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schedule of mass oath-taking

-includes a pledge to support and defend the Constitution
- bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution
-obey the laws, legal orders and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the Philippines
- and adherence to the ethical and professional standards of nursing.


I, ___________ of __________ hereby solemnly swear that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the Philippines; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey
the laws, legal orders, and executive orders promulgated by duly constituted authorities of the
Republic of the Philippines; and that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily, without mental
reservation or purpose of evasion.
I further solemnly swear that at all times and places I will adhere closely to the ethical and
professional rules generally accepted by the Nursing Profession in the Philippines, and that I will
well and faithfully discharge to the best of my ability the duties and obligations incumbent upon a
legally authorized nurse practitioner.
So help me God.

Issuance of Certificate of Registration/Professional License and Professional Identification Card

- show the full name of the registrant
- The serial number
-the signature of the Commission and of the Members of the Board,
- the official seal of the Commission.

Identification Card
-Signature of the chairperson of the commission,
- Date of registration,
-license number,
-and the date of issuance and expiration

ANNUAL REGISTRATION (PRC Rules and Regulations Art. III Sec 41)

Pay a fee for three (3) years which shall be paid on the professional’s birth month.
Failure to pay – 20% each year
After a lapse of five continuous years from the year it was last paid- suspension and name dropped from annual rosters
If a registered practitioner desire to stop practicing his/her profession – inform the Board within one year for exemption

annual registration card – BIR

- registration number
-date of issuance,
-and the year shown on the card

Automatic Registration of Nurses (R.A. 9173, Sec 19)

Non – registration and Non – issuance of certificates of registration/ Professional License or Special/ Temporary Permit (R.A. 9173 Sec
Renewal of Nurse’s License

“Standardized Guidelines and Procedures for the Implementation of the Continuing Professional Education for Professionals”


Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 R.A. 9173, Section 23
a) For any of the causes mentioned in section 22 of R.A. 9173
b) for unprofessional or unethical conduct
c) for gross incompetence or serious ignorance
d) for malpractice or negligence in the practice of nursing
e) for the use of fraud, deceit, or false statements in obtaining a certificate of registration/professional license or
temporary/special permit
f) for violation of this Act, the implementing of rules and regulations, Code of Ethics for Nurses and Code of Technical Standards
for nursing practice, policies of the Board and the Commission, of the conditions and limitations for the issuance of the
temporary/special permit; or
g) for practicing his/her profession during his/her suspension from such practice

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