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Educational Technology

Rina Lorraine D. Cagas, M.A.

Guidelines in making a handout: (Brown, 2004)

1. Legibility – to what typefaces will be used in the handout.
1.1 Use a common, easily recognized, serif typeface for the body of the work.
1.2 Break up the body text with headings and captions in sans serif.
1.3 Use only decorative typefaces for a short title or sub-heading.
1.4 Use no more than 2 fonts in a document
1.5 Use bold, italics or underline to emphasize a
word or group of words but never use all three Alert!!
at the same time. A Typeface is …
Serif: Times New Roman, Courier
Sans Serif: Arial, Helveitica
2. Readability – to where to place the graphics and Decorative: Curlz, October twilight
text on the page.
2.1 Contrast is used to differentiate elements of
a design. You may change the color, tone value, size, and shape to highlight
the element with much importance.

Contrast: Color, Tone Value, Size, Shape

e.g: Make the heading stand out from the
body of text.

2.2 Repetition is used to establish pattern all throughout the handout.

Formatting styles, colors and bullets are elements that can be used to create
patterns. Patterns should be consistent.

Formatting styles used should be the same

2.3 Alignment is used to lead the reader throughout, using the handout. Headings,
subheading, and body of text must be aligned well. No elements must be left
floating without alignment with other elements.

Headings and subheading should be

2.4 Proximity is used to group together elements that are related with each other
to help organize the information in the handout.
3. Title – must be big and bold enough to catch the attention of the readers.
4. Layout – make sure that only the necessary details are included in the handouts.
Clear uncluttered layout.
5. Graphics – simplify the complex information. Use graphics instead of words to
simplify. Place the graphics above the text as the eye is drawn to visuals first
before the text.
6. Bullets – for easy reading
7. White space – to help the eye to search for and find information. A page that is
completely filled with text and graphics s difficult to read.
8. Author’s name and date – for credits and acknowledgment
9. Color – add color to increase willingness to read.

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