Case Study Raiders

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Jocelyn Rafter

CW_BRDMA_H/ C00246174



 Matterson is a UK firm who sells meat, hams and smoke pork sausage.
 Sales were declined so they decided to move to a new categories and eating
 Fridge Raiders is an snack 100% chicken breast in flavored portions.
 Because meat snacking is not a normal behavior they decided to set new
o Business objective: increase volume and value of Fridge Raiders sales.
o Marketing objective: Increase desire as after school snack, teens favorite
o Communication objective: to emotionally engage teens with the snack during
after school occasion.
 Fridge Raiders are healthy snack that teens enjoy a lot. To reach this audience,
Fridge Raiders adopted media strategy.
 Media Strategy was build through sparking conversations in a digital
 Because teenagers are consuming digital media; Fridge Raiders decide to ask
online gamers get involve.
 Gamers: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, influencer, celebrities. Teens could
encourage brand’s awareness.
 Research revealed that teens took after school – gaming seriously, and snacking
let greasy fingers doesn’t help with performance.
 FMCG (Fast moving consuming goods) also known as CPG (consumer packaged
goods), packaged food.

Year 1:
The Synducate Project/ Tom Cashell with 9.9 m. subscriptions, filmed an
operation against greasy fingers. Using a mistery box containing a helmet which
mission was feed you while gamers are playing, inviting solutions.

 15.000 ideas submitted.

 Gamers encouraged communities to participate in a challenge.
 Gamers community updated shortlist finalist ideas.

Result Year 1:
Saatchi & Saatchi build MMM3k helmet.
20% sales. 1.78 billion of value.
Invest less in paid media.
Increased social media investment to 21% (31% every year)

Year 2:
Ali A’s Gamer with 4.7 m subscriptions. (16.5m - 2019) was part of the strategy
the robot F.H.R.A.N.K. (Fridge Hungers Riders Automatic Nutritional Kid). Robot
came in a LD cube and help gamer to make wise choices in his nutrition.

 77.000 youngsters had lessons of Phyton, coding anguage used in

 6 gamers, 9 channels in 6 weeks.
 220 gaming reactions by the community.
 817.000 visitors.

Year 2 result:
Reduce spent in traditional media
Increased interactive social media activity

Additional Investigation Case

2011 – Fridge Raiders – pressure:
 raw materials
marketing communications and promotions
 retailer confidence

Key shoppers and consumers issues to fix:

What are the benefits?
They look a bit processed.
When is a good time for a meat snack?
I am not sure if the brand is for me.

2012 – 6 elements:
Business basics (team/price/retail)
Communication strategy (audience/ teens/ shopping moms)

Key Points:
What does a meat snack solve better than another snacks? – Hunger
Most hungry time? – After school

Making easy after school Consume some healthy snack
TV + Outdoor + At fixture

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