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Important TOACS preparation/ Planning can be divided into 4 sections 1). Clinical skills 2).

examinations 2). Radiology 3). Theory Here is a bit detail of each section 1). CLINICAL SKILLS You
have to watch and practice all the videos given at your e log as well as the skills you practiced during
your BLS workshop plus counselling of patients + Also there is usually a station in which you are
given command to Put this patient in position For Thyroid surgery Or Renal stone surgery Etc 2).
CLINICAL EXAMINATION Usually a scenario is given on a page which after you have to read & follow
the instructions e.g Examine the patient's abdomen & then you may to comment on Radiograph like
in my case the scenario was typical of Ca Stomach so I examined the patient quickly & then there
was CT abdomen where I localised the Tumor in the Antral region . Remember , in most of the Gut
malignant lesions , lymph nodes will be there , even if you see a lesion in Gasrtrci region then you
can say that lesion and enlarged lymph nodes . You can get any scenario with command of clinical
examination Like Thyroid Or Breast Etc Or You may be asked to examine knee of a patient I
encountered two clinical examinations One was gastric Ca patient whose examination I did and I had
to comment on his CT Abdomen And Second was of sports injury patient whose knee examination I
did 3). RADIOLOGY they test radiology quite properly these days I had PTC ( hepatobillary), And
Fistulogram Stations These two stations I faced . You may face anything Like ERCP MRCP PTC
FISTULOGRAM BARIUM Studies Plain Abdominal X Rays or Even chest X rays So Get ready for 2-3
radiology stations 4). This is also a small portion I got a single scenario in which there was a case of
neurotrauma where I Had 4 questions like Calculate GCS what will be initial management And two
other questions My suggestion is to write answers to the point & briefly if you encounter this station
TOACS is not bookish thing , it's practical so practice as much as you can And study via discussion and
asking each other ... I am gonna share some books 📚 in a while for these concerned sections
preparation If anyone still has some query or confusion , he or she is most welcome to share his /
her concern

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