A. Vocabulary

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Find the best meaning for each of the following words by referring to the attached dictionary
excerpts. The first one has been done for you.

0. rise (line 4) ___an increase_________________________________________

1. host (line 8) ______________________________________________________


2. drive (line 28) ______________________________________________________


3. insulated (line 41) ______________________________________________________


4. shifts (line 68) ______________________________________________________


5. yields (line 118) ______________________________________________________


(5 x 1m = 5m)


What do the following words and phrase refer to? The first one has been done for you.

0. it (line 7) ____Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire_____________

1. it (line 16) ________________________________________________

2. them (line 45) ________________________________________________

3. its (line 95) ________________________________________________

4. The continent (line 108) ________________________________________________

5. This (line 124) ________________________________________________

(5 x 1m = 5m)
Answer all the questions based on information in the article.

1. According to recent studies, what was a main reason for the uprisings in Tunisia?



(1 mark)

2. State the factors that have worsened the political situation in the Middle East.



(1 mark)

3. Why is climate change affecting people more now compared to 20 years ago?



(1 mark)

4. Complete the diagram below. Refer to paragraph V.

increase in
food prices


(4 x 1m = 4m)
5. In your own words, explain what the writer means by “the worst impacts are felt by those
who contributed least to causing the problem” (lines 39-40).



(2 marks)

6. Why will the worst impacts of climate change be felt by the poorest people?



(1 mark)

7. People from which part of the world will suffer the most as a result of climate change?



(1 mark)

8. a) Which country is not affected by climate change? Circle the correct answer.

A. Australia
B. China
C. Russia
D. Togo

b) State the reasons.



(1 x 1m = 2m)
9. In China, decrease in crop production is due to ____________________________________



(2 marks)

10. Based on paragraph IX, fill in the diagram below with the relevant information.

Weather changes Effects

Lower 
Mekong 
Region 

(5 x 1m = 5m)

11. Fill in the table below to indicate how extreme weather conditions affect main food-
producing areas in Australia.

Present Future

(3 x 1m = 3m)

12. How is Australia’s agriculture production affected by climate change?



(1 mark)
13. Despite the increase in global temperature, it does bring some benefits to Europe in terms of
crop production. List three (3) of the benefits.




(3 x 1m = 3m)

14. a) Explain what it means by “food insecurity”?



b) Why are African countries expected to suffer most from food insecurity?



(2 x 2m = 4m)

15. Fill in the table below indicating the change in crop yields in various parts of the world by

Country / Percentage of yield

Type of crop
Part of the world decrease
 Egypt  
  Wheat 
  30%
 Maize 
   10-30%
  Soya 
   25%
 Sub-Saharan Africa (Not stated) 

(13 ½m = 6 1/2 m)
16. Indicate whether the following are true or false by writing T for true and F for false
statements in the boxes provided. For each statement, support your answer with evidence
from the article.

a. Due to food shortages, the number of malnourished children will grow to

24 million in 2050.



b. Brazilian production of coffee is presumed to suffer the most severe decline

due to temperature rise.



c. Significant adverse impacts of climate change will not be felt until 2050.



(3 x 1½m = 4½m)

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