More Than Acting:: © Potential Plus UK 2017-2020 01908 646433 Charity No: 313182

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Supporting your talent in drama can

be very challenging and demanding,

and may well include help both in
and out of school. You may need
expert advice to help you recognise
your abilities, and learn how to
More Than Acting: develop them. You also need to
Drama is more than acting. There are roles for writers, understand the importance of
directors, stage and lighting, set designers, musicians and criticism and scrutiny of your work
costume design/creation. Having a natural aptitude for any of by your peers and tutors, and how to
these could mean being given responsibility for those areas, and look at and review your previous
achievements and performances to
receiving individualised support to strengthen those skills.
see your progression.

The Three Key Areas:

There are three main areas of drama: making,
Your friends can help you a lot with your
performing and responding. You may not necessarily
talent too. If they are interested in drama
be more able in all these areas, but prefer one area. A
too they will understand your abilities and
talent in drama also does not necessarily mean you have a
support you, helping you to get the balance
confident, extrovert character, it can instead mean that you
right. Try not to become so obsessed with
have the ability to interpret the ideas and work of other
your talent that you neglect being young
actors, directors or writers, it could mean insightful stage
and enjoy the rest of your life too. Take
design, improvisational skills on stage or the talent to direct
time to chill out!
and supervise a production. Being talented in drama may
mean you understand various theatre styles and genres of
work, and can show great concentration and energy,
utilising a varied range of skills and techniques in your

? particular strengths of drama- from composition to

creation through to evaluation.

Have a look at the English sections to see what schools are asked to teach for drama. (Comes under speaking/listening and reading). Main organisation which deals with Youth Theatre Useful website to help you find drama clubs in your area THE place to go for news, advice and listings for auditions!

© Potential Plus UK 2017-2020
01908 646433
Charity No: 313182

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