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Inca architecture and management of space in the imperial Cusco

1. Summary
2. Construction materials
3. Development of the Inca gear
4. Finishes and coverings Inca constructions
5. Of building
6. Clustering characteristics
7. Space Management in Cusco Imperial
8. Literature

One of the most notorious and enduring culture of the Inca empire is called architecture . This has been the
subject of several studies with varied descriptions of their components, finishes and forms of grouping.
Cusco, being the capital imperial, should save the best examples of architecture and an appropriate use of space
in which he was seated, aspects that were described by the first stories of Hispanics and subsequently analyzed
by various researchers.
Perhaps one of the concerns that led several of these analyzes was the composition and distribution of
construction of the Inca period, as is the present city of Cusco, the difficulty of identifying with certainty the way
how was this city, part that to date has sections of Inca fragmented and reconstructed buildings such as the
Qorikancha, or as nonexistent as the Quiswarkancha that was located in what is now the Cathedral of Cusco. This
difficulty led researchers to work in other settlements that may help understand the process of construction ,
both for the case of Cusco and the rest of the empire.
It should be noted that for power closer to an idea of the ways to build this society should be reviewed several
papers indicating one or more design features, as well as associate them with the surrounding environment.
This work seeks to bring together those characteristics in order to have information about the forms and
processes of construction, starting to do the identification of raw materials were used, leading to forms of
grouping and distribution of built environments, until a proposal to conduct an approach to the use of Inca Cusco
space taking into account the geographical, ideological and constructive.
One of More Important and lasting elements of Inca culture "s empire is the architecture. This Has Been reason
of Many Different studies with descriptions About components, finishes and Ways of grouping.
Cusco, Being the imperial capital, Had to keep the best examples of architecture and an appropriate use of space;
These terms Were Described for the first Hispanic narrations by Various Researchers analyzing and after.
May be, one of Concerns That motivated this researches, composition and distribution of WAS Inca "s buildings,
found at the present Them Cusco city, it" s Difficult to Identify That Certainly the shape Because how was the city
at this Time, We Have sections of Inca "s fragmented and reconstructed building as is the case of Qorikancha or
the non-existent case of Quiswarkancha That It Was situated now WHERE is the cathedral of Cusco. This
Difficulty Researchers led to work in settlements That Others Can Help Them to Understand the building process
for Cusco and the rest of the empire.
It Must Be Remembered to approach us to an notion of the building process of This society, work Should Be
revised to Indicate Various constructive features, in Addition to associate Them With The surrounding
This paper Seeks to bring together Those features, in order to Have information about the practices and
Processes of construction, Malthus for the identification of starting raw materials Were Used, leading to forms of
grouping and distribution of built environments, Until A Proposal to make an approach to the use of Cusco 's
Inca space, Taking Into account the Geographical, Ideological and constructive.
Construction materials
The materials used by the Incas [1] to develop the structures of their empire architecture can be identified, stone,
wood , animal and plant fiber, clay, earth , among others.
These elements when combined create a " structure type "[2], it presents different finishes and functions
different, it should be taken into account, since at present the rule differentiation in social classes , is also
generated differentiation the type of construction.
The materials used by the Inca society in geographical areas where they made their buildings were in most cases
the same area, with certain exceptions that are taught by imperial arrangements.
For the city of Cusco, the stony material used in both imperial and communal buildings comes from quarries
located in the area Saphi, Huacoto on the heights of San Jeronimo, Tambomachay in Sacsaywaman; Rumicolca
Huacarpay area; among others [3] these quarries were used to remove lithic material that later became part of
the buildings in the Inca city, but there are also foreign elements such as limestone brought from the area Yucay
The stone work involved the need for adequate supply zone water , the same that served as a cooling of the blocks
at the time of his stature and to collaborate with the work of moving the stones to your site end [5] this element
existed and exists in water flows in rivers Saphi, Tullumayo and Watanay, that should be useful to elaborate
constructions in Cusco.
Obtaining stone blocks as Agurto (1987), in most cases generated by the selection of individual elements, to them
were given a primary usually form, as the finish of the blocks are smoothed the block once settled to its final
The elements most commonly used stone in the empire and therefore in Cusco, are limestone, diorite, andesite
porphyry, shale slate, granite, sandstone, the same as they were seated in the presence of other elements as earth
, that mixed with a elements mordant fiber or mineral (small stones), generated a mortar that was placed in the
core or inner wall of the buildings and between the boards of several others.
On the other hand the use of clay (soil moistened with a mixture of mordant), is related to the manufacture of
bricks and mortar development that hold items such as stone and adobe, as well as serving as a protective layer
or decorated finish covering some constructions. This layer is known as plaster, on which one could find different
colors or coatings.
In the Inca adobe, straw was used as an element of coercion, the Inca adobe average size is 20 centimeters to 80
centimeters in length [6] This element was used to crown the buildings constructed in the early levels for walls
stone, or stone and mud mortar [7]
After generation of a combination of stone and mud, wood, fiber (vegetable and / or animal) were used in most
cases where fixtures and ceilings, or in the development of lintels. This is the case of wood for roofs Incas .
The end result was a structure that could be allocated to different uses and functions, and that his group was
known as Kancha. [8]

Development of the Inca gear

The development of the Inca walls or walls, are in most cases considered fine finish elaborate as those presented
Qorikancha temple in Cusco. This should not be taken as an absolute truth, since it also must consider that in
every society there is variation in the cultural elements, this due to the presence of different social classes and in
the case of architecture generation different architectural styles, due to differential aspects such as function or
use of buildings, which is why you can identify types of walls starting from the simplest, is a wall that has the
same finish, up walls in the presence of complex two finishes in the same cloth or rigging, the generated
classification, for the types of Inca wall, the date is as follows:
Sedimentary wall, is seen consisting of rectangular or square blocks, which overlap in an orderly and
decreasing in the presence of horizontal lines formed by the union of blocks of equal size.
The rectangular stone the same size and have the same thickness not greater complexity in terms of assembly
since the uniformity of the elements could work the upper face of litho and seated with the lower face of the stone
to be placed. And in the case of the sides, one side of the element and seated with the other side of the new

Rustic walls, these rigs have a topped of his major work elements without the presence of wedges and mortar
between the joints, making this type of rigging in the construction of common resident and rarely represented
imperial buildings, whose finish was not the wall rustic, but many times he was covered by a layer of clay, and at
times ended in the corners in a sedimentary wall.
Cell walls, called in this way due to the way in which structure or component, with a rock base, which supports
the other elements, the same as given the idea of the main branch, thereby generating the printing that their
constitution is similar to the formation of a cell .
This type of wall (cell) is composed of elements that mostly have face rough or smooth, the joints are perfect and
if the parties coming to give openings and corners, the wall varies the type sedimentary which often leads to
confusion in determining their development, but this is done because if it ended in a vain or corner of the cell
type of joint would be impossible to have a right angle.
The cell walls of settled, was done through the use of metal templates that copied cleavages or cuts on the faces of
the elements already established and with those metals in the form of negatives, were made the sizes of the
elements to be settled [9]
Crimp walls , is composed of elements whose boards are given in several alveoli (which is the cavity between
elements), and therefore various angles is therefore also known as polygonal wall.
In the case of the boards of the elements of polygonal walls were due to using trial and error, ie, put the item by
settling with other already established, testing whether the seals were adequate, if not be it should withdraw the
item and the remaining part desbastarlo to fit with the element already established [10] indicate that such work
should be done with items that did not reach a high tonnage, since excessive weight had given more time to work,
which could not have developed in the time span which is located the Inca society.
Cyclopean walls , the same whose name is due to the large size that has each element, the most mentioned are
those of Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo.
Cyclopean blocks pose a problem assembly, as the size thereof, added to the weight did not allow a period of trial
and error; so Agurto (1987) indicates that the assembly of these blocks, by performing resulted use of models or
molds of size, the same as the blocks were measured before and after the new block will fit perfectly. This, from
my perspective, is not entirely clear as there are spots [11] as the Cyclopean walls of Ollantaytambo and
Sacsayhuaman, suggesting that an approach was made between the joints of these elements, and missing or
empty spaces , were completed with wedges. This also means that these walls had to be armed from the opposite
ends to join them in a middle part, to give greater strength to the corners and make easier the assembly of these

Finishes and coverings Inca constructions

The idea that all Inca constructions culminating in face-view stone, ie the elements directly exposed stone, is not
entirely true, there is information of constructions covered by a plaster plaster with colors different.
In the Inca town of Chinchero, we see buildings with stone elements joined with mud mortar and that could be
identified as regular or rustic architecture, but according to their location is in an area of administrative
importance, it is appreciated the plaster covering the walls, this aspect should be repeated apparently different
sets existing architectural Inca period. There is also evidence of walls with polished stone and plaster presence at
that site [12]
Another settlement of this type of coatings on the walls of the structures is Tambokancha, located in the present
town of San Nicolas de Bari in Zurite Anta in this complex structure called AI II-II in the architectural area, has a
layer of red plaster of 7 cm thick which was in the income or jamb [13]
These features work and / or finishing Inca constructions, is that in many cases were part of the stamp staff of
every ruler, such constructions attributed to Pachacuti, have arranged differentiates by Wayna Capac, while the
former does not use the clay to its construction in the first rows, the second if shows a more pronounced use of
clay as given in Quespihuanca in Urubamba [14]
Furthermore, the diversification of cut stone elements, edged and polished on one rig, it is also possible, more in
some cases is different elements of matrix stone, such as diorites conjunction with andesite, likewise, be
inclinations observed in the walls associated with parts of the wall without tilting.
One of the most important monuments to the Inca and that can help us understand the combinations described
above, is the temple of Qorikancha studied by Bejar in 1990.
Qorikancha Temple foundation presented in the form elements edged walls of rustic type, with spaces between
the joints and attached to a type of mortar. Contrary to the exterior finish that is polished stone.
On the other hand, the foundation of the back wall of the enclosure called 03, the same that faces the street
Ahuacpinta, has elements of diorite stone, which is not seen in other foundations of the temple, but could be
related to the foundation and gear found in the same street as the street corner with the street Ahuacpinta Zetas,
or corner of the current hotel Libertador.

With regard to the wall of the temple, have stone carvings of smooth rectangular shape, although there are
rectangular shapes combined with square shapes, just as rectangular blocks differ between smooth and padded
rectangular blocks, showing combinations of existing elements in the panels of one of the most sacred of Cusco.
The enclosure number 01 attached to the eastern wall facing the street Ahuacpinta, presented in the front wall
inclined outwards 0.18 meters and 0.81 meters thick from the base to the end, which is quite peculiar since in
Inca structures that rose with the presence of tilt, were thinner on top, perhaps in order not to generate thrust on
the walls, while the enclosure number 02 continued to compound 01, shows the inclination of wall half of it and
not from the start.
Another important space is Machu Picchu Inca where Astete (2011) has identified the union of convex and
concave stone elements in the temple of three windows Machu Picchu, which qualifies as the author of this
construction as the more elaborate construction technique for Inca society as it is easy to attach straight walls
together, how complicated is given in the presence of two concave and convex planes joining.
It should be noted that there is on the other hand the proposition that this type of joint space would actually be a
tree where he would rest, he would rely on rectangular column located in the middle of this cloth, in order to
sustain a load of roofing This type of structure is known as masma or wayrona and its function could be allocated
for activities in the day [15]
Another peculiarity about Machupicchu is semi-circular building known as solar drum, which is inconclusive in
his final work, as in some lithic elements note the lack of the board, that means that has been polished so that
space which is no longer sees the same, whereby the construction is that this approach would not be finished [16]
This raises the question whether these variations are finishing the walls of two of the most important rule, why
not be possible to find similar patterns in other buildings?. The answer lies in more detailed studies of the
existing walls to date and show combinations in its entirety and gear, as described in the case of cell walls must
finish in the corners, openings and niches in walls for sedimentary to achieve the proper finish.
One issue that also has not been developed is the concept of levels or floors to the Inca constructions, these levels
had their access via stairs made into lumber attached to the inside walls of the buildings, and in some cases were
covered with a type of soil or clay mortar, in other cases as in Ollantaytambo there the steps made of stone, the
same amount in the form of steps commonly known as Sarunas.
Such buildings can be seen in the construction of a simple rig, mud stone is described by Protzen (2005) for the
case of Ollantaytambo, the same measures that have more than 1.00 meter wide wall.

Today the buildings that have the rule in Cusco, are seen only finished in stone, which leads to an inadequate
conception of the walls are finished off well, it is likely to have finished most of them in adobe encimados on
stone walls.
An example is indicated Wiracocha temple in the town of San Pedro in Canchis which shows a polished stone
wall together with mud mortar and associated with the completion of adobe, this type of construction could also
be seen in the centers urban and rural areas. [17]
The case of the coverage of roofed Inca could identify five types of roofs, ceilings to water, two waters, in
exceptional cases three rivers, four water and conical.
To achieve these roofs were used wood and reeds strong, while the current reeds and straw was used for
coverage, with the goal posts, agave and hemp most commonly used to plait soguillas that were tied to the ceiling
[18] had roofs a single pair armed, which was placed on the ridge to bear the entire roof.
There is record of nicks or cuts in the gables [19] of the Inca constructions. These grooves receive a joist header
that rests on the outside of the longitudinal walls. In the gable is supported a type of triangles or tripods rounded
joists are tied to horizontal interior wall studs or rings in other cases existing in the gables on the outside. This
frame is placed on the mat layer, the separation of the tripods performed according to the distance covered
structure where much more extensive tripods to give good support to the roofs of structures, as indicated Protzen
(2005) and Agurto (1987).

All these variations and types of building, have led to inadequate reading of the Inca buildings, the walls
conceptualizándose rustic finish, or finishes that blend like the street with Tullumayo Cabrakancha are rearmed
or predate the Inca period.
Perhaps one way to identify the Inca architecture is through the discovery of the trapezoidal openings, niches,
niches, windows, seal according to Morris, provided a clear view that the building had been built by and for the
Inca .
Another element that records the mark Inca architecture is the layout of the buildings in groups of three, four or
more precincts clustered and surrounded by a wall, this grouping is known as Kancha, the same that was
identified by Rowe in 1944. This grouping was the one that was used for both construction power to the common
These types of buildings with variations or personal seals, had their permanence in time, at least in areas of rain,
with the creation of water drainage channels (drains), the same as those seen in places like Sacsaywaman
between defenses . This element prevented the flooding of areas exposed to weather, another example is some of
the existing premises in Machupicchu, as the call room of the mortars, the western wall of Qorikancha, among
Of building
When we refer to type in Archaeology , talked about features of an object, these features allow us to group shapes
and styles of different objects or cultural artifacts, in the case of Inca architecture can be grouped these types of
construction in circular and rectangular; these two building types serve different functions such as housing,
chulpas or warehouses , churches, military facilities and / or administrative.
These two forms could be combined, creating new types of construction, as shown in enclosures found at the site
of Tambokancha, Zurite, whose characteristic is the presence of a sort of prelude, which has no direct connection
with the main structure, but that is part of it, while in the middle and end walls form a kind of fret or chacana
On the other hand, show rectangular structures, whose back wall ends in a concave [21] that is, half-moon;
peculiarity rarely appreciated as in the case of the apse called Qorikancha and / or the Temple of the Sun at
Machu Picchu.

These and other types of construction, generated different spaces, the same that started from the structures
called kanchas Inca, that its composition clustered palaces, churches, neighborhoods, among others.
Clustering characteristics
Architectural units associated with each other, with a central space or patio and fenced with a perimeter wall,
leaving small spaces in the corners bearing the designation of Kancha, the provision of two way kanchas to image
in mirror was an apple [22]
When entry to one of the kanchas, is double jamb, represents prestige or high status, so that access is assured
through a series of cylindrical fasteners, which are the same on each side of the door, these elements indicate that
step for that access is restricted, as in the Inca buildings had not closed, unless the site you would agree were
important [23]
In the case of the constructions of the population not usually presented a difference in the type of grouping of
kanchas, the difference occurred in the finish or the restriction of these spaces. It is important to note that the
fact of finding a kancha without a fine finish, not excluded from being part of the enclosures for the power elite or
activities, before determining its relevance, must take into account the space that sits and what are their
associated objects among others.
For the Inca city of Cusco, there is the presence of buildings that have no relevant historical data, that is not
identified as a palace or temple, and yet are within the Inca Cusco, one of these cases Kancha is found in the
building 620 of the street Intiqhawarina [24] This rig features rustic walls, and associated evidence permitted the
inference that it was a kancha activities dedicated to political and ceremonial.
On the other hand, according to work done by professional project PER 39 [25] we have in the area known as
Urin Cusco, it is located from the temple of Qorikancha to the junction of the rivers and Tullumayo Saphi,
evidence of wall components Inca structures, which according to historical data correspond to facilities
associated with the Temple of Sun, but more important, despite being in the sacred Cusco, the same as for many
authors had a puma.
This evidence lead to ask, what role these potential kanchas met within the sacred Cusco?; To reach a possible
answer on the subject should work with the management aspects of space or in the city of Cusco.

Space Management in Cusco Imperial

Cuzco was greatly and quality , must have been founded by people of great being. There were major streets,
except that they were narrow and the houses made of pure stone, with joints so cute, illustrating the antiquity of
the building stones as big as they were very well established. The rest of the house was all wood and straw or
roofs, brick or tile lime because we do not see dello relic. In this city had in many parts of the main rooms Inca
kings, in which the lordship was happening in celebrating their festivals. It was also the magnificent and solemn
temple of the Sun, whose name was Curicanche, which was rich in gold and silver that was in many parts of the
world. The most of the city was populated mitimaes, and it was great laws and statutes according to their custom,
and in such a way that was understood by all, so in terms of its vanities and temples in the government . It was
the richest that was in the Indies than dellas know, because many times there were treasures close to greatness of
the lords, and no gold or silver in it came out could, under penalty of death . Of all the provinces were coming to
times the sons of gentlemen to reside in this court with your service and product. There were large sum of
silversmiths, gilders, who understood in styling that was commanded by the Incas [...] (Cieza de León 1984
[1553], Part I, Chapter XCII: 258-259).
The city of Cusco is conceived as a city where he lived the kind political and priestly ruler, the Inca Empire;
within this space was identified palaces and temples, surrounded by rivers and Tullumayo Saphi. This area had a
distributional shape resembled a city puma whose head was in the temple of Sacsayhuaman.
This concept has been run as true, but the narrative of Cieza de León above these lines indicate that the city of
Cusco would be more extensive than is usually identified.
Cusco, capital of the empire when the Inca had elaborate constructions and most importantly, the same as those
grouped in palaces, temples, shrines, residences, stores, among others. These spaces were used to develop
various activities such as ceremonies and meetings, as well as trade and shares daily.
According to data provided by various writers [26] this city had the presence of young nobles elsewhere, artisans,
mitimaes population and other pilgrims or visitors often sporadic, whose residence would be located at the
boundaries of space framed by the two rivers, but that was part of the city.
The above statement indicates that there were buildings dedicated to the populations in Cusco as well as to
welcome the foreign people who visited, this approach was developed more than anything as descriptive Agurto
authors, who performed a reconstruction of the location neighborhoods peripherals of Cusco, but that does not
perform an integration of space clearly.
The proposal to consider a larger population in Cusco, with buildings whose functions range from palaces of the
rulers to homes of ordinary people, is framed on the idea of space management.
Space management, poses as main idea that individuals in a society organized appropriate their environment so
physically and mentally, all this process is part of the formation of the culture of society, creating a cultural
landscape, related to the natural environment, the ideological and social. (Minho: 1994)
Therefore the reading of space is a way of knowing the culture of a society of real and comprehensive, ie, to
understand a society or some aspect of it should link all the aspects that compose it.
The management of the natural environment in cusco occurred with the use of land in the valley more conducive
to the generation of crops dedicated to meeting the state dedicating such spaces for worship and others. While
human settlements in the city were located in the hills of Carmenca, San Cristobal and San Blas (Minho 1994:27).
The records of the Inca city reviewed by Gasparini and Margolies (1977) refer to the existence of several buildings
located as neighborhoods where people residing in different parts of the empire and that they were outside the
bounds generated by rivers and Tullumayo Shapiro , the description chronicle of Miguel de Estete and revised by
the authors corroborated stated "... the Huatanay (Saphi) is a [River and it flows through the city]" supplemented
by the following description "... this city was large and very large neighborhood, where many gentlemen had
houses, it was very good meeting and buildings ... ".
This data provides information on the presence of various human groups in a city of importance, which would be
very feasible, it is therefore unlikely that a group has social as the Inca capital could have a just power and
construction noble people living without relating to the common villager or vice versa.
The space described as adjacent to the core of power that was located between the rivers and Saphi Tullumayo
was busy and articulated to the Inca city, which presents a problem so far raised the idea of Cusco in the shape of
a puma, since if takes the idea of context, grouping and articulation; Cusco must have had a less rigid distribution
to the proposed form of puma exclusively, thereby obtaining populated neighborhoods and areas devoted to
various aspects such as crafts, markets or shops, fields, among others besides the actual panacas with its palaces
and centers of political and religious power.
The approach of Minho on the city puma would actually an ideological representation, based on that in the midst
of it settled the Inca and the power group being the first head of the puma and the noble body handling the
empire. Would be strengthened in the following quote:
"Having given and distributed Yupanqui Inca city of Cuzco in the way you have already heard , gave names to all
sites and plots, the city ea Corps Lion appointed board, saying that such and inhabitants of him were members as
the Lion, and that his person was the head of "(Betanzos 1968: Chapter VII: 50).

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