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Trisha Khanal

ISM- Period 1

“Trauma Wound Basics.” Find Wound Care Doctors and Answers on,


 Abrasions, Lacerations, Crush Wounds, Penetration and Puncture

wounds are the five major trauma wounds.
 Some of the causes of trauma wounds are from accidental injury from
home, car accident or caused by someone.
 Abrasions wounds are injuries caused by something that scrapes
against the skin.
 Lacerations wounds are tearing of the body tissue.
 Crush wounds are injuries caused by high degree of force or pressure.
 Puncture wounds are caused by sharp pointy object that can be treated
quickly and does dot bleed a lot.
 Penetration wounds are injuries caused by knife or bullet entering the
 People who are driving while intoxicated are at the most risk for these
trauma wounds.
 Trauma wounds are number one killer of Americans.

This source presents the different types of Truman wounds and the injuries
are fall into the different type of wounds.
“Key Data and Statistics|WISQARS|Injury Center|CDC.” Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8

May 2017,

 Motor vehicle crashes are the most cause of death in America.

 Those people who survive from this injury are faced with lifelong
mental and physical problems.
 More than 30,000 people die from motor vehicle crashes every
 1 person dies every 3 minutes.
 Total cost of injuries in the US was $671 billion in 2013.
 Prevent by using proper seat belts, child safety seats and booster

This source presents the main type of injury seen in the trauma ER
throughout the year.
“Journal of Trauma & Treatment Open Access.” Journal of Trauma and

Treatment- Open Access Journals,

 Blunt Trauma is caused when the body or head is introduced with a great force
during a fall or a car accident.
 Blunt injury can lead to internal injuries and bleeding.
 Osteoporosis causes weakening of the bones.
 Compound fracture
 Sport trauma is caused by no warming up or stretching enough before
 Sprains are caused when the injury knocks a joint out of position.

This source presents the different type of trauma in the body and what how they are

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