History of Learning Management System PDF

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History of Learning Management System

Modern LMS is sophisticated cloud-based software. But it was not that flashy when it evolved over
the period. The first LMS was developed and used back in 1924 when Sidney Pressey invented the
first teaching machine which resembled a typewriter with a window that could administer multiple
choice questions. It was followed by problem cylinder invented by M.E. Lazerte during 1929. An
adaptive teaching system was invented in 1956 that automatically adjusted questions for learners
according to their performing level. LMS started taking entirely new face when HP introduced first
ever desktop personal computer in 1970. The birth of internet in 1982 and first ever LMS software
by SoftArc in 1990, the arrival of Moodle, Open Source furthered the enhancement of LMS. Now
the latest cloud based compatible platforms are taking LMS to the next level (Carmen, Davis &
Wagner, 2009)

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