Nits CH 1969

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division, followed in time by cytodif- The progesterone antagonism in this References and Notes

ferentiation of tubular gland cells, a system is relatively tissue-specific, since 1. S. S. Munro and I. L. Kosin, Poultry Scd.
22, 330 (1943); R. I. Dorfman and A. S.
process that culminates in the appear- the estrogen-induced increases in con- Dorfman, Endocrinology 42, 102 (1948>; F.
ance of a specific cell product, lyso- centrations of calcium, lipid, and phos- W. Lorenz, Vitamins Hormones 12, 235
zyme. To determine at which point in phoprotein in blood are not affected (1954).
2. B. W. O'Malley, W. L. McGuire, S. G.
time progesterone antagonizes the ac- (6, 7, 16). Furthermore, the antago- Koreman, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 145, 204
tion of estrogen, administrations of pro- nism appears to be noncompetitive, 3. W. R. Breneman, Endocrinology 58, 262
gesterone were begun from 1 to 4 days since the inhibitory effect of progester- (1956>; J. W. A. Brant and A. V. Nal-
bandov, Poultry Sci. 35, 692 (1956).
after the onset of estrogen administra- one cannot be reversed by increasing 4. M. X. Zarrow, D. L. Greenman, L. E.
tion. After 5 days of total treatment, the dose of estrogen (6, 16). One of Peters, Poultry Sci. 40, 87 (1961).
5. R. Hertz, C. D. Larsen, W. W. Tullner,
the magnum portion of the oviduct was the early effects of estrogen in rat uterus J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 8, 123 (1947).
examined for total content and concen- is an increased uptake of amino acids 6. W. E. J. Philips, R. H. Common, W. A.
Maw, Can. J. Zool. 30, 201 (1952).
tration of DNA, RNA, protein, and and water (17, 18). We demonstrated 7. W. Bolton, J. Agri. Sci. 43, 116 (1933).
lysozyme. Even a 1-day delay in the this effect in chick oviduct and found 8. R. C. Mason, Endocrinology 51, 570 (1952).
9. P. 0. Kohler, P. M. Grimley, B. W. O'Mal-
onset of progesterone treatment resulted that it is not inhibited by the concom- ley, Science 160, 86 (1968).
in a significant (P = .01 ) increase in itant administration of progesterone 10. W. C. Schneider, J. Biol. Chemn. 161, 293
the content of DNA by day 5 (compare (16). 11. Z. Dische, Microchemie 8, 4 (1930).
El EP4 with EP5) (Table 1). As the We anticipate that the phenomenon 12. W. Mejbaum, Z. Physiol. Chem. 258, 117
onset of administration of progesterone (1939).
of progesterone inhibition of estrogen- 13. 0. N. Lowry, N. Rosebrough, A. Farr, R.
was delayed for longer periods, the in- induced tubular gland proliferation Randall, J. Biol. Chem. 193, 265 (1961).
14. G. Litwack, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 89,
crease in the content of total DNA, as may be useful in understanding hor- 401 (1955).
well as in the contents of RNA and monal regulation of the development 15. R. W. Chambers, M. C. Bowling, P. M.
Grimley, Arch. Path. 85, 18 (1968).
protein, was proportionately greater. In and function of this specific cell type. 16. T. Oka and R. T. Schimke, in preparation.
addition, the amount of lysozyme also TAKAMI OKA 17. S. M. Kalman and J. R. Daniels, Biochem.
Pharm. 8, 250 (1961).
correlhted well with the length of the ROBERT T. SCHIMKE 18. S. M. Kalman and M. E. Lombrozo, J.
delay in starting the administration of Pharm. Exp. Therap. 131, 265 (1961).
Department of Pharmacology, 19. Supported by research grant P427 from the
progesterone (Table 1). Thus, even a Stanford University School of Medicine, American Cancer Society.
1-day delay allowed for the appearance Stanford, California 94305 9 September 1968
of a detectable amount of lysozyme. A
correlation between cell proliferation
and subsequent functional differentia- Haploid Plants from Pollen Grains
tion was also evidenced by histological
examination of oviduct from chicks Abstract. A method is presented by which hundreds of haploid plants of
treated with estrogen for 2 days and various species of Nicotiana can be raised from pollen grains. Stamens should be
then with combined treatment for 3 excised when pollen grains have been individualized, but are still uninucleate and
days. Nests of normally appearing tu- free of starch. When grown in vitro on a relatively simple medium, some pollen
bular gland cells with cytoplasmic gran- grains proliferate into embryo-like, structures which develop in stages similar to
ules were present among the stromal those of zygotic embryos. The plantlets mature and flower profusely, but do not
cells (Fig. 2d). This histological pic- set seed.
ture, then, is a combination of those
patterns characteristic of the magnum Haploid organisms are desirable for shown the plants to be haploid. A visi-
after 5 days of either estrogen or com- at least two reasons: mutations in- ble sign of the haploid condition was
bined treatment (Fig. 2, b and c). duced in them are readily visible, and the fact that the flowers did not set
The exact site of action of proges- doubling their chromosomes, with col- seed. In general, haploid plants and
terone in antagonizing estrogen-induced chicine for example, leads directly to flowers were smaller than diploids by
cell proliferation and cytodifferentiation homozygous individuals. This method about one-third. Large numbers of
of tubular gland cells is unknown. Our for obtaining haploid plants in large haploid plants have been raised in this
results suggest that estrogen-induced numbers is based on the stimulation of manner from the following species:
proliferation of potential tubular gland cell division in immature pollen grains Nicotiana tabacum var. "Wisconsin 38,"
cells commences within 24 hours, but which leads to the production of a var. "Red flowered, large leaved" (a
that subsequent cytodifferentiation of plant from the male prothallus alone mutant originated at Debreczen, Hun-
such cells culminates in the appearance (androgenesis). gary), var. "Corolle double X" (a mu-
of lysozyme only after 72 hours (Fig. Three to four weeks after stamens tant -originated at Bergerac, France),
1). Progesterone prevents occurrence of the proper developmental stage have var. "Coulo" (a white-flowered mu-
of these processes when given con- been planted on a suitable medium, tant), var. "Maryland Mammoth," and
tinuously with estrogen, but does not embryos and plantlets can be seen var. "White Burley," N. sylvestris, N.
prevent limited cell proliferation, lyso- emerging from some anthers (Fig. 1). affinis (a white-flowered variety), and
zyme synthesis, and formation of tubu- These plantlets can be transplanted to N. rustica (a white-seeded mutant of
lar gland cells when administrations are individual tubes on a simplified medi- var. "Zlag").
begun within 24 hours after the initial um. Once they have formed an ade- Procedure is as follows: (i) Select
estrogen. We therefore suggest as a ten- quate root system, they may be trans- flower buds at stage 2 in the case of
ative hypothesis that progesterone acts planted to pots and raised to mature N. tabacum and stage 3 with N.
by inhibiting initial proliferation of po- plants which flower profusely. Chromo- sylvestris (Fig. 2). (ii) Dip the cut
tential tubular gland cells, but once this some counts made on preparations from end of the pedicel into molten paraffin,
has occurred, cytodifferentiation and root tips excised either from plantlets then disinfect the whole bud by dipping
lysozyme synthesis are not inhibited. in test tubes or from adult plants have into 70 percent ethanol and immersing
3 JANUARY 1969 85
actl1' thiose which nrnalll. emIf'I-rVOs unil- T tilte . Ftl'cct of tihc stac of(tf1OWci ticic tIC-
dergo. namely, the "heart." "torpedo." ctcitiincii ulon tic' or oclinctiori cit hatitlllo(
aridcl "cotviledonrarv- sta(cs Fic. pIlantlets. St.mtirris c)f \jii /irni
i lab o ourxii
WX iI IcI u1.s ct i intuLtittILIS 1II
LItter the emhrx os gierminate. thit is. kiientili W .' tilltitter). i,iufotc'acctiic tiet O.t
thex stalrt to respond to Ceotropic still- [] |t p)r it( tc'r ccitii suery (osC In cacti
cisc' 48 t "I Mic X\ C c p "I t. cl
Lli. their cotx le-1dons turn L ICreen. aIld
their- raclelslc' develop. Sii rillcllr ji oct iriLl )i4
'101-al pl"llltIct"t ( "~)
Soe aholit nialitics h1axve heen oh1- St ;1",c
ser\ cc! inl the nitniliercl andl of Attii Atetr
3 Isceks 4 'i.c'k s
citN leIdons. i nelLidit1ig tlC fl.lsioll o1f ttheC 1 o
cotvledolous ill a pelt ate str'uctUil-C. 4 '.
r -,i:
Initiallv (2 1). Small percentage ot' t -0
Stll2lS111-0t1-LICC(I CI11lht-V0, l1i1t_ 11 lIlt-
lets. This as clue in partl to inidei L ticV 4 -7
Fic. 1. l'lanlc'it.t elct cliii" frminian, a]thtr- Of theC I umCiLIll. hluit nio0stl to SeleCtill 4
of NiO' /1mi(Imlo iii'illi 5 .11 '( oCiill Icctciilc .11] imniroper sLtag of plo dc\iclc\clog- ll
NC'' after n1irtihi if culturei- in sirro Ii lmecrit 1at pkilatillg. Neithel- an11thers ex- cri ltl-nt- cuici clii! ii 1'' alilr st'ic eedt 1l.\ flirii
ciltirit (i ii] llii 9'c itic
isecdi it the tctraci stalge nr antliethrs
\xciseid sllhortis lielol-C poileii ss s shCdL
X0i hurt.1 ii LItC' iII i IilC-Cti SH'-
"as c Pisc to i1ri Ilatiltlets \AlturC 1go!- tlu/iii('1ci/m sirn ''NVisccinisiiin 38' and V.
pension of c tilcilri h(spochicnitc (7 per- len1 etilus. sow5 n isepticillls ill v/itro. ili't' wi/n. Relitisvels highi cncenirt-
celli iii) Rcricis the ,tmlil.ils .isc p Ie, ilt 11o tiolls cif aixiII icLISeCC ii,tlto-rilil.itiOlls.
g1 I1OC.Ci1ucclnori a I0l leCI tciesl
ticals- .iiiCI g)I.llt tilCrii cIii theI rlLcti-tclt
riicdlicrIII I)(is)V Go i-O tt plalitlets F ormiiition of pIliritlCts oC-
critc rcs cLurr-ecsvieni pOllcn (craiills ss1-ctcflls
spcci.lills in the cutsctldonis.
at 28 C ( clt.i icd 22' C ( inight ) cruder illcliV iclulizeied. Uriiuclea.te and cdsvoicl co0iltiillatioll ss itl IAA. -1lie
KirietillIsWNs tISci tn-icCIl "ihi0ic anlld ill
1icicireseCrit ut1hcs sc,pletlcllritcdl ss iti iII- of' stLrch. This correstiotiLis rociclils tc, tllitiahlsk cISici (2) cclnit.Miicld (0.2 I'ii lite,
candlescelt liclit cis tIc aicitcIt 5Sf) ) stalge o2c hzIIuI1. cII ra
t( /i( Ict crized cif kirictiI,i lhIt it ss i l[cIc,1.1i thilrt kiict i,
ILr Ii' iicLrtsiclc tIlh c.iltilre tclihs. Atecr 'v tile til of' thie pctals r ecliiic trhc 'it this cOiceitraticir c ira,lils rledu,,ced1
4 t o Is w\ck1s. tilc p1 anitlets ilas lite I-t als- tip cit tiic scpils ( Fic 2) Thc pcrccit- the perccniltalge ct staniilecis prCIIc,,,j,icniic
f-Ccci Ilto "NClciic,1ri I ' hiich is dc- aCe Of sLIucces s litallec \\ itli H(hser- planitlets. 1This ciclprcsiiil s\,is nlot r-.-
s ci.c tcIf irI ciclc- 3-acetic acid 1A AX) iiLtics at s arrlOs'lrt,ccs is shoss n ini Tahilc lIcscdl bs the aidditioin o adncltin e
hid. iorit.lills oik I percent scIci ciSc. 4(
stari1CIis \c1isCd at st ae 2 1pici- niic liter')
A\f ter thic pLintIlcts hatsc desc1oelc(iec Ciciceci tilc i .Catcst iltilllhl- Of plarLitlets.
a, scithicieit ,root s\ stcrli. tiraistlailt thicrii \dclitioii'O c ililicrehlic aWcid (G A) to
ss ith t li rest of the Igar L iiccl i cri1 ini tci tte iiiectliilil c li i ict alter tile
a, llir\tIlrc Ocf p)eat ilnc sCe-llricLIlitC ( I: I pattern.
(is s\olut1C) clld
Nf1ari Coistitceitits cit th IIcmccli cII
. N.ltclC ticrill ssithi a ltl- ha e
lnier testccl fotr t liir abilits tc
tFicut silciLtiIiM scichI as iHao,itici,I. s. Focu proiiiitc thei fciaor cltlot i f .hplciil plit-
a lit \\sccl' iftcr the tr'.iiisfcr to) ('rts. lCtS lics ilude N H ions.
0 sc1cLo)Se
theC gIIlints sc7icrlcl ie C\i-Ciccl C \ it t
crcst ren al to rs. ccrt aii amitilc awcilds.
icols ethis e1rie bag tci tirev cnt cesiccatiOcl. iiitci ticictcic.icic cons Iitluicii
T he ii ipt didp1dilits ciitillatce fI-o'il lla- .\lthlcLcihl truve se,eill i iri t.tit to r
(cu ells. Il i 1c thic m lIeC gl- i ti11s. tlc I orrl. atIciiitof c ccta tI \ e c III hr 5vos
t iiip
C'ci1,1111 o ten ci .tiris t1Icrers ii ,I/,C inI t I s s Ii c.,l rrot I ( ? IIIIiii11 IiLIriI
arild o1-rit .i toci0ici llal.Ss c1i cCllIs. T li ions l 'Al olilv Ii asteliccd sIovc- A
in tcgcr riierii s ot ttic go (ciin -rai i hi .caL ss Ihat the IprOdtiont oI0 f VP,isiChlc g lint-
a1n Iidliehr.it1cs ti .rt ias I-CreprsCrsilt t lie lcts 4 s cck,,s aftth'Ie [c hcci ii jIMc of ilic
clitiurir. sti,ic o11if -11itw erllirl's ticrisis CII tiLt cI-ChLi. Coliipartcd to nlitratc i(IIS.
Indclccd thi f llo\1h iii stelis Clix\ c\- hc c d c rIot 11 cIaCLSC tic l r ce II tacc,c
ci s 'ariic 'is Iioci cICill<L tIC1ait ietS.
iithoirt rIIC hi-cresCCe Oti aI iII ;

thlie IIl eiditLI Ii.ic ilantlcts \\ c r-c 1)iir-

LIcIceci ill ex\t I'icrlriictts ccrdic \\ itli \N1.

-Ms [i/ ltict 1 r irctsisc


ccIIt raI ti
lliii1 8 in 15l a1r1'.
tl '' (J()odL pI)c1icicLC-
io0 0Cc LI r ICci W lIc II tilC SLIc 0s con1-
igccl irii (C.5 tO) pci-
cCit. tIlC OcitiriILIIii hicing 2 pCeI-r
ceInt. F1i". 3. Sta-cs o,f eniihirs onic d1ce elopmiienit
T\ 0 aI\IXiiS. I AA aitd 2,4-dciclioro- t'l-mil thic pcitteni grain. (A) Sphrice al lass
phlctio\x ,cctic a,cii (224-1)) s\ crc ti-ictc i)f c'cl is lcnig the ciiitp initicc"lillints ot
att va riocis coie,nCtraltictis. I II (cicnril the pct,eii ci . ini (> 98): (1B) estihl ish-
tliev cii1-iaicccl tlie fot'tiiattion of pla it- staye (if politrits niienit '98X): (C Iclhulan
66k( ID) "ichi t stiace
lct. t tic optimiia: conicentitlat ion of 1 \ \ 66)1
Fic. 2 Sam or' tr cir de-vclopimerit in (F) carts 'ntorpechor" stage 66). ci rich
AtiNoiloii i hi bin trim s ir. 'WPsccisin 38."' hInric () m-ii litcr in ttic Cisc of N (i torpcfdio stine ifle).
t0 SCIENCE. V(OL. 16
At 1 mg/liter GA slightly enhanced acid (0.5); and biotin (0.05). (iii) Sucrose (20 6. While this paper was being processed for
g/liter). (iv) Difco Bacto-agar (8 g/liter). publication, it came to our attention that
the speed with which plantlets appeared, Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) at 0.1 mg/liter is K. Nakata and M. Tanaka [Jap. J. Genet.
but did not improve the final percentage beneficial but not indispensable. The pH is 43, 65 (1968)] had also obtained embryos
adjusted to 5.5 with HCI or NaOH before the from cultured anthers of N. tabacum. Their
of stamens producing embryos. It did agar is added. The medium was sterilized in highest reported yield of 6 percent falls short
not allow younger stages (such as stage an autoclave for 15 minutes at 20 pounds per of the yield of embryo-producing anthers (45
square inch. percent) reported here.
1) to produce more embryos (Table 1). 2. J. P. Bourgin and J. P. Nitsch, Ann. Physiol. 7. The authors are indebted to the Station de
At 1 mg/liter, GA caused an abnormal V,g. 9, 377 (1967); J. P. Nitsch, C. Nitsch, Recherches pour l'Amelioration des Planets de
S. Hamon, Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 162, 369 Grande Culture, Gembloux, Belgium, and to
elongation of the hypocotyl and pro- (1968). the Institut Experimental du Tabac, Bergerac,
duction of spindly, chlorotic plantlets. 3. W. Halperin and D. F. Wetherell, Nature France, for seeds. We also thank M. Mous-
205, 519 (1965). seron for a sample of cis-abscisic acid. Photo-
Abscisic acid (ABA) from 10- 7 to 4. R. E. Clausen and W. E. Lammerts, Amer. graphs taken by B. Norreel; the microscopic
Natur. 63, 279 (1929). preparations of Fig. 3 made by S. Hamon.
10-WM did not reduce the percentage 5. D. Kostoff, Z. Zellforsch. Mikroskop. Anat.
of stamens producing plantlets, but it Abt. Histochem. 9, 650 (1929). 20 September 1968 .
delayed their development markedly.
In the presence of 10-6M or more of
ABA, the embryos formed were shorter Algae: Amounts of DNA and Organic Carbon in Single Cells
and thicker than the controls and re-
mained in an ungerminated condition Abstract. An analysis of ten different unicellular algae, varying in size and
for at least 2 months (see above the containing from 10 to 6000 picograms of carbon per cell, indicates that the
three criteria for germination) by which amount of DNA per cell is in direct proportion to cell size. The content of DNA
time the controls had developed into is equal to approximately 1 to 3 percent af the cellular organic carbon.
plantlets with green leaves, reaching 5
cm in height. There has been speculation on the fluorometric measurement with 3,5-
In some experiments, addition of L- evolutionary significance of the amount diaminobenzoic acid dihydrochloride.
glutamine or of L-asparagine at 1 to of DNA in diverse plant and animal This procedure is based on that of Kis-
3 X 10-3 M stimulated the production cells (1-3). Most data on DNA as a sane and Robbins (7), with modifica-
of plantlets from excised stamens. function of cell size deal with bacteria tions for laboratory cultures of phyto-
L-arginine, at the same concentrations, or with vertebrates or higher plants. plankton (8). Samples of algal sus-
was completely inhibitory. The purine Commoner (4) has postulated that pensions were also filtered through
and pyrimidine constituents of nucleic DNA plays important physiological glass fiber filters and the total cellular
acids gave variable results, adenine (at roles in addition to its role as the organic carbon was determined by mea-
1 to 3 x 10-4M) being generally in- template for genetic information, and surement of CO2 by infrared gas
hibitory. Addition of all the bases to- that DNA content of a cell should be analysis after complete combustion of
gether (10-4M of each) did not im- proportional to cell size. To test the the sample by wet oxidation (9). Cell
prove the percentage of stamens pro- hypothesis that DNA is directly pro- counts were determined with a Coulter
ducing plantlets. portional to cell size, it is essential to model A particle counter.
The fact that the male prothallus can use cells which are closely related There is nearly a direct proportional-
proliferate and form embryos explains phylogenetically and which are similar ity between cell size and content of
certain abnormalities reported in the in physiology and nutrition. These DNA in these species (Fig. 1). These
literature. Thus haploid plants which criteria are met by eukaryotic, unicel- values represent total cellular DNA and
had only the characters of the male lular algae that are growing photo- thus include nuclear DNA as Well as
parent have been obtained in crossing autotrophically. The smallest cells used any extranuclear DNA. It is unlikely,
N. digluta by N. tabacum (4) or N. in this investigation (Monochrysis lu- however, that the observed correlation
tabacum macrophylla by N. langsdorf- theri and Navicula pelliculosa) con- between DNA content and cell size can
fii (5). In these cases, androgenesis tained approximately 10 pg of organic be attributed solely to extranuclear
probably occurred in the embryo sac. carbon and 0.1 pg of DNA per cell, and DNA. The amount of DNA in mito-
This natural tendency may be increased the largest cells (Gonyaulax polyedra) chondria and chloroplasts generally ac-
to such a degree by the present method contained 6000 pg of carbon and 200 pg counts for only a few percent of the
that it is a practical way to produce of DNA per cell. The DNA content total cellular DNA. In Euglena gracilis,
haploid tobacco plants at will (6). per cell therefore is nearly directly for example, the DNA of the mito-
J. P. NITSCH proportional to cell size as determined chondria and the plastids together
C. NITSCH by total organic carbon content. Be- amounts to less than 5 percent of the
Laboratoire de Physiologie cause these cells could be expected to nuclear DNA, as judged by micro-
Pluricellulaire, Centre National require about the same amount of densitometer readings of ultraviolet-
de la Recherche Scientifique, 91, DNA-template information, the large absorption photographs of DNA sep-
Gif-sur-Yvette, France variations in DNA per cell (up to 2000 arated on cesium chloride density gra-
times) indicate that DNA does much dients (10, 11). Studies with chloro-
References and Notes more than merely convey genetic in- plast-containing flagellates and with
1. Medium H, consisting of: (i) Mineral salts formation in the cell. their colorless counterparts also show
(mg/liter)-KNO3, (950), NHiNO3, (720);
MgSOi * 7 H2O (185); CaCl2 (166); KH2PO4 The ten species of unicellular algae that the amount of DNA contained in
(68); MnSO4 * 4 H12O (25); H3B03 (10); used were unialgal, bacteria-free cul- the chloroplasts is minor compared to
ZnSO4 * 7 H20 (10); Na2MoO4 * 2 H20 (0.25);
CuS04 * 5 H20 (0.025). In addition, 5 ml/liter tures grown as described (5, 6). the amount in the nucleus (10). There-
of a solution of 7.45 g of disodium ethvlene- Samples of the algal suspensions were fore the correlation between cell size
diaminetetraacetate and .557 g of FeSOt -
7 H20 in 1 liter of distilled water was added. filtered through HA (0.45-pt pore size) and DNA (Fig. 1) is caused predomi-
(ii) Organic addenda (mg/liter)-myo-inositol Millipore filters, and the cellular con- nately by varying amounts of nuclear
(100); glvcine (2); nicotinic acid (5); pyri-
doxine HCI (0.5); thiamine HCI (0.5); folic tents of DNA were determined by a DNA. Microscopic examination of
3 JANUARY 1969 87

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