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PGDM Tim 2 | 2019 Cost & Management Accounting Project

Project on ‘Cost Analysis’

A. Project
Division wise groups and company allocation is attached. Select one competitor company.

B. Requirements
(1) Cost Objects:
a. Identify the main Cost Objects (CO) of the Companies.
b. Mention whether they are Products and/ or Services.
c. Main COs must be those which contribute of 75% or more of the revenue, but listed
(2) Costing method, Cost Objects:
a. Besides main, what other CO could the companies be using? How do they help in
managing costs & analyzing profits (max 50 words)
b. What method of costing is best for each of main CO? Give reasons (max 50 words)
(3) Costs identification and analysis (use latest 3 years financial information for both companies):
a. Identify the Variable, Fixed, Direct and Indirect costs for each company. Present in
the form a table comparing both companies.
b. What cost strategy is each company using? How does it benefit it? Quantitative and
qualitative analysis in not more than 100 words.

C. Submission:
(1) Only PDF file name: PGDM_CMA2019_Project_(Group No.). Group No. is A4, B2, C6 etc.
(2) File organization
a. Cover page: Institute, Course, Year, Project name, Division and Group Number, Full
names with registration numbers group members; and Company-Competitor-Industry
b. First page: Table of contents.
c. Rest of the pages: Section wise (refer B above)
(3) Financial information, comparisons should be in Annexures. Their summary/ synopsis/
snapshot with cross references to be included in the main document.
(4) Headers on all pages: project name, month & year
(5) Footer on all pages: (a) page numbering as ‘1 of 2’ etc.; and (b) group no
(6) Font/ Spacing: (a) Times New Roman; (b) Size 12; (c) 1.5

D. Mode of Submission and Due date (NO ZIP FILE):

(1) Submission mode: e-mail to Professor at
(2) Every group to submit separately and not through class representatives.
(3) Discussions with Professor – respective group head may please message on mobile or e-mail
to schedule a call.
(4) Submission deadline
a) By 10 November, 2019, on or before 7pm.
b) Late submission:
i. 0.5 marks deduction for every group member for delay of 6 hours or part thereof
up to 24 hours (i.e. 2 marks for 24 hours).
ii. Beyond 24 hours will not be accepted. No rejection mail will be sent.
(5) 1 mark deduction for each student for not following format and mode of submission.

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