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NAME: _________________ Date:_________

Spelling Words
Tic Tac Toe 1. pay 6. lake
Spelling Choice Board 2. say 7. wave
3. day 8. cave
Long a Vowel Sound 4. way 9. game
5. cake 10. name
Directions & Assessment: Complete three in a row! You can start anywhere you
want, but you must complete a technology square; a square with the computer image. Go
diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. After completing each activity, show the teacher. The
teacher will check your work and put a sticker in your box. Continue until you complete three
in a row. Once you complete all three, you may work on a STEM box activity.

Sentences: Pictures: Follow the Swirl:

Pick 5 words. Write Draw a picture that Draw a large swirly

a sentence for each. represents each line. Write all your
Use a marker to word. Write the spelling words along
underline the word next to the the line.
spelling words. picture.

Type a Story: Vocabulary Spelling Interactive

City: Whiteboard Fun:
Use 5 words, and
write a story on the Use the computer Work with a friend.
computer. Print the and select the Take turns writing
story and draw a spelling list of the your spelling words
picture that matches week. Choose a 2 times each using
your story. Highlight learning activity to different colors.
the spelling words. practice spelling.

Spelling Worksheet: Spelling Stamp Fun: Hidden Words

Pick a spelling Label your paper 1-
worksheet of your 10. Use the stamps Draw a picture and
choice from the box to spell your words hide your spelling
to complete. choice. on a piece of paper. words inside.
I have created a spelling choice board that is set up in a grid with
nine squares. This choice board is a type of graphic organizer that
will allow students to creatively choose different ways to practice
and learn their weekly spelling words. Students will select to
complete three in a row, or can select any three random squares
of their choice to complete in one week. After completing an
activity, students will receive a sticker as an indication. The level of
activities varies and have been designed to fit various learning
styles, needs, and interests. The spelling choice board will first be
used in class in order to help students become familiar with how it
is used, and will later be used as part of their homework.

This spelling choice board addresses various ISTE Standards for

Students. One, it addresses students as Empowered Learners: 1c.
Students have the opportunity to use technology in order to seek
feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
demonstrate learning in a variety of ways. Two, it addresses
students as Digital Citizens: 2b. Students engage in positive, safe,
legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices. And three,
it addresses students as Creative Communicators: 6a. Students
choose the appropriate platform and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.

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