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VOL. 31 - NO. 166 75 CENTS

VAT-free Zones

Mortgages Waived
for Homeowners
Affected by
Hurricane Dorian
BY BERTHONY MCDERMOTT owners in Abaco got
their mortgages waived.

Journal Staff Writer

Bahamas Mortgage
Mortgages for nearly 600 Corporation Managing
BY DEANDRE WILLIAMSON homeowners in Abaco Director Phillip Haven
Journal Staff Writer and Grand Bahama were said the waiver took
waived post Hurricane effect on September 1
rime Minister Dr. Dorian. and is scheduled to last
Hubert Minnis A further breakdown until March.
declared yester- revealed that 390 home- “All you had to do was

Loss After
day that Abaco owners in Grand Bahama
and Grand Bahama are and more than 170 home- g See page 4...
VAT-free zones until June
2020 and announced

plans to establish The
Bahamas National
Recovery and
Reconstruction Fund.

The VAT relief policy
is a part of the govern-
ment’s effort to stimulate
the economies of Abaco
and Grand Bahama that
were affected by
Hurricane Dorian.
The prime minister’s BY EARYEL BOWLEG

declaration and
Journal Staff Writer

announcement came dur-

ing a town hall meeting Minister of Finance Peter
in Green Turtle Cay. Turnquest disclosed on
According to the Wednesday that the gov-
Office of the Prime ernment is unable to cal-

Press Club Cries

Minister, “The new VAT 4 Prime Minister Minnis announced the declaration of the Abacos and Grand Bahama as culate the amount of
VAT-free zones until June 2020 to help stimulate the economic recovery of areas impacted by money lost in granting
relief policy means that
Hurricane Dorian. The prime minister (pictured speaking to a resident of Green Turtle Cay) concessions and exigen-
individuals and business- also announced the establishment of The Bahamas National Recovery and Reconstruction cies.
Trust Fund, an independent and non-political body to help fund home and building repairs. Yet, he informed after
(BIS Photo)
the Ministry of Finance’s

Shame on House Speaker

g See page 4...

cheque presentation to
business owners affected
by Hurricane Dorian, that
there would be a better
4 Minister of Finance
Peter Turnquest

Wilson Calls Ministry

g See page 7...

BY DEANDRE WILLIAMSON lambasted journalists in

of Education ‘Heartless’
Journal Staff Writer
the House of Assembly BY LICEC BASTIAN
following last week’s Journal Staff Writer

Bahamas Press Club 2014 incident when a Nassau

“cries shame” on House Guardian reporter used Seventy-five teachers in
of Assembly Speaker her cell phone to take a the Ministry of Education
Halson Moultrie, as photo of Opposition school system have had
President Anthony Deputy Leader Chester their salaries cut and
Capron said the organiza- Cooper as he contributed that’s not sitting well
tion finds it disturbing to debate in the Lower with Bahamas Union of
that the freedom of the Chamber. Teachers President
Fourth Estate is being Moultrie said journal- (BUT) Belinda Wilson.
attacked by the speaker. ists are out for “flesh and Mrs. Wilson told The
“The depth to which blood,” as opposed to Bahama Journal that "the
the speaker has drawn the conforming and submit- Ministry of Education
speakership of the House ting to the House of has not worked in good
of Assembly is shameful, Assembly’s rules and reg- faith by taking away
in his labeling the reports ulations. teachers’ salaries during
in the credible newspa- “If they want flesh and this time of hardship,"
pers of The Bahamas ‘yel- blood, they need Jesus. which she said is "noth-
low journalism,’” Capron Jesus is the one whose
said yesterday. 4 Press Club President 4 House of Assembly
4 BUT President
Belinda Wilson
On Tuesday, Moultrie
g See page 8...
g See page 4... Anthony Capron Speaker Halson Moultrie

CDB Consultants Begin Work on
A2 The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019 NationalNEWS

BTVI Multi-million Dollar Project

President of the Bahamas
Technical and Vocational
project’s conclusion, I
hope to see a changing
quality technical and
vocational education and
Institute (BTVI), Dr. narrative that helps training delivery (TVET),
Robert W. Robertson strengthen this apprecia- and a skills enhancement
recently announced the tion not only through program in the Family
appointments of greater awareness, but Islands.
Caribbean Development also through strategic Ms. Fraser pointed out
Bank (CDB) consultants partnerships that add that her role will look at
to BTVI’s multi-million important value to the the institutional frame-
dollar enhancement proj- BTVI brand,” she stated. work of BTVI and its
ect. Meanwhile, Ms. overall capacity to meet
Project Coordinator is Johnson has been a proj- its education and training
LaToya Johnson and ect consultant for over 10 mandate with a view to
Project Manager for years, providing technical identifying opportunities
I n s t i t u t i o n a l and business consulting for greater effectiveness
Strengthening is Gabriella services to engineering, and efficiencies, while
Fraser. Dr. Robertson business firms and non- developing actionable
expressed delight in wel- profit organizations. Prior pathways to achieve those
coming the pair to the to consulting, she was a goals.
team of a project which is Network Engineering Ms. Fraser said under
expected to revolutionize Specialist at one of the the improving governance
BTVI over a two-year largest telecommunica- and management systems 4 Caribbean Development Bank consultants to BTVI are Project Coordinator,
period. tions companies in the component, strategic
The CBD’s loan and United States where she planning will be a priority,
LaToya Johnson (L) and Project Manager for Institutional Strengthening,
Gabriella Fraser (R). (Photo Btvi)
the government’s contri- provided support to over including development of
bution are approximately 100 network operations a business plan for BTVI The improving gover- component, instructor as thorough as possible in
$4.7 million each. centres on the East Coast and a corresponding nance and management training and upgrade will creating a complete pic-
Ms. Fraser is an econo- and technical expertise for implementation plan to systems component will be a priority. The family ture of every situation. We
mist by profession, who is large capital management ensure a road map for also address the need for a island component is want to get the leg work
also a researcher and ana- projects. action. A strategic market- tracer study system. intended to enhance right so that our action
lyst. Her career achieve- Ms. Johnson‘s role is to ing plan is also part of that “This will be critical to BTVI’s outreach, to sup- planning is solution
ments have been in monitor the day-to-day priority. assessing the transition of port targeted skills devel- based, best fit and com-
administration, policy and operations of the multi- Development of a cam- BTVI graduates and for- opment needs, driven by prehensive,” she added.
regulation across key sec- million dollar CDB proj- pus master plan is another mer students into employ- industry demand. Ms. Johnson expressed
tors of the Bahamian ect, coordinate the selec- important initiative. Ms. ment, and how well they Both consultants said confidence the project
economy, including, high- tion of consultants needed Fraser said this kind of would have been prepared they are looking forward team will obtain the full
er education, tourism, to execute project deliver- planning is fundamental for the labour market…it to working with BTVI’s support of the BTVI team.
financial services and the ables and provide regular as a building block and should be an important team. “This is as we work
electronic communica- project updates to all guide for development tool for continued “I look forward in par- together over the next 24
tions sector, in areas of stakeholders on the and enhancements in strengthening of the insti- ticular to sitting with months to enhance the
administration, policy and progress of the project. other areas. tution’s connectedness to members one-on-one first learning environment at
regulation. Some of the matters Enhancement of stu- industry and ongoing to create a visual of the BTVI. I expect that BTVI
Noting that BTVI is that the project will dent services to strengthen industry developments. institutional aspirations in will be seen as the premier
critical to the country’s address over the next 24 inclusion and responsive- As a data source for stu- the various functional and technical and vocational
socio-economic develop- months include rehabili- ness to student needs is dents’ post BTVI achieve- service areas, then doing institute in the country
ment, Ms. Fraser said it tating and upgrading also a key area, as is crime ment, the information the work of articulating that will attract and retain
has an essential nation existing classrooms and prevention and campus compiled through the trac- the needs, identifying the students as they chart their
building role to play that laboratories to provide security. Another priority er study system will be issues and challenges that future career path or
often seems widely under- better working spaces, an is the enhancement of important to national dis- must be addressed in upgrade their current
appreciated. improved governance and human resources and course and policy,” said order to meet these aspira- skills. The BTVI enhance-
“Over the life of the management system, an financial management Ms. Fraser. tions,” said Ms. Fraser. ment project is on the
project and following the enhanced capacity for systems. Under the capacity “It’s critical that we’re move.”
Stop Disney Relaunches
The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019 A3

Lighthouse Point Campaign

Journal Staff Writer
work with a growing
community of support-
focus on relief efforts.
In a statement, envi-
18,000 acres of ocean
surrounding the coveted
petition had secured the
support of 100,000 peo-
Reearth, Earthcare and
Waterkeepers Bahamas.
ers to ensure the cam- ronmentalists pointed property were initially ple. That number sits at Back in August,
Organizers of stopdis- paign’s urgent message out that just prior to the proposed as a top priori- just under 110,000. Disney announced new, last chance for reaches millions of peo- hurricane, Disney ty marine protected area The group’s organiz- details surrounding the
Lighthouse Point, ple. announced plans to as part of the Caribbean ers include the Bahamas project noting that the
relaunched its campaign The group opted to develop a cruise port at Challenge Initiative. Reef Environment project will celebrate

Hurricane Dorian Affected

Post Dorian. pause the campaign in Lighthouse Point, yet Before suspending its Education Foundation or the culture and spirit of
The renewed aim is to early September to failed to mention that campaign, the group’s BREEF, Save the Bays, The Bahamas.

Businesses Receive Cheques

BY EARYEL BOWLEG my, but it is particularly different pool. So we’re
Journal Staff Writer
so in these affected trying to keep it separate
islands and so much as so one feels that their lost
Minister of Finance Peter well can get them back in or didn’t get the attention
Turnquest presented operation as quickly as that they deserve.”
cheques on Wednesday to possible and we are going SBDC Resident
eight business owners to accelerate the past of Advisor for Abaco
from Abaco and Grand the recovery effort that Charmaine Bonaby is set-
Bahama who were affect- we all know is a momen- ting up the ‘one stop
ed by Hurricane Dorian. tous task,” Turnquest shop’ to assist small and
The funds are expected explained. medium sized businesses.
to help businesses resume Program grants are up She noted the eagerness
operation. to $20,000, equity up to of Abaconians in the pro-
The businesses $100,000 and loans are up gram.
received grants and loans to $500,000. Grants not “I’ve seen many
as a part of the Access attached to financial facil- Abaco entrepreneurs who
Accelerator Small ities are a maximum of are interested and ready
Business Development $5,000. to return back home and
Centre (SBDC) Disaster Program Lead Analyst rebuild. Rebuild their
Relief Program. The pro- Nicholas Higgs made businesses. Rebuild their
gram has 1,200 business- pointed out that the pro- lives,” she added.
es in both affect islands. gram does not affect “I will be station in
The government allo- those in New Providence. Abaco for good starting
cated $10 million to the “The advisors are dif- next week for good so
program to assist the ferent. The accounts are that those residents who
effected islands’ different,” Higgs are there, they have easi-
economies. explained. er access to the SBDC
“Small business is the “Everything is separat- Disaster Relief
backbone of any econo- ed. Even the funding is Program.”

PM Declares
The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019

VAT-free Zones
g Continued from / PAGE 1... mosquito netting, plumb- “The fund is included in
ing fixtures and materials, the Disaster
es will be exempt from the office supplies and equip- Reconstruction Authority
payment of value added tax ment, tents, air-condition- Bill 2019 tabled in the
on a range of items, includ- ing units and other equip- House of Assembly on
ing unprepared food of all ment.” Tuesday 29 October,” the
types, water, fruit and veg- The Office of the Prime statement said.
etable juice, clothes, shoes, Minister added that VAT on During the town hall
hats, belts, stockings, fuel for generators in areas meeting, the prime minister
gloves, scarves, cleaning still without electricity will told residents, “We want
supplies, beds and bedding also be VAT-free. your economy to get going
“Details and start date as quickly as possible. We
material, hardware supplies
will be announced,” a want to get you back into
building materials, land-
statement issued by the your homes as soon as pos-
scaping supplies, pest con-
prime minister’s office sible.”
trol supplies, electrical fix-
read. The prime minister also
tures and materials, electri-
The Office of the Prime held a town hall meeting in
cal generators, farming Minister also explained Guana Cay on Wednesday
equipment and supplies, that The Bahamas National and will hold town hall
fishing equipment and sup- Recovery and meetings in Man-O-War
plies, manufacturing equip- Reconstruction Trust Fund Cay and Elbow Cay on

Press Club Cries

ment, cots, protective and will be an independent Friday to hear residents’
safety gear, household fur- non-political body to help concerns and provide an
niture, furnishings and fund home and building update on the progress of
appliances, solar panels, repairs. reconstruction efforts.

Shame on Speaker
g Continued from / PAGE 1... cy,” Mitchell said. speaker is unfit for office.
“What’s remarkable “The speaker pleads
flesh was broken and about the outburst in the the rules and traditions,
whose blood was shed,” house on Tuesday, except there is no such
Moultrie said. October 29, 2019 by the rule and no such tradition.
“Now, I have no diffi- speaker is that he is What we know is the
culty with journalists threading on ground that prime minister’s girl,
going after me because I he didn’t need to thread Friday, was and is
am prepared to lead them on. The issue is dead, but allowed to snap all the
to Jesus.” he takes everything so pictures she wants with-
However, Capron said, personally, can’t take last, out lent or hindrance. It’s
“Mr. Moultrie should also that he struck out again certainly a double-stan-
be careful in his threats to against the press, which is dard.
the media ‘to either con- not soundly based and “The speaker also owes
form or be gone,’ because logic. Jasper Ward an apology
in a few short years “Now, if anyone knows for lying on her by saying
(2022), those words could how prejudice and illogi- she sought to apologize to
rebound and not in his cal the press can be, is the him for taking the pic-
favour. PLP. But you have to tures.
“He could very well be avoid generalizations and “This then is not about
gone from the House of further, you can’t be so laws or rules. This is
Assembly and the speak- self absorbed that you about freedom of speech.
ers’ chair and the media cannot understand when And I say again, the FNM
will still be here. as a public figure, you just and the courts of The
“Yes, Mr. Moultrie, the shut up and leave well Bahamas have colluded to
press does need Jesus, as enough alone. seek to stop parliament
does everyone else, “The examples he used from discussing matters
including you.” of what he calls ‘yellow of national importance.
Progressive Liberal journalism’ were errors to The press allows the
Party (PLP) Senator Fred be sure, but not ‘yellow courts to gag them and
Mitchell also disagrees journalism.’ So he does- everybody keeps saying
with Moultrie’s actions. n’t even understand the it’s a question of the law.
“His latest rant against terminology. Further, he “Well, I remember this
the press and the substan- says he’s concerned about passage from Oliver Twist
tive issue to seize a propriety, yet he has not by Charles Dickens and
yet answered for calling I’m going to quote it. It
reporter’s camera to
me a nasty filthy name, says this, ‘If the law sup-
delete photos when added
using the speaker’s chair poses that, the law is an
to his cutting off the voice
to defame me and others. ass.’ I would ask the
of the opposition in par-
In the process, he lowered speaker to consider that
liament shows that he is

Mortgages Waived
the standards of the house fact that quote from
antidemocratic and a pro- and disgraced himself to
found danger to freedom Dickens, or he himself
quote the leader of the might be considered also
of speech and democra- PLP Philip Davis. This an ass.”

for Home Owners

g Continued from / PAGE 1... “It’s based on the fact cause you not to pay,
that our expectations are, please come in and see us
go to the corporation and for people feel like they because it is not our inten-
sign up, if payments went need to avail themselves of tions to put people out of
through before you were that benefit. They will their homes,” the mortgage
able to get in and do the make that known to us and corporation chairman said.
waiver, we were able to we’ll make it easier for “It’s our intention to
reverse it,” Haven said. them to be able to get the keep them in their home
“We have also started benefit of the deferment of and we have plans that
receiving insurance the mortgage payment,” we’ve put in place for
cheques and we have our Ward said. every situation.
team over in Freeport right Currently, officials are “We understand that
now and they are assisting working to recoup out- maybe you and individual
with negotiating so that the standing money from plane, but the only thing
homeowners can start homeowners who have we’re asking is that if
resuming some normalcy fallen behind here in the you’re experiencing diffi-
to their lives.” capital. culties to come in and see
Bahamas Mortgage “What we’re asking us.”
Corporation Chairman people is, if you have a Mr. Ward said the cor-
Patrick Ward emphasized mortgage, make sure you poration is committed to
that anyone on the affected pay it. If you have a partic- ensuring that no one is
islands can apply. ular situation that will evicted from their homes.
The Bahama Journal

Letter to the Editor

Thursday - October 31st, 2019

The Bahama Journal Is An Independent Newspaper - Published Week Days

By The Communicators & Associates In Affiliation With Jones Communications Ltd.

Editor, ken; professional and informed officer. He University Drive - P.O. Box N-8610
is definitely a credit to The Royal Telephone: 242-325-3082 - Fax: 242-356-7256
I was privileged to host my radio Bahamas Police Force and should be pro-
talk show EXPRESS YOURSELF moted during the next exercises. He
(Global Radio 99.5 FM) at Potter's Cay explained that any umber of patrons do
Dock a few days ago. During the show the not observe the traffic laws and the neces- Wendall K. Jones
vendors; customers and I discussed many sity to keep the road ways at Potter's Cay, Publisher/Chief Executive Officer
of the issues of concern to themselves and clear and passable, without undue
the surrounding areas at that location. I obstructions.
must confess that I was also very sur- The vendors alleged that the drop
prised by the cleanliness of the environ- off and delivery time was too short. All in Kimaley P. Jones
ment where the stalls are located, when all, there is no reason why the police; the Vice President/Operations

Raising Up
one considers all of the horror stories vendors; the Ministry of Transport and the
which we continuously hear about in Reverend Gregory Minnis, the Manager
media and social platforms. at Potter's Cay should not be able to
I meet and talked with various resolve all of the issues outstanding.

executives of The Potter's Cay Vendors Potter's Cay is a potential econom-
Association and it's President, Mr. ic engine which will enabling vendors to

Bastian. The main concerns were: the lack earn good money would also provide a
of proper parking and designated spaces; more enhanced and enjoyable cultural and
alleged harassment by police officers recreational venue for locals and our val-
from the Paradise Island Police Division; ued tourists. The stalls were impressive
adequate toilet facilities and 'bad' media, and the customer service attitudes of staff
especially when there are alleged serious members were off the chart. I would wish
criminal behavior. It would also seem that to congratulate successive administration
another issue of concern is the 'hard line' for having the 'wisdom' to continuously
attitude being displayed by governmental clean and upgrade both Potter's Cay and
management at Potter's Cay. Arawak Cay. To God then, in all things,
During the show I was also able be the glory.
to have a discussion with the Officer-in-
Charge of the Paradise Island Police Ortland H. Bodie, Jr.

Understanding the
Division, a Supt. Rolle, a very well spo- Business Consultant & Talk Show Host

Contemporary leaders today must appro- The German theologian Dietrich

Connection Between
priately accentuate, even laud, the lives Bonhoeffer was one such hero. His won-
and actions of moral and ethical heroes derful shorter works and letters from his
among us. time in the concentration camp as well
In the Bahamas we have a misinter- beloved for good reason. However, we

Genetics and Breast Cancer

pretation or misconception of who is, or lose the full strength of his heroic life if
what makes a person a hero. There is no we overlook the depth of his moral theo-
doubt that we are raising up heroes as we ry based on the life and teachings of
have recently seen in the aftermath of Jesus. He took a stalwart stand against
Hurricane Dorian which ravaged parts of the Nazi regime, which based its moral
the northern Bahamas. theory on something very different from
Breast cancer is the most common malig- Cleveland Clinic, a counselor will obtain Changing our cultural climate regard- the teachings of Jesus. Bonhoeffer’s
nancy in The Bahamas. It attacks a personal medical and detailed family ing morality and ethics will not be auto- stance cost him his life, but his heroism
Bahamian women with a ferocity unseen medical history. That will determine matic, nor will it come as a result of a resulted from the power and reality of
anywhere else in the world … being diag- whether or not genetic testing is appropri- clever parlor trick. Meaningful change the truth he discovered in the risen
nosed two decades earlier and two stages ate and which genetic changes to assess,” comes through sacrifice and dedication. Christ, who directed him toward right
later than in North America. Sadly, it is said Dr. Cassan Blake, M.D., Breast Human history is brimming with the gal- and away from wrong regardless of the
the leading cause of death among Surgical Oncologist at Cleveland Clinic lant acts of saints and heroes that enable forces set against him.
Bahamian women. Florida. “We also offer predictive testing us to measure the depth and breadth of Even still, few children, even those
The specific cause of breast cancer is for family members who may have inher- what moral courage and honour can from Christian homes, “dress up” like
not known - however, certain factors may ited a specific genetic mutation." inspire. This demonstrates the level of Jesus and go trick-or-treating on
put a person at a higher risk of developing For most people, breast cancer is a dis- sacrifice and degree of devotion to truth Halloween. This must change. Why?
the disease such as age, ethnicity, and per- ease that affects women, but men can also that are necessary to forge a new vision Because Jesus is seldom regarded as a
sonal health history, among others. develop the disease. Although breast can- of life. They continue to capture imagi- heroic individual who with courage and
Another important factor to consider is cer in men is rare (Less than 1% of all new nations, hearts, and minds across the moral integrity chose to live and die for
also one’s genetic composition and family breast cancer cases), men can develop the globe regardless of social, cultural, and the ultimate good of all humanity we
history. Genetics plays a dominant role in same types of breast cancers as women economic variations. must begin to inquire why our educa-
the treatment planning for breast cancer. due to a small amount of breast tissue men A saint or hero is one who to a signif- tional institutions – our universities,
When appropriate, using family-based have. Risk factors for men are similar to icant degree chooses to forgo or to risk both Christian and secular, but above all
risk assessment and genetic testing can those for women, but also include others forgoing the enjoyment of goods or even our local churches and seminaries – still
provide a basic understanding of the such as testicular conditions, exposure to necessities, perhaps life itself, for the resist bringing their best critical thinking
structure and function of genes and deter- estrogen, and Klinefelter syndrome, a sake of advancing the good of others. to bear on the teachings of Jesus and
mine the best option for treatment. congenital condition affecting about 1 in Sometimes our heroes even sacrifice for their ensuing traditions as a field of
According to Cleveland Clinic, the risk 1,000 men. more abstract goods such as truth, jus- moral knowledge in and through human
for breast cancer doubles for women who Breast cancer risk in men increases tice, or beauty. Such persons are the ones history.”
have an immediate family member who with age, most commonly diagnosed who illuminate by their lives the true Today, we must ask whether we
has had breast cancer — approximately between the ages of 50 and 70. Cancers nature and worth of moral goodness. believe it good or even possible for
20 to 30 percent of women diagnosed related to gene mutations often occur in Their lives and choices transcend the everyday heroes to be found outside the
with breast cancer have a family member people younger than age 60. Symptoms of normal activities of those who manage realms of first responders, soldiers in
who also has had breast cancer. However, breast cancer in men are very similar to an ordinary, uninspired level of decency. battle, or schoolteachers and administra-
up to 80 percent of women diagnosed those in women. However, tumors are We desperately long for heroes, and tors who gave their lives in a school
with breast cancer have no family history, usually smaller but may be more from an early age we imaging ourselves shooting. These heroes deserve our
and it is believed that cancer occurs due to advanced upon diagnosis because men as someday being worthy and capable of admiration, to be sure. Yet history
genetic abnormalities that result from the have very little breast tissue, so the tumor the same kind of amazing feats and char- reveals that there was a time when this
natural process of aging. About 5-10 per- doesn't have far to grow before invading acter. Jesus Christ is the greatest hero of was absolutely the norm for many more
cent of breast cancers are linked to gene other tissues or the lymph nodes. all. This can and should be debated. areas of societal leadership than just a
mutations a woman inherits from her For both women and men in the Even so, he is and has remained the hero precious few. And perhaps this was
mother or father. Bahamas with a strong family history of of so many of our celebrated heroes exactly the expected norm for early lead-
The most common genes associated breast cancer, it is important to do month- across time. One has to seriously inquire ers in democratic governments, those of
with inherited breast cancer risk are the ly self-exams and to have any changes about, or perhaps even do an empirical, both ancient Greece and our own in the
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. A blood test examined immediately by a physician. It quantitative study on, the number of Bahamas. Sacrifice was assumed and
is required to determine if a patient carries is important to share whether there is a individuals who heroically gave their relied upon as an essential quality of a
either of these genes, with results typical- family history of breast cancer and dis- lives in sacrifice for the greater good democratic citizenry in order for a liber-
ly available in a few weeks. cuss whether that history might warrant who also placed their faith and assurance ated society to even survive, much less
“During a genetic counseling visit at changes to care. in Jesus as their hero. flourish.

12 More Bahamians Elevated

The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019

to Nation Builder Status

4 Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Cornelius A. Smith, O.N., (third right) and Minister of Social Services and Urban Development, the Hon. Frankie A. Campbell (third left), are
photographed with the recipients of the 2019 Nation Builder Award following the ceremony Monday (October 28, 2019) at Government House, Mount Fitzwilliam. Also pictured (from left seated)
are: Mrs. Beverly Joyce Taylor (honoree); Mrs. Kathryn Campbell, wife of Minister Campbell; Ms. Phedra Rahming, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development
and Mrs. Ethel A. Williams (honoree). Pictured (standing from left) are: Mr. Colin David Moss-Bain (who accepted the Award on behalf of his mother Mrs. Sylvia Anita Bain-Moss; Mrs. Muriel
Elizabeth McKinney-Rahming (honoree); Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Wemyss (honoree); Mrs. Berthalee Adderley (honoree); Mrs. Merlease Bethel (who accepted the Award on behalf of her hus-
band, honoree Mr. Carl Orlando Bethel; Ms. Clara Evans (honoree); Mr. Cyril Leon Johnson (honoree), Mrs. Sislyn McIntosh (honoree); Mrs. Gwendolyn Dorothy McDeigan (honoree) and hon-
oree Bishop Charles Malcolm Rolle, J.P. (BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson)

Twelve more Bahamians Cornelius A. Smith, O.N., Wemyss. the honourees’ designation Feeding Programmes, abhorred by many,”
were elevated to Nation presented the twelve hon- The country’s newest Monday allowed them to while some others have Minister Campbell said.
Builder status Monday orees – eight females and Nation Builders are from join other unsung heroes given their time to helping “However, the World
(October 28) during the four males – with their diverse backgrounds whose contributions to the at-risk youth through men- Health Organization
22nd Nation Builder Awards, replicas of the including education, law country cannot be meas- toring. Still others have (WHO) estimates that the
Award Ceremonies held at Conch Shell. enforcement, broadcast- ured. given to healthcare as proportion of the world’s
Government House, The honorees were: ing, the tourism and hospi- “As diverse as your nurses and caregivers and population over 60 years
Mount Fitzwilliam. Mrs. Gwendolyn Dorothy tality industry, business faces are, so are your tal- yet others to building of age will nearly double
The 2019 Class brought McDeigan, Mr. Cyril Leon sector, healthcare, religion ents. Some of you have strong families. You were from its current twelve per
the number of Bahamians Johnson, Ms. Clara Evans, and the legal profession. contributed to the spiritual the unsung heroes who, cent to 22 per cent by the
receiving Nation Builder Mrs. Berthalee Adderley, All of the honorees are growth of the community though not compelled to year 2050.
status to 206 since the Mr. Carl Orlando Bethel, also renowned for their as Pastors, Deacons, do so, saw the need and “Just imagine that!
Award was established in Mrs. Beverly Joyce Taylor, volunteer work in commu- Elders and Sunday School met it.” Since old age is inevitable,
1997. The Award Mrs. Sylvia Anita Bain- nities across the length and teachers; others to educa- Minister Campbell I encourage the young
Ceremony did not take Moss, Mrs. Muriel breadth of the tion as teachers and tutors; called on the nation’s among us to change your
place in October, 2004 due Elizabeth McKinney- Commonwealth of The some to sports, blazing the youth to change their way way of thinking, as well as
to the passage of Rahming, Mrs. Sislyn Bahamas. trail and opening interna- of thinking, as well as their your behaviour towards
Hurricanes Frances and McIntosh, Mrs. Ethel A. Minister of Social tional doors for future ath- behaviour, towards older older persons. The time
Jeanne. Williams, Bishop Charles Services and Urban letes,” Minister Campbell persons. has come for us to give
Governor-General, His Malcolm Rolle, J.P., and Development, the Hon. said. “Youth is the prized them their rightful place as
Excellency, the Most Hon. Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Frankie A. Campbell, said “Others have led standard and old age is equals in our society.”

4 Mrs. Ruth Wong, member, National Council on Older Persons, presents Governor
General, His Excellency, Cornelius A. Smith, with a token of appreciation at the conclusion of 4 Members of the Department of Social Services Choir perform during the 22nd Nation
Monday’s Awards Ceremony. The Nation Builder Awards Ceremony is a collaboration Builder Awards Ceremony held on October 28, 2019 at Government House, Mount
between the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development and the National Council on Fitzwilliam. (BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson)
Older Persons. (BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson)
PIMS Calls Post-Dorian
The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019 A7

Coral Reef ‘Mixed Bag’

Loss After
g Continued from / PAGE 1... data point of view as to olate what concession
what that number is. are going to do.
idea of the revenue lost “And at this point, all “That would allow us
after next week’s assess- I can say that Abaco and then to access this
ments of the damage. Grand Bahama repre- financing. To do the
“We are waiting on the sents about 15 percent of infrastructure resilience
economic impact assess- GDP so that kind of building that we need
ment that is being done gives you an idea of the ahead of an event.
by ECLAC group and importance of it and the “Then we can afford
other agencies,” size of the potential to put in place the infra-
Turnquest said. impact. structures, the sea wall,
“That we give us a “Once we have the the infrastructure that we
better indication from a data, then we can extrap- need before a storm.”

4 Fred Arnett of The Nature Conservancy surveys debris and toppled coral heads on
Mermaid Reef off Marsh Harbour.
(Photo Perry Institute for Marine Science)

Catastrophic Hurricane totally destroyed came out extensive assessments of

Dorian, which tore looking fine and other the health of reefs
through two major islands places that were really not throughout Abaco and
in the northern Bahamas hit that bad by wind and Grand Bahama.
last month, was not as storm surge have reefs The fortuitous expedi-
meticulous in its devasta- covered with silt and the tion provided a timely
tion undersea as it was on corals are being smoth- benchmark.
land. ered,” said Dr Craig It was funded by the
The Category 5 storm Dahlgren, a marine ecolo- Devereux Ocean
ripped out patches of coral gist and PIMS executive Foundation, Disney
reefs the size of small cars, director who studies a Conservation Fund,
leaving them down and wide range of topics relat- Atlantis Blue Project
out much like bowling ed to tropical marine Foundation, the Angari
pins. Dorian trucked mud ecosystems. Foundation and the R/V
from inshore and dumped “It’s going to take a Angari.
it onto reefs, burying its while for us to fully under- “There were so many
base in silt over two foot stand why things hap- unexpected things that
deep. pened the way they did. I took place underwater.
After buffeting trees think we’re going to have This is not a simple case
about in its ferocious to go back and do more in of damage on land equat-
winds, the hurricane depth studies on some of ing to reefs destroyed
angrily dashed casuarinas these areas to see how underwater,” Dr Dahlgren
into the sea. They came to they might naturally noted.
rest on the ocean floor recover and what we can “It’s totally different in
after steamrolling corals do to help them recover. In some cases and by under-
and crushing other under- some cases, the reefs have standing how or why
water sea life in their path. been fundamentally some reefs fared better
In places where Dorian changed from what they than others we can better
wreaked havoc, the impact were before.” predict and plan for future
was devastating. Some Underwater, land debris storm impacts and how we
reefs will take decades to ranging from trees to respond to them to help
recover, if they do at all. metal roofing to construc- coral reefs and fish recov-
These places, however, tion materials and house- er in a much more effec-
are in the minority – good hold contents littered the tive way.”
news for thousands of ocean floor in some The two-week assess-
Bahamians who make places. ment also revealed a silver
their living from this criti- At other sites, sediment lining, said Dr Krista
cal economic driver, the buried sections of reef, Sherman, senior scientist
turquoise waters of the coral, sponges and other at PIMS with over a
ocean surrounding The organisms in a thick coat- decade of research and
Bahamas. ing of silt. conservation experience.
Most coral reef sites Other observations “On a positive note, all
throughout Grand Bahama included broken corals, the coral nurseries sur-
and Abaco are in pretty reef structure collapse, vived, and out planted
good shape, the Perry reduced fish populations corals appear to be doing
Institute for Marine and some coral bleaching well,” she reported. This
Science (PIMS) reported off North Abaco. It’s too will help Abaco and Grand
Wednesday (October 30). early to say whether they Bahama moving forward
From October 8-22, latter is as a result of the as the reefs are essential
PIMS led an expedition to hurricane or may have for supporting the local
revisit 29 previously sur- been caused by elevated economy through fisheries
veyed reef sites along both temperatures pre-Dorian. and tourism.
islands, including multiple “There have been a lot Additional, reef sites
reefs that suffered a direct of other studies on coral surveyed within several
hit by the eye of Hurricane reefs hit by hurricanes but marine protected areas
Dorian as a Category 3, 4 nothing with such a good, including Peterson Cay
or 5, hurricane as well as timely data set going into National Park, Lucayan
those that experienced less the storm over such a large National Park, Pelican
powerful winds. area. Then, to get back so Cays National Park, Fowl
Partners on the expedi- quickly after the storm hit Cays National Park and
tion included representa- and to be able to assess so Walker’s Cay National
tives from The Nature many of these places Park sustained only mini-
Conservancy, Middlebury which were impacted by mal or minor storm dam-
College, Angari the storm differently, we age.
Foundation and others. are really able to see what Presently, all data from
The preliminary find- the storm did and have a the expedition is being
ings were surprising. really good before and compiled and will be ana-
“Some reefs look total- after picture for this one,”
lyzed for a comprehensive
ly different now than they said Dr Dahlgren who
report expected to be
did before. Still, it’s really from June 2018 to July
a mixed bag. Some places 2019, led a team of made available by early
I thought were going to be researchers conducting December.
Wilson Calls Ministry
A8 The Bahama Journal
Thursday - October 31st, 2019 NationalNEWS

of Education ‘Heartless’
g Continued from / PAGE 1... received on cent of pay
and CH Reeves Junior
High School is believed
Bahama Journal that
despite the information
ministry for a meeting
that did not happen about
Department of Labour
about a week and a half
ing short of heartless". "We are now at an to be a result of teachers given by the minister of two weeks ago,” Mrs. ago, Thursday, to try to
"The teachers, who are impasse. They have cut staging small protests on education, that union Wilson said. bring resolution to the
assigned to Carlton the salaries of about 65 varying concerns. members took it upon "We had our lawyers matter. The ministry
Francis, it’s approximate- teachers at CH Reeves. Carlton Francis themselves and took and the government had came to the table. They
ly about 11 of them now So hence we are not Primary School, accord- action, the BUT has doc- the attorney general and did not come in good
who have not been happy today. ing to Mrs. Wilson has umentation of letters lawyers from the attor- faith so we are right back
allowed in the school "It is, I believe, the had challenges with its written to education offi- ney general’s office. to square one.”
gate from the ninth day lowest of the low that principal going back two cials over the course of They were communicat- Mrs. Wilson said the
of September. So that is a we’ve been in a very long years, while teachers at several weeks expressing ing. BUT will do what it has
major concern for us,” time at education and the CH Reeves have been concerns from both "We thought that we to legally, to ensure that

Social Services Joins Millions Around the World

Mrs. Wilson said. concerns are great." fighting unsanitary work- schools. had a win, win situation those teachers’ monies
"Those teachers’ The cut in salary for ing conditions since "We would have writ- or working toward a res- are repaid forthwith as
salaries were cut. I have teachers of Carlton 2018. ten to the ministry. We olution. well as to have their
teachers who have not Francis Primary School Mrs. Wilson told The would have gone to the "We went to the rights protected.

Observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Employees of the chance that breast cancer friendships. The impacts
Ministry of Social can be cured. If detected can be even greater for
Services and Urban late, however, curative children.
Development joined mil- treatment is often no He said as the govern-
lions of men and women longer an option. In such ment’s agency that focus-
around the globe in obser- cases, palliative care to es on the family unit in its
vance of October as relief the suffering of entirety, the Department
Breast Cancer Awareness patients and their families of Gender and Family
Month by wearing pink is needed. Affairs looks at the family
ribbons at their work- Minister of Social unit holistically in an
places. Services and Urban attempt to ensure that all
The pink ribbons had a Development, the Hon. of the constituents of the
special twist for ministry Frankie A. Campbell, unit nurture sustainable
employees as they were applauded the staff mem- partnerships that will cre-
crocheted by Ms. Dianna bers for their efforts to ate the kind of environ-
Rolle, a colleague, to bring increased attention ments than can result in an
show her support for to Breast Cancer empowered boy or girl.
breast cancer awareness. Awareness initiatives, “Sometimes the illness
Breast Cancer while celebrating the can bring people/families
Awareness Month began advances in medicine closer, sometimes it can
Tuesday, October 1 and towards the early detec- create distance.
ends Thursday, October tion and treatment of Additionally, established
31. The Month is an annu- breast cancer. roles and daily routines
al campaign that is “The Ministry of Social may also be altered for a
observed in countries Services and Urban while. The impact of can-
across the world to help to Development, of which cer on a person’s family
increase attention and the Department of Gender can depend on things such
support for the awareness, and Family Affairs is a as, which family member
early detection and treat- part, is pleased to join is ill and the age of the
ment as well as palliative with women around the children. Responsibility
care of the disease. world in celebrating the for finances, looking after
According to the World advances in medicine the children, in addition to
Health Organization towards the early detec- a number of other matters
(WHO), breast cancer is tion and treatment of that arise as a result of the
by far the most common breast cancer. illness, are areas that also
cancer in women world- “We salute all of the have to be re-assessed,”
wide, both in the devel- survivors who are now Minister Campbell said.
oped and developing inspiring others who are “These are some of the
countries. The incidence facing the similar chal- reasons we at the Ministry
of breast cancer has been lenge. I must pause to ask of Social Services and
rising steadily in low- and our men to be supportive Urban Development and
middle-income countries. for more than one reason, our various Departments
The WHO said early but mindful of the fact and Divisions are pleased
detection of the disease that men too can get and feel honored to join
remains the cornerstone breast cancer – even forces with our global
of breast cancer control, though it is a minute num- partners in bringing
as currently there isn’t ber.” awareness to the impor-
sufficient knowledge on Minister Campbell said tance of early detection
the causes of the disease. serious illnesses such as and to encourage the kind
The WHO further went on cancer, can have negative of early detection that can
to say that when breast social, psychological, increase survival rates in
cancer is detected early, economic and emotional order to have a positive
and if adequate diagnosis impacts on families as it impact on the whole
and treatment are avail- can affect couple relation- socio-economic aspect
able, there is a good ships, family life and even relative to the family.”

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