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The 12 Astrological Houses ©

Santa Monica Astrology Meetup – May 15, 2016

Spencer Grendahl & Jim Schultz

Presentation “12 Astrological Houses.pdf” available at:
Astrological Houses are not the same as Astrological Signs

Planets = Who or Actor

Signs = What or Scene
Houses = Where or Set, Location
Signs ≠ Houses
Signs represent divisions of a Solar or Calendar Year
Each Sign = 30 Degrees
Planets move through the signs at different speeds
Houses represent divisions of a 24 Hour Day
Each House <=> 30 Degrees
Planets move through all 12 Houses every day
12 Houses are divided by lines called “Cusps”
The Division of a Chart Typically Begins with the Two
Primary Axis
Ascendant – 1st House Cusp (Self) &
Descendant – 7th House Cusp (Other) Axis

Medium Coeli – 10th House Cusp (MC, Orientation) &

Imum Coeli – 4th House Cusp (IC, Foundation) Axis

Then -
There are more than 2 Dozen different House
Systems or Ways to Divide the Houses
The Most Commonly Used House Systems Are:
Equal House
Whole Signs
Some Other House Systems Include: Companus,
Meridian, Porphyry, Regiomontanus,
Sun on the 1st, etc.
Signs on the Cusp and Intercepted Signs
The chart portion on the right
shows the sign and degree
minute of the sign on the house
cusps. This marks the “entry”
point for the energy of the sign
into the house and allowing the
sign to “express” itself. The
planet that rules the sign on
the house cusp also influences
that house. Look to the sign on Notice that the sign Pisces (
the cusp and the location of the does not fall on a house cusp. The
ruling planet for insight into sign Pisces (and its opposite,
how the energies of that house Virgo) are considered
will play out. Aspects to that “intercepted,” that is they fall
planet will also be affected by entirely within a house. The
and affect the house ruled. general interpretation is that an
intercepted sign is “weakened” and
it may have difficulty expressing
How the Houses Act “Mode”

Angular (1, 4, 7 & 10) = Action / Beginning

Succeedent (2, 5, 8, 11) = Work / Progress
Cadent (3, 6, 9, 12) = Change / Adjustment
How the Houses and Signs Interact
The energy of the Sign is transferred into the House by the sign
on the House cusp.
1st House – Me, Myself & I
Beginnings Appearance Physical Body Personality
Entry into the World Genetic Heritage The Mirror
How one is perceived by the world Self-discovery
Self-identification Early Environment
2nd House – Values & Resources “Mine”
Values Possessions Freedom Earning Ability
Inner & Outer Resources One’s Natural Talents “Gifts”
One’s attitudes about $$$ Making it / Saving it
3rd House – My Mind
Short Trips Communication Conscious Mind
Siblings Early Education (K – 12)
4th House – My Family
Home Endings Foundation Property
Latter Part of Live The Mother or the Nurturing Parent
Unconscious Past Where One Stands
5th House – My Creativity
Sports Amusement Creativity Love Given
Love Affairs Speculation Children Romantic Liaisons
Social Life
6th House – My Health & Work
Health Habits Unconscious Mind
Small Pets Routine Co-Workers Sacred Sex
Day to day activities Services given for free or fee
Competence Learned Skills
7th House – Me with You
Marriage Public Relations Partnerships
Open Enemies Significant Relationships Contracts
What One Seeks in or How One Might Appear in a Relationship
8th House – Ours - I/We are Transformed
Other Peoples Money Sex Death Taxes Regeneration
Family Resources Inheritance Partner’s Resources
Instinct What we create with 7th house relationships
9th House – My Beliefs
Laws In-Laws Religion Philosophy
Super-Conscious Mind Higher Education
Long Distance Travel Foreign things Adventure
10th House – My Profession
Ego Status Reputation Authority Figures
Honor How one Wants to be Seen Destiny
Traditionally the Father (authority parent in childhood)
11th House – My Aspirations
Goals Friends Hopes & Wishes Groups
Love Received Allegiance to Causes Community
Organizations Circumstances Beyond Ones Control
12th House – Undisclosed / What is Unseen
Hidden Strengths Limitations Frustration Secrets
Subconscious Mind Institutions Secret Enemies
The Sound of One Hand Clapping the Closet Karma
The 12 Houses Can Also Be Grouped In Different Ways
By Hemisphere: Eastern Houses 10-3 (Self oriented)
Northern Houses 1-6 (Mine Possessive)
Western Houses 4-9 (Others oriented)
Southern Houses 7-12 (Others Sharing)
By Quadrant
NorthEast Houses 1-3 – Early Life (0-18), Me, Myself & I
NorthWest Houses 4-6 – Life (18-36), Who am I? Who R U?
SouthWest Houses 7-9 – Mid-Life (36-54) What do we do?
SouthEast Houses 10-12 – Late Life (54-72+) My/Our Legacy
Houses Are Also Divided Into 4 Trinities
Trinity 0f Life – 1st = Body
5th = Soul
9th = Spirit
Trinity of Relationships – 3rd = Siblings
7th = Partners
11th = Friendship / Associates
4 House Trinities (cont.)
of Wealth – 2nd = Possessions, Resources
6th = Comforts, Health
10th = Honors, Standing
of Endings – 4th = End of Life (Physical Body)
8th = Death (Meaning of Death)
12th = Results of one’s Life (Is there
life after birth? After Death?)
Summary: Houses & Signs are not the same
Houses 1-6 - Personal Development
Houses 7-12 - Awareness of Others
Houses 4-9 – Working with Others
Houses 10-3 – Self-Motivated
Rex Bills and Michael Munkasey both provide listings of
150-200 keywords or “rulerships” for each house.
“The Rulership Book” by Rex Bills
“The Astrological Thesaurus, House Keywords” by Michael Munkasey
“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology”
“The Complete Book of Astrology” by Caitlin Johnstone
“Influence of the Houses” by Edward W. Whitman
“The Twelve Houses” by Howard Sasportas
“ The Astrological Houses” by Dane Rudhyar
“Cornerstone of Astrology – Vol. 1” by Morin de Villefranche
“The Houses, Power Places of the Horoscope” edited by Joan McEvers
“Astrology, Understanding the Birth Chart” by Kevin Burk
“Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos” by J. M. Ashmand
“Houses Which and When” by Emma Belle Donath
“Astrological Keywords” by Manly P. Hall
“Houses of the Horoscope, an Introduction” by Alan Oken
“The Astrologer’s Handbook” by Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker
“Practical Astrology” by Alan Leo
“Rulers of the Horoscope” by Alan Oken

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