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- the ancient papyri include some of the worlds oldest written medical documents such as
Ebers papyrus and Edwin Smith papyrus

5th century BC = HIPPOCRATES

- Greek physician know as ,,The Father of Western Medicine,,
- his followers wrote the Hippocratic Corpus and Hippocratic Oath

C. 8th - 13th century ISLAMIC medicine

- Greek medicine spreads into the Islamic world through the work of Arabic translators of
medical texts

C. 14th century DISSECTION

- 1st recorded public dissection of a human body takes place in Bologna, Italy

14th-16th century The BLACK DEATH

- one of the most deadly plague pandemies in the human history spreads from Asia to the
Middle East, North Africa and Europe
- over 25 milion people die
epidemie = outbreak

15th century:
- a new disease: SYPHILIS erupts in Europe

16th century: SMALLPOX and MEASLES

- varicella = chickenpox
- variola = smallpox
- rubeola = measles
- rubella = German measles
- infectious diseases reach the ,,New World,, with devastating consequences

19th century
- the STETHOSCOPE was invented by rene Laennec. This diagnostic tool helps the physicians
to listen to a patients heart and lungs
- ANESTHESIA: William Morton administered ETHER to a patient undergoing surgery
- WOMEN IN MEDICINE: Elizabeth Blackwell is the 1st female doctor to gain a medical
degree in the USA
- preventing CHOLERA: John Snow proved that cholera is transmitted through water
contaminated with raw sewage (canalizare)
- X-Rays were discovered by Roentgen. They helped physicians to screen for diseases such ar
TBC and cancers
- RADIUM: Marie and Pierre Curie discover the radioactive elements polonium and RADIUM,
used for treating deep cancers.
- ASPIRIN: Bayer launches the new aspirin pain-relief drug

20th century
TB vaccine DNA
- the BCG (bacillus....) vaccine for tuberculosis is - scientists first show that DNA is the carrier of
introduced. genetic information
The double helix of the DNA: the molecular
INSULIN structure of he DNA is first described by
- scientists in Toronto, Canada first use insulin Watson and Creck
from ox pancreas to treat diabetes
PENICILLIN - the 1st vaccines for poliomyelitis are
- Alexander Fleming in London discovers a mold introduced
with antibacterial properties which he names
fungus=mold - the 1st transplant is performed in Africa

- HIV / AIDS virus is identified

21th century
- 1st case of SWINE flu (gripa porcina)
- Stem Cells: the authors who discovered the stem cell therapy are awarded with The Nobel
Prise in Physiology and Medicine

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