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Fayoum University 3rd Year Communication

Faculty of Engineering Electronics

Electrical Engineering Dep. Dr. Soliman Mahmoud

Nonlinear Applications of the operational amplifier

(1) For the shown logarithmic amplifier in Fig. 1, find the output
voltage Vout in terms of Vs and the circuit parameters. (Q1 and
Q2 are matched)

(2) For the exponential amplifier shown in Fig. 2, find the output
voltage Vout.

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Fayoum University 3rd Year Communication
Faculty of Engineering Electronics
Electrical Engineering Dep. Dr. Soliman Mahmoud
(3) A square root circuit is shown in Fig. 3. Find the relation
between the output and the input. What is the necessity of the

(4) An Exponential converter is shown in Fig. 4. The output Vout is

an exponential function of the input Vs. The voltage Vs can be
either +ve or –ve, while the reference voltage VR must always
be +ve. What will be the relation between Vout and Vs? What
will be the sign of the Vout for +ve and –ve Vs?

(5) For the RC4200 circuit shown in Fig. 5, show that:

I1I2 = I3I4

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Fayoum University 3rd Year Communication
Faculty of Engineering Electronics
Electrical Engineering Dep. Dr. Soliman Mahmoud

(6) For the circuit shown in Fig. 6, show that:

Vout = (R2Ro/R12VR) Vx Vy

(7) For the circuit shown in Fig. 7, find Vout.

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