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Dance & Tambourine Meeting-8/31/19

 To let them understand dance and tambo ministry
 Vision & mission
 The process to be an official tambo player
 The rules and guidelines of being a part of the ministry

We have all been given different talents, gifts, abilities. God works in different ways through
each of us, and we all serve him faithfully as we use our gifts to glorify him. We should invest
the gifts that God has blessed us with wisely. We should use our gifts and abilities to honor God
and to bless, encourage and strengthen others in love (without love, all our gifts are nothing!).
We should not neglect our gifts, but instead develop them, “stir them up”, “fan them into
flames”, so that they get even better, to the edification of the church and to the glory of God.

Dance and Tambourine Ministry was created with the purpose to minister to the body of Christ
through praise, worship and dance.

Our ultimate purpose and goal is as we dance, it should always be for God's glory alone, not for
anyone, not even us.

Its mission is to encourage and uplift God’s people while conveying His message through
expressive movements of the body and the emotional and spiritual connection of the soul, all
made possible by the direction of the Holy Spirit and allow an opportunity to experience God’s
glorious presence.

To lead God’s people into God’s presence through praise and worship in dance. To set the
atmosphere that it is conducive prior to the word of God coming forth.

The book of Psalm tells us to praise Him with dance and sing praises Him with tambourine.
“Let them praise his name in the dance. Let them sing praises to him with tambourine and harp.
“Psalm 149:3

This ministry comprises of 2 Different Kinds of Body Worship Expressions:

 DANCE (Cherie May)
 TAMBOURINE (Angel Lazo)
Every stroke the Lord lays on them with His punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines
and harps, as He fights them in battle with the blows of His Arm.”
— Isaiah 30:32

The tambourine in the Bible is referred to by several different names: tambourine, timbrel,
tabret, tof, to name a few. Considering we do not have any physical evidence of ancient Israeli
tambourines, it is hard to say what they looked like, however, it is assumed that they would
have been substantially larger than the tambourines of modern day with a membrane and
extensive decorations on the rim. There would probably not have been a hole, and far fewer
jingle pairs, possibly none.

The tambourine was used for a variety of different reasons including: praise, joy, gladness,
rejoicing, triumph, singing, warfare, victory, celebration, processionals, welcoming etc. It was
definitely an instrument of praise and warfare, often leading armies into battle.

The tambourine was played in a multitude of different places: in the home, on the battlefield,
at feasts and celebrations etc. There are evidences that the priests in the temple took the
tambourine at one time and even used it in the temple.

The tambourine can be played by male, female and even children.



1. Has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and Savior
2. Is baptized in water (Mark 16:16 “whoever believes and is baptized will be saved”)
3. Is without a doubt knows that he/she was called by Jesus Christ to minister dance unto him
and his people.
4. Is willing to commit his/her TIME, EFFORT and MONEY.

4.1. TIME
 Attend Saturday practices for mastery of patterns and steps
 Must be practicing for minimum of 6 months (consecutive attendance) until
he/she is ready to be joining the Praise & Worship team assigned to dance for
Sunday services.
Leaders in the ministry should be informed if an apprentice could not attend a
practice but only valid reasons such as illness and emergency situations are
 Time of Practice will be announced. All Dancers including apprentices are
required to sign in the logbook before the start of every practice for record
 Attending Sunday morning devotion is a must for all dancers. Apprentices are
not yet required to attend but if you wish to join us, you are very much

 All dancers and apprentices must have a small notebook for writing down all
learned patterns.
 Pattern names and steps must be memorized by everyone.
 Devotional journal will be checked by Bishop every Saturday.
 Since you will be a part of the worship team, modesty (behavior, manner, or
appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.) is required.
- Sleeveless top/dresses, tube, “bakuna top” mini mini skirt, mini dress,
shorts are not allowed especially when coming to church (it may be a
practice or Sunday service)
- Sneakers and jeans during Sunday worship services are not allowed.
We encourage you to wear the best for the Lord.
- Muscle shirts and sandos are not allowed during practices.
- Shorts and tattered jeans during Sunday worship service are aslo not
 For those who have not yet graduated from college, courting and entertaining
suitors is not encouraged.
 Having relationships with unbelievers is also not allowed, but if an apprentice is
in that situation, we encourage to win and bring that person to the Lord.

4.3. MONEY
 Tambourine, Ribbons and Uniforms are not provided by the church. The Dancer
and apprentice must be willing to sacrifice to produce materials needed to be a
part of the ministry.

**Dance & tambourine is not a short-term ministry, but it is a life-long ministry. Once you
decided to commit, it means you agree and you are ready to do every rules or guidelines set by
the leaders in the ministry. God is a God of order, and He wants our ministry will also be in
order as well..

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