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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 43, 2007, 41–55  2007 The Authors.

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

Toll-like receptors and their role

in periodontal health and disease

Periodontitis is a chronic bacterial infection that af- like receptors in mice have been described (19). Upon
fects the gingiva and bone supporting the teeth. interaction with pathogen-associated molecular pat-
Bacterial plaque stimulates the host inflammatory terns, Toll-like receptors transmit this information
response leading to tissue damage. It is now known through intracellular signaling pathways, resulting in
that the immune response applies a family of pat- activation of innate immune cells. The Toll-like
tern-recognition receptors called Toll-like receptors receptor-mediated innate immune response is also
as a tool to trigger an inflammatory response to critical for the development and direction of the
microbial invasion(109). These data suggest the adaptive immune system. Today, Toll-like receptor
emerging role of Toll-like receptors in periodontitis. signaling has become a central topic in immunology.
Toll gene products were first discovered in 1985
and were described as being critical for the embryo-
nic development of dorsal–ventral polarity in the fruit Toll-like receptor ligands and
fly, Drosophila (8, 9). In addition, the protein Toll signaling
mediates the immune response to fungal infection in
Drosophila, and binding to this protein can induce Ilya Mechnikov, an immunologist and Nobel Prize
the release of antimicrobial proteins (68). In 1991, the winner in 1908, first recognized that upon rupture of
sequence of the cytoplasmic domain of the Toll skin, phagocytes rapidly move to the affected area
protein and the interleukin 1-receptor were reported and take up foreign substances. He would have
to be similar, which is consistent with involvement in appreciated knowing that this phenomenon is most
the immune response (35). This cytoplasmic domain likely triggered by Toll-like receptors. Innate immu-
is called the Toll–IL-1 receptor domain. Subse- nity represents the first line of immunological def-
quently, homologues of Drosophila Toll, the so-called ense. The main distinction between the innate and
Toll-like receptors, were identified in mammals (73). the adaptive immune systems lies in the receptors
The discovery of mouse Toll-like receptor 4 acting as used for immune recognition. The antigen receptors
a receptor for lipopolysaccharide (92) linked Toll-like of T and B cells are generated somatically, whereas
receptor 4 to the innate immune system. Now it is the innate pattern-recognition receptors are encoded
clear that Toll-like receptors function as key pattern- in the germ line (3). Historically, innate immunity has
recognition receptors of the innate immune system been suggested to mediate non-specific immune re-
(54). They recognize and distinguish highly conserved sponses as a consequence of ingestion and digestion
structures present in large groups of microorganisms. of microorganisms and foreign substances by macr-
The structures are referred to as pathogen-associated ophages and neutrophils. However, innate immunity
molecular patterns. Examples of pathogen-associated is now recognized as showing remarkable specificity
molecular patterns are bacterial lipopolysaccharide, by means of discriminating between the host and
peptidoglycan, lipoproteins, bacterial DNA, and pathogens, through a sophisticated Toll-like recep-
double-stranded RNA. In the innate immune system, tor-based system.
Toll-like receptors sense invasion by microorganisms Although Toll-like receptor and interleukin
such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, and 1-receptor cytoplasmic domains are homologous,
trigger immune responses to clear such pathogens. the Toll-like receptor extracellular domains dif-
To date, 10 Toll-like receptors in humans and 12 Toll- fer. The interleukin 1-receptors contain three

Mahanonda & Pichyangkul

immunoglobulin-like domains, whereas the Toll-like Toll-like receptors and their ligands are known
receptor extracellular domains are characterized by (Table 1). For example Toll-like receptor 2 recognizes
the frequency of leucine-rich repeats. The number of peptidoglycan, Toll-like receptor 3 recognizes viral
leucine-rich repeats in each of the 10 known human double-stranded RNA, Toll-like receptor 4 recognizes
Toll-like receptors respond to distinctive pathogen- lipopolysaccharide, Toll-like receptor 5 recognizes
associated molecular patterns that characterize a flagellin, Toll-like receptor 8 recognizes viral single-
microbial infection. Specificity for pathogen-associ- stranded RNA, and Toll-like receptor 9 recognizes
ated molecular patterns is provided by a relatively bacterial DNA. It should be noted that cell surface
limited repertoire of Toll-like receptors; combina- Toll-like receptors (TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and
tions of Toll-like receptors are generally required for TLR6) seem to recognize microbial products whereas
recognition of certain pathogen-associated molecular intracellular Toll-like receptors (TLR3, TLR7, TLR8,
patterns (38, 89). For example, Toll-like receptor 2 and TLR9) recognize nucleic acids. Much research is
forms heterophilic dimers with Toll-like receptor 1 underway, to identify additional ligands recognized
and Toll-like receptor 6 to recognize triacyl and diacyl by Toll-like receptors, and to identify accessory
lipopeptides, respectively (110). Many other human molecules that may aid in the recognition of

Table 1. Human Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands

Receptor Ligand References
TLR1 Triacyl lipopeptides 110
TLR2 Lipoprotein/lipopeptides 6
Peptidoglycan/lipoteichoic acid 100
Mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan 72
Zymosan 118
Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide 49
Porphyromonas gingivalis fimbriae 11
Bacteroides fragilis lipopolysaccharide 30
Capnocytophaga ochracea lipopolysaccharide 128
TLR3 Double-stranded RNA 5
Polyinosine-polycytidylic acid 5
TLR4 Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide 114
Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide 28
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide 75
Fusobacterium nucleatum lipopolysaccharide 128
TLR5 Flagellin 36
TLR6 Peptidoglycan/lipoteichoic acid 100
Diacyl lipopeptides 110
Zymosan 89
TLR7 Imidazoquinoline 46
TLR8 Single-stranded RNA 44
Imidazoquinoline 56
TLR9 Bacterial DNA 17
CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 45
TLR10 Not determined

Toll-like receptors and their role in periodontal health and disease

pathogen-associated molecular patterns by Toll-like through activation of mitogen-activated protein

receptors. kinase. The other pathway activates the transform-
Upon ligand binding, Toll-like receptor-mediated ing growth factor-b-activated kinase/transforming
signaling activates signal transduction, leading to growth factor-b-activated kinase-1-binding protein
transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines that complex, which enhances activity of the inhibitor
initiate innate immune responses critical for the of nuclear factor-jB kinase complex. Once activa-
induction of adaptive immunity. Investigation of the ted, this complex phosphorylates and induces
Toll-like receptor signaling pathway is an important subsequent degradation of the inhibitor of nuclear
step to understanding how Toll-like receptor factor-jB and releases nuclear factor-jB, which
stimulation determines the outcome of immune translocates into the nucleus and induces expression
responses. Toll-like receptor ligation initiates the of cytokines and chemokines (4).
interaction between Toll-IL-1-receptor domains and Toll-like receptor signaling cascades are separated
cytoplasmic adaptor molecules (Fig. 1). Myeloid into two groups: the Myeloid differentiation primary-
differentiation primary-response protein 88, a key response protein 88-dependent pathway and the
adaptor molecule, is used by most Toll-like recep- Myeloid differentiation primary-response protein 88-
tors. Myeloid differentiation primary-response pro- independent pathway (Fig. 1). The Myeloid differ-
tein 88 mediates the Toll-like receptor-signaling entiation primary-response protein 88-dependent
pathway that activates interleukin 1-receptor- pathway is essential for most Toll-like receptor-
associated kinase. Interleukin 1-receptor-associated mediated cell activation. Stimulation of Toll-like
kinase then associates with tumor-necrosis-factor- receptor 3 or Toll-like receptor 4, however, results in
receptor-associated factor 6, leading to the activa- induction of type I interferon through interferon-reg-
tion of two distinct signaling pathways. One ulatory factor-3 in a Myeloid differentiation primary-
pathway leads to activation of activator protein-1 response protein 88-independent manner (5, 29).

Fig. 1. Toll-like receptors signaling pathways (simplified growth factor-b-activated kinase 1; TIRAP, Toll-IL-1
diagram) and TLR ligands derived from bacterial plaque receptor domain-containing adaptor protein; TLR, Toll-
microorganisms. Abbreviations: AP-1, activator protein-1; like receptors; TRAF6, tumor-necrosis-factor-receptor-
IKK, inhibitor of nuclear factor-jB kinase; IRAK, inter- associated factor 6; TRAM, TRIF-related adaptor
leukin (IL)-1-receptor-associated kinase; IRF-3, interferon molecules; TRIF, Toll-IL-1 receptor domain-containing
(IFN)-regulatory factor-3; MAK, mitogen-activated protein adaptor inducing IFN-b; A.a ¼ Actinobacillus actin-
kinase; MyD88, Myeloid differentiation primary-response omycetemcomitans; LPS ¼ lipopolysaccaride.
protein 88; NF-jB, nuclear factor-jB; TAK1, transforming

Mahanonda & Pichyangkul

A database search for molecules that are structur- resulting in a poor antigen-specific Th1 response
ally related to Myeloid differentiation primary-re- (64).
sponse protein 88 led to identification of other During the past decade, there have been major
adaptors including: advances in our understanding of the generation of the
• Toll-IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor antigen-specific immune response. It is now clear that
protein/Myeloid differentiation primary-re- development of adaptive immunity to pathogens is
sponse protein 88-adaptor-like (TIRAP ⁄ MAL) controlled through activation of innate immune cells,
(33, 50). especially antigen-presenting dendritic cells. These
• Toll-IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor ÔprofessionalÕ antigen-presenting cells are derived
inducing interferon-b (TRIF) (123). from bone marrow and deployed throughout the body
• TRIF-related adaptor molecules (TRAM) (34, as immature cells. During infection, Toll-like recep-
124). tors of resident immature dendritic cells detect
Current information suggests that specific Toll-like the pathogen-associated molecular patterns on or
receptor-mediated signaling pathways differentially released from invading microorganisms. Upon inter-
select adaptors to initiate the Myeloid differentiation action with a pathogen, Toll-like receptors transmit
primary-response protein 88-dependent or Myeloid information about the encounter through signaling
differentiation primary-response protein 88-inde- pathways, resulting in activation of dendritic cells. This
pendent pathway. A limited number of Toll-like activation involves expression of co-stimulatory mol-
receptors, acting through a restricted portal of only ecules and production of cytokines and chemokines,
four adaptors, might differentially signal in response all of which are critical for T-cell priming and differ-
to a wide array of microbial products. As a result, entiation (15). Dendritic cells express several Toll-like
clusters of many genes are selectively regulated to receptors. In human skin, two subsets of immature
control needed immune processes (4). dendritic cells are found: Langerhans cells in the epi-
dermis and interstitial dendritic cells in the dermis. In
human blood, two subpopulations of dendritic cell
Toll-like receptors in innate and precursors are present, which can be identified by cell
adaptive immunity phenotype and morphology. CD11c+ dendritic cells
are myeloid in appearance and express myeloid
Toll-like receptors are predominantly expressed on markers (CD13 and CD33) (61, 83, 115), whereas
cells of the innate immune system, including neu- CD11c) dendritic cells have negligible expression of
trophils, monocytes/macrophages, and dendritic myeloid markers and express high levels of the inter-
cells. These cells express different Toll-like receptors, leukin-3R (CD123) (61). As a result of their plasma cell-
allowing them to induce a wide variety of immune like morphology, CD11c) dendritic cells have been
responses to specific pathogens. Neutrophils, the called plasmacytoid dendritic cells (20, 61, 93). Human
predominant innate immune cells in blood, express myeloid dendritic cells express Toll-like receptor
Toll-like receptor 1, Toll-like receptor 2, and Toll-like 1–Toll-like receptor 6, Toll-like receptor 8, and Toll-
receptor 4 to Toll-like receptor 10, but not Toll-like like receptor 10. In contrast, human plasmacytoid
receptor 3 (43). Being the first innate immune cells to dendritic cells express Toll-like receptor 1, Toll-like
migrate to the site of infection, neutrophils utilize receptor 6, Toll-like receptor 7, Toll-like receptor 9 but
relevant Toll-like receptors to recognize and respond not Toll-like receptor 2–Toll-like receptor 5, or Toll-like
to different types of microbial challenge. Like neu- receptor 8 (51, 57). It is increasingly recognized that
trophils, macrophages/monocytes are also consid- dendritic cells use Toll-like receptors to distinguish
ered as a first line of defense against microbial between different pathogens and initiate appropriate,
pathogens. They play a key role in host defense by effective types of immune responses. The Toll-like
recognizing, engulfing, and killing microorganisms. receptor expression profiles of distinct dendritic cell
Monocytes/macrophages express Toll-like receptor 1, subsets suggest a differential function in sensing
Toll-like receptor 2, and Toll-like receptor 4–Toll-like pathogens and influencing an adaptive immune
receptor 8 (53). The binding of a pathogen-associated response. Inflammatory cytokines can trigger dend-
molecular pattern to monocyte Toll-like receptor can ritic cell maturation, but without direct Toll-like
influence the type of adaptive immune response. A receptor stimulation, the dendritic cells fail to induce T
recent report shows that activation of Toll-like helper cell differentiation (103). Different Toll-like
receptor 2/1 on monocytes leads to their differenti- receptor ligands instruct dendritic cells to stimulate
ation into macrophages rather than dendritic cells, distinct T helper cell responses. Escherichia coli

Toll-like receptors and their role in periodontal health and disease

Fig. 2. Messenger RNA expression of Toll-like receptors (TLR) on different cell types of periodontium (CEJ ¼ cemento-
enamel junction).

lipopolysaccharide and flagellin, which trigger Toll- Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection.
like receptor 4 and Toll-like receptor 5, respectively, Dental plaque biofilms have been well recognized as
cause human dendritic cells to induce a Th1 response etiological agents. The disease initiation and pro-
via interleukin-12 production. In contrast, the Toll-like gression results from the host response to plaque
receptor 2 ligand, Pam3cys, and Porphyromonas bacteria. In healthy periodontal tissue, low amounts
gingivalis lipopolysaccharide cause induction of a of gram-positive aerobes and facultative anaerobes,
T helper type 2 response (2, 95). such as species of Streptococcus and Actinomyces, are
found supragingivally (77). More accumulation of
plaque leads to gingival inflammation (or gingivitis)
Toll-like receptors in periodontal with increased cellular infiltrates. T cells are the
tissue dominant cell type in gingivitis lesions. In contrast, in
the more advanced form of periodontal disease, per-
The periodontium, a tooth-supporting structure, iodontitis, cellular infiltrates including numerous T
consists of gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament, and B cells are observed together with high levels
and alveolar bone. Histological examination of of inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-1b,
healthy periodontal tissue reveals the presence of tumor necrosis factor-a, prostaglandin E2, and inter-
very low numbers of immune cells such as feron-c in tissues and gingival crevicular fluid (90). B
macrophages, Langerhans cells, tissue dendritic cells and plasma cells are the dominant cell type in
cells, and migratory neutrophils in gingival crevi- periodontitis lesions, and numerous gram-negative
cular fluid and the epithelial cell layer. In addition to anaerobes are found in subgingival biofilms (101).
immune cells, cells of the periodontium express The differences in microbial compositions and
Toll-like receptors (Fig. 2). Since the gingiva is con- quantities between health/gingivitis and periodontitis
sistently exposed to bacterial pathogen-associated may influence the local inflammatory response. Key
molecular patterns, Toll-like receptor sensing and periodontal pathogens, P. gingivalis, Actinobacillus
signaling in periodontal tissue could indeed play an actinomycetemcomitans, and Tannerella forsythia,
important role in the innate immune response and which are frequently detected in deep periodontal
maintain periodontal health. pockets, are well recognized for their virulence as

Mahanonda & Pichyangkul

Table 2. Comparison between gingival and gut epithelial cells

Characteristics Gingival epithelial cells References Gut epithelial cells References
Morphology Multiple layer 16 Single layer 70
TLR expression 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 66 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 88
Bacterial exposure >500 species 91 >500 species 18
Innate immunity b-defensins 26 b-defensins 87
Cathelicidin LL-37 26 Cathelicidin LL-37 116
Calprotectin 98 Calprotectin 99
Interleukin-8 39, 66 Interleukin-8 25

etiological agents in human periodontitis (10). Chronic Toll-like receptor 2 signaling appears to contribute
Toll-like receptor stimulation in periodontal tissues by to the production of interleukin-8 by gingival epi-
bacterial pathogen-associated molecular patterns can thelial cells in response to P. gingivalis, but the
lead to excessive production of pro-inflammatory mechanism is unclear. Using immortalized human
mediators, resulting in tissue destruction. gingival epithelial cells, Asai et al. (11) demonstrated
that P. gingivalis fimbriae and Staphylococcus aureus
peptidoglycan induced interleukin-8 production via
Gingival epithelial cells and Toll-like receptor 2 expressed on epithelial cells. In
gingival fibroblasts another study, however, P. gingivalis fimbriae (pre-
pared similar to the first study) induced negligible
Gingival epithelium protects the underlying perio- production of interleukin-8 from human gingival
dontal tissues from microorganisms and other epithelial cells. However, a sonic extract of
harmful agents. It plays an important role in the P. gingivalis strongly induced interleukin-8 and
innate immune response and homeostasis. Gingival monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production
epithelial cells are multi-layered whereas gut (66). In our research, Toll-like receptor 2 ligands,
epithelial cells form a single layer. However, such as P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide and S. aureus
both epithelia are continually exposed to large peptidoglycan, activated human gingival epithelial
numbers of commensal and pathogenic bacteria cells derived from healthy gingival biopsies to pro-
(Table 2). How the normal gingiva and gut respond to duce interleukin-8 (R. Mahanonda, Chulalongkorn
bacteria via Toll-like receptor signaling and maintain University, Bangkok, unpublished data). Gingival
homeostasis, without clinical expression of inflam- epithelial cells express Toll-like receptor 3 and
mation, is a subject of intense investigation. Toll-like receptor 9 (66). The presence of these
Toll-like receptor expression by human gingival Toll-like receptors provides the ability for epithelial
epithelial cells was investigated in gingival biopsies cells to respond to both viral and bacterial nucleic
obtained during periodontal surgery. The cells con- acids. Further studies are needed to ascertain their
stitutively expressed a repertoire of Toll-like recep- specific functions in the oral cavity.
tors: Toll-like receptor 2–Toll-like receptor 6, and Gingival fibroblasts are the major constituents of
Toll-like receptor 9 (66). Although gingival epithelial periodontal connective tissue. They maintain gingi-
cells express low levels of Toll-like receptor 4, their val tissue integrity by regulating collagen and prot-
expression can be enhanced by treatment with eoglycan metabolism. They also produce various
interferon-c (117). Toll-like receptor 2 expression is inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1, inter-
denser in the spinous epithelial layer than in the leukin-6, and interleukin-8 upon stimulation by
basal epithelial layer (66). An abundance of Toll-like bacteria and their components (107, 112, 125).
receptor 2-positive cells was also observed in con- Human gingival fibroblasts constitutively express
nective tissue subjacent to the pocket epithelium mRNA of Toll-like receptor 2, Toll-like receptor 4,
(78). Thus, Toll-like receptor 2 may be especially and Toll-like receptor 9 (82, 106, 120) and other
important given its strategic location in the outer- Toll-like receptor-related molecules, e.g. CD14
most layer where continual direct contact with oral (a co-receptor for lipopolysaccharide) and Mye-
bacterial products occurs. loid differentiation primary-response protein 88

Toll-like receptors and their role in periodontal health and disease

(42, 48, 106). In addition, Toll-like receptor 3 mRNA constitutively express mRNA for Toll-like receptor 2,
expression on human gingival fibroblasts has re- Toll-like receptor 4, CD14, MD-2, and Myeloid dif-
cently been observed in our laboratory (unpublished ferentiation primary-response protein 88. When
data). DNA microarray analysis demonstrated that periodontal ligament fibroblasts and human gingival
expressed levels of Toll-like receptor 2, Toll-like fibroblasts isolated from the same donor were com-
receptor 4, and CD14 in the human gingival fibro- pared, the periodontal ligament fibroblasts were
blasts were higher in patients with periodontitis than found to express weaker CD14 but stronger levels of
in healthy individuals (121). Interestingly, upon Toll-like receptor 2 expression than the human gin-
in vitro stimulation with P. gingivalis lipopoly- gival fibroblasts (42). This differential expression of
saccharide, human gingival fibroblasts showed CD14 and Toll-like receptor 2 may suggest different
increased expression of Toll-like receptor 2, Toll-like functions of both cell types in response to plaque
receptor 4, CD14, and MD-2 (a co-receptor for Toll- bacteria.
like receptor 4) (106). The data suggest that P. gin- Cementum, the mineralized cellular tissue of the
givalis lipopolysaccharide may be responsible for the root surface, plays important roles in mineralization
observed up-regulation of Toll-like receptor 2, Toll- and, possibly, bone resorption. In periodontitis,
like receptor 4, and CD14 in periodontitis. cementum can be invaded by biofilms comprising
Fibroblasts isolated from gingiva and periodontal many gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. The study
ligaments show heterogeneous expression of CD14 of murine cementoblast cell lines demonstrated that
(105). The CD14 heterogeneity may contribute to they express mRNA for Toll-like receptor 2, Toll-like
differential cell activation. Similar to P. gingivalis receptor 4, CD14, and MD-2. The P. gingivalis lipo-
lipopolysaccharide, interferon-c produced in in- polysaccharide up-regulated osteopontin and osteo-
flamed gingival tissues can up-regulate CD14 protegerin but down-regulated receptor activator of
expression in human gingival fibroblasts (75). Inter- nuclear factor-jB ligand. This effect was partially
feron-c markedly up-regulated CD14 and MyD88 of inhibited by antibodies against Toll-like receptor 4/
CD14high but not of CD14low human gingival fibro- MD-2, suggesting that Toll-like receptor 4 signaling is
blasts. Upon stimulation with Salmonella enterica involved (81). It is noteworthy that most lipid A
lipopolysaccharide, the interferon-c-primed CD14high species derived from P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide
human gingival fibroblasts, showed increased inter- are capable of activation via Toll-like receptor 2
leukin-8 production via the enhanced CD14–Toll- signaling (14, 49, 130). It is also conceivable that the
like receptors 4 system (111). Similar findings of altered gene expression observed by Nociti et al. (81)
enhancement of cytokine production in interferon- could have resulted from Toll-like receptor 4 activa-
c-primed human gingival fibroblasts were observed tion by other lipid A species present in the prepar-
after stimulation with A. actinomycetemcomitans ation (28).
lipopolysaccharide (75). The finding that P. gingivalis Osteoblasts, the bone-forming cells, play a central
lipopolysaccharide and interferon-c enhance Toll- role in modulating the differentiation and activity of
like receptor 2, Toll-like receptor 4, CD14, and MD-2 osteoclasts, the bone-resorbing cells. Bone remode-
expression suggests that these two molecules may ling is regulated by the balance of osteoblasts and
have critical roles in amplifying the inflammatory osteoclasts. Bacterial products and host mediators
reaction in periodontal connective tissue by (interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-a, prostaglandin
increasing the response to Toll-like receptor 2 and E2) inhibit bone formation by osteoblasts and stimu-
Toll-like receptor 4 ligands derived from oral plaque late osteoclast activity, leading to bone resorption (67,
bacteria. 80). The increased receptor of receptor activator of
nuclear factor-jB ligand and tumor necrosis factor-a
expression of osteoblasts is involved in osteoclast
Other cell constituents of formation (55, 60). Both Toll-like receptor 4 and Toll-
periodontium like receptor 9 signaling stimulated mouse ostoblasts
to produce tumor necrosis factor-a. Unlike Toll-like
So far, there has been little information of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling, Toll-like receptor 9 signaling
receptor signaling in other cell types of periodontium minimally induced receptor activator of nuclear fac-
besides gingival epithelial cells and gingival fibro- tor-jB ligand expression (58, 131). The study by Asai
blasts. Similar to human gingival fibroblasts, perio- et al. (12) demonstrated that human osteoblastic cell
dontal ligament fibroblasts, which are a major line, SaOS-2, constitutively expressed mRNA of
cellular component of the periodontal ligament, Toll-like receptor 1, Toll-like receptor 4–Toll-like

Mahanonda & Pichyangkul

receptor 6, Toll-like receptor 9, MD-2, CD14 and

Myleoid differentiation primary-response protein 88. Bacterial plaque microorganisms
They produced interleukin-8 and increased expres- and their pathogen-associated
sion of receptor activator of nuclear factor-jB ligand molecular patterns
in response to Toll-like receptor 4 ligand (Escherichia
coli-type synthetic lipid A). Osteoclasts from mouse Unlike classic enterobacterial E. coli lipopolysaccha-
bone marrow cells were shown to express Toll-like ride (a well-known Toll-like receptor 4 ligand), highly
receptor 2, Toll-like receptor 4, and CD14 mRNA (52). purified native P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide and
Signaling via Toll-like receptor 2 and Toll-like recep- lipid A preparations consistently demonstrate Toll-
tor 4 on mouse osteoclasts enhanced the survival of like receptor 2 activity (14, 49, 130). Consistent with
mature osteoclasts (52, 104). The presence of Toll-like this is the ability of P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide
receptors on osteoblasts and osteoclasts suggests that to stimulate tumor necrosis factor-a production
both cell types can directly respond to bacterial from both lipopolysaccharide-non-responsive C3H/HeJ
products. It is too early to conclude the effect of (Toll-like receptor 4 mutant) and lipopolysaccharide-
Toll-like receptor stimulation on bone resorption. responsive C3H/HeN macrophages (85, 113). This sug-
Although most studies imply that osteoclast activities gests that the tumor necrosis factor-a response to P.
are enhanced via Toll-like receptor stimulation, gingivalis stimulation may be irrelevant to Toll-like
recent observations demonstrated that Toll-like receptor 4 signaling and may involve other Toll-like
receptor stimulation inhibited osteoclast differenti- receptor(s).
ation (108). To date, Toll-like receptor signaling Lipopolysaccharide is a complex glycolipid com-
studies have been mainly evaluated in the murine posed of a hydrophilic polysaccharide portion and a
model. More investigations in humans are required to hydrophobic domain known as lipid A. Lipid A is an
precisely understand the role of Toll-like receptors in immunostimulatory principal moiety of lipopoly-
bone remodeling. saccharide responsible for most lipopolysaccharide-
The periodontium is a highly vascularized tissue induced biological effects. The lipid A structure of
surrounding the root surface of the tooth. Human P. gingivalis is composed of unique branched fatty
microvascular endothelial cells were traditionally acids longer than those in enterobacterial lipid A and
regarded as a relatively passive, inert vascular lining. lacking a phosphoryl group at position 4¢ of the non-
It is now clear that they play an important active reducing glucosamine (65, 84). The different Toll-like
role in regulation of immune and inflammatory receptor activities of E. coli lipopolysaccharide and
responses. These cells constitutively express mRNA P. ginvivalis lipopolysaccharide may be the result of
for Toll-like receptor 1, and Toll-like receptor 3– the unique structure of P. gingivalis lipopolysaccha-
Toll-like receptor 5, but express little or no mRNA ride and its lipid A, which differs from E. coli lipo-
for Toll-like receptor 2. Thus, as expected, they polysaccharide and its lipid A (84). P. gingivalis
respond to E. coli lipopolysaccharide in a Toll-like lipopolysaccharide is also highly heterogeneous,
receptor 4 and soluble CD14-dependent manner, consisting of multiple lipid A species, even when
but do not respond to Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtained from a single purified preparation (28, 65).
19-kDa lipoprotein, which is a Toll-like receptor 2 Lipid A heterogeneity could contribute to the ability
ligand (31). Activation of vascular endothelium by of P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide to interact with
Toll-like receptor 4 signaling results in the produc- either Toll-like receptor 2 or Toll-like receptor 4 (28),
tion of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and and may explain the seemingly conflicting results
chemokines (47, 129). Toll-like receptor 2 expression obtained concerning Toll-like receptor utilization (14,
on human endothelial cells (dermal microvessel and 41, 49, 86, 106, 120).
umbilical vein) could be up-regulated by Toll-like Like P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide, Bacteroides
receptor 4 ligand, lipopolysaccharide, and pro- fragilis lipopolysaccharide (30) and Capnocytophaga
inflammatory cytokines such as interferon-c and ochracea lipopolysaccharide bind Toll-like receptor 2
tumor necrosis factor-a (32). Lipopolysaccharide and (128). In contrast, the lipopolysaccharides of A. ac-
interferon-c also up-regulate Toll-like receptor 4 tinomycetemcomitans and Fusobacterium nucleatum
mRNA expression in endothelial cells (32). The up- bind to Toll-like receptor 4 (75, 128). The differential
regulation of Toll-like receptor 4 by interferon-c may ability of oral bacterial lipopolysaccharide to stimu-
constitute a novel mechanism for the well-described late and signal through Toll-like receptors may
synergy between interferon-c and lipopolysaccharide induce host immune responses selectively. The A. ac-
in cell activation (76, 94). tinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide-stimulated

Toll-like receptors and their role in periodontal health and disease

human monocyte-derived dendritic cells stimulated or Epstein-Barr virus-1 DNA is associated with an
T helper type 1 differentiation via interleukin-12 increased presence periodontopathic bacteria (24, 40,
production (59). In contrast, P. gingivalis lipopoly- 102). The findings suggest that local immune
saccharide-stimulated dendritic cells induced a T responses against oral plaque bacteria could be
helper type 2 response (95). The level of interleukin- suppressed as a result of herpesvirus infection.
10 and interleukin-12 production was shown to be Recently, progress has been made in under-
regulated via a Toll-like receptor-mediated pathway. standing the antiviral innate immune response. Viral
It was demonstrated that P. gingivalis lipopolysac- components such as envelope protein(s), genomic
charide activated the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase- DNA and RNA or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)
Akt pathway via Toll-like receptor 2 in human produced in infected host cells can be recognized by
monocytes, enhancing interleukin-10 levels and host Toll-like receptors and non-Toll-like receptors.
down-regulating interleukin-12 levels (71). More specifically, Toll-like receptors 2 and 9 have
Other plaque bacterial components, such as DNA been demonstrated to sense herpesvirus-associated
derived from P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, molecules and initiate antiviral responses. Recogni-
and Peptostreptococcus micros, were shown to acti- tion of human cytomegalovirus virions by Toll-like
vate human gingival fibroblasts to produce inter- receptor 2 and CD14 leads to cytokine production
leukin-6, possibly via Toll-like receptor 9 activation (21). In a mouse model, recognition of DNA viruses
(82). However, our own observation using synthetic by Toll-like receptor 9 is required for interferon-a
Toll-like receptor 9 ligand (CpG DNA), showed no production (62, 63, 69). Toll-like receptor 3 has been
effect on human gingival fibroblasts. The issue of Toll- shown to recognize dsRNA (5), a product of viral re-
like receptor 9 signaling in human gingival fibroblasts plication. Host cells also express cytoplasmic RNA
requires further investigation. A summary of patho- helicases that can recognize dsRNA via Toll-like re-
gen-associated molecular patterns derived from ceptor-independent mechanisms (126, 127).
bacterial plaque microorganisms and their specific Although, there is evidence to support the role of
Toll-like receptors is shown in Fig. 1. Indeed, many viruses in periodontitis, there is limited information
pathogen-associated molecular patterns remain to be on the understanding of interaction between viruses
investigated. To date, most studies of Toll-like and periodontal pattern recognition receptors. The
receptor signaling by pathogen-associated molecular presence of mRNA expression of Toll-like receptors 2,
pattern components from oral plaque bacteria have 3 and 9 in human gingival epithelial cells and fibro-
evaluated these components individually. In future blasts may suggest the role of periodontal tissue in
research, it will surely be important to assess the antiviral responses. There is still much work ahead
effects of combinations of pathogen-associated not only to firmly establish the role of viruses in
molecular patterns and whole bacterial cells. periodontitis, but also to understand the crucial role
of periodontal tissue in innate immune recognition of
viral infection.
Viruses in periodontitis
Oral plaque bacteria play a key role in causing Conclusion
periodontitis. During the past decade, it has become
apparent that viral infection may also be involved in It is clear that periodontal cells actively participate in
the development of periodontitis. Several lines of the innate immune response against dental plaque
evidence link herpesviruses, especially human cyto- bacteria. They express different types of Toll-like
megalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus to the severity of receptors (Fig. 2). Periodontitis, a chronic inflam-
periodontitis. These evidences include: mation of the periodontium, provides a unique
• The detection of viral DNA in gingival tissue (7). opportunity to investigate the host–microbe interac-
• The presence of higher frequency of viral DNA in tions. Gingival epithelium is continually exposed to at
periodontitis tissue than in healthy periodontal least 500 species of both oral commensal and
tissue (23, 74). pathogenic bacteria (91). How the gingival epithelial
• The detection of active human cytomegalovirus cells orchestrate their response via Toll-like receptor
replication in periodontal tissue (22). signaling, and thereby maintain themselves without
Herpesviruses may directly cause the breakdown of severe, chronic inflammation is a very interesting
periodontal tissue. Several studies demonstrate that issue. Some workers have recently suggested that the
the presence of subgingival human cytomegalovirus oral mucosa develops tolerance after repeated expo-

Mahanonda & Pichyangkul

sure to bacterial products (37, 79). Down-regulation signaling of gingival epithelial cells, in response to
of Toll-like receptor expression and inhibition of commensal bacteria in the steady-state. Further
intracellular signaling may represent the underlying investigation of dentogingival epithelial cells and
mechanism of tolerance. This speculation is consis- neutrophils, and of their cross-talk in response to oral
tent with how gut epithelium applies tolerance to plaque bacteria in the steady-state, should greatly
attenuate the inflammatory response to commensal enhance our understanding of how the periodontium
bacteria (1, 88). However, this hypothesis has been exerts an innate immune response through Toll-like
challenged. Recent research indicates that activation receptor signaling without severe inflammation.
of Toll-like receptors by commensal bacteria, under A possible scenario for bacterial plaque-induced
steady-state conditions, is critical to maintaining periodontitis may start with disruption and penetra-
intestinal epithelial homeostasis and protecting tion of the dentogingival epithelial barrier after con-
against gut injury (97). frontation with high levels of invasive pathogenic
Gingival epithelial cells express mRNAs of Toll-like bacteria (P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans,
receptor 2–Toll-like receptor 6, and Toll-like receptor and T. forsythia) and/or with their cytotoxic products
9 (66), allowing them to recognize the different rep- (gingipains, cysteine proteinases, major surface pro-
ertoire of pathogen-associated molecular patterns tein, and cagE). Invasion would enable bacterial
that are encountered. As a result of the specificity of components to activate other cells deeper in the
the Toll-like receptor–ligand interaction, gingival epithelium and in connective tissue via Toll-like
epithelial cells are probably unable to differentiate receptor signaling. These cells include antigen-pre-
between commensal and pathogenic bacteria with senting cells (Langerhans and interstitial dendritic
regard to their responses. For example, lipopolysac- cells), macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells,
charide from pathogenic P. gingivalis and peptido- osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. These stimulated cells
glycan from S. aureus are able to stimulate gingival could produce an array of cytokines, chemokines,
epithelial cells to produce interleukin-8 via Toll-like and other mediators that promote inflammation and
receptor 2 signaling (R. Mahanonda, Chulalongkorn immune cell infiltration. Additional cytokines pro-
University, Bangkok, unpublished data). We hypo- duced by infiltrated memory T cells would amplify
thesize that in the steady-state condition, Toll-like the inflammatory reaction, leading to destruction of
receptors expressed on gingival epithelium (especi- connective tissue and bone. The chronic inflamma-
ally in the dentogingival region) continually interact tion and bone loss, induced by both innate and
with components of oral plaque bacteria that form adaptive immune responses, abate once the bacterial
biofilms attached to the tooth surface. This Toll- stimulus is removed.
like receptor signaling results in innate immune In summary, periodontitis is highly complex and
responses involving the release of antibacterial pep- multi-factorial. Further investigation into Toll-like
tides (b-defensins, cathelicidin, and calprotectin) and receptor signaling in periodontal tissue should
neutrophil recruiting chemokine (interleukin-8). Toll- provide new insight into the role of the immune
like receptor signaling, therefore, serves to limit system in maintaining health and combating dis-
pathogenic infection and to prevent commensal ease, not only in the periodontium but in other
organisms from breaching the epithelial barrier. This tissues as well.
hypothesis is based on two previous observations.
First, continuous migration of large numbers of
neutrophils into the oral cavity has been detected Acknowledgements
(13, 96). This may reflect recruitment of neutrophils
by interleukin-8 released from gingival epithelial We thank Drs M. Herzberg and R. Giacaman-Sarah of
cells in response to commensal bacteria. Second, the University of Minnesota, USA for constructive
b-defensin-2, the inducible antibacterial peptide, has editorial comments. We also thank the Thailand
been detected in healthy gingival epithelial cells Research Fund and Ratchadapisek Endowment.
(122). In contrast, epithelial cells in healthy skin,
trachea, and gut do not express b-defensin-2, but
they do express this molecule when the tissues References
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