Antihypertensive Treatment Escalation A.7

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Editorial Comment

Antihypertensive treatment escalation: a three-drug

combination and why?
Costas Thomopoulos a, Helena Michalopoulou b, and Thomas Makris a

See original paper on page 1567

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n the 2018 European Society of Cardiology and Euro- previously untreated patients) because the overall observed
pean Society of Hypertension (ESC/ESH) guidelines for SBP/DBP change from baseline was quite large (i.e. 32/
the management of arterial hypertension [1], antihy- 19 mmHg) and this reduction was accomplished mainly
pertensive treatment initiation with combination of two during the first 2 weeks of treatment. However, in case
drugs is recommended (step 1) for the majority of hyper- of failure to achieve individualized BP targets, patients with
tensive patients. The exceptions to this general rule are on-treatment uncontrolled hypertension will have an at
patients with grade 1 hypertension and low overall cardio- least further 5/3 mmHg increased BP reduction when a
vascular risk and elderly patients with impaired physical triple-drug compared with a double combination is admin-
performance or multiple comorbidities (frailty). Another istered. Although Salam et al. [2] stressed-out that BP control
important recommendation of the 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines with a triple-drug combination was more frequent by 33%
[1] is that the new blood pressure (BP) target defining [95% confidence interval (25%,41%)] compared with a
treatment goal is between 120 and 130 mmHg for SBP double one, the different definitions of BP control across
and lower than 80 mmHg for DBP, at least for the subgroup selected studies together with the age-related ‘moving BP
of uncomplicated hypertensive patients aged less than 65 targets’ adopted in the current guidelines [1] make this
years, whereas a less strict systolic BP target is reserved for finding less important.
the elderly. When treatment target is not achieved with a According to the 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines [1], adverse
two-drug combination (preferably in a single pill), a three- events emerging from incremental BP decrease, should be
drug combination (step 2) should be introduced. closely monitored by attending doctors, because these are
In the present issue of the Journal of Hypertension, Salam associated with increased rate of discontinuations from the
et al. [2] through a systematic review and meta-analysis of ongoing treatment and deprivation of treatment-related
randomized controlled trials comparing double-drug and benefits [4]. Also, discontinuations because of BP-lowering
triple-drug BP-lowering combinations give further support have been steadily associated with increased rate of future
to the guideline view that triple-drug combinations reduce cardiovascular events soon after treatment withdrawal [5].
BP levels in a higher extent compared with double-drug Again, Salam et al. [2] in this analysis, have shown that
combinations. Indeed, in this analysis [2], triple-drug com- incident discontinuations because of adverse events related
binations lowered SBP/DBP by 5.4/3.2 mmHg compared to treatment were marginally higher (but not significant)
with double-drug combinations. Although the extent of with triple-drug treatment compared with double-drug
absolute BP change is strictly associated with baseline BP combinations. The marginal lack of statistical significance
levels – because of the Wilder’s principle [3] – the attained of treatment discontinuations for a SBP difference of
BP difference between double and triple-drug combina- 5.4 mmHg can be attributed to the short follow-up period
tions was almost identical for both untreated (with higher limited to 4–10 weeks only (less time to develop symp-
baseline BP) and treated (with lower baseline BP) patients. toms) or alternatively because patients had a limited time to
Thus, the study by Salam et al. [2], in line with the 2018 ESC/ complain for the ongoing adverse events [2]. It has been
ESH guidelines, suggests that a double combination treat- previously shown in a large comprehensive overview of
ment may be implemented for treatment initiation (in BP-lowering trials that for 5 mmHg achieved SBP differ-
ence, the discontinuations related to treatment were
increased by 35% over a period of 4 years [4]. However,
Journal of Hypertension 2019, 37:1587–1589 we should acknowledge that a trial setting discourages
Department of Cardiology, Helena Venizelou Hospital and bDepartment of Cardiol- treatment discontinuations, because patients are volunteers
ogy, Metaxa Cancer Hospital, Piraeus, Greece and doctors are investigators adhering to the trial design,
Correspondence to Costas Thomopoulos, MD, Department of Cardiology, 2 Helena and consequently treatment discontinuations in standard
Venizelou Square, 11521 Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 210 6402262;
medical practice are expected to be higher than in trials.
J Hypertens 37:1587–1589 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
In order to pursue effective BP-lowering and by acknowl-
reserved. edging that BP reduction promotes increasing rate of adverse
DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002132 events, doctors should escalate treatment when the attained

Journal of Hypertension 1587

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thomopoulos et al.

BP levels are out-of-target, but also elaborate a more straight- not receiving a calcium-channel blocker) and because of the
forward patient–doctor relationship to ensure that each possible imbalance in different confounding factors (e.g. 10-
separate patient adheres to be free of adverse event-pre- year fatal cardiovascular risk in those receiving vs. those not
scribed treatment. Beyond the remainder of drug adherence, receiving calcium-channel blockers at baseline was 13.9 vs.
special attention should be paid to lifestyle changes-related 9.1%, respectively). Subgroup analyses by baseline character-
adherence. It would not be worthwhile to escalate pharma- istics (e.g. by calcium-channel blocker) should not be seen
cological treatment (step 1, step 2, and so on) without strict as substitutes of currently lacking outcome randomized
implementation of lifestyle measures. Obesity, increased salt trials directly comparing triple to dual-drug combination
intake, and physical inactivity represent the main modifiable treatments.
triggers of polypharmacy in hypertension management, a In the early 2000s, Law et al. [8] based on 354 short-term
condition that both physicians and patients should recipro- randomized efficacy BP-lowering trials estimated the extent
cally acknowledge in each of their follow-up interactions. of BP reduction of different drug classes considered alone
Let us suppose that a patient under a double combination and suggested that similar BP changes are expected for all
treatment at low doses (step 1) is out-of-BP target, but his/her agents at equivalent doses for the same pretreatment BP
adherence is good, and lifestyle measures are implemented as levels. For multiple drug treatment (two, three or more drugs)
prescribed, as well. What comes next? Should we opt imme- at standard or half-standard doses, the expected BP reduction
diately for a triple-drug combination (step 2) always at low is calculated by applying general equations to each drug, in
doses or increase the dose (up-titrate) of the ongoing double turn, allowing for the effect of the first in lowering pretreat-
low-dose combination? Although it is well known that increas- ment BP for the second, and the second for the third, and so
ing the dose of monotherapy compared with low doses of on [9]. Thus, the physician according to this methodology can
double combination treatment is less effective [6], it is largely predict the achieved BP levels following a multiple drug
unknown whether this observation can be extended to combination at different doses for each individual combina-
another scenario that is, increasing the dose of each or both tion drug component. The predicted efficacy according to the
drugs of a double combination regimen (’step 1-plus’) vs. Law et al. [8] prediction model was close to the observed
adopting low doses of a triple-drug combination. Again, Salam efficacy shown in the analysis by Salam et al. [2] and most
et al. [2] demonstrated that doubling the dose of one of the importantly predicted that all triple-drug combination treat-
components of a dual-drug combination is four times less ments would be associated with a greater BP reduction
effective in terms of BP-lowering compared with a triple-drug compared with all two-drug combinations. Beyond all of
combination at lower doses, whereas they also suggested (but the above mathematical assumptions to predict BP-lowering
based on one study only) that even if full doses of the double [8] and the important results of the study by Salam et al. [2], the
combination are implemented, the triple low-dose combina- clinician should always monitor BP levels carefully following
tion still would have succeeded an almost two-fold higher BP- increases of antihypertensive regimen potency as BP
lowering. Thus, the triple low-doses drug combination (step responses may differ across patients and environmental
2) is associated with more effective BP-lowering compared conditions. Furthermore, the general assumption that all
with either the single agent or the dual agents dosing up- categories of antihypertensive agents produce similar BP
titration (’step 1-plus’) of the double-drug combination. It reductions is not consistently seen in the usual clinical
should be determined whether low-doses triple-drug combi- practice because various pathophysiological pathways are
nation may control BP within-goal faster and reduce the dose- differently activated in different patients (e.g. volume-depen-
related adverse events of the double-drug combination when dent vs. stiffness-dependent hypertension) [10].
administered at higher doses. However, when the attained BP Triple combinations not only effectively lower BP within
is very close to the target with a low-dose double-drug goal, but their role in hypertension management is beyond
combination, doctors may not use a triple-drug combination BP-lowering. When administered in a single pill, triple-drug
(step 2) to achieve target goal, but to increase the dose of one combinations simplify treatment and ameliorate adherence
of the drugs contained in the double combination (‘step 1- to treatment, but they have also the ability to treat different
plus’). A nonprespecified post hoc analysis of the Action in types of inertia. First, they may partially treat the clinical
Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Con- inertia of doctors to prescribe more effective treatments.
trolled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial [7] preserving randomiza- Some doctors do not always adhere to the guideline recom-
tion, showed that when a baseline calcium-channel blocker mendations, others have a relaxed attitude about BP control,
(nonstudy drug) was received on top of the randomized and a further group of doctors has not enough time to
treatments (i.e. perindopril and indapamide vs. placebo), establish a good relationship with the patient to guarantee
all-cause death incidence was significantly lower compared the prompt treatment intensification, the evaluation of adher-
with the effect of the active treatment on the same outcome ence and the monitoring of the adverse events. Second, they
when a calcium channel was not present in the baseline active may partially treat the patient’s inertia to implement long-
regimen, whereas permanent discontinuations because of term lifestyle changes. Missing BP reduction because of
treatment were not different between randomized arms again patients’ resistance to lifestyle changes is ‘perfectly’ counter-
stratified by baseline calcium-channel blocker administration. balanced by potentiated combination treatments, like the
This kind of indirect randomized evidence for the favorable triple-drug combinations. Triple-drug combinations in a
effects of the triple combination treatment on all-cause death single pill may also ‘treat’ the economic hardship at patient
should be taken with caution because it was surprisingly and health system level, as these are associated with a
produced independently of BP-lowering (i.e. the resulted beneficial cost–effectiveness ratio. Finally, as triple-drug
attained SBP difference was of 1.5 mmHg greater in those combinations in our hands today were developed at least

1588 Volume 37  Number 8  August 2019

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Triple-drug combinations

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