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Brawl of Synapses


1) Participants should be bona fide students of MSU-IIT enrolled in any of the courses
offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology.
2) Before the event, there will be a pre-registration. For ChE students, there should be at
least 10 participants per block in every year level. For non-ChE students, interested
participants shall contact their block representative to register; no minimum or maximum
number of participants per block.
3) Registered participants will then be grouped accordingly by the coordinator. Each group
shall contain at least one person from every year level.


1) The game consists of three (3) rounds: easy, average, and difficult. Each round contains
10 questions, a total of 30 questions in the game.
2) The time limit of every question will vary depending on its difficulty. Easy round
questions are to be answered in 10-15 seconds worth one (1) point; average questions
shall be answered within 30-45 seconds, each question worth three (3) points; and
difficult round questions shall be answered within 60-90 seconds, each question worth
five (5) points.
3) Questions to be presented are not limited to texts, they can be in the form of audio clips,
video clips, pictures, or GIFs.
4) The quizmaster shall only repeat the question twice. Contestants can start answering as
soon as the quizmaster reads and/or presents the question.
5) When the time is up for a question, contestants shall immediately raise their tag boards
and stop answering, finished or unfinished. If a team's tag board is raised late, the team's
answer is null.
6) Any clarifications and corrections regarding the questions and/or answers are to be raised
before the quizmaster proceeds to the next question. If an appeal is raised when the
quizmaster begins reading the next question or the next question has been presented in
the screen, the appeal is ignored.
7) Searching answers through the internet (or channels of), personal notes, books, or any
other outward personal source is prohibited. Sharing answers with other contestants is
also prohibited.
8) Any team caught cheating (e. g. looking at other teams' answers, searching answers
through internet, notes, and books, changing of answers after the time is up or after the
answer is presented) will be disqualified immediately. It will not matter if the act of
cheating is successful or not.
9) Teams are ranked according to accumulated points from previous rounds. The team with
the highest points shall be the champion.
10) In a case of tie, a DO OR DIE question is given for both teams. The first team who gets
the correct answer shall gain one (1) point. However, in the special case where the
winning team of the do or die question ties with the points of the next higher ranking
team, the winner of the do or die question will be automatically one rank lower than the
next higher ranking team regardless of their current scores.
11) The rules and guidelines of the games are under the discretion of the game coordinator/s.
The coordinator/s can change any of the guidelines as they see fit in any given situation.
The decision of the coordinator/s are final unless revoked by a competent authority.

1) The topics of the questions are varied accordingly to different categories.

a) BEE ChEs (Spelling Bee segment) - In this segment, the meaning and origin of the word
shall be presented on the screen. The spellmaster shall pronounce the word and read the
meaning and origin of the word twice. The reference of the words will come from the
Merriam-Webster dictionary.

b) Trivia Wars - The topics of this segment are the following:

 General Knowledge
 World and Philippine History
 Current Political and Social Events
 World Flags and Capitals
 Geography
 Pop Culture

c) UlCHEmate Quiz Bowl - The topics of this segment are academic subjects related to
science and engineering problems, including Calculus and Analytical Geometry,
Chemistry, Physics, and Chemical Engineering subjects.

2) Categories of the questions in each round is random. One round can contain each of the
following categories.

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