using the same
probe are linked to each other, i.e., the same normalization
and/or corrective calibration is used for determining the
measurements for these Applications.

Page 3 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

Description of the Instrument
Display Explanation
Sheets: Matrix measuring mode is enabled.

Single sheets: Measuring specification "Definition of Parts" is

Instrument settings
%Fe Unit of the displayed reading, depending on the instrument
FN setting either delta ferrite content, alpha martensit content, fer-
rite number.
The restricted operating mode is enabled, i.e., the keys
MENU, ZERO and CAL are locked, the service functions can-
not be called up, Applications cannot be deleted, Application
settings cannot be changed and a normalization/corrective
calibration cannot be performed.
No measurement storage. Storage mode "do not store" is set.

All readings will be deleted when the instrument is switched

off. Storage mode "delete at off" is set.
Warning symbols
The battery must be replaced or the rechargeable battery
must be charged because the voltage has dropped below a
minimum value.

Too low power causes data loss!

Measurements are currently not possible, because an instru-

ment-internal routine is running.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 4

3.2 Control Panel Key Functions
Description of the Instrument

Key Function

DEL  Deletes the last measured reading

 Returns to the previous menu or
 Cancels the procedure

FINAL-RES Retrieves the final result

BLOCK-RES Retrieves the block result

ON/OFF Turns the instrument on and off

ZERO Retrieves the normalization

CAL Retrieves the corrective calibration

  Changes the information shown on the display.

The display will change faster if  is pressed for longer
than 3 seconds.

  Changes the information shown on the display.

The display will change faster if  is pressed for longer than 3
 Turns the “free-running” display mode on/off.

APPL No Selects the desired Application.

MENU Displaying and entering of the Application-specific settings

( 8 ‘Measuring’, beginning on Page 18)

PRINT Output of the values stored in the selected application (includ-

ing the block results) to a printer or transfer of these values to
a connected computer.

ENTER  Confirms entries

 5 x ENTER: Calls the service functions
The instrument settings in the Service Functions menu are pass-
word-protected. “157” will be displayed after pressing ENTER 5
times. Press  2 times to increase this value to the factory-default
password “159” and confirm the entry with ENTER.

Page 5 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

3.3 Base and Calibration Standards

Description of the Instrument

A so-called base is used for the normalization; for the corrective calibration,
one, two or three calibration standards (ferrite standards) are used in addi-
tion to the base.
Calibration stan-
dards (Ferrite stan-


content in-
Set number formation
of the cali-
standard set

Fig. 3-2 Calibration standard set (example)

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 6

4 Probe Handling
Probe Handling

 Always hold the probe at its grip sleeve (right fig- FGAB1.3-Fe

 Always place the probe gently and at a right angle
on the specimen surface. Grip
 Slide the grip sleeve to the specimen surface such Specimen
that the sleeve rests on the specimen (center and
bottom Figure, right).
 With the default setting, a beep will signal the
measurement capture.
 Lift the probe off the specimen before making the
next measurement. Minimum distance 25 mm
(0.98 ").

Avoid hard impacts.

Do not allow the probe to hover directly above
the surface. Doing so will lead to
erroneous readings.
Do not bend the probe connector cable! Doing so
can lead to broken wires.

5 The Path to the First Measurement

 Instrument Start Up ( 6 ‘System Setup’, beginning on Page 8)
insert the batteries, connect the probe and turn on the instrument
 Adjust the instrument and probe to the base material to be measured
( 7 ‘Adjusting Instrument and Probe’, beginning on Page 14) Normal-
ization and Calibration

 Make measurements on the specimen ( 8 ‘Measuring’, beginning on

Page 18)

Page 7 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

6 System Setup

System Setup
6.1 Install the batteries/rechargeable batteries

Use only MIGNON batteries, type 1.5 V, LR6 - AA - AM3 - MN1500 or 4 indi-
vidual rechargeable batteries 1.2 V, NiMH, HR6 - AA.
Using other batteries may lead to instrument damage.
Use only non-damaged batteries/rechargeable batteries.

1. 2.


Observe the correct

polarity when in-
stalling the batter-
- - -
LR6 1.5V

LR6 1.5V
LR6 1.5V
LR6 1.5V


Fig. 6-1 Installing batteries

 If the battery voltage is too low, the instrument will turn off auto-
 Rechargeable batteries are not rechargeable in the instrument by
using the AC adapter. Use a battery recharger for recharging bat-

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 8

6.2 Probe Connector
System Setup

A suitable measurement probe must be connected to the instrument to make

-ferrite content measurements.

Connect probes only when the instrument is off!

To turn the instrument off: Press the ON/OFF key on the right side of the con-
trol panel. The display is not backlit and no characters are visible.

Protect the instrument and accessories from electrostatic charges!

Electrical discharges may damage internal components or delete inter-

nal memories.
Such discharges may occur, for example, when connecting the probe to the
instrument. Thus, please ensure that the person connecting a probe is prop-
erly grounded.
It is recommended to store the instrument with the connected probe.

1. 2.
Probe connector plug

Connector socket

Fig. 6-2 Connecting a probe

Page 9 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

6.3 Instrument On/Off

System Setup
Switching on the instrument
 Press the ON/OFF key to switch the instrument on.

Display Explanation

After switch-on an audible signal sound is heard.

A start image appears briefly in the display (as a exam-
ple see fig. left).

The measurement display appears and the instrument is

ready for measurements. Description of the display sym-
bols see 3.

Description of the measurement display

[%], [M%] or [FN]:
Unit of the displayed reading
% or Ferrit% (delta ferrite content); FN (ferrite number);
M% (Alpha-Martensit content)
3.1: Reading (Example)
[n=]: Number of readings
[Appl:]: Number of the open application
[Blck:]: Number of the current block
Measurement displays

Turning Off the Instrument

 Press the ON/OFF key to turn the instrument off manually.

 The instrument shuts down automatically if for about 5 minutes no mea-

surements are made or no key is pressed.

6.3.1 The following options exist after the instrument is turned on

 The instrument recognizes the connected probe. The measurement screen
appears on the display. The display of the measurement method does not

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 10

flash. In this case, you can start immediately making measurements.
System Setup

 An Application has not yet been set up with the instrument. In this case,
the message “Application not set up! Press ZERO for set up!” will appear.
You will need to set up a new Application ( Chapter 6.4).
 The message "W006 Probe changed!" briefly appears. If the measure-
ments of an opened Application have not been made with the connected
probe, the symbol identifying the measurement method [Ferrit] flashes.
The probe must be assigned to the Application ( Chapter
6.5 ‘Assigning a New Probe’, beginning on Page 12).
 The message "E022 Missing probe" briefly appears. The instrument does
not recognize the connected probe. The probe is not connected correctly,
defective or no probe at all is connected. The name of the probe, used for
the last measurements in the current application, flashes in red characters
in the measurement display. Connect suitable probe.

6.4 Setting Up an Application

All relevant settings and parameters for a measuring application as well as
the captured measurement data are stored in a file - we refer to this file as
an Application.
A probe must be connected and an Application must be set up before mea-
surements can be made in an Application.

Application Set Up Procedure

sequence/ Display Explanation

APPL No O Appl: 0 n= 35 Opens list with all set applications.

O Appl: 1 n= 21
O Appl: 2 n= 53 Appl: The application files are identified by
0 consecutive numbers.
O Appl: 5 ------ n=: Used application file number, the num-
Open: ENTER ber of readings stored in the application
Display example
file is displayed.
- - - - - -: Free application file number, a new
application file can be set up.

Page 11 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

System Setup
sequence/ Display Explanation

 or  O Appl: 0 n= 35 Selects free application file number.

O Appl: 1 n= 21
O Appl: 2 n= 53
O Appl: 3 n= 10
O Appl: 4 -------
O Appl: 5 ------

ENTER Starts application file set up.

 or  Unit
Select the desired unit.


Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F % A normalization must be performed: meas-

0.00 ure 5 times on the Base of the calibration
s= 0.00 n= 0 set.
Base material
Cancel: ENTER

Zero CAL FerritNC/NF %

The application set up is finished. The mea-

ENTER, 2 x
0------ surement display appears.

Appl: 4 Ferrit%
Blck: 1 n= 0

6.5 Assigning a New Probe

1. Use ON/OFF to switch the instrument off.

2. Connect the new probe.

3. Use ON/OFF to turn the instrument on

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 12

System Setup

sequence/ Display Explanation

This warning appears briefly after power-

W 006 up if a probe other than the lastly used is
Probe changed ! connected to the instrument. The connected
probe can assign to the application file.

DEL Assign new The display on the left side appears.

Example: FGAB1.3-Fe = Name of the con-
nected probe
Yes: DEL No: ENTER DEL: Probe assignment starts
ENTER: The connected probe will not be as-
signed, the name of the probe used for the
last measurements flashes in red charac-
DEL DEL: Probe will be assigned to all Applica-
Assign to all
applications? tions
ENTER: The probe will be assigned only to
the current Application

DEL DEL: All stored readings will be deleted.

Delete measure ? ENTER: The connected probe will not be as-
signed, the name of the probe used for the
Yes: DEL No: ENTER last measurements continues flashing.

Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F % ZERO appears in the display. A normaliza-

0.00 tion must be performed, 14. As may be
s= 0.00 n= 0 necessary a corrective calibration must be
Base material
Fe performed additionally, 15.
Cancel: ENTER

Page 13 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

7 Adjusting Instrument and Probe

Adjusting Instrument and Probe

7.1 Normalization
With the normalization, a new zero point is established for the calibration
curve of the open Application and stored in the open Application. The coef-
ficients of the master characteristic stored in the EEPROM of the probe plug
are not affected.

Required materials
Base from the calibration standard set


sequence/ Display Explanation

ZERO Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F % Use ZERO key to start the normalization
0.00 routine for the open Application.
s= 0.00 n= 0 ZERO appears and remains on the upper
Base material
Fe left display edge while the normalization is
Cancel: ENTER
Display example

0.00: Current reading

s: Standard deviation
n: Number of measurements
Base material Fe: Measurements must be
performed on the Base from the calibration

Zero CA L Ferrit NF /F % Measure 5 times on the Base from the cali-

104 bration set.
s= 0.46 n= 5
Base material
Display example

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 14

Adjusting Instrument and Probe
sequence/ Display Explanation

ENTER Normalization A confirmation about the successful normal-

ization appears.
Press the ENTER key again to finish the nor-
Print: PRINT malization.
Continue: ENTER
PRINT: A report of the normalization will be
printed if a printer is connected and
switched on.

ENTER Zero CAL FerritNC/NF % The new zero point adjustment for the cali-
------ bration characteristics will be computed au-
tomatically and stored in the opened appli-
Appl: 1 Ferrit%
Blck: 1 n= 0 cation file. The instrument is ready to make
measurements again.

Reference measurements should be performed after every normalization to

verify the normalization!

7.2 Corrective Calibration

One-point calibration with one calibration standard: A new zero point and
one additional point are established for the calibration curve of the open
Application and stored in the open Application.
Two-point calibration with two calibration standards: A new zero point and
two additional points are established for the calibration curve of the open
Application and stored in the open Application.
The coefficients of the master characteristic stored in the EEPROM of the
probe plug are not affected.

Page 15 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

Required materials

Adjusting Instrument and Probe

 Suitable calibration standard set for the corrective calibration (in the
desired measurement range)
3 calibration standard sets for the lower, central, upper and entire mea-
surable -ferrite content range are available as options.


sequence/ Display Explanation

CAL ACALL Ferrit NF/F % Use CAL key to start the corrective calibra-
0.00 tion for the open application.
s= 0.00 n= 0 CAL appears and remains on the upper left
Base material
Fe display edge while the normalization is per-
Cancel: ENTER
0.00: Current reading
s: Standard deviation
n: Number of measurements
Base material Fe: Measurements must be
performed on the Base from the calibration

Zero CA L Ferrit NF/F % Measure 5 times on the Base from the cali-
105 bration set.
s= 0.42 n= 5
Base material
Cancel: ENTER
5x Display example

Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F %
Go to the following calibration step.
s= 0.00 n= 0
CAL-rated1: 0.00
Entry: 
Cancel: ENTER
Display example

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 16

Adjusting Instrument and Probe
sequence/ Display Explanation

Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F % Measure as many as 5 times on the calibra-

10.3 tion standard (= CAL-rated1) of the calibra-
s= 0.20 n= 3 tion set.
CAL-rated1: 0.000
Entry: 
Cancel: ENTER
Display example

 or  Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F % Entry: : Use the arrow keys to set the
10.5 nominal thickness value of the measured
s= 0.22 n= 5 calibration standard from the calibration
CAL-rated1: 10.90
Entry:  set.
Cancel: ENTER
Display example
CAL-rated 1: 10.90: Displays the set nomi-
nal value of the calibration standard (exam-
ple 10.9 Fe%).
This step is not required if the rated value for
the thickness of the calibration standard
coincides with the displayed CAL-rated

ENTER Zero CAL Ferrit NF/F %

 Performing the corrective calibration with
0.00 the 2nd calibration foil: Repeat the last 2
calibration steps with calibration stand-
s= 0.00 n= 0
CAL-rated2 0.000 ard 2 (CAL-rated2) from the calibration
Entry: 
End: ENTER set.
Display example
 Corrective calibration with one calibra-
tion standard: Press the ENTER key again
to finish the corrective calibration. The
new calibration curve will be computed
automatically and stored.

ENTER Corrective calibration A confirmation about the successful correc-

finished successfully! tive calibration appears.
Quit the corrective calibration routine by
Print: PRINT pressing the ENTER key.
Continue: ENTER
PRINT: A report of the corrective calibration
will be printed if a printer is connected and
switched on.

Page 17 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

sequence/ Display Explanation

Zero CA L Ferrit NF/F % The new parameters for the calibration

------ characteristic will be computed automati-
cally and stored in the opened application.
1 Ferrit%
2 n= 0
The instrument is ready to make measure-
ments again.

Reference measurements should be performed on certified calibration stan-

dards after a calibration in order to verify your calibration.

8 Measuring
The information stated in the operators's manual, in particular with
regard to the specimen shape, must be observed when making meas-

To make a measurement, place the probe at a right angle on the specimen

surface. The probe can be lifted off after the measurement acquisition, i.e.,
after the reading appears on the display. The instrument is again ready to
make measurements.

Observe the following during the measurement:

 Measurements should be made within the reference area.

 To avoid erroneous readings, do not allow the probe to hover above the
 To obtain a correct air value, the distance to the specimen should be at
least 25 mm (0.98 ").
 To allow sufficient time for a measurement acquisition, the time between
individual measurements must be greater than 0.5 seconds.
 Check the calibration state if the specified trueness is not attained.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 18

8.1 Selecting the Desired Application

To make -ferrite content measurements, a probe must be connected to the

instrument and an Application must be selected that has been set up using
the connected probe.
If the symbol [Ferrit] on the Display flashes after instrument power-up
or after selecting an Application, an Application has not yet been
set up using the connected probe. It is not possible to make measure-
ments when the display is flashing ( 6.4 ‘Setting Up an Applica-
tion’, beginning on Page 11 or 6.5 ‘Assigning a New Probe’,
beginning on Page 12).

sequence/ Display Explanation

APPL No O Appl: 0 n= 35 Opens application file list. This list is con-

O Appl: 1 n= 21
O Appl: 2 n= 53 taining all application files stored in the in-
10 strument.
O Appl: 5 ------ Appl: The application files are identified by
Open: ENTER consecutive numbers.
Display example
n=: Used application file number, the num-
ber of readings stored in the application
file is displayed.
- - - - - - - -: Free application file number, a
new application file can be stored here.

 or  O Appl: 0 n= 35 Use the arrow keys to select the desired ap-

O Appl: 1 n= 21
O Appl: 2 n= 53 plication file.
O Appl: 3 n= 10
O Appl: 4 ------
O Appl: 5 ------

ENTER Zero CAL FerritNC/N F % Open the selected application The display
0 3.5 shows the last reading.
Appl: 3 Ferrit%
Blck: 2 n= 5 The instrument is ready to make measure-
Display example

Page 19 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

8.2 Application Specific Settings for the Measurement

The following settings can be made for the open application file:

sequence/ Display Explanation

MENU Specification
System Limits Calling up the application menu.
Display resolution
Block size Use the arrow keys ( oder ) for selecting
Outlier Reject a menu feature.
 or  Unit
OK: ENTER Bluetooth (Only displayed if the instrument
contains the Bluetooth® module (604-480).
Enabling/Disabling Bluetooth module and
calling up module information.

Specification Limits: Enabling/Disabling

limit monitoring and entering the limit val-
Display resolution: Number of decimal
places after the decimal point for measure-
ment value display.
Block size: Enabling/Disabling the automat-
ic block creation and entering the number
of readings per block.
Outlier Reject: Enable/Disable the outlier
monitoring and the selection of the monitor-
ing type.
Unit: Switching between the unit Fe% and
Offset: Entering a value, which will be auto-
matically deducted from the measured val-
ue. Display of the reduced value.

ENTER Open a menu feature and make the de-

sired settings. Please observe the informa-
tion line at the display bottom.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 20

sequence/ Display Explanation

DEL Exit the application menu and return to the

measurement value display.

The instrument is ready to make measure-

ments again.

As long as the restricted operating mode is enabled (indicated by

on the display), the MENU key will not be active, i.e., it is not
possible to modify these application-specific settings!

For additional information about Applications and Application-spe-

cific settings see the operator's manual of your instrument.

Page 21 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

9 Service Functions

Service Functions
How to access the “Service function” menu

sequence/ Display Explanation

ON/OFF  The instrument is switched on.

157  Press the key ENTER 5 times. The number
157 appears on the display.
Entry: 

2x Increase the value to 159: Press the key 

159 Confirm the entry with the key ENTER.


ENTER System The menu "Service Functions" will be

USB* shown.
Device Mode
Press the arrow keys  or  to select the
Measurement desired service function. Overview of all
OK: ENTER service functions beginning from page 23.
* If the option Bluetooth are enabled "USB/Blue-
tooth" will displayed.
If the option COM are enabled "USB/COM"
will displayed.

How to exit the “Service functions” menu

sequence/ Explanation

DEL Press the DEL key to exit the Service Func-

tions menu.
The instrument is ready to make measure-
ments again.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 22

Service Functions Overview
Service Functions

Service menu Functions

System Language
Date format
Auto. switch off

Evaluation Block result


USB* Output to port

* If the option Blue- (Single readings/block mean values/according to
tooth® are enabled measurement specification)
"USB/Bluetooth" Group separator (on/off)
will displayed.
Send in free (on/off)
If the option COM
are enabled "USB/ COM -Baud rate**
COM" will dis- COM-Parity**
played. COM-Handshake**
** Only displayed if the option COM are enabled

Print Printer (type)

left margin
Print single meas.
Block result
Final result
Auto formfeed

Device Mode Restricted mode (on/off)

Analog display (on/off)
Matrix mode (on/off)
Linking (on/off)

Page 23 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

Service Functions
Service menu Functions

Measurement Audible signal (on/off)

Measurement signal (automatic measurement accept
Extern start (on/off)
Measuring Mode (Default/Auto. Measurement/Area
Unit (predefine Fe%, FN or always ask)
Measured variable (Coating thickness and/or count-
Air value acceptance (dynamic or static, relevant for
automated measurements only)

Storage mode store/do not store/delete at off

Master Calibration Performing a master calibration

About... Information about the instrument configuration

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 Page 24

10 Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module —
Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

Data transfer

Bluetooth module FMP30/40


The "Bluetooth module FMP30/40" (604-480) enables communication with a

PC via integrated Bluetooth or via a USB Bluetooth adapter. Current measure-
ment readings and statistical characteristics, as well as those stored in the in-
strument, can be transferred to a PC via the module.

25 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer
The following data cannot be transferred via the Bluetooth
• Program update for FMP instruments
• Files such as image files, pdf documents, etc.

As with the USB connection, a virtual COM-Port (similar behaviour to RS232)

is configured in the PC via Bluetooth. Any program (e.g. PC-Datex, FISCHER
DataCenter) that uses a COM port for its data transfer can communicate with
the PC via this Bluetooth port. Hence, for data transfer via Bluetooth, the chap-
ter "Data transferusing USB" in the main operating instructions likewise ap-

ATTENTION Prerequisites for an optimum connection

• Maximum distance between Bluetooth devices is 10 m.
• Neither walls nor metallic casings may disrupt the trans-
fer path. If, for example, you cover the Bluetooth trans-
mitter with your hand, the connection is interrupted or
aborted completely.

10.1 Technical data

Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR, class 2

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 26

10.2 Bluetooth menu — Description of the setting parameters
Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

► Call up: Press the MENU and ENTER keys 3 times in succession.
Activating the Bluetooth module. Activation means that the instrument of other
Bluetooth devices can be found and the instrument can connect to other Blue-
tooth devices. The Bluetooth module is activated only when the Bluetooth sym-
bol appears in the display.

Deactivating the Bluetooth module. When the Bluetooth module is activated,
the current energy consumption of the device increases by around 15 %. It
therefore makes sense to deactivate the module when it is not required for long
periods of time.

Establishing a connection to another Bluetooth device (PC).

Disable the existing connection to another Bluetooth device (PC). This function
can be carried out only if a connection existed beforehand, see also page 31.

Display/change the Bluetooth PIN code, also called coupling code. Valid val-
ues are between 0000 and 9999. The instrument never requests this PIN code
while the connection is being established. The PC may request this PIN code.

Information display to the Bluetooth module
Device name: FERITSCOPE FMP30 S/N: 76e5
Device address: 10:00:E8:C4:45:08

27 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

10.3 Preparations for data transfer via Bluetooth

Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

10.3.1 Preparations on the PC

A PC with installed or integrated Bluetooth module must be available. Relevant

information on the installation is provided in the Bluetooth module manual in-
stalled in your PC. If a Bluetooth module is installed on your PC, you recognise
this by the Bluetooth icon on your PC.

10.3.2 Preparations on the instrument

► Activating the Bluetooth module.

Press the MENU key and then ENTER 3 times in succession. To exit the
device menu press the DEL key. The Bluetooth symbol appears in the

We recommend deactivating automatic device switch-off, so that when search-

ing for Bluetooth devices the instrument does not switch off automatically too
quickly and the instrument cannot then be found.
► Deactivating the automatic switch-off:
a Press the ENTER key 5 times.
b Press the  key twice to increase the number in the display to 159.
c Press the ENTER key.
d Press the ENTER key again to open the system menu.
e Use the  key to select the Auto. switch off menu option.
f Press the ENTER key to open the menu.
g Use the ,  keys to select the Off menu option.
h Press the ENTER key to confirm the menu setting.
i Press the DEL key twice to return to the measurement value display.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 28

10.4 Making a Bluetooth connection between instrument and PC
Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

Before you start

• A PC with installed or integrated Bluetooth module must be available. Use
the applicable instructions from the manufacturer (hardware/software).
The Bluetooth symbol in the Autostart bar on the PC monitor shows that
a Bluetooth module is installed in the PC.
• Instrument with Bluetooth module is required.
Activate the Bluetooth module in the device and deactivate automatic
device switch-off as already described in section "Preparations on the
instrument". This gives you enough time to make a Bluetooth connection.
• The PC and instrument must be turned on.
Depending on the operating system and Bluetooth program installed on your
PC, you can start to make the connection from the PC or from the instrument.

10.4.1 Starting to make the Bluetooth connection from the PC

1. PC – Start the Bluetooth program: Double-click on the Bluetooth symbol.
2. PC – From the menu, select "Search for Bluetooth devices in the environ-
ment", "Add device" or similar options in the Bluetooth program window.
This menu item searches the entire environment for Bluetooth devices.
3. PC – An instrument has been found (e.g. FERITSCOPE FMP30 S/N:
76e5): Right-click on the device name and select "Add device" (or
similar) from the context menu. You may be asked for a code in the next
step. Enter the code to link (pair) the FMP device with the PC. Display
Code/PIN in the FMP instrument: Press the MENU, ENTER keys and select
the PIN menu option using the  key. Note the COM port numbers if they
are shown while the connection is being made. You will require these
COM port numbers for transferring data from certain programs, such as
PC-Datex. The COM port designation can also be found in the PC Blue-
tooth program in "Settings" or a similar option.
4. Connection successful
PC – The PC monitor displays a message to confirm that the connection
was successful.

The Bluetooth connection is now configured.

29 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

10.4.2 Making a Bluetooth connection from the FMP instrument

Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

Makes sense only for data exchange via a control or terminal program. As a
rule, the Bluetooth modules in the PC have two COM ports for registering the
device addresses: One for the incoming communication to the PC (In) and one
for the outgoing communication from PC to device (Out). If the connection to
the control or terminal program is to be made from the instrument, the "Out"
COM port must be set in this program. The COM port designation can be
found in the Bluetooth program in "Settings" or a similar option.

Starting to make the Bluetooth connection

1. FMP instrument – Press the MENU, ENTER,  (select Connect), ENTER
keys. Two options can occur:
• The FMP instrument makes a Bluetooth connection for the first time:
The FMP instrument searches for Bluetooth devices in its environment
for max. 30 seconds. A list of the Bluetooth devices found appears in
the display.
• The FMP instrument has now connected with the Bluetooth module a
few times: The Bluetooth device, to which the FMP instrument was last
connected, is shown in the display. You can also, via confirm selec-
tion Search device (ENTER key), search the environment for Bluetooth
devices again.
2. Start connection: Select the required device from the list and press the
ENTER key to start to make the connection. The FMP instrument attempts
to make a connection. You may be asked by the PC whether you want
to allow this connection. Confirm. The PC may ask you to input a code.
Display Code/PIN in the FMP instrument: Press the MENU, ENTER keys
and select the PIN menu option using the  key.
In certain programs, such as PC-Datex, you will require the COM port
number for the data transfer. The COM port designation can be found in
the PC Bluetooth program in "Settings" or a similar option.
The Bluetooth connection is now configured.

10.4.3 Connecting more than one FMP instrument to the PC via Bluetooth

Should the Bluetooth program on your PC not automatically support the simul-
taneous connection of several devices, you can normally define several COM
ports for one Bluetooth connection in the configuration menu of your Bluetooth

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 30

program. Under "Local settings" or similar option you can configure additional
Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

serial COM ports. The new COM port number is fixed, the name can usually
be changed. If the Bluetooth device receives the information via several COM
ports, these are displayed and the required one can now easily be selected.
Experience of simultaneously connecting 2 FMP devices via Bluetooth has
been garnered.

10.5 Disconnecting the Bluetooth connection

If the Bluetooth connection is no longer required, we recommend removing the

connection. This is also done by switching off one of the Bluetooth devices (ei-
ther FMP instrument or PC). A defined disconnection is always more reliable.

Disable the connection in the same way you started it.
Example: Disable the connection via the FMP instrument, if
you made the connection via the FMP device. This is the more
reliable and sometimes the only way.

10.5.1 Disabling the Bluetooth connection on the FMP instrument

► Press the MENU, and ENTER keys in succession and select the Disconnect
menu option using the  key. The option appears only if a connection
already exists.

10.5.2 Disabling the Bluetooth connection on the PC

► Right-click on the Bluetooth symbol and then on "Disconnect Serial COM-

Port" or similar option.

31 Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30

10.6 Additional information

Instrument with integrated Bluetooth module — Data transfer

• The Bluetooth symbol must appear in the Autostart bar on the PC monitor.
• Two COM port numbers can be configured from both the FMP instrument
(local service) and also from the PC (client applications). In order to avoid
confusion, always start the connection in the same way.
• A Bluetooth environment is often installed during installation on the PC.
This is a useful program window that provides information on Bluetooth
devices that are already configured. When installed, this window can be
opened directly from Windows Explorer via Desktop or direct from the
• The name of the FMP instrument on the PC could be "FERITSCOPE FMP30
S/N: 76e5". 76e5 is the device serial number. The serial number permits
the distinction between various FMP devices. To view the device serial
number, Press the following keys in succession: ENTER 5 times,  twice,
ENTER,  (select About...) and ENTER. If you work with several FMP in-
struments, it makes sense to label the devices with their serial number.
• For the FMP instrument, you will find a symbol in the "Bluetooth environ-
ment" on your PC. Below the device designation (example: "FERITSCOPE
FMP30 S/N: 76e5"), you will also find "Unknown; Version(0) Subver-
sion(0)". This is correct, since the FMP device is either a computer, a
smartphone or another device known to the installed Bluetooth module.
• If you have a problem making the connection, re-start by searching again
for Bluetooth devices.

Guidelines FERITSCOPE® FMP30 32

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