Perspectives in Pharmacy Activity 6: Name: Date: Year & Section

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Name: Date:

Year & Section:


Identify the generic name and the available dosage strength and dosage forms of the following Brand

Brand Name Generic Name Dosage Strength Dosage form

Cardiac Drugs
1. Calcibloc
2. Persantin
3. Isordil
4. Norvasc
5. Plendil ER
6. Pritor
7. Vastarel
8. Dilzem
9. Vascase
10. Lanoxin
11. Betaloc
12. Adalat
13. Aprovel
14. Tenormin
15. Inderal

Drugs Acting in Gastrointestinal Tract

1. H2 Bloc
2. Iselpin
3. Alu-Tab
4. Gaviscon
5. Kremil-S
6. Prevacid
7. Phospho Soda
8. Tagamet
9. Tums
10. Zantac
11. Disflatyl
12. Plasil
13. Motilium
14. Buscopan
15. Relestal
16. Imodium
17. Omepron
18. Diatabs
19. Ercefuryl
20. Hidrasec
21. Duphalac
22. Senokot
23. Dulcolax
24. Mucosta
25. Pantoloc

Anti-infectives (Aminoglycosides)
1. Amikacide
2. Servigenta
Anti-infectives (Macrolides)
3. Klaricid
4. Zithromax
Anti-infectives (Penicillins-Aminopenicillins)
5. Ampicin
6. Augmentin
Anti-infectives (Penicillins-Cephalosporins )
7. Cefalin
8. Tergecef
Anti-infectives (Beta-lactams/Carbapenems)
9. Meronem
10. Aztram
Anti-infectives (Chloramphenicols)
11. Chloramol
12. Pediachlor
Anti-infectives (Quinolones)
13. Inoflox
14. Ciprobay
Anti-infectives (Tetracyline)
15. Terramycin
16. Vibramycin
Anti-infectives (Others)
17. Vancocin
18. Flagyl
19. Dalacin-C
20. Zyvox
21. Bactrim
Anti-infectives (Anthelmintics)
22. Antiox
23. Combantrin
24. Quantrel
25. Zentel

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