Hem Sheela Model School Health and Physical Education

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SESSION: 2018-2019
Contents Page no.
 Acknowledgement to principal 1
 Acknowledgement to teachers 2
 Teacher’s certificate 3
 Modified AAPHERD fitness test 4
 Barrow’s motor fitness test 6
 Yogasanas 8
 Senior citizen test 18
 Basketball 20
 Bibliography 25
I would like to thank our principal Ms. Anindita
Home Choudhury for encouraging us to be more
creative and helping us with all the resources that
we need. Also, I would like to thank her for
providing different facilities for physical education.

Signature of Principal:
I would like to thank our physical education
teachers Mr. Sourabh Lahiri and Anjan Kumar
Biswas for guiding us to do this project in a correct
way. Also, I would like to thank them for providing
us every requirement and details of this project.

Sourabh Sir Anjan Sir


This is to certify that Mainak Mukherjee completed

the physical education project under the guidance
of Saurabh Lahiri sir and Anjan Kumar Biswas Sir.

Signature of External examiner:

AAPHERD (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance) is one of the oldest professional
organizations in USA. Its motor fitness tests have been the
major instruments for measuring motor fitness in American
schoolchildren for over 50 years. In 1976, the final test manual
was prepared. The following items were finalised in this test

1. (a) Pull- Ups (Boys): This test measures the total number
of repetitions done without taking rest on a horizontal bar.
In this test, the chin must reach above the bar while doing
(b) Flexed- Arm Hang (Girls): With the help of two girls,
the subject’s body is lifted off the ground until her chin is
positioned above the bar. She is required to hold the bar in
the same position for maximum time.
2. Flexed- leg sit- ups: The student lies on the back with
legs in flexed position. His/her hands should be behind the
neck and elbows must touch the knees. The total number
of repetitions is noted.
3. Shuttle run: Two parallel lines are marked on the ground
30 feet apart. On declaring start, the subject runs to the
blocks, picks one of them and runs back to the starting line.
The best time is recorded.
4. Standing long jump: The subject stands just behind the
take- off line with the feet several inches apart. Subject
swings the arms and bends the knees to take a jump. All
the jumps are measured and the best one is recorded.
5. 50- Yard dash: The subject takes the starting position
behind the starting line. The word “Go” is accompanied by
downward sweep of starter’s arm. The score is recorded in
6. 600- Yard Run - Walk: The subject takes the position of
standing right behind the starting line. The word “Go” and
“ready” leads the subject to run 600 yard distance. In this
test, many students can run at the same time.
7. Push Up: Begin with the hands and toes touching the
floor, the body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart,
and the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a
right angle to the body. Keeping the back and knees
straight, the subject lowers the body to a predetermined
point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-
degree angle at the elbows, then returns back to the
starting position with the arms extended.
8. Sit – and – Reach: This test involves sitting on the floor
with legs stretched out straight ahead. Both knees should
be locked and pressed flat to the floor. With the palms
facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other or
side by side, the subject reaches forward along a
measuring line as far as possible. The subject reaches out
and holds that position for one-two seconds while the
distance is recorded.
For measuring general motor fitness, the three item test
battery of Barrow is used. This motor ability test was developed
by Dr. Harold M Barrow in 1953. In this test, the three test
items are used to measure the general motor ability of an
individual. The following items are:

1. Standing Broad Jump: it is used for measuring leg

strength. The subject swings the arms and bends the knees
to take a jump in the long jump pit. The distance is
measure from the take- off line to the heel or other part
that touches the ground.
2. Zig - Zag run: It is used for measuring agility and speed.
The subject runs the prescribed pattern stated to him as
quickly as he can without gasping. Three complete circuits
are needed to run. The time is recorded in seconds.
3. Medicine Ball Put: It is used for measuring arm and
shoulder strength. In case of girls, a medicine ball of 1 kg
and for boys a medicine ball of 3 kg is provided. The
subject should hold the medicine ball at the junction of
neck and shoulder.
4. After three trials, the best one is recorded.
Sl.No. Name Gender Standing Zig-Zag Medicine
Broad Run(m) Ball
Jump(m) Put(m)

1 Pratik Male 2.20 12.3 11.50

2 Prachi Female 1.52 14 2.7

3 Shreya Female 1.30 22 2.6

4 Sanya Female 1.0 23 2.9

5 Lalit Male 2.3 15 3.1

6 Madhav Male 2.07 13 3.5

7 Mohit Male 1.50 17 2.6

8 Koushiki Female 1.78 11 3.2

9 Anushka Female 2.0 12 3.7

10 Koushik Male 1.50 14 3.3

There are many lifestyle diseases such as:
1. Obesity
2. Diabetes
3. Asthma
4. Hypertension
5. Back Pain
Which can be cured or treated by yoga.
Some of their key asana(s) and their
uses are given below:
(a) Pada Hastasana:-
Procedure: Bend forward until the fingers or palms of the
hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Try to touch
the knees with the forehead. Keep the knees straight. Exhale
while bending forward. Try to contract the abdomen in the final
position to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs.

 It makes the body very flexible.
 It helps to eliminate excess belly fat.
 It improves digestion and reduces constipation.
 It makes the spine flexible and tones the nerves.
 It improves blood circulation.

The individuals who have back pain should avoid this asana.
They should bend forward only far as comfortable.
(b) Trikonasana:
Procedure: Stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arms
sideways up to the shoulder level. Bend the trunk sideways and
raise the right hand upward. Touch the ground with left hand
behind left foot.

 It strengthens the legs, knees, arms and chest.
 It helps in improving digestion.
 It helps in increasing height.
 It helps in reducing excess body weight.
 It enhances blood circulation.
 It reduces stress, anxiety, back pain.
 It increases mental and physical equilibrium.

 People suffering from diarrhea, low or high blood
pressure, back injury or migraine should avoid doing this
 The individual having cervical spondylosis should not
perform this asana.
(a) Bhujangasana:
Procedure: Lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your
legs closed together and hands near the shoulders. Straighten
up your arms slowly, raise the chest and your head should turn
backwards. Then, get back to the normal position.

 It provides strength and agility.
 It cures the disorders of urinary bladder.
 It cures the diseases of liver.
 It improves blood circulation.
 It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
 It strengthens the muscles of hands.

Contra - Indications:
 This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer
from hernia, back injuries, headaches.
 Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
(b) Paschimottanasana:
Procedure: Sit on the ground with legs forward and hold the
toes of your feet with the fingers of both hands. Then, breathe
out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead.
Breathe in slowly, raise your head upwards and come to the
normal position.

 It is a good remedy for gas troubles and constipation.
 It helps to overcome menstrual disorders.
 It reduces obesity.
 It is helpful in treating abdominal diseases.
 It is also helpful in curing skin diseases.
 Vertebra becomes flexible and healthy.

 Person suffering from enlarged liver or spleen should
never do this asana.
 Person suffering from asthma or any respiratory disease
should avoid doing this asana.
 Person suffering from back pain or spinal problem should
perform this asana under expert guidance.
(a) Sukhasana:
Procedure: Sit down with the legs straight in front of the
body. Bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh.
Then, bend the left leg and keep the foot under right thigh.
Place the hands on the knees and chin should be in. keep the
head, neck and back straight and relax your body.

 It calms your mind.
 It reduces anxiety and stress.
 It helps in improving body posture.
 It provides a gentle massage to knees, calf muscles and
 It maintains physical and mental balance.

 Person with his knees and hips injured should avoid this
 Person having a slipped disc problem should take proper
care while doing this asana.
(b) Chakrasana:
Procedure: Lie down on your back. Fix your hands firmly on
the ground. Then, raise the middle portion of your body
upwards so that your body is in semi- circle position. Then,
keep your head downwards between your hands.

 It cures back pain.
 It is helpful in reducing obesity.
 It prevents the problem of hernia.
 It cures infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
 It gives relief from stress.
 It cures any pain in kidneys.
 It stimulates pituitary and thyroid glands.

 People suffering from headache or high blood pressure
should not perform this asana.
 Person suffering from spinal ailments should avoid this
 Person suffering from shoulder impingement should not
do this asana.
(a) Tadasana:
Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms
upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also, pull up
your body upwards. Then, breathe out slowly and come to the
normal position.

 It helps to develop physical and mental balance.
 It reduces obesity.
 It cures constipation.
 It cures digestive problems.
 It improves body posture.
 It increases height.
 It is beneficial in treating hypertension.

 Person having low blood pressure should not do this
 In case of headaches, a person should avoid doing.
 Person suffering from blood circulation problems should
not perform this asana.
(b) Vajrasana:
Procedure: Kneel down on the ground and your toes should
be stretched backwards. Place your palms on the knees. The
breathing should be deep, even and slow. Then, expand your
chest forward and pull your abdominal portion inwards.

 It is helpful to improve concentration.
 It cures dysentery.
 It enhances memory power.
 It cures menstruation problem.
 It removes mental stress.
 It cures postural defects.
 It prevents hernia.
 It gives relief from constipation, acidity.
 It helps in reducing hip fat.

 A person having joint pain should not do this asana.
 Person having spine problem should avoid doing this
 Persons having difficulty in movement should practice this
asana with lots of care.
(a) Vakrasana:
Procedure: Sit down and stretch your legs straight. Fold the
right leg and keep the right leg’s heel touching the left leg’s
knee. Place your right hand behind your back and left arm over
the right knee. Push your right knee and while exhaling and
twist your trunk to the right side.

 It improves the function of spinal cord and nervous
 It prevents and controls diabetes.
 It strengthens kidneys.
 It helps in reducing chronic back pain.
 It reduces belly fat.

 Avoid this asana in case of high blood pressure.
 Individuals suffering from peptic ulcer should not do this
 This asana should not be performed who suffer from
serious back injury.
(b) Shalabhasana:
Procedure: Lie down in prostate position and spread the thigh
backwards. Hold your fists. Keep your fists under the thigh and
then raise your legs slowly as high as you can. Then, lower your
legs slowly.

 It improves posture.
 It stimulates abdominal organs.
 It helps in relieving stress.
 It reduces lower back pain.
 It helps in removing constipation.

 People with a weak spine should avoid this asana.
 The individuals with a weak heart, high blood pressure and
coronary problems should avoid this asana.
This test helps the early identification of at- risk participants.
Along with this, it is significant to plan for effective physical
exercise programmes for senior citizens because individual’s
health and fitness level can be known better with the help of
this test. The following test items are:-

1. CHAIR STAND TEST: This test helps to measure lower

body strength, which is usually required for various tasks
such as climbing stairs, getting in and out of vehicles.
2. ARM CURL TEST: This test helps to measure the upper
body strength. It is designed to test the functional fitness
of aged people.
3. CHAIR SIT AND REACH TEST: This test helps to assess
the lower body flexibility, which is important for good
posture and various mobility tasks.
4. BACK SCRATCH TEST: This test helps to assess the upper
body flexibility which is essential for a person to perform
various jobs.
5. EIGHT FOOT UP AND GO TEST: This test helps to
evaluate speed, agility and balance of a person while
6. SIX MINUTE WALK TEST: This test helps to assess the
aerobic fitness of a person which is an essential
component for walking distances, stair climbing, etc.

Sl.N Name Gender Chair Arm Chair Sit Back Eight Six
o Stan Curl and Scratch Foot Up Minute
d Test Reach Test and Go Walk
Test Test Test Test

(inch) (inch) (sec) (yards)

1 Malay Male 14 22 0.5 6.5 3.8 680

2 Bhanumati Female 9 18 1.0 3.0 6.0 545

3 Sandhya Female 13 15 3.0 1.5 4.9 480
4 Prabhat Male 16 8 5.0 5.0 8.7 615
5 Arun Male 17 13 1.5 8.0 7.2 605

6 Raghav Male 15 10 2.5 7.5 5.3 470

7 Ashoke Male 12 17 2.0 9.0 4.6 570
8 Mallika Female 11 16 4.5 5.5 5.7 510
9 Suparna Female 13 11 3.5 4.0 4.4 635
10 BIbhas Male 15 19 4.0 7.0 6.2 560
Invented in 1891 by Canadian-American gym teacher James
Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, basketball
has evolved to become one of the world's most popular and
widely viewed sports. Basketball is a team sport in which two
teams, most commonly of five players each, opposing one
another on a rectangular court, compete with the primary
objective of shooting a basketball. Players advance the ball by
bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or by passing it to
a teammate, both of which require considerable skill. On offense,
players may use a variety of shots—the lay-up, the jump shot, or
a dunk; on defense, they may steal the ball from a dribbler.
The following rules and regulations are:-
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both

2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both

hands (never with the fist).

3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it
from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made
for a man who catches the ball when running at a good
speed if he tries to stop.

4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms

or body must not be used for holding it.

5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in

any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first
infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul,
the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made,
or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the
whole of the game, no substitute allowed.

6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules

3, 4, and such as described in Rule 5.

7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count

a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the
opponents in the mean time making a foul).

8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted

from the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing
those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If
the ball rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the
basket, it shall count as a goal.

9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into

the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a
dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The
thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it
shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the
game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side.

10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the
fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls
have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men
according to Rule 5.

11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide
when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs,
and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has
been made, and keep account of the goals with any other
duties that are usually performed by a referee.

12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five

minutes' rest between.

13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be
declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by
agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is
Basketball courts come in different sizes. In the National
Basketball Association (NBA), the court is 94 by 50 feet (28.7 by
15.2 m). Under International Basketball Federation (FIBA)
rules, the court is minutely smaller, measuring exactly 28 by 15
meters (91.9 by 49.2 ft). In amateur basketball, court sizes vary
widely. The baskets are always 10 feet (3.05 m) above the floor
(except possibly in youth competition). Basketball courts have a
three-point arc at both baskets.
The following terminologies are:-

 Advance Step
A step in which the defender's lead foot steps toward their
man and the back foot slides forward.
 Air Ball
An unblocked shot that fails to hit the rim or backboard.
 Baseball Pass
Passing the basketball using an overhand throw with one
hand similar to a baseball pitch.
 Baseline
The line that marks the playing boundary at either end of the
 Charge
An offensive foul when the person with the ball rushes into a
non-moving defender.
 Dribble
To bounce the ball continuously with one hand. Required in
order to take steps with the ball.
 Foul
Violations of the rules other than floor violations, generally
attempts to gain advantage by physical contact; penalized by
a change in possession or free-throw opportunities
 Heating Up
When a player starts to make the majority of their shots and
takes over the game.
 Jump Shot
An overhead shot taken while jumping.
Top point guards dribble and control the ball as if it were on a
Great passers can see the whole court and anticipate where a
teammate will go and what a defender will do.
It's difficult to score if you can't shoot the ball effectively.
Although it helps to be tall and have jumping ability,
rebounding is a matter of desire as well as ability.
Even the best scorers go into shooting slumps. But you can
always play good defense if you hustle and understand both
individual and team defense.
 The Ball: Official size of a basketball is 29.5 to 30 inches in
circumference for men's game and 28.5 inches in
circumference for women's game.
 Shoes: The basketball shoes should be high-tipped shoes
and provide extra comfort during a game.
 Basketball Shooting Equipment: The rim is mounted
about 4 feet inside the baseline and 10 feet above the court.
 Basketball Court: The court size is about 28m x 17m
according to the International standards.
Some famous players are:
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Tim Duncan

Larry Bird

Bill Russell

Magic Johnson
Some famous tournaments:

1 Federation Cup

2 National

3 UBA Pro League

4 FIBA World

 https://www.theindianwire.com/sports/to
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basketball_c
 https://woman.thenest.com/five-basic-
 Health and Physical Education(Saraswati
Publications) – Dr. V.K. Sharma

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