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1. Panchayat Raj was constitutionalised through which of the following Act
a) 73rd Amendment Act of 1994
b) 73rd Amendment Act of 1992
c) 75th Amendment Act of 1994
d) 75th Amendment Act of 1992
2. Which of the following are correct with regard to Balwant Rai Committee?
1) It was appointed to examine the working of the Community Development
Programme (1952) and the National Extension Service (1953) and to suggest
measures for their better working.
2) It submitted the report in November 1957
3) It recommended the establishment of a three-tier panchayat raj system
4) The district collector should be the chairman of the panchayat samiti.
a) 1,2,3,4
b) 1,2,3
c) 1,2
d) 1,2,4
3. Which is the first state to establish the panchayat raj system
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Rajasthan
d) Bihar
4. The panchayat raj scheme was inaugurated by the prime minister on October 2, 1959,
in which district
a) Dindigul
b) Punch
c) Nellore
d) Nagaur
5. When did the Janata government appointed the Ashok Mehta committee?
a) December 1976
b) December 1977
c) November 1976
d) November 1977
6. 1. Balwant Rai Mehta committee recommended three tier panchayat raj system.
2. Ashok Mehta committee recommended two tier panchayat raj system.
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) 1,2
b) 1 only
c) 2 only
d) None of the above
7. Which are all the states that took steps to revitalise the panchayat raj, keeping in view
some of the recommendations of the Ashok Mehta Committee.
a) Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, West Bengal
b) West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh
c) Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh
d) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
8. Which of the following committee was appointed by planning commission in 1985 to
review the existing Administrative Arrangements for Rural Development and Poverty
Alleviation Programmes?
a) Balwant Rai Mehta committee
b) Ashok Mehta committee
c) G V K Rao committee
d) L M Singhvi committee
9. Which committee recommended for the post of District Development Commissioner
should be created and should be in charge of all the development departments at the
district level.
a) G V K Rao committee
b) Gadgil committee
c) L M Singhvi committee
d) Ashok Mehta committee
10. Match the following
a) GVK Rao committee 1) 1986
b) Dantwala committee 2) 1985
c) Hanumantha Rao committee 3) 1984
d) LM Singhvi committee 4) 1978

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A) 1 4 3 2
B) 2 4 3 1
C) 3 2 1 4
D) 1 2 4 3
11. Whose government appointed a committee to prepare a concept paper on
‘Revitalization of Panchayati Raj Institutions for Democracy and Development’ under
the chairmanship of L M Singhvi.
a) Indira Gandhi (1980)
b) P V Narasimha Rao (1991)
c) Rajiv Gandhi (1986)
d) Atal B Vajpayee (1997)
12. Which of the following committee emphasized the importance of the Gram Sabha and
called it as the embodiment of direct democracy?
a) Gadgil committee
b) GVK Rao committee
c) Hanumantha committee
d) L M Singhvi committee
13. Which is a sub-committee of the Consultative Committee of Parliament constituted in
a) LM Singhvi committee
b) PK Thungon committee
c) Gadgil committee
d) Balwant Rai Mehta committee
14. Gadgil committee
1. was asked to consider the question of “how best Panchayati Raj institutions could
be made effective”.
2. Establishment of a State Finance Commission for the allocation of finances to the
3. Establishment of a State Election Commission for the conduction of elections to the
a) 1 only
b) 1,2
c) 1,2,3
d) 2,3
15. Which committee insisted the constitutionalizing of panchayat raj for the first time
a) Gadgil committee
b) P K Thungon committee
c) Hanumantha committee
d) LM Singhvi committee
16. Which is the first government to try constitutionalize the panchayat raj
a) Indira Gandhi government
b) Rajiv Gandhi government
c) VP Singh government
d) Narasimha Rao government
17. Whose government constitutionalized the panchayat raj system
a) Indira Gandhi
b) Rajiv Gandhi
c) VP Singh
d) PV Narasimha Rao
18. Which part of the constitution deals with panchayat raj system
a) Part IV
b) Part V
c) Part VIII
d) Part IX
19. Which schedule deals with panchayat raj institutions
a) Ninth
b) Tenth
c) Eleventh
d) Twelfth
20. Which Articles deal with panchayat raj systems
a) Art 243 – 243O
b) Art 241 – 241O
c) Art 123 – 126
d) Art 163-166
21. 73rd Amendment act of 1992 has given practical shape to which Article
a) Art 40
b) Art 50
c) Art 35
d) Art 45
22. Which act is a significant landmark in the evolution of grassroot democratic institution
in the country?
a) 42nd Amendment Act
b) 44th Amendment Act
c) 2nd Amendment Act
d) 73rd Amendment Act
23. The 73rd Amendment Act of 1992 provides for
a) Two tier system
b) Three tier system
c) Single tier system
d) Four tier system
24. Which is the foundation of panchayat raj system
a) District
b) Taluk
c) Gram Sabha
d) Panchayat smiti
25. According to 73rd amendment act a state having a population not exceeding 20 lakh
may not constitute panchayats at what level
a) Village level
b) Intermediate level
c) District level
d) State level
26. All the members of panchayats at the village, intermediate and district level shall be
elected by
a) Direct election
b) Indirect election
c) Without election
d) Selected by MLA’s
27. 1. In panchayat not less than one-third of the total number of seats for women (including
the number of seats reserved for women belonging the SCs and STs).
2. Not less than one-third of the total number of offices of chairpersons in the
panchayats at each level shall be reserved for women.
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1,2
d) None
28. Panchayat reconstituted after premature dissolution
a) Enjoy full period of 5 years
b) Remain in office only for the remaining period
c) Remains in office according to sub ordinate court order
d) Remains in office according to High court order.
29. What is the duration of panchayat at all level
a) 3 years
b) 2 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
30. If the panchayat is dissolved before the expiry period then fresh elections to constitute
the panchayat shall be completed
a) Before 5 months
b) Before 3 months
c) Before 6 months
d) Before 2 months
31. What is the minimum age to completed for a person to be eligible for panchayat
a) 21
b) 23
c) 25
d) 27
32. All the questions of disqualification of a person in panchayat shall be referred to such
authority as the
a) District court determines
b) High court determines
c) State legislature determines
d) State election commission determines
33. “Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act”
a) 1994
b) 1995
c) 1996
d) 1997
34. 1. The Gram Sabha or the Panchayats at the appropriate level shall be consulted before
making the acquisition of land in the Scheduled Areas for development projects.
2. Planning and management of minor water bodies in the Scheduled Areas shall be
entrusted to Panchayats at the appropriate level.
3. The prior recommendation of the Gram Sabha or the Panchayats at the appropriate
level shall be mandatory for grant of concession for the exploitation of minor minerals
by auction.
Which of the above statements are true with respect to PESA Act 1996?
a) 1 only
b) 2,3
c) 1,3
d) 1,2,3
35. On which date National panchayat raj day is observed
a) January 28
b) February 26
c) March 11
d) April 24
36. In which five year plan the panchayat raj was introduced in India for the first time
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 5th
d) 6th
37. Who among the following is responsible for devising the best ways to utilize available
resources of states?
a) National development council
b) State legislature
c) Zonal councils
d) Inter-state councils
38. The part IX of the constitution which deals with panchayats is not applicable to which
of the following states?
a) Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram
b) Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tribal areas of Assam
c) Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tribal areas of Assam and Tripura
d) Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tribal areas of Assam, Tripura and hill areas of
39. Which of the following state in India is exempted from reservation for scheduled castes
in panchayat rai institutions?
a) Rajasthan
b) Assam
c) Arunachal Pradesh
d) Sikkim
40. Which of the following year has been declared as year of Gram Sabha?
a) 2008-09
b) 2009-10
c) 2010-11
d) 2011-12
41. How many subjects are there in Eleventh schedule which was added by 73rd
Amendment Act of 1992, enshrining power, authority and responsibilities of
a) 21
b) 25
c) 27
d) 29
42. Which state launched India’s first litigation controlled Tribal panchayat?
a) Kerala
b) Tami Nadu
c) West Bengal
d) Gujarat
43. Which of the following committee had recommended the panchayat raj finance
a) Balwant Rai committee, 1957
b) K. Santhanam committee, 1963
c) Ashok Mehta committee, 1978
d) GVK Rao committee, 1985
44. A panchayat samiti at the block level is
a) An administrative authority
b) An advisory body
c) A supervisory authority
d) A consultant committee
45. All India institute of local self-government is at
a) Ahmadabad
b) Prayagraj
c) New Delhi
d) Mumbai
46. Which of the following one recommend that the size of the panchayat unit should be
15000 to 20000 heads of population
a) Balwant Rai Mehta committee
b) Congress village panchayat committee
c) Ashok Mehta committee
d) National development council
47. When the constitution act 1992 known as 73rd Amendment act came into force?
a) October 2, 1992
b) September 16, 1991
c) April 24, 1993
d) April 16, 1994
48. How many recommendations were made by Ashok Mehta committee?
a) 122
b) 132
c) 142
d) 152
49. Match the following
a) Balwant Rai Mehta committee 1) Revitalization of panchayat raj institution
b) Ashok Mehta committee 2) Rural development and poverty alleviation
c) GVK Rao committee 3) Examine the working of community development
d) LM Singhvi committee 4) strengthening the panchayat raj institution

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A) 2 1 4 3
B) 1 2 3 4
C) 3 4 2 1
D) 4 3 2 1

50. Which unit is the primary and the first of the panchayat raj?
a) Village panchayat
b) District panchayat
c) Panchayat union
d) Gram Sabha
51. The panchayat raj is included in the
a) Union list
b) State list
c) Concurrent list
d) Residuary list
52. Which of the following body recommended that the main executive organ of the
panchayat raj system should be located at the district level in the form of Zila Parishad?
a) Balwant Rai Mehta committee, 1957
b) First administrative reforms commission 1966
c) Ashok Mehta committee, 1978
d) Planning commission
53. 1. The 73rd amendment act of the constitution was enacted in 1992.
2. According to 73rd amendment act of the constitution Tamil Nadu legislative assembly
enacted Tamil Nadu panchayat Act of 1994.
a) 1,2
b) 1 only
c) 2 only
d) None
54. In which panchayat raj was introduced in Tamil Nadu?
a) 1993
b) 1992
c) 1994
d) 1958
55. Gram Sabha generally convenes in a year
a) 4 times
b) 1 time
c) 2 times
d) 3times
56. Which report is hailed as the Magna Carta of the panchayat raj system?
a) Ashok Mehta committee
b) Gorwala committee
c) Balwant Rai committee
d) Tarkunde committee.

1 b 37 c
2 b 38 d
3 c 39 c
4 d 40 b
5 b 41 d
6 a 42 a
7 c 43 b
8 c 44 a
9 a 45 d
10 b 46 c
11 c 47 c
12 d 48 b
13 b 49 c
14 d 50 a
15 c 51 b
16 b 52 b
17 d 53 a
18 d 54 d
19 c 55 a
20 a 56 c
21 a
22 d
23 b
24 c
25 b
26 a
27 c
28 b
29 d
30 c
31 a
32 c
33 c
34 d
35 d
36 b

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