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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Daram II
Sua, Daram, Samar


Name: ______________________________________ Grade&Section:_________

1. He is famous for the idea of "conspicuous consumption". Conspicuous consumption, along with "conspicuous
leisure", is performed to demonstrate wealth or mark social status.
a. William James c. Thorstein Veblen
b. John Dewey d. Charles Sanders Peirce

2. It was developed as a critique of positivism in the social sciences.

a. Interpretivist Paradigm c. Relativist Ontology
b. Phenomenology d. Subjectivist Epistemology

3. It assumes that reality as we know it is constructed intersubjective through the meanings and understandings
developed socially and experientially.
a. Interpretivist Paradigm c. Relativist Ontology
b. Phenomenology d. Subjectivist Epistemology

4. Assumes that we cannot separate ourselves from what we know.

a. Interpretivist Paradigm c. Relativist Ontology
b. Phenomenology d. Subjectivist Epistemology

5. in philosophy, the science or study of phenomena, things as they are perceived, as opposed to the study of being,
the nature of things as they are.
a. Interpretivist Paradigm c. Relativist Ontology
b. Phenomenology d. Subjectivist Epistemology

6. He is the founding figure of phenomenology, specifies that phenomenology is to study how we “conscious of” them,
how they “appear”, and, in short, how things become “phenomena”.
a. Edmund Husserl c. Herbert Blumer
b. George H. Mead d. Thorstein Veblen

7. He attempted to account for the origins and development of human mind - or intelligence – by locating it within the
process of evolution, by showing that the origins of human mind lie in human society.
a. Edmund Husserl c. Herbert Blumer
b. George H. Mead d. Thorstein Veblen

8. It is an American theory that develops from practical considerations and that alludes to people's particular utilization
of dialect to make images, normal implications, for deduction and correspondence with others.
a. Structural- Functionalism c. Symbolic-Interactionism
b. Social- Conflict Approach d. Macro-micro level analysis

9. It is a major branch of theory within sociology that is distinctive for how its creators shift their analytic lens,
assumptions, and topical focus away from the male viewpoint and experience.
a. Feminist Theory c. Psychoanalysis
b. Marxist Theory d. Human – Environment System

10. Some feminist theory provides an analytic framework for understanding how women's location in, and experience
of, social situations differ from men's
a. Gender Differences c. Gender Oppression
b. Gender Inequality d. Structural Oppression
11. It handles adaptation function by adjusting to and transforming the external world.
a. Action System b. Social System c. Personality System d. Cultural System

12. It copes with the integration by controlling its component parts.

a. Action System b. Social System c. Personality System d. Cultural System

13. It performs the goal attainment function by defining system goals and mobilizing resources to attain them.
a. Action System b. Social System c. Personality System d. Cultural System

14. It performs the latency function by providing actors with the norms and values that motivate them for action.
a. Action System b. Social System c. Personality System d. Cultural System

15. This theory aggregates social behavior results from the behavior of individual actors, each of whom is making their
individual decisions.
a. Rational Choice Theory c. Institutionalism
b. Pragmatism d. Functionalism

16. It is a straightforward practical way of thinking about things or dealing with problems, concerned with results
rather than with theories and principles.
a. Rational Choice Theory c. Institutionalism
b. Pragmatism d. Functionalism

17. It is a belief in the merits of established customs and systems.

a. Rational Choice Theory c. Institutionalism
b. Pragmatism d. Functionalism

18. It is the analysis and explanation of social institutions according to the function they perform in society, e.g. the
family seen as an institution for social stability and cohesion.
a. Rational Choice Theory c. Institutionalism
b. Pragmatism d. Functionalism

19. He wrote influential books on different branches of psychology and on the philosophy of pragmatism.
a. William James c. Thorstein Veblen
b. John Dewey d. Charles Sanders Peirce

9. He is coined as the founder of American Pragmatism.

a. Charles Sanders Peirce c. John Dewey
b. William James d. Thorstein Veblen

20. He was a US philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer and he was an important early developer of the
philosophy of pragmatism. One of the founders of functional psychology.
a. William James c. Thorstein Veblen
b. John Dewey d. Charles Sanders Peirce

21. Feminist theories that focus on gender disparity recognize that women's location in, and experience of, social
situations are not only different but also unequal to men's.
a. Gender Differences c. Gender Oppression
b. Gender Inequality d. Structural Oppression

22. Theories of gender coercion go further than theories of gender difference and gender inequality by arguing that
not only are women different from or unequal to men, but that they are actively oppressed, subordinated, and even
abused by men.
a. Gender Differences c. Gender Oppression
b. Gender Inequality d. Structural Oppression

23. It suggest that women's oppression and inequality are a result of capitalism, patriarchy, and racism.
a. Gender Differences c. Gender Oppression
b. Gender Inequality d. Structural Oppression

24. They argue that women have the same capacity as men for moral reasoning and agency, but that patriarchy,
particularly the sexist division of labor, has historically denied women the opportunity to express and practice this
a. Radical Feminists c. Psychoanalytic Feminists
b. Liberal Feminist d. Socialist Feminists

25. They argue that being a woman is a positive thing in and of itself, but that this is not acknowledged in patriarchal
societies where women are oppressed.
a. Radical Feminists
b. Liberal Feminist
c. Psychoanalytic Feminists
d. Socialist Feminists

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