Environment Day Play PDF

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[A student is giving a speech in assembly about saving the environment]

Ishan - (Pretending to be giving a speech in assembly) …so I urge all of you to take care of our
planet. Let us all hold our hands together to save Mother Earth. *walks away, crumples paper, and
throws it on the ground*

Mehir – Uhm, Ishan…?

Ishan – What? *in a whiny tone*

Mehir – Isn’t it hypocritical that you just gave a speech on cleanliness and immediately after it you’re

Ishan – Psh, speeches like this are given left and right, nobody actually means them.

Anusha – Well, you should learn to practice what you preach, or don’t preach at all.

Ishan – Oh please, I’m sure you throw away a wrapper or two when nobody’s looking.

Anusha – Clearly I can’t speak on your behalf, but at least for me, walking to the nearest dustbin isn’t
the hardest task in the world.

Ishan – Oh okay, Ms. Earth, I don’t see you planting any trees in your free time.

Sumiran – Planting tress isn’t the only thing you can do to save the environment. Taking small steps,
like education people like you about what to do and what not to is also a way of helping the Earth.

Ishaan – Whatever 🙄 (quietly walks away).

[Now, all the students are together in their classroom]

Ishan – (Sitting on his table)

Shreya – (Does and starts sharpening pencil on his desk, drops a few scraps of paper)

Ishan – Ey, what do you think you’re doing?!

Shreya – What? I thought you didn’t care about littering?

Ishan – But you’re littering on my desk!

Shreya – Oh, so you only care about littering when it comes to you? You’re so concerned about your
desk, but you fail to realize that because of the apathetic actions of people like you, in a few years
even the wood used to make such desks might be hard to find.

Mehir – This clearly shows what type of a person you are. I don’t think we’ll be having lunch together
from now.

Ishan - 🙄

[The election for the school president’s post is now going on]

Mehir – I vow to treat everyone the same, regardless of whether friend or enemy; keep cleanliness a
priority, and keep everyone in check at all times.

Ishan – And I vow to do… the same.

Sumiran – Yeah, we clearly saw how much you “keep cleanliness a priority” the other day.

Ishan – Okay, calm down, I don’t think how much of a planet-loving hippie I am should determine
whether I get to be the school president or not.
Sumiran – What you think about the environment speaks volumes about you. One who doesn’t care
about the environment doesn’t care about their surroundings, and one who doesn’t care about their
surroundings couldn’t care about others.

[All the classmates are now together having a casual discussion]

Shreya – Ishan is really bummed about not getting to be the school president. He really wanted to
tell his parents about becoming the school prez.

Anusha – Well, he should have realized that actions are a direct window into your personality and
that his actions have consequences.

*Ishan walks in gloomily with head down*

Sumiran – Ishan, here.

Ishan – I really wanted to be the school president man…

Sumiran – Well, I know how you can win everyone’s hearts back. The cleanliness program is today,
you should go too.

Mehir – And that way you can also prove that you’re worth the vice school president’s post!

Ishan – I think I’ll take you up on that…

[Flash forward to Mehir getting his school prez badge and Ishan getting the vice school prez]

*Both of them grinning widely*

Mehir – On behalf of I, the school president and the vice school president, we would like to donate a
sapling to the school.
Now back to real life, grade 12 B Science would like to donate the school a sapling on occasion of
World Environment Day. Let this be a message to all of us to keep the good of the environment in
our minds, because this planet doesn’t only belong to us.

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