Journal - Death Toll

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VOL. 31 - NO. 141 TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2019 75 CENTS

C Death Toll Now 51

Journal Staff Writer

abinet is in dis-
cussion about
what Prime

Minister Dr.
Hubert Minnis yesterday BY DEANDRE WILLIAMSON and eight in Grand
called a man camp and Journal Staff Writer
tent city for Abaco evac- “We recognize that
uees in hopes that as The official Hurricane many persons are pre- BY EARYEL BOWLEG
many of them as possible Dorian death toll sumed missing and we
return home to help
Journal Staff Writer
increased to 51, according anticipate the discovery of
rebuild the hurricane torn to Commissioner of more deceased persons, as
island. Rescue teams from the
Police Anthony Ferguson. the process of search and
“The man camp will be U.S. and Canada are
Ferguson said shortly recovery progresses. As
able to house all staff per- experiencing trouble with
after 10 a.m. on Monday, there are many more per-
sonnel who have travelled search and recovery
the decomposed body of a sons presume missing,
with their staff so that efforts due to debris.
Caucasian male was since they have not been
they can rebuild, clean up National Emergency
recovered in Marsh seen or heard from since
the island excreta, but we Management Agency
Harbour, Abaco. the passage of hurricane
must also have what we (NEMA) Director
Overall, 43 dead bodies Captain Stephan Russell
were recovered in Abaco g See page 4... 4 Commissioner Anthony Ferguson said at the agency’s daily
g See page 2...
press conference on
Monday that a clean-up
Cayman Islands donate medICal supplIes of the island needs to be
“You would have seen
huge 20 containers spread
across the whole commu-
nities. Again now, they

‘Millions for
g See page 4...

after Dorian’
Journal Staff Writer

Minster of Health Dr.

Duane Sands said it will
cost “many millions of
dollars” for the healthcare
facilities in Abaco and
Grand Bahama to recover
4 Yesterday, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis accepted a donation of medical supplies from the Premier of the Cayman Islands, the Hon. Alden after Hurricane Dorian.
McLaughlin. The presentation took place at the Office of the Prime Minister. (Photos: Yontalay Bowe) He was unable to esti-
mate the total amount of
BY BERTHONY MCDERMOTT Prime Minister Dr. rienced a number of hurri- medication knowing that there is no possibility or damage or long term
Journal Staff Writer
Hubert Minnis said hav- canes and he understands we would need it immedi- shortage of medical sup- affect Hurricane Dorian
ing endured hurricanes as and knows what the emer- ately, not only in a few plies.” has had on the healthcare
The Cayman Islands yes- well, Cayman understands gency medical needs from hospitals, but we would Handing over the gift system.
terday donated medical and knows the need for experience itself,” Dr. need them in our commu- was Cayman’s Premier “We don’t really
supplies to The Bahamas medication following a Minnis said. nities to ensure that Cayman Alden know,” the minister
to assist with the recovery disaster like Dorian. “As a result, they were patients will receive the
efforts. “His country has expe- able to donate that type of proper medication and g See page 3... g See page 4...

‘Reverse Hurricane
A2 The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019 NationalNEWS

Coordinators Appointment’
Journal Staff Writer
whether for pay or with-
out pay,” Davis said on
Smith is already in con-
troversy because of her
figure who invites divi-
sion and not the unity
Sunday. links to a commercial which is required at a
Opposition Leader Philip Last week, Prime venture in Freeport which time like this.”
Davis is calling for the Minister Dr. Hubert requires government Davis also noted that
reversal and reconsidera- Minnis appointed approvals,” Davis added. Cargill appointment also
tion of the prime minis- Permanent Secretary Jack “Her appointment invites controversy.
ter’s appointment of the Thompson and Bahamas causes us to wonder what “His reappointment to
hurricane relief coordina- Aquatics Federation the other members of the the service was the sub-
tors, as he said they are President Algernon government who are from ject of controversy and
“not in accordance with Cargill as hurricane relief Freeport are doing: Peter adverse commentary,
best practices and violate coordinators for Abaco Turnquest, the deputy given his previous role in
constitutional norms”. and Senate President K. prime minister and minis- the service. The prime
“It is inappropriate for Forbes Smith as coordi- ter of finance, Michael minister has made an
the president of the nator in Grand Bahama. Pintard, the minister for unwise choice in bring-
Senate to work for the According to Davis, agriculture, and Kwasi ing him back,” Davis
executive branch of the Smith’s appointment Thompson, the minister said.
government, subject to “ignores the salutary and for Grand Bahama. Is “We are of the consid- 4 Opposition Leader Philip Davis
decisions and orders of beneficial importance of Kay Forbes Smith going ered view that these
the executive. We would the separation of powers, to displace these minis- appointments have added getting to those who need Clarke, along with a per-
not tolerate the speaker of again clearly demonstrat- ters and if so, how so an unnecessary layer to it, bring political consid- manent secretary were
the house working for the ing that the rule of law when she has no statutory and so elevated the level erations into the relief supposed to be managing
government and so the means absolutely nothing executive authority? of bureaucracy that the effort and will simply hurricane relief. How

Man Shot Dead on Man Shot Dead in

president of the Senate to the FNM, but is meant “Additionally, Kay process of relief and spread confusion. many cooks are required
should not be working for to apply to others”. Forbes Smith is a known recovery will be signifi- “It was not too long for this proverbial
the government either, “Further, Kay Forbes politically controversial cantly slowed down from ago that John Michael broth?”

Johnson Road Coconut Grove

BY BERTHONY MCDERMOTT Solomon Cash, officer from the vehicle and
Journal Staff Writer
in charge at Central opened fire on them. Police are investigating a shooting of a white vehicle opened fire in his
Detective Unit, said. We can tell you that we incident that occurred on Sunday direction, hitting him about the
An early morning “The officers con- suspect that the victim and left a man dead. body, before speeding away.
shooting yesterday on tacted EMS who came is a security officer. According to police, shortly The injured man was transported
Johnson Road, just and pronounced the “I don’t know exact- before 7 p.m., a man was standing in to hospital and later succumbed to
opposite Kelly Lane male deceased on the ly what company he front of a home on First Street, his injuries.
left a man dead, scene. The only infor- works for, we don’t Coconut Grove when the occupants Investigations are ongoing.

Legal Notice
according to police. mation we are working know the motive for
“Once the officers with is that shortly after this latest homicide, but
arrived on the scene 7a.m. the male was in we are appealing to
they met the lifeless this area, standing. members of the public
body of a male who “We suspect he was who live in this area to
was standing right here waiting on a ride when and were passing dur-
in the parking lot of he was approached by ing the time of the inci-

this apartment com- two individuals who dent to contact police.”
plex,” Chief were in a Japanese type Investigations are
Superintendent vehicle. They emerged ongoing.

Woman Found
with Cocaine
A Surinamese woman was arrested on processed and searched and found in
Sunday at the Bahamas Immigration possession of 11 packages of suspected

Abaco Tent City

Detention Center after she was found in cocaine.
possession of dangerous drugs. Police said the drugs weighed 10.4
According to police, shortly after 11 pounds and has a street value of
a.m., the woman arrived in The Bahamas $68,000.
via Copa Airlines from Panama and was The woman was taken into custody
refused entry by Bahamas Immigration. and is expected to be formally charged
The woman was transported to the before in the Magistrate’s Court later
Detention Center where she was this week.

g Continued from / PAGE 1... He stressed that this is into different types of
only temporary. facilities.
call a tent city,” Dr. “We feel that it is “Therefore, we will
Minnis said. essential to move the indi- also take that into consid-
“It’s not like the stan- viduals from New eration, also knowing that
dard tents that you may be Providence back to this this is just a transitional
familiar with, but a tent environment with every- phase.”
city will have bathroom thing inclusive of school- The prime minister
facilities, each unit will ing facility,” the prime expressed hope that both
have two bedroom facili- minister said. temporary facilities will
ties and recreational facil- “That can only remain be completed soon.
ity. for a certain length of At last count, 2,000
“You will also have a time because after six plus evacuees were being
facility for police, dining months to a year, those housed in 13 shelters
facility and cafeteria facil- individuals will become across New Providence
ity so it’s really a city.” agitated and want to move alone.
The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019 A3

g Continued from / PAGE 1... for us not to be able to
just deploy a helicopter
Islands, our solidarity,
our sympathy and our
In fact, India donated
$1 million to recovery
accountant there and we
have added additional
invoices are there,
accountability and trans-
Mclaughlin who stressed and crew to help or undertaking to help in efforts just a few hours financial staff so as to parency is there and they
the importance of coming indeed just to provide any way going forward before Cayman did. monitor and due the nec- would report regularly to
personally to make the some support in terms of that we possibly can, While the prime min- essary invoicing and the nation as to the
generous donation. medical supplies. using our experiences to ister still could not give a auditing of what are monies that were
“We know firsthand “However, I wanted to assist and guide some of figure as to how much received,” Dr. Minnis received and how the
what you are going come personally to speak the recovery efforts.” money has been received said. monies were spent so that
through, although Dorian to the prime minister The Cayman Islands thus far, he said NEMA “Then in addition to we would have overt
is like nothing anyone whom I know and to con- join a number of other has additional financial that, we have a private accountability.
has ever seen before vey on behalf of the peo- countries and private sec- manpower to assist in accounting firm or team “Because the one thing
quite frankly,” ple of the Cayman tor organizations that keeping an account of the that will do the necessary I don’t want, I don’t want
McLaughlin said. Islands and the govern- have donated to recovery money coming in. audit to ensure that anybody to call me no
“So it was important ment of the Cayman efforts. “We have added an everything including all thief.”

natIonal oIl spIll ContIngenCy advIsory

CommIttee Convened regardIng oIl spIll In gB

4 A National Oil Spill Contingency Advisory Committee (NOSCAC) convened September 16, 2019 to provide oversight and direction of NEMA's initiatives to manage
an oil spill that occurred at Equinor storage and transshipment terminal, South Riding Point, Grand Bahama, during Hurricane Dorian. The event has necessitated
international assistance from the United States Coast Guard with a view to addressing concomitant environmental concerns for the terrestrial and marine environs
where the spillage occurred. (BiS Photo/derek Smith)
Death Toll
A4 The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019 NationalNEWS

g Continued from / PAGE 1...

Dorian, we are appealing to family mem- Police Force along with our local and
bers to file missing person’s reports with international law enforcement partners to

Debris Makes
the police,” Ferguson said. bring relief and closure for everyone.”
“We offer sincere condolence to those Last week, former Prime Minister
families who had love ones died during Hubert Ingraham, following his assess-
the hurricane. Please know that every ment of Abaco, said the death toll is in the
effort is being made by Royal Bahamas hundreds.

Recovery Difficult
g Continued from / PAGE 1... much of Abaco as possi- ing bodies lying anywhere
ble. and we have not respond-
would have gone as far as Reports that there are ed,” Ferguson said.
they can with resource many bodies have circulat- “We are far from really
they have – sniffer dogs,” ed, but covering that area down
Russell said. Commissioner of Police A there is vast. It’s not
“We now need to start nthony Ferguson said no something that will hap-
lifting those heavy equip- bodies have been reported pen overnight.
ment or containers out of for police to collect, “As soon as that
the way, cars out of the despite it being widely cir- process is done, then I’ll
way, so we can really get culated on social media be in a position to make
down to the ground level that there are hundreds of some comments.”
so they can see anybody.” bodies. In the meantime,
The teams with dogs “I believe if people see NEMA is trying to restore
are looking for the miss- bodies, I believe they will basic services and lifeline,
ing or dead and have been tell us and we will even on a temporary basis.
working on a grid system, respond, but I have no This includes road net-
making sure they cover as information of people see- work, bridges and airports.

‘Millions for Healthcare

4 Homes and Businesses are unrecognizable in Abaco. Hurricane Dorian uprooted trees
and destoyed buildings leaving debris scattered all over the island. (BIS photo)

Recovery after Dorian’

g Continued from / PAGE 1... to roof damages and is according to her aunt.
currently staffed by a vol- Dr. Sands said the
admitted. unteer team and Hope nature of her death was
“Certainly, we have Town and Man O War considered “a storm-
benefited from tremen- Cay clinics are non-oper- related death” and that
dous offers of assistance ational. officials are going to do
and if these offers Mobile and fixed vol- “a more thorough case
fruition, it is possible that unteer teams have been evaluation,” if there are
the healthcare system can stationed and are provid- confounding factors.
emerge better after ing care to areas where “The overwhelming
Dorian recover than clinics are partially or majority of persons
before.” non-operational. requiring dialysis in
A total of four facilities The Heart to Heart Abaco and Grand
located in Green Turtle International group is Bahama where able to be
Cay, West End, working out of Treasure dialyzed,” he said.
Sweeting’s Cay and Cay, the Rubicon Group “I don’t think that we
Grand Cay are to be is giving care at Hope know categorically
assessed and there was a Town and Humanity First exactly how many per-
scheduled site visit on is assisting in Cooper’s sons what have exacer-
Monday in Grand Town, Abaco. bated of their chronic ill-
Bahama. As for Grand Bahama, ness because of the storm
Dr. Sands noted that an the Rand Memorial - loss of their medication,
equipment assessment is Hospital is partially oper- inability to access servic-
needed as well. ational as it sustained sig- es.
He also gave an update nificant damage due to “It is the reason why
on how medical facilities flooding. we have been extremely
are operating on the Samaritan’s Purse has aggressive in restoring
affected islands. erected a temporary field. services on both islands
In Abaco, clinics in High Rock, McCleans and in most communities.
Marsh Harbour, Fox Town and Pelican Point “At this time, I wish
Town, Moore’s Island were destroyed and to encourage those
and Sandy Point are all International Medical directly and indirectly
operational, according to Corp is providing health affected by Hurricane
Dr. Sands, and they are services to those areas. Dorian to find a trusted
being staffed by local A local daily reported friend or mental health
nurses, relief healthcare this past weekend that institution to assist with
workers from New mother-of-two Annora mental and psychological
Providence and volunteer Kemp died at the Rand help after tackling this
teams. Memorial Hospital as a historic disaster. Take
He added that result of being unable to care of your physical,
Cooper’s Town Clinic is get dialysis during spiritual and mental
partially operational due Hurricane Dorian, health.”
The Bahama Journal

Where Was God

Tuesday - September 17th, 2019

When Dorian Hit?

The Bahama Journal Is An Independent Newspaper - Published Week Days
By The Communicators & Associates In Affiliation With Jones Communications Ltd.

University Drive - P.O. Box N-8610

Telephone: 242-325-3082 - Fax: 242-356-7256

Theologizing Human Suffering Wendall K. Jones

I begin with two (2) insightful passages
Publisher/Chief Executive Officer
of scripture:
Isaiah 22:5 which states “For it is a day
of trouble, and of treading down, and of
perplexity by the Lord GOD of hosts in Kimaley P. Jones
the valley of vision, breaking down the
Vice President/Operations

walls, and of crying to the mountains.”

Job 2:6 which states “And the LORD
said to Satan, Behold, he is in your hand;
but save his life.”

The age-old question about human suf-
fering, wrong and evil, came to the fore
again due to the devastation, destruction

and even death which Hurricane Dorian
Pain, suffering and hopelessness
pierced our souls; and personally, I was
gripped with a sense of helplessness. Bishop Simeon B. Hall
Why God, why? Job.
God permits Satan to afflict Job
In the face of the devastation, we do
because He knew Job would still worship
wonder, “Why Lord?” “What is God say-
Him. (Job 1: 20)
ing?” “Why does a loving, all-powerful
By the way, look at the story – be it
God permit these things?” “Where is
anecdotal or real: God calls a heavenly
Almighty God in all this?”
meeting for His sons, and Satan comes
Mind you, when good things happen,
into the meeting. God does not bind him,
when we are recipients of multiple bless- In times of crisis, the nation looks to deceased persons from the island of
or rebuke Satan, but points him to his ser-
ings, we take the credit and most times its religious leaders for words of con- Abaco and 8 from Grand Bahama,
vant Job.
we make no reference to God. solation and advice. There is no doubt bringing the total amount to 51 con-
God points out Job to Satan and gives
The problem of human suffering, espe- that the various programmes on Radio firmed deaths. He said that shortly
Satan permission to afflict Job.
cially those that come from nature’s fury, Love 97 have given opportunities to after 10 am, the decomposed body of
People, even nations who serve God
accidents and structured, intentional evil, the Clerics of the nation to express a Caucasian male was recovered in
sometimes experience great tragedies –
all point in one direction. Since so much themselves in the aftermath of the Marsh Harbour.
often because God knows that the people,
evil exists, then an omnipotent, loving
unlike some others, will never “curse killer hurricane Dorian that is respon- We agree with Bishop Gomez that
God must not exist.
God and die”. sible for the deaths of hundreds of res- there is a lack of transparency in the
For many persons, all this suffering,
We prove God exists because we reach idents of Abaco and Grand Bahama. system used for the ongoing search of
destruction and death all proves that there
is no God – and if He does exist, He is
outside of ourselves for something better One such leader is the retired dead bodies. The former Prime
just not involved in human activity, nor
than where we are on this mundane level Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese Minister Hubert Ingraham said that
of existence. of the Province of the West Indies, the hundreds died in the storm. The
does He care. (Agnosticism)
God is mysterious Most Reverend Drexel Gomez. He Minister of Health Doctor Duane
Is not God all powerful?
This transcendent God is shrouded in says the state of destruction in Abaco Sands said that the number of fatali-
Agnostics, atheist and skeptics say
mystery. The finite cannot fully compre- in particular provides the opportunity ties is staggering. He went further by
there is no God, and when you see all this
hend infinity. to the government to replan that saying that most of the 1300 persons
destruction, you must conclude that a lov-
The pain of human suffering is island. “This replanning will be a missing will never be found. Yet, the
ing God does not exist. And if there is a
eclipsed by the inescapable truth that we tribute to our resolve to mate it a bet- government has the temerity to
God, He cannot be omnipotent.
are more than flesh and blood, arteries
If God is able, but not willing, then He ter place,” he said. We agree with the announce through the Commissioner
and capillaries. We are spiritual beings
must be malevolent. sentiments of the Bishop which comes of Police that only 51 bodies were
and something in each of us longs to
If God is able and willing, then why on the heels of an announcement by recovered. This is utterly irresponsi-
reconnect with that God who transcends
does he allow such destruction and death? the Minister of Housing and the ble and we call on the authorities to
the physical frame and the seasons.
If God is neither willing nor able to Environment who issued a prohibi- desist from making the false
I Believe in God
stop all this destruction, then WHY tion to build order for areas in Abaco announcements. Many Bahamians,
Every bad thing that happens to us,
CALL HIM GOD? known as The Mudd, Pigeon Pea, even highly placed Civil Servants
even those which we cause to ourselves,
The argument and core of that position Sand Bank and the Farm Road com- have attested that hundreds of decom-
pushes us to the powerful, spirit being
is compelling and attractive; and most munity. The order, which is valid for posed bodies have been discovered in
outside ourselves.
thinking people wrestle with atheistic and
He is mysterious, but you need not at least six months, mandates that “no Abaco.
agnostic thoughts.
doubt Him. Like Job, worship Him even person shall erect any new building or The public deserves accurate infor-
Our Sense of Right & Wrong
when everything is going wrong. development for the purposes of resid- mation on the discovery of bodies. We
However, even a fifth-grade dropout
might ask in the face of human suffering,
I believe in God because the complex- ing or carrying out any commercial insist that the government should not
wrongdoings, evil and storms, from
ity of the human make-up points to delib- activity in the identified areas. announce numbers until the recovery
erate creator who creates and sustains. The Ministry said the order may be period is ended. The government runs
whence cometh our sense of right and
I believe the universe had a start. Who extended for further periods of up to the risk of creating wide-spread dis-
wrong? Why do we have a deep repug-
started it? six months as required. It also noted trust of its efforts and politicising an
nance against wrong?
I believe God exists because He pur- that the purpose of the order is to issue by giving misinformation on the
We believe that life should be better
sues us. allow for recovery of storm debris crisis. Already the Progressive
even when we participate in wrong
We want good things because of our related to Hurricane Dorian. It is Liberal Party is on record criticising
concept of a good God. our counsel to the government to the appointments of the coordinators
A man only calls a line crooked
I believe in God because the historical
because he has a sense of what a straight ensure that this order is strictly for the hurricane relief effort. The
facts show that Jesus Christ walked the
line looks like. enforced in order to create a new Party says it is inappropriate for the
earth as a physical manifestation of God
Human suffering and evil do not Marsh Harbour that is envisioned by President of the Senate to work for the
involved in human history.
negate God. In fact, they indicate the Bishop Gomez and a vast number of Executive branch of the government
In your time of tragedy, you need not
human need to connect – or reconnect – Bahamians who wish to see Abaco and to be subject to decisions and
doubt God’s existence. And even if you
with God. reconstructed into a new well planned orders off the Cabinet. We fully agree
deny His existence, He will never deny
One philosopher said, “If there was no city. Bishop Gomez made the point with this point of view. Similarly, the
that you’re created by Him to give Him
God, humans would have to create one.” that Freeport, Grand Bahama was well appointment of Algernon Cargill to
praise and worship.
We need a source, a spirit, a power out- designed and the same should be the be a coordinator of the reconstruction
As hard as it is to accept, is there
side of ourselves.
another nation on this region that could case for Abaco after this disaster. efforts is just plain wrong. He is sim-
Human history is replete with the inci-
have withstood Dorian as The Bahamas Another view expressed is that this ply not a fit and proper person for that
dences of wrong, destruction and suffer-
has? national crisis should not be politi- job after having been involved in
ing – and we need a power outside our-
God’s ultimate purpose is for our good cised. “To make this a political matter serious conflicts when he served as
We hate and despise human suffering
and we will discover that good when we would be sinful,” said Bishop Gomez. Managing Director of the National
worship Him in spite of calamities. However, he claimed that the govern- Insurance Board. He was fired from
because we harbor, on subliminal level, a
Where was God during Hurricane ment has not been transparent and that position and an auditor’s report
better life.
Dorian? He was right where He was accountable as it relates to the number was sent to the office of the Attorney
In Christian understanding, God’s
when His Son hung on the Cross for you of persons who died in the storm. Just General. As far as we are concerned,
permissive will cannot overtake His
and for me – and we all know the victori- yesterday, the Commissioner of Police Mr. Cargill should never again be
ultimate purpose
ous, world-changing end to that story. advised the general public that as of given a position in government
In the biblical story of Job, a perfect
and upright man loses everything. We Monday 16th September, officers involving the expenditure of public

Bishop Simeon B. Hall
should note that God “accommodated” have located and recovered 43 funds.
Senior Pastor Emeritus
Satan and gives him permission to assault New Covenant Baptist Church

Please call The Bahama

Journal’s News TIP
LINE at 356-7254
and let us know!


The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019


Grand Bahama residents “Our global partners
can access emergency working with equally
health care services competent Bahamians,
through generosity of the will undoubtedly do their
Samaritan’s Purse through part to provide the best
relationships fostered with in class care for our com-
the Grand Bahama Port munity. We appreciate
Authority Limited. this and have an abun-
Following the devasta- dant sense of gratitude
tion of Hurricane Dorian, for everyone actively
the Grand Bahama Port engaged to restore hope
Authority leveraged glob- through the delivery of
al partnerships to provide good medical servic-
resources and relief to es.” He added, “We
local residents. Derek
embrace this spirit of
Newbold, Senior Manager
God’s love as demon-
of Business Development
strated by the
says, “Our organization’s
Samaritan’s Purse and
commitment to the island
remain satisfied that this
of Grand Bahama means
that where there is a need, level of cooperation and
we will do our part and collaboration, allows for
rise to the occasion to ren- more Grand Bahama res-
der assistance. In this idents to be comforted
case, the impact of 4Samaritan's Purse team members pray with Grand Bahama resident.
with some peace of mind
Hurricane Dorian immo- that their medical needs
bilized the usual effective evangelical Christian ately deployed a team. positive impact connect- ty stakeholders and resi- can be met as we recover
delivery of essential med- organization that pro- Now, we are here provid- ing with other communi- dents. Newbold says, from Hurricane Dorian.”
ical services on the vides spiritual and physi- ing medical care and
island.” Newbold contin- cal aid to hurting people support after the storm.”
ued, “After Hurricane around the world. As the Samaritan’s
Matthew in 2016, the Kaitlyn Lahm, Purse medical team con-
Grand Bahama Port spokesperson for the tinues to provide medical
Authority facilitated an organization affirmed care to Grand Bahama
extensive humanitarian their commitment to residents, the organiza-
relief effort with the Grand Bahama and its tion has been warmly
Samaritan’s Purse. Then, recovery efforts. Lahm welcomed by residents
as is the case now, we explained, “We were receiving care. Lahm
sought to expeditiously watching Hurricane notes, “Our hope and our
partner together to meet Dorian even before it hit prayer is that families in
the medical care needs of and in watching its path, The Bahamas are
residents and proactively we could see if it would encouraged and that they
erected an emergency create a need.” She know they are not alone
relief hospital complete added, “When the storm and that God loves them
with a team of medical hit The Bahamas it and we love them too.” 4 Derek Newbold, Senior Manager of Business Development for the Grand Bahama Port
professionals.” caused severe devasta- With the Samaritan’s Authority greets George Kalbfeisch, Director of Flight Operations for Samaritan’s Purse as Dr.
The Samaritan’s Purse tion in Freeport and Purse active presence on Raoul Armbrister, Regional Director, Samaritans Purse looks on following the first delivery of
emergency medical supplies arrive in Grand Bahama.
is a non denominational Abaco and we immedi- the island they enjoy a


The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019


PM Minnis speaks with US Pastor Joel Osteen

4 Dutch and German Military Engineers working
on the bridge which connects the mainland Abaco
to the northern communities.
(rBdf Photo Marine Seaman Wellington
Prime Minister the Most
Engineers of the Dutch Helvert of the Dutch Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis
and German Military are Military, the Civil spoke with Texas-based
in Abaco to assist with Engineers worked along pastor, televangelist and
hurricane relief efforts with Bill Simmons author Joel Osteen today
on the island after the Construction, a local (16 September) from the
passage of Hurricane business company, in Office of the Prime
Dorian. repairing the damaged Minister.
On Saturday past bridge. Prime Minister
(September 14), the team Another task of the Minnis provided Pastor
of engineers arrived international military Osteen with an overview
aboard the naval vessel partner is the production of the devastation caused
HNLMS Johan de Witt of potable water in by Hurricane Dorian on
and began the rebuilding Marsh Harbour and Abaco and Grand
phase with the recon- affected communities. Bahama.
struction of the bridge The Dutch team are During the call, the
which connects Coopers expected to remain on well-known pastor led a
Town and Fox Town, the island for several prayer for the nation -
Abaco. Headed by more days to complete for peace, strength and
Lieutenant Brent Van the tasks. hope.


The Bahama Journal
Tuesday - September 17th, 2019


Minister of Social from our efforts began.
Services and Urban Every time I visit he is
Development, the Hon. there. Every time I visit, he
Frankie Campbell, is working, he is organiz-
Sunday applauded the ing something, he is clean-
efforts of the thousands of ing up, he is helping some-
public service employees one and loving every
throughout The Bahamas minute of it.
whom he said have gone “I leave from there and
“above and beyond” the go to the Fox Hill
call of duty in responding Community Centre and I
to the needs of the thou- have to beg the Member of
sands of persons displaced Parliament to go home,
and otherwise affected by take a break. She is there.
the monster Hurricane The social workers are
Dorian. there. The medical practi-
Minister Campbell said tioners are there. The
a number of the public Defence Force personnel
service employees have are there, providing 24-
themselves either lost rel- hour security services to
atives, homes, property the facility and all others
and personal effects as a where shelters have been
result of the hurricane, but opened, and the approved
have made the commit- volunteers are there. That
ment to providing exem- story is repeated at every
plary service as part of the shelter that falls under the
4 Minister of Social Services and Urban Development, the Hon. Frankie Campbell (centre), addressing members of the
government’s response Senior Directorate of the Ministry and its Departments and Heads of the various Divisions that comprise the Ministry of Social remit of the Ministry.
mechanism to the storm Services, during the regular update schedule. (BIS Photo/Matt Maura) “I hear of persons who
that smashed through show up to shelters with
parts of the Northern Shelter Management Ministry personnel one each in Abaco and for, fed, clothed and other- meals for 30 persons. I
Bahamas as a monster Team and shelter workers. have been able to call on Eleuthera -- have been wise provided for. hear of persons who show
Category 5 Hurricane. Minister Campbell colleagues from the established under the “At this point, we have up to the shelters with
Public Service employ- highlighted the efforts of Department of Social remit of the Ministry of been inundated with per- clothing or toys for chil-
ees have played, and con- the Shelter Management Services, the Department Social Services and Urban sons requiring shelter as a dren. I visit shelters and I
tinue to play, key roles in Teams -- led by employ- of Rehabilitative Welfare Development with addi- result of evacuations from am told the stories of per-
the relief and rescue ees of the Ministry of Services, the Department tional ones prepared for Grand Bahama and Abaco, sons who want to remain
efforts as First Social Services and Urban of Gender and Family opening as needs require. but our shelter workers -- anonymous, but who
Responders, as members Development – who have Affairs and the Urban Colleagues from the our social workers and donated something, or
of Rapid Assessment been working feverishly Renewal Commission, in National Sports Authority other ministry staff, our gave something, and to me
Teams, as part of Search to receive, register and addition to staff of the (NSA), Ministry of Youth, shelter workers, our that is the true Christian
and Rescue Teams, by console (in many Ministry’s various Sports and Culture (in the Defence Force personnel, spirit – persons from all
providing security for instances) evacuees of the Divisions and Units, to case of the Kendal G.L. our healthcare personnel, walks of life just giving of
shelters, as volunteers, as storm who have either provide assistance as part Isaacs Shelter compound), our volunteers -- have been their time, just giving of
part of food management presented at the shelters of the Shelter the Royal Bahamas working very hard to their talents, just giving of
teams, as part of Health established under the Management Teams. Defence Force, the ensure that our guests have their treasures.
Teams, that have been remit of the Ministry and Fourteen Shelter areas Department of Public the best possible shelter “I hear of the com-
providing medical servic- its Departments, and/or at – ten in New Providence, Health, Ministry of Health, stays,” Minister Campbell plaints and we are working
es and as the core group of the island’s ports of entry. two in Grand Bahama and along with the many vol- said. to bring some more coor-
unteers, are working “I recall a young man at dination to the help and
around the clock to ensure the Kendal G.L. National assistance, but there is no

AML Expands
that the guests – who Gymnasium (where four perfect situation in a disas-
include families, women shelter areas have been ter, particularly one such
and children, the elderly, established), who is the as monstrous as Hurricane
persons with disabilities, gymnasium manager, and Dorian,” Minister
and men -- are accounted who hasn’t been home Campbell added.

Relief Efforts
AML Foods Limited announced that to to both The Bahamas Red Cross and
date they have donated more than $275k NEMA. Additionally, through partner-
to Hurricane Dorian Relief. $200k has ships with international vendors, more
been donated to support their employees than $30k in product donations have
in Grand Bahama and $25k was donated come in.

4 Mrs Tiffany Knowles, Accountant, NEMA (Left); Mrs Renea Bastian, VP Media Marketing,
AML Foods (Center); Captain Stephen Russell, Director, NEMA (Right)

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