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Social Networking

Why Do We Use Yelp?

Yelp is a go to app for ANYONE looking to receive any kind of
service. If your business receives a bad review on yelp or
multiple bad reviews it could mean going out of business. The
community uses yelp to judge any place they are going. If a
business has 5 star reviews on Yelp it must mean it’s good.
You NEVER go somewhere with bad yelp reviews. You can use
yelp for any business a nail salon for example: If you go look
up a nail shop with 3 stars and everyone says they got a
fungus you most likely will not be going there.
Popular Features
Reviews- people are able to leave an in depth review in writing on how their expiernce
with the business was. This gives the reader a better example of why the service
received the review that it did. Some sites only allow a star rating but you never know
why exactly it received that. The review option lets the reader and business owner
know what went wrong.

Stars- this button allows for anyone scrolling through looking for a particular business
to see an overall average rating. Leaving the reader with a better knowledge of the
kind of place they will be visiting.

Businesses- This app allows the business to reply to any comment or review made
giving them a chance to explain themselves and what happened. Sometimes on yelp
and other sites angry people who didn't particularly have terrible service go on and
over exaggerate what happened this lets the business a chance to explain what
Who is the intended audience?
ANYONE SEEKING SERVICE! Yelp is great in the fact that it is so diverse; tire shops,
mechanics, gym’s, personal trainers, nail salons, hair salons, restaurants, as well as
stores are just many of the places yelp offers reviews on. If you have a place you
need information on Yelp has it. The audience is very diverse as anyone can use it
daily to find better places with better service.
How does Yelp fit into social media
Yelp is an app that allows others to connect. By leaving your thought and review on
a business you open it up to the public as well as business owners to view and
connect. Social media is just a platform that was created to connect people. Yelp
does that in such a way to help businesses as well as the community find a place
worth going.
Why do people care?
People care because Yelp is something designed to help them. Yelp has no ad
qualities to it the only reason why a person would not like yelp is because they are
offering bad service and losing business due to bad reviews. People care because
5 stars means so much these days no one wants to go somewhere that offers bad
Why would one adopt this app?
Why wouldn't you? Almost anyone who comes across yelp would start to use and
adopt the app. This day in age everyone wants to know what kind of place they are
visiting. People also like to feel like they have a voice that is being heard. This
platform allows you to share your experience as well as hear other experiences to
make a choice based upon quality.
Would I use Yelp?
100000% YES! Yelp has helped me to avoid so many bad businesses as well as bad
experiences. By reading other people's negative experiences at certain businesses
its saved me the time and money avoiding just that. Yelp is so helpful and changes
your life honestly it makes clicking a place to eat, shop, and relax so simple! Stress
● Yelp averages 178 million new users every month
● People leave more positive than negative reviews
● People who search on yelp are ready to spend money
● There is an average of 4.6 million local businesses on yelp
● Yelp had an average revenue of 846.8 milion in 2017

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