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nantes w capacity and Level of Se “T'Vice > Dermination of f the ca ive in the analysis of Apacities of t facility is defined as of transportation eee system ini which s the maximum low. The capaci Is and facilitc can be ace numb ypacity of ies isa tion 6 accomm ber of veh a trang major of occurrence. nodated under given hcles, passen nara, Peristion system or Capacity is inde} . condita number: pendent reasonabl of vehicles of demand in the sonable expecia- af some speci (or whatever) demandi sense that it do instance, for fic thing, however, s manding service. It is et not depend os the total runways, | ie highways, the sea that it does depend earnest in terms of units neatal conditions, such of heavy Taraty, ia or other heavy a corn Finally a as i" tis dey les, or for airport ideas wemiy 8 the geometric design of evra physical and environ- and placa probabilistic measure. T! ilties or the weather. ind that Coa bea place in the maximum There is some variation from time can be accounted accommodated by simalor f of nits of transportation the capacity for by the not m fies, Not all of these variations race, of a facili mal determinants of capacity. Th a but may be ity represents a valve with pacity. The number quoted as Will be random exceeded on occasior Mar a reasonable expecta of oecur- rey gundom variations in he amber of reverts ee erage flow intervals, so th r of vehicles that can be accommodated over deg Tate that can be at capacity is often bes? thou mur ’ ustained indefinitely, § FONE ® Volumes nCePt closed “ or service esyelane to capacity and often confused wit itis a) of service mises, or the like pa 7 service volume is the maximul nt se Given conditions. ich can be accommo Te jven Jace vice conditions at a gi : Telate somewhat diffe a given level of service Al the quali ferently, dependi tion, they qual ly, depen’ g on the situa’ vu lity of traffic service to given ‘vorumes F 0" ates) of ae |) 206. cunpren 10: Capacity and Level of Service apes 0 0 Gf service my tetas on sch things a eel es OF SPEED, A ® ry a ay comfort sae 200 007% or he time Separation, or iy fy oe i eRe, ome i" i cee he maim and under given Condon, “ ‘That is, 2 L it c= ‘- (01) ‘e —ce and f,,, represents the minimum average headway. The se Coe hea and ee the Headway stribution, the speed ad pancaveraiity inthe raffle stream. Wino Reade a and imposed upon a whole system By a con- tlle, i (rani the cise fhighvay rae, Act minirnom Pender ay anc ering on they of conval syste he ability of Vics ae Fe oe recavers, and te consequences of accidents, For highway Wate, aver, tage minimum headways may sometimes be as small as 1.5 s per vehicle. For rail transit ‘Stems, minimum headways are around 10 10 20 sper tain. Air traffic headways are tapresed in distance rather than time, with minimum spacings on final approach paths varying from 3 to 5 nautical miles. "The degree to which theoretical minimum headways can be attained throughout ‘traffic stream depends on the speed distribution and maneuverability of vehicles. Tinless the speed distribution is absolutely uniform (that is, all vehicles travel at the same speed) vehicles must be able to pass one another, or else gaps will develop inthe traffic stream. Such gaps will mean that the capacity implied by the minimum head- ‘way value cannot actually be attained. Different transportation systems vary a great deal with respect to the uniformity of sped distributions and the degree of maneuverability. At one extreme, rail rapid transit systems ideally operate at uniform speeds with no maneuverability; at the other, air traffic (except on runway approaches) exhibits a wide range of speeds and simos complete maneuverability in three dimensions. Highway trafic falls some: i in betwee, Inthe case of high traffic, moreover, there i definite relton ‘Mp bemeen maneaerabiliy and the uniformity of the speed dstbution: ae “Rs nereses maneuverability decreases and speeds become more uiform, Nev at capecigy ty still exists up to the point of flow breakdown In situations in which maneuverabili baton re present, factors othe than he distribution, and the y is restricted and nonuniform speed disti- This is the i erthan the minimum time headway determine capaci idinga instance in mixed rail operations, in which the Treney a8 length of sidi ey reauency of crossovers for double tracked lines) lar essentially no manewverabilty anion ot eMAY approach paths, where there taiea, ilty and capacity is greatly dependent on the speed dist” 10. ai it Trattie eCity 267 ; re pFIC CAPACITY ht of as a or can be thous! system composed of - a aiP0" eve as a bottleneck. Airports are commonh nous Pall . ee ir side, which includes terminal arr on ied for pups of of 5 i? Cimways, taxiways, and aprons, and a * common approach, ms a erinal buildings, eaes, parking faces sad fe includes ac 5 ite resent dscusion will be concerned with the air sda e° Maing sys- | + mally, the ai side bottleneck at an airport will be cite te | qmnon approach paths to the runways. Critical factors in deters ona the : com stemarethe amount of time aircraft spendon hen el tion ofthe aircraft on the common approach path Air trae les ae seuftgn be only one aircraft on the runvay at atime snd tat minimum digene tiejponsof 3 nautical miles must be maintained behind conventional er Frauical miles where a heavy jet aircraft is following another heavy jet ‘nd a ies where a conventional aircraft is following a heavy jet ‘The capacity of a runway is the reciprocal of the average service time for aircraft wingit The service time, in turn i determined by either the runvay occupancy tine ‘be time separation of aircraft at the runway threshold. In practice time separations tite runway threshold are more likely to be critical than are runway occupancy Tn Section 8.1, a space-time diagram was used to derive expressions for interar- rival times at the runway threshold, based on the speeds of the leading and tailing ticraft, the minimum distance separation, and the length of the common approach path, To repeat these, o aes, es ty 3, Lot for vj > 0 fe oy 5 1 speed of lead aircraft speed of trailing aircraft minimum distance separation length of common approach path (102) bb i ' the case of a runway used for arrivals erie imme for all aircraft sng or Retulating the weighted average interarrival TM is done by first using Equation (10.2) 10 Ar erage inte ‘2ch pair of aircraft classes using the runway. ACK © gor error On ance Lily be greater, because Equation (10.2) eaves tat he Air traffic controller who is responsible rol re control's nee added wo cach time separation a ae ye a "Mined by holding the probability of a 208 curren 10: Capacity and Level of Service stated level based on certain assumptions abo te dsebation scl sag postions around the estimated postion, OTF these mi been calculated, their weighted averaBe fe found by the formula Finn = DE Pot (103) sere py isthe probability of areratt pir ifthe order of arrival of aircraft ig random, (104) y= PPL is determined, the capacity is its ‘ce the weighted average time separation Han reciprocal arevsteig PROBLEM 10.1. Determine he capacity of an NOE FUNNY handling ty that is used by the following aircraft classes Speed, knots Percent of trafic 120 40 150 60 Glass Type 1 Conventional 2 Conventional offer times are 33 foreach aircraft pair except pair2-1, for which the buffer time's 15s a sa approach path s 6 nautical miles Ing, Since both aircraft are convention, alt distance separations are 3 nautical miles. Find ideal intrarrival times: 3 11 = Fp (3:600 91) = ny = [yp 9s600 IH) = 90 3 5g (22000 sit) = 725 3414 Fou * (a5 ~ igo) [01600 870) = 126 s 3 tng = [3500.60 st) = 725 [eal interarival times are: ‘Tralling |_L#8d alreratt aircraft 1 a Z 90126 nn Buffers are Trailing |_Lead alreratt sireratt 1 3 : 2 as B33 | 10.3) alt ig 10.4) is its gar nal, suffer times to ideal interarival times, ane ‘Tralting aircraft weighted average interarrival time: fy = OMON2) + OAV OH\41) + 60.4)(105) + (0.6)(0.6)(105) = 16.52 capecity: 1 116.52 72000 sb) = 30.89 = 31 sircratuh More commonly, runvays handle mixed operations, that is, both arivals and egartures. Under these conditions, arrivals have priority over departures, only one sieraftis allowed to be on the runway at a time; and a departu ifan arrival is within a specified distance of the wey ee tty? wate niles. Space-time diagrams may be constructed showing the sequence of operations implied by these rules and from these, analytical expressions may be derived to give the minimum interarrival times required to release 2 given number of departures between successive arrivals. Assuming equal numbers of arrivals and departures, the imerarrival times required to release one departure between each pair of arrivals would be calculated. For similar aircraft mixes, these will be greater than the interar- rival times for runways used for arrivals only. Where there is only one runway, mixed operations are necessary. Even where there are multiple runways, mixed operations will usually provide higher overall capacities than will operations in which arrivals and departures are segregated, snes the interarrival times for mixed arrivals avivals only. Finally, where there are multiple runways, Tunways will interfere with one another to some extent. ‘ace depends on the exact runway configuration, airport capacity runway configuration. 02 RAIL CAPACITY Methods for determi ity of rail lin determining the capacity o! (ibether single or “double-tracked), the speed ds “ntrol system employed. fare usually much Jess than twice those for ‘operations on the various ‘Since the degree of imerier~ also depends on the ry / 210 cuarren 10: Capacity and Level of Service FIGURE 10.1 Rail transit Beadway at satog Tine ie that involving rail rapid transit systems, ‘The simplest rail capacity problem These usvally have the following characteristics: + One-way operation, 1 A 'sommon speed profile for all trains. That is, each train traverses each section of track at the same speed as all other trains; consequently, trains do not overtake or pass one another. « Common station dwell times. That is, each train spends the same amount of time stopped at each station as all other trains; dwell times may vary from station station, however. «A fixed minimum front-to-back time gap between trains. Given these characteristics the capacity problem for rail rapid transit is one of no 370 1,824 0.829/0.793 £15460 5307300 2200/2300 Von a_i Weible vane ——__frstow speed © SSMPH 2 . rg 4 530 0.250/0.239 160 550 480 © bv 7 0,400/0.383 D no Las 120 0,600/0.574 & “ 700) 0.800/0.705 F409 S004 22065/% 9 ON ditions: 2,200 PCPHPL for four-lane fgg. ena to0 PCPHPL, for six or-more-lane freeways ©) =m te cacy Fv ME tom (> gevacarane 1 (108) 103 tha = number of lanes in one direction "Capacity 945 © adjustment factor for tay fe Table 10.5 (HCM Table 3-2) “SY 8nd aterat jw = adjustment factor for heavy bstruction hw through 10.9 (HCM Tables 3-3 4 ~ adjustment factor for driver pop N tee Vehicles, 69 * from Thro SOPMEE fon lation. "es 106 eel of service may be calculated, given Main flow rate, BY calculating the actual vol 1 “ch the ratios in Table 10.4 ‘pacts and service ow rates may be converted t sy nulplying by the peak hour factor (PHF), which is ote sn MY volumes » iy volume t0 the peak 15-min flow rate ined 88 the ratio ofthe ‘The adjustment factor f., depends on lane width and latey is no adjustment if lanes are at east 12 fc wide andthe rege eee Not that for more feet from the traveled way on both sides of the one any seen are fy these conditions is violated, the adjustment factor may be Wana either ‘ble 10.5. % from Prevailing condi lume-to-capacity itOns and the TABLE 10.5 ‘Adjustment factor for restricted lane width and lateral clearance ——— eee Adjustment factor Distance from Obstructions on one side Obstructions on two sides — ‘erento enon Ohta vit toamtroction, Lane with % Tass as) 100 ORs 058, ‘ 4 tose tas Oe 2 0.97 0.92 088 0.95 090 0.86 o 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.86 082 078 ity Manual, Third Edition, Copytis Sone Special Report 209: High Cae on ~ me Research Couneil, Washington, DC. the Transportation Research Board, National TABLE 10.6 Passenger car equivalents on extended general freeway segments ~_Type ot wrt Category Level Rolling moses 15 30 40 , for trucks and buses o 20 , for recreational vehicles z 00-038 woo MSS a is 0.25-0.50 is SNS NS 1s 0.50-0.75, As 3 isl 1s ary 23200-2020 13 1.00-1.50 so 300-030 20 S130 45 35 3030S 20 3 000-025 sus AS is is 3 : Is 0.50 x0 2328-20 20 202 ts 050-075 go 400 «40 SS 02S 20 075-100 $338 30 «4S 40-4033 40 40 1.00-1.50 $0060 85) 50 4S «40 4045 39 2150 fs 60 58 50 4S 4S 40 8330, + 000-025 is 1s is 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S as 025-050 Ss 40 40 35 30 30 30 25° 25 050-075 95 70 6S 60 SS 50 4S 40 45 0.75-1.00 ws 80 70 65 60 5S 50 45 40 >1.00 080 7570 60 60 50 50 48 Ss 000-025 2 2021S 1S 1s 1s 1S 4S 028-033 60 48 40 40 30 30 23 20 033-050 90 70 60 60 53 50 45 40 48 050-05 RS 90 8S 80 70 70 60 60 30 0.75-1.00 BO 95 90 15 710 63 60 35 >1.00 Bo 95 90 1570 65 60 55 ——1t_ _BO 959060 7570656055 6 0.00-0.25 4s 35 30030 30 25 25 20 20 025-033 99 65 60 60 50 so 40 35 30 033-0: WS 95 85 80 70 65 60 60 53 0.50-0.75 150 11.0 100 95 90 80 «80 75 (6S 975-1.0 180 110 100 95 90 gs 80 75 63 . 150 110100995 9.0 85 80 75) 65 Not: the length of grade fas on «boundary, suivants for intermediate percent grades 7: 1 8 fRer category: interpolation may be wed 1 find Source: Special Report 209: Highway Capac rates a The heavy vehicle adj ‘ead trocleses cr cierimeal factor fy is a bit more complicated, The HCM ioe ey (1) trucks and buses (considered to be equi! is thought of as being eqn) 24 (2) recreational vehicles (RVs). Each heavy vehicle ccennee ae equivalent to some number of passenger cars, These passenge? inthe afc steam, andthe length ander he Peoentage of heavy vies extended general vee, faeSeveity of grades, They are defined for bot? “ements, for which terrain is classified as level, rolling ©" 10.3 ey Capac, 9, os 7 aut juivalents for rec ; saree ore rational vehicles on specie Upprades fy Length, Percent reer og o" 2a geet eke st 5 all ia aa ae e 0 0.50 > Ste 33 a Sis 13 2a ~ 12 8 eo eH “0.50 go 38 22 20 20 a9 2 oa >0: 0 25 25 20 36 20 a 1515 0.00-0.25 25 20 13s 5 0 2020 4s 035-050 49 30 30 30 25 35 1S is as >0. 4535 30 30 30 23 3 2 2 5 0.00-0.25 40°30 35 25 25 025-0550 60 40 40 35 39 3p 32 22 Is 20.50 60 45 40 40 45 uo 33 33 jr leat of grade falls ona boundary py the longer categry,imarpaniowm fetequvlents for intermediate percen grades Sen eEaNa ae boste Sue Spcial Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual, Third Edin, Copyright 994 byte “nortan Research Board, National Research Coun, Washingion, Be TABLE 10.9 Passenger car equivalents for trucks and buses ons ger downgrades ‘Passenger car equivalent, Fr Percent trucks/buses Length of > Downgrade, % grade, mi s) _E Downgrade, % _grademi S10 1S20 is is 1s 1S < a 1s 1S 1s 1S 4 4 zo 20 20 1S 15 15 1S 3 eH 55 40 40 38 i #2 g8ee 5 ual, Third Eton. Source: Special Report 209; Highway Capac, Mowe ‘National Research Copyright 1994 by the Transporation Rese Council, Washington, DC. ty of sever) ons of length 3 be Retniainous (Table 10.6) and for specific combine . le ‘de (Tables 10.7 and 10.8) and downgrade (TH “mputed from individual passenger car eu 1 =) + Pel En ~ » (9). The fete hes a ol (109) Sav = TF PEt x 10; Capacity and Level of Service nger car equivalents for trucks) Ey, By = passengt use where Bry Fa Tespectively ruckar $2 ery > p. = The proportion of trucks/buses ang . Pro Pe = aye in the traffic stream *eeTeinat a ‘The adjustment factor for driver population , is given by Hemy, "hy 7 ' kday or commuter traffic, ‘able duced here). For urban weekday Sy iS taken wg 42 371 aoctyges trom 0.75 t0 0.99, with the exact value being seq e's! be 14%: O; og, experience in a particular area. SCordan Hy EXAMPLE PROBLEM 10.2. A rural freeway has two 12. : -f lanes obstructions within 4 ft on the median side but no obstruct lanes in nes in each tio ‘one-way roadway. Traffic consists of 13 percent trucks and tec the Tein ational vehicles. The design speed is 70 MPH, and the adjustment es 8 peter te factor is estimated to be 0.80. If the maximum 15-min flow rate is 1-769 Pic, what is the level of service on a 1.0-mi-long 3 percent upgrade? ” eit Determine adjustment factors: Widsh and lateral clearance factor: Use left half of Table 10.5, Ear lanes, row for 4-ft distance to obstruction. ‘alum ng fe = 0.99 Driver population factor: f= 0.80 (given) Heavy vehicle factor: Ep=4 (Table 10.7) F,=15 (Table 10.8) u + =on Jw Ty oie Sy + O0RLS =) 18 Number of lanes: N=2 (given) Calculate volume-to-capacity ratio: ° ; x fuXh SF = MSE 1% fv x b= gx (2) x E ‘) - Sk Si GXNX FX fy X fy rena (2) = — SF Sf, GXNX AX fay Xf eye 1,760 see (:) 2,200 x 2x 0.99 x 0.70 x 0.80 ° 1.400 | naan 218 cHarren 10; Capacity and Level of Service where E,, Ey = passenger car equivalents for trucks/buses and recreation respectively hic, Pp, Py = The proportion of trucks/buses and recreational veh ively, in the traffic stream “The adjustment factor for driver population f, is given by HCM Table 3 icles, | fic, fi 7 (00 rey duced here), For urban weekday or commuter traffic, f, is taken to be | | S8Peey. : 9: othe ftnsnges from 0.75 10 0.98, with the exact value being set in accordance =e experience in a particular area. i 12-fe lanes in each a EXAMPLE PROBLEM 10.2. Arural freeway has two 12-f lanes in each direct obstructions within 4 ft on the median side but no obstructions on the right tee | Ghe-way roadway. Trafic consists of 13 percent trucks and buses and 8 percent | tional vehicles. The design speed is 70 MPH, and the adjustment for river populace factors estimated tbe 0.80 Ifthe maximum 15-min flow rates 1,760 vehicks pene (what is the level of service on a 1.0-mi-long 3 percent upgrade? Determine adjustment factors: | Width and lateral clearance factor: Use left half of Table 10.5. Enter column fori2g | lanes, row for 4-ft distance to obstruction. i Driver population factor: } f= 0.80 9 Heavy vehicle factor: Ep=4 (Table 10.7) Ex = 15 (Table 10.8) 1 1 jo = Toa) + 00m = 1439” Number of lanes: N=2 (given) Calculate volume-to-capacity ratio: SR = MSE XN X f.X fav X ox (2) ewe ex sort hi ch GXNK LX fwk f tena (2) « —— SF | €) GENK LX fw h (:) fe 1,760 a <) 2200%2* 0.99 x 0.70 x 080 97? 0.509 < 0.722 < 0.747. From Table 10.4, level of service is C. 103 Hingy, PLE PROBLEM 10.3. General MY aPacty ag “ ized terain les, eee 1021 ting. How many taney are re tM eehay ri Rpostment "© provide lever Erample gjusiment Factors AE HE SAME aS ip Example Problem 10, = = 2, ence fog O ney whic COP: ST hry wi =, = Ea 3 Aa2 rh L Siw = : moo el : 1+ 0.133 ~ 1) + 0.08 =p * Taq = 0.75 » Sf. = 0.99 , f= 080 salve service flow rate equation for N: ve SF ™ fe X Siw ¥ $x (0h), Cakulate number of lanes: Assuming more than two lanes in one ditectio red, = Table 10-4, maximum v/e for level of service B's 0487, ns 00 amd fom 1032 Ramps and Ramp Junctions Capacity and level of service for freeway ramps are discussed in Chapter 5 of the Highway Capacity Manual. Normally, the critical points for ramp capacity oecur at tte ramp junction or on the freeway near the ramp junction rather than onthe ramp il The area of influence for a ramp is considered 19 Tie, 20 onramp and 1,500 ft upstream of an offramp. Within ths 7 condos in the two outermost freeway lanes (lanes | and 2) are of primary 005%, terminal capacities are stated in terms of the total flow lanes a ‘ell asthe flow acvous all freeway lanes; levels of service are based on Tae A of amp and oframp jusins. Te 1022 illustrates critical features of ont reset Sat the Manual assumes that acceleration a1 deceleration eet Monwa defines the acceleration lane length Land te Ore gg tthe renee being from the point at which the left lane of the FaMP AT cele Coxverge o the end ofthe taper connecting the ECCI freway. Provision of acceleration or deceleration (Oe some tovever, because ofthe way the lane lengths a7 =_— evel of Service capacity nd 220 cuarrer 0: RE 10.2 Freer gates of amp junctions tions. Where ramp iinuously tapered ramp junct — a ee L. will usually be about 500 to 600 ft and Ly wit axe c ‘ot cel cckcaeces and determin levels of service for ramp junction ¢ te 15-min flow rates in to convert all flows to peak n rt comerson i as follows, where the various factors are the same as fr base freeway segments: Wen ~ (10.10) PHF fuvif pier Vecea is the peak 15-min ow rate in passenger cars per hour and Vor isthe hourly volume in mixed ‘Vehicles per hour. Once Peak flow rates in ‘Passenger cars per four at determined the fraction ofthe total freeway flow in Laces and 2 is detr- ‘mined. Tables 10.10 and 10.11 give equations for calculating the fraction of fiw ia Janes 1 and 2for onramps and oframps Tespectively. Variables used in these equations Veceu + OO111SE4/Spy {iion, Copyright 1994 bythe BC, Pro = 9.760 ~ ormagnsy, , EH Pro = 0.717 ~ 9.0095 EQ" ~ 0.60003 vio Fro = 0616 ~ doammanyt * 9 408M, /0¢ | : Pro = 0.436 Me 0 aaa j Source: Special Report 209, Copyright 1998 by the Tr Research Council 4 | aes follows { Pu = fraction of freeway flow in lanes fe = traction of freevay flow a ieee t snd 2 fen tess length of acceleration lane * diverge areas L) = length of deceleration lane total freeway flow upstream of ramp ramp flow flow on upstream ramp flow on downstream ramp distance to downstream ramp (ramp nose to ramp nose) Dp = distance to upstream ramp (ramp nose to ramp nose) ree flow speed on ramp as it approaches freeway. Tables 10.12 and 10.13 give statistics and data ranges forthe equation in Te dies 10.10 and 10.11. Tables 10.14 and 10.15 are keys for selecting the appropriate equation for given conditions. Note that for four-lane freeways, the calculation of Py 22d Pry is trivial, since there are only two lanes in one direction, Note also that in the TABLE 10.12 Statistics for equations for calculating fraction of flow in lanes 1 and 2 ‘Statistic EQNI EQN? EQNS 089 on ar ar a ae NA om: 5886 4012-91 fame N/A 950-7,792 950-7.280 2038-5886 “010 F39 i NIA 112-2310 aig an ns s 2 NIA NIA win NIA NIA ieee 6,000 orange NIA NA on, DC. Source: Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual, Tia Tratperaco Recarch Bout MNeronal Research Council, Washin'On. vel of Service ane cunrren 10: Capacity and Level TABLE 1019 one for calculating faction of flow [n anes vm ' = Se EON7 FON. HONS iN Sansa eroe NA yoaguo -M4R-6190 260-8079 ‘ =" ft CR RA ats eRe Na Nia 2,000-4,500 NA wa NA N/A 476-1.219, we NA NA NIA oso-tato NA ‘soue alion, Copyright 1994 by the Tan — pot Spin Report 20 Higay esuch Bou, Neal Research Council TABLE 10.16 Selection matrix for onramp equations ee es Configuration Four-lane freeway _Stelane freeway Elght-lane freeway Cater: ree See treme bolted EQN EQN 2 BQN 5 Upstream onramp EQN! EQN 2 BON 5 Upsveam offramp EQN | EQN 3orEQN2 EQNS Downstream onramp EQN | EQN2 EQNS Downstream offramp EQN | EQN4orEQN2 EQNS Source: Special Report 208: Highway Capacity Manual, Tied Edition, Copyright 1994 by the ‘Transportation Research Board, National Reserch Council, Washington, DC TABLE 101s Selection matrix for offramp equations — Configuration Four-lane freeway Stclane freeway Eight-lane freeway Tooled BONG EK sQN 7 EQN 10 Upaream onramp EQN 6 BQN or EQN7 EON 10 Upmream offramp , Bs EQN? EQN 10 Downstream offamp EQN 6 END eu Sources EQN9 of EQN? EQN 10 Traore eee 2% May Copacy Monae 1, Third Edition, Co + National Retearch Coun, Washington, ee oe ae cases rants © sclane freeways with uations may apply. In ’$ with upstream, or downstream. ‘Onramps, two different Pett eatin andthe lage vl Swed ror Feo should be calculated using acu ct 4 2s given by ne HOW in lanes Vand 2, Y= 2 Vex Po 0.11) lanes ac 0095 flow in lanes 1 and 2 is given by Ya = Vet We ~ vp in lanes | and 2 has bee; the flow in n calculated ct am red with the limits given in Table 10 16 te NO rates are 10.12) the ramp junction is Over capacity. In yhe 0 4CM Table 5-1) —%eTBined wether, the capacity determinati the case of m i weet ion are Bears ram foe Veo = Vp + Vy Vein = Ve + Viz ad «diverge areas, the fows required are Vp and ¥, Foreither of the applicable flow limits is exe¢edeq cqapsiy and level of service F prevails; if nou the level ore ‘aimating the density in lanes 1 and 2 and comparing TABLE 10.16 Capacity values for merge and diverge areas (single-lane ramps) Merge Areas Diverge Areas ‘Width of Max Veo Max Vey, Max Vio + Vy 4 lanes 4,400 4,400 4.400 4.400 6 lanes 6,900 4,600 6.900 4.400 8 lanes 9.200 4,600 9.200 4.400 >8 lanes 2,300/lane 4,600 2300/iane 4.400 ‘Source: Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manuel, Third Edition, Copyright 1994 by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washingies. DC, * poph = passenger cars per hour. TABLE 10.17 Level of service criteria for ramp-freeway evel of Service ay and L se 10; Capacit 204 on yeas, the density the FAMp nfERCE aren, 1734Vq + 0.0078V,, ~ 0.006274 (HCM Table 5-2). For meres Dz = SATS + 0.00 as, itis given by 4.252 + 0.0086¥,; ~ 0.0091, "by (045, For diverge area De (10.16) aman Siesin sada esas ani Tron. p= O47 The erase ne an tims 5 72800 VPHL —+ mn 130 Manes Ae 450 VPH am tucks {600 VPH, 6% trucks 1. Convert flows to peak 1S-min flow, PCPH: Er=15 f= 100 £= 1.00 Freeway ow: -—tet fn RD FOSS 0980 Vecny = Here 2,800 2800 PHP fovk lh (OBTO98O)(1-O0}(I.00) = 284 Onramp fow: von Fy wa 58 450 lively —(0.87)(0; _— (0.980)(1.00)41-00) iv = Se . 1 ieee Pa)” TS OnE S pH = O97! Vrcny = —Yorn 00 3€1.00)(1.00) ~ ” PRE 6 Swhh ORINODT m0 0 Hy MEY Conus, . "ras 2 Me EQN 4 perrine Ph (EQN 4 0F EQN 2 in yb 4g 10» Fou = 0.5487 4 02628, Do =o. (0.2628 5487 + 2628710) 1300 ~ 0673 Pom = 0.5775 + 0.000028, a » = 0.5775 + .000028(700) = 0.597 § 0.673 > 0.597, ‘use 0.673, wens Determine Vi Mia = Ve X Pry = (3284)(0.673) = 2210 Determine Vio and V2: Vo = Ve + Ve = 3.284 + 508 = 812 Vara = Ve + Vin = 528 + 2.210 = 2.735 Check capacity (Table 10.16); 3,812 < 6,900 under capacity 2.738 < 4,600 under capacity Estimate density: Dy = 5.475 + 0.00734V, + 0.0078¥,2 ~ 0.006271, = 5.475 + 0,00734(528) + 0.0078(2,210) — 0.00627(700) = 22.19 Determine level of service (Table 10.17): 20< 22.19 < 28 Level of service C 3. Diverge: Determine Pep (EQN 8 or EQN 7): 0.604¥, Pro = 0.717 ~ 0.000039, + (0.604)(528) _ g.7gi (EQNS) = 0.717 = 0,000039(3,812) + | so0 Pry = 0.760 — 0,000025V- ~ 0,000046¥, soca 8 » = 0,760 ~ 0,000025(3,812) ~ 0.000048 0.781 > 0.632 Use 0.781 " 12 — 710)(0.780) = 313 Via = Vg + (Vp — Ve)Pro = no + (3.8 / 226 cuarren 10: Ca service pacity and Level ofS 10.16): heck eapacity (Table H ™ syarz < 6900, under eapacltY isa < 4400 under capacity Estimate density Dy = 4.252 + 0.0086¥i2 ~ 0.009Ly — 0,009(150) = 29.85 = 4.252 + 0.0086(3.133) Determine lve of service (Table 10.17): 28 < 29.85 < 35 ens, Overall level of service is D. exauce PROBLEM 10.8. What isthe level of service forthe ramp combina 90, The terrain is level. Lane widths ei a trafic conditions shown below? PHF conc obstructions. Trafic i urban commute traffic. Freeflow speed onthe f level of service D Div fang t5 MPR = —+ a0 some soon Stes GP 20008 SS anv ses (600 VPH, 5% trucks 1. Convert flows to peak 15-min flow, PCPH: Ep= 15 = om > L=100 f= 100 fay = oe PAE, 1) ~ Te 00aES Sy 7 0-980 Vocen = Pa < mm = = PHF fecEh, (0.90)(0.980)(1.00)(1,00) ~ 576 | a a + PE 1) = | ; PAPO" TS D05s = 7 O97 fem = re @oonate o PHP fovheh, ~ a | in “(900.976 DOcL.O0) * 455 | Ym = Mer 7m PHF ff, ~ mee (50,0576. TOO LOO) = £83 on and 12 fe, On the Determine Pro (EQN 19: Determine V.2: Viz = Vp + (Vp — Ve)Pro = (Check capacity (Table 10.16% 731< 9200 eedercopety 3451 < 4400 wader open 7.031 — 683"0.436) = 32451 ‘Esumate density Dy = 4.252 + 0.0086¥,; ~ 0.00%Le se = 4.252 + 0.0086(3.451) ~ 0.00500) = = Determine level of service: sere D w Sore: Speci Report 209: Higheay pct anual, Pid Eason, Copy {954 byte Tragporttion Research Board. Navona Revere Con, Washington, DC 10.3.3 Two-Lane Rural Highways Chapter 8 of the Highway Capacity Manual discusses capacity and level of service fog two-lane rural highways. Many of the procedures in this chapter are similar to thie used for basic freeway segments, except that procedures for two-lane highways ac influenced by the need for vehicles to pass in the face of oncoming traffic. The primary basis for levels of service for two-lane rural highways is percent time delay, which is defined as the average percent of the total travel time that all motors, are delayed in platoons while traveling a given section of highway. Motorists ie defined to be delayed when traveling behind a platoon leader at speeds less than thee desired speed and at headways less than 5 s, Levels of service are given in Table 10 18 (which is based on HCM Table 8-1). ‘The capacity of two-lane rural highways is stated by the Manual to be 2,800 ps- sheer cars per hour in both directions Ideal conditions include a design speed greuer than or equal to 60 MPH, 12-ft lanes, clear shoulders of at least 6 ft oe no-passing de a aapguisenget cars, a 50/50 directional split of traffic, no traffic impecimeess 230 no good, Level of service # Cor better = 0,17 (Table 10.20) = 20 VPH ) Capacity and Level of Service 292 cnneren 10 10.3.4 Signalized Intersections city Manual deals with the capacity of sj Chapter 9 of the Mato cope Hey ip speak of capacities paola BP intersections, tis not ret ess data about the efficiency of signal timing’ for interwections a i hapter 11 of this book) are available. Also, because srt! Fe gna the lationship Between intersection capacity an ey Mr wervice tdchined in the HICH in terms of delay per vehicle) is by no means straigh, ae of these difficulties, the Highway Capacity Manual Contains two separate methods for analyzing signalized intersections: (1) a simplified planning analysis method which can be used to determine the approximate overall capacity of an tersection (based on assumed signal efficiency) in cases for which detailed informa. tion is not available and (2) a rather complicated operational analysis method for determining capacities and levels of service for specific portions of intersections where detailed information about traffic conditions and signal timing and coordination is available. ‘The operational analysis method is quite complicated and requires very detailed traffic, geometric, and environmental information about the intersection to be anal- yved. As a consequence, it can ordinarily be applied only to existing intersections, for which such detailed information is available. As a way of partially getting around this restriction, the Highway Capacity Manual does provide “default values” for some of the variables involved, to be used when detailed information is lacking; however, the use of such default values will detract somewhat from the accuracy of the results. Because of the complexity of the operational analysis method, only an overview will be prevented here. For the details, see the Highway Capacity Manual itself. ‘The operational analysis method is organized in terms of five “modules.” These are as follows: J. Input module 2. Volume adjustment module 3. Saturation flow rate module 4. Capacity analysis module 5. Level of service module for oe nut module involves definition and summarization of information required Subsequent computations, Information involved includes data on intersection ge tmety taffic volumes and conditions, and signalization more sea dusiment module involves establishment of lane groups with cavalent peak 1 ae ns talc flow conditions, conversion of hourly volumes © buna ak 5-min flow rates, and adjustments to account for the effects of lane The saturatie is ba tain flow ‘efile module is used to compute the saturation flow 1 Bow tae exalted and em nn gga ae group. Ania” stung ” djusted , ailing conditions. These Pov 'o account for a variety of prev include lane width, proportion of heavy vehicles in the wafle "03 Highway, proach grade, existence of 4 Paty 255 pr Parking lane by vehicles parking and unparagat® oe eka in eft (0 8 the lane roy EO ¥0 the ag >, Nt bugeg_ 8Up, al satura atea cars per hour of green tirye ion no mn a gprs Pe HOU oF Been ies he aa a on Pe, , ere Serine PY EBENSon analy The Festinger to, ‘2 sion 1 wi a sd Wiig (018) yer is te lane wih adstment factor and W yang vith inten + p(B) (10.20) Action of heavy vehicles, and cert paseny er egal ir cch heavy wei Tn mn days taken 10 be 2,80 the heavy vehicle factor wen simply f 1 Jw = Pr (aot ‘The grade factor f, is given by ~ x (10.22), 200 where %G is the grade in percent. The parking factor f is given by NV = 0.1 = 18N%,/3,600 fia f= NOBLE 1an/3.600 where V is the number of lanes and N,, is the meaerat ‘parking maneuvers per ‘The adjustment factor for bus blockage fx is given by N — 14.4.N,/3,600 fu = W stopping per hour. is the number of buses stop Asia Tee fu parotid ne or sho for central business an eept Ta a fr re er tr fe ‘Sngle lane approaches, is given by eS - | fer = 1.0 - Pro 215 + (F00 Pe ians is i i in the lane BOP ember of eae re Sa ray we te Pheu conticting wah the right turn in owribe gee rf and ue ‘there ae ee : ent which "ovements, thie of sheen protected phases *° In the case a (10.24) (10.25) For single-lane approaches. the adjustment ftp 234 cwal no conflicts with pedestrians right turns is 0.135 + aS 0.90 — Pra moo ) 0025 5 0.95 for exclusive left turns with ted, and will not be covered here. Sect Set ror for left turns, firs “The adjustment fact 7 are rather complica phasing. Other cases HCM for details. ies pnonLeM 10.7. The diagram below sbows sla OP Aa ExAME section i located in an outying business disc Traffic includes 6 percent aiveles, The grade approaching the intersection is =1.0 percent. There are 15 heavy 's per hour, and 30 pedestrian conflicts perk ane raneuvers per hour, 4 bus blockages imanelmmount wo 15 percent ofthe total low; there are n0 left ens. ‘because of the ad tof arn lane. Find the saturation low rate for this lane group, Téeal flow: Number of lanes: Factors: s0 s 15.0 and $250 525.0 and =40.0 40.0 and $00.0 0 FO — ane spc ap a 1 Third Edition, COPY OT posers ‘Transportation Council, Washingto®, DC mouno> nn OIE te of Servive 236 ewarrue 10; Capacity ant Level of Ser wing wnatyaty status erttertiy ~ Relattonsbty to pro Celica Nn SONS fogs < XI = 098 dos = XLS 00 pct XL > 1.00 Over cupactty Soure: pvt Rot 209 hy Capcity Mama Fanion, Coporigh 1904 by the Transportation Research [Nationa Resear Cousil, Washington, DC: planning analysix method includes the number of lanes on each approach, the pro. ‘ed hourly volume for each movement, maximum and minimum eyele duration, serie parking is to be permitted or not, and the proposed treatment of left turns, ay s are given for when to use exclusive left a part of the method, rough guidelines are given tum, Tanes and protected phases for left turns, The HCM also suggests that eycles win usually be between 60 and 120 s, although 150 s may sometimes be used in areas subject to congestion. - ; 4 ‘AS in the case of the operational analysis method, the simplest case is that in which all left turns have exclusive lanes and protected phases, In that case fy is 0.95 for a single left-turn lane and 0.92 for a dual left-turn lane, and the adjusted volume per lane for left turns is ~ Mr bur = pe (10.27) where o,y = adjusted left-turn volume per lane Viz = total hourly volume for left turns N = number of left-turn lanes Jex = adjustment factor for left turns = 0.95 inva iSht tums are assumed to share the rightmost lane with through vehicles and to involve permitted phasing: a default value of 0.85 is assumed for fy. ‘Through/right- {urn volumes are also adjusted for parking conflicts where parking is permitted. Default values of f of 0.800, 0.900, and 0.933 are used for one-, two-, and three-lane proaches respectively, Where there is no Parking, the value is 1.000. The adjusted volume per lane for through/right-turn approaches is “lin + Ye (10.28) here ter = through/right-turn vok ° va = total right-turn idea Per lane E Adjustment factor for right turns = Vy = total through traffic volumes” O85 rer = situations othe involving il than cused complicated and are nq ng analyis method for these carey, ©: See the jn Ptecteg ce adjsted er-lAN€ Votey wr ed one eitcal culated etd the critica td for the juon may be calculated. For the cage qe YlUme-tage "Nappy, Aeycted phasing) the signal cycle iy gagunscate here (ney PAY tating he gras 1 tHE OPPONINE et tyre ge involve thre ttn ane niurn (that in he one with the arcateradjumed During pas!" ech hwy move same direction, p ame per beeen Pipe ou ©lunive the Volumes are assizted 85 follows, Phase ih tightune sea is assigned aot ft ur phase 2 is assigned the ry €d the volume rns: and phase 3i8 assigned the greqter at ft diference pect Aetdom 7 - gection of the nondominant left turn and eh ome no et direction of the dominant left turn minus the differencs aheigh tun example, suppose the southbound left turn (designated eae” M0 eftturny Fe lane than the northbound left turn, Then, for te assigned (0 signal phases as follows: Phase 1: NL Phase 2: = SL_— NL Phase 3: max [NTR, STR ~ (SL ~ NL)] siete NL isthe northbound left turn volume, NTR isthe northbound though ight tum volume, and STR is the southbound through /tight-turn volume The total number of critical conflicting movements per lane for the intersection isthe sum of the volumes for all three phases on both streets. Alternatively the total ‘umber of conflicting movements may be calculated as em = max(NL + STR, SL + NTR) + max(EL + WTR, WL + ETR) here ven is the total number of critical confctng movements pet lane, EL i the castbound left-turn volume, WR is the westbound left-turn volume, nites bound through/right-turn volume, and WTR is the westbound throug! 0 it tio, it is also necessary » |i order to determine the critical volume-to-capacity "0 ammo: late the maximum number of critical movements per la (ded by the intersection. This is given by (10.29) ce (: _ )esgonnnnen" 1 where © = intersection capacity, critical move ensinn L = summation of loss time in the a Cou = maximum allowable cycle lene! fo justment factor for area PHF = peak hour factor 238 cnarren 10: Capacity and Level of Service « time L consists ofthe summation of time at the besinnin phase whch vtannot be used for the movernent of traffic. In the Plann ae ngs assumed to be 3.8 for each phase in which any movemeny sean ad stopped. The total lost time for the case considered here is 6 5 i bos tno lost time is attributed to phase 2 because neither movement involved inthe, Steg, Sent Adefault value of 0.90 is assumed for the is Pase is both started and stoppe . iota sce v_. and ¢ are determined, the volume-to-capacity ratio is caleylaee™ lated a, each Kn € 10.39) here X;» is the volume-to-capacity ratio. This may then be compared with the in Table 10.24 to determine the status of the intersection. ‘Values EXAMPLE PROBLEM 10.8, Volumes for each approach of the intersection show tow are given inthe table. All left turns have protected phasing and all right turns pa lanes with through movernents. Assume that PHF = 0.90 and that the intersection ina central busines district. Cyele lengths may vary from 60 to 120s. Determine whet the inersection is under capacity, nea capacity, at capacity or over capacity. ' t ' 1 ' i Approach ——Veime, VPH Left Seam Right Through Southbound = ight Through Tenbbound 125 75 625 stbound 100 700 peernine adjusted volumes per lang. : . 4 NL = 125/h = 125/955 _ i h = 100 fer + 7 : TR TI oe = {2010.85 + 259 : SL = 100/p, sop, HOBO = 454 . fz = 100/095 = 195 : str = "She + 625 _ a5 /055 , 625 (2)(0.500)— = 348 | EL = 75/fix = 75/095 : j = 125/fer + 875 ere = 125 + 875 _ 128/088 + a75 M © Gy0sR) ~~ 365 WL = 50/fr = 50/0.95 = 53 50/fer + 1,150 WTR = Her + 16150 _ 50/0.85 + 1,159 Ne ~~ Gyo) — = 482 Determine sum of critical movements: North/south street: dominant left turn: NL Phase 1 (NSL) = SL = 105 Phase 2 (NTL) = NL ~ SL = 132 — 108 = 27 Phase 3 (NST) = max[(ST, NT - (NL - SL) | = max(348, 454 ~ 27) = 427 | Lost time = 2X 35 = 65 East/West Street: dominant left urn: EL. Phase | (EWL) = WL = 53 Phase 2 (ETL) = EL ~ WL = 79 ~ $3 = 26 Phase 3 (EWT) = max{WT, ET ~ (EL ~ WLI] = max(432,365 ~ 26) = 432 : ‘ 4 Lost time = 2X 35= 68 ‘Sum critical movements: = 1,070 105 +27 + 427 + 53 + 26 + 432 Calculate Xoq3 fon ' -# 1,900)(1.00)00:90) 1,538 a 120, 1,070 = = 0:70 Xen = 7,539 970 < 0.85, intersection is under capecid- Level of Service Y 104 SUMMARY of vehicles, passengers, he maximum number + OF the fi Capacity ee he accommodated by a given facility oF system tanger unit time, which can Mt Maple expectation of aecurrence, The concept of Ben witl the maximum number of vehicles, pee conditions : cl |, and is defined as olume is closely related. as odated by a given facility or system under yy en xs, or the like, that ea UY Service. Level of service criteria are related to the ss travel times or speeds, total delay, robe! eeities of airports and rail lines are heavily gen ate ie ofther control systems. Since control systems may diferg capacities are calculated by means of analytical formulas, ome case rams, and simulations. Highway capacities are heavily dependent on die flow models based on empirical data, ‘Ty, behavior, and are calculated by using igiwoy Capacity Manual isthe standard North American reference on hig caetny. Ieeontains methods for calculating capacities and service volumes for variety of facilities, Highway Capacity Manual methods for calculating capacities a basic freeway segments, ramps and ramp junctions, two-lane rural highways, ang signalized intersections have been discussed in this chapter. 240 carte 10: Capacity and conditions at a given Sfwraic low, and include such things = of delay, safety, an dent on 1d comfort. Caps REFERENCES 1. R Horonjeff and F. X. McKelvey. Planning and Design of Airports, 34 ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1983, 2. VR. Vuchie. Urban Public Transportation Systems and Technology. Englewood Cliffs NI, Prentice-Hall, 1981 3. Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209. Washington, DC, Transportation Research Board, 1994. PROBLEMS As airport runwa taal Jet with an ny arrivals only is used by two classes of aircraft, a conves Semis i a sproach seed of 120 nautical miles per hour anda heavy je i tautical mils long: 60 percent of th miles per hour. The common approach path s & heavy jets. Buffer times in moe aircraft are conventional jets and 40 percent a capacity of the runway in aircraft por owe siven in the table below. Determine ch with an apProwh SPeed OF 180 nau tical miles long: 40 tical miles Enso i: 40 percent Pet hon {30 os, Baller times fa seconds STAR it Te commoy the runway 25 gin 50 capocity i rat per ST the yt a ai a eg = ‘Trailing Lea satay SRT | airport runway handling arr 3. Anaitp way, arrivals only is used tional et with an approach speed of 120 nautea Me classes of ica an approach speed of 180 nautical miles miles per hour and a one a ‘Trailing Lead aircratt speed - speed aircraft speed Lo 180 Seed oto 120 30 Py 180 35 EF SS 104A. A freeway in a mountainous recreation area has a4 percent upgrade 1.5 mi long. Dein speed is 70 MPH. The traffic stream includes 15 percent recreational vehicles and 6 percent trucks and buses. There are two 12-ft lanes in each direction and no lateral obstructions. The peak hour factor is 0.87. Based on past experience, it is determined that the adjustment factor for the character of the traffic stream sbould be 0.85. What is the service flow rate at level of service C? What is the maximum hourly volume? What is the capacity? Mas. ‘A rural freeway bas two 12-ft lanes in each direction and a raf seam composed of 12 percent recreational vehicles and 8 percent trucks and buses. ee TMP ‘upgrade, I mi in length. There are no lateral obstructions. Design ae : hour and the adjustment the current maximum flow rate is 1,790 vehicles per hour awe Pe the character of the traffic stream is 0.80, what i the os ‘and a traffic steam com Janes in one direction 270 gil. The a "0 of 10 percent trucks and buses (recreational vehicles 9 Te poy rate at lve laeral obstructions. Design speed is 70 MPH. Wha Service D on a 3 percent upgrade, 1.25 mi loné? operde 175 01 Anan recuay presetly as ine 12-1a06 0022 ees ma The traffic includes 8 percent trucks and PUSS Ty sipH There are no lateral obstructions. Design Pe remarking Be e"6 (2) What is the present capacity Of B® UPETD, widening and (©) How mach could the P2659 0a up ie taveled way w provide 106. An urban freeway has four 12-f evel of Service ‘enarrun 10: Capacity and Level spgrade 0.75 mi long. Expected traffic com, reeway has a 5 percent ETT ational vehicles. The adjunnee9, 10g, Arua fi ‘and 10 percent recre © adjusimen gat rocks and buses cted t0 be 0.75. Desi fay Operven ratfic stream is expectes in speed forthe character of the tale ro be | ee Wate main anes are needed Janes in each direction. There are no Intea The tea includes 12 percent ne ay 10 MPH. The traffic stream i Percent trucks am 2 perce er 9, what iste Tevel of service ona 3 Percent grade, 1.2 ye speak hour factor of 0.92, 10.9, An urban freeway has three 12 vel of service for the ramp combination and traf condition HAG, Wat Ss. The terran is level, Lane widths are 12 ft, and there are yo eye pe Trafic is urban commute traffic. Freeflow speed on the ramps is 40 py 53050 VPH —> wr 300 lanes (6 racks LI 25008 SS (600 VPH, 6% trucks 1750 VPH. 4% trucks 10.11. What is the level of service for the ramp combination and traffic conditions shown below? PHF = 0.92. The terrain is level. Lane widths are 12 ft, and there are no ob- structions. Traffic is urban commute traffic, Free-flow speed on the ramps is 40 MPH. a — 08 00 lanes. 49% trucks a 2000 SS 00 VPH, 69% trucks, 650 VPH, 85 trucks 10.12. What is the level of ser below? PHF = 0.78. structions. Traffic is u service for the ramp combination and trafic conditions sbow® terrain is level. Lane widths are 12 ft, and there are 90 0 ban commute traffic, Free-flow speed on the ramps is 4S MPH aR 10% trucks on 400 ft Manes 300 VPH, 4% trucks a is the level of Service for the Penn a6 ott ie? PHF = 0.87. The terain tenet Sinton ang ions. Traffic is urban commute yer Width ape 1 ah sirvct Tle, Freetown 2 a Shoe 90 he rae 3800 VRE = ~ 0n . 45 trucks Ler ‘ Kt NJ 300 VPH, 4% trucks SX ! SVP eae is the level of service for the ramp combs i it Me? PHE = 0.81 oe Saini level Lane widths are 132 SSCS howe t srctions. Traffic is urban commute tafe. Freee eo tenes aa 34S rR ae — > son son time 85 trucks OF za XS 300 VPH, 6% trucks mat: What is the level of service for the ramp combination and trafic comic wees Hs few? PHF = 0.86. The terrain is level. Lane widths are 12 ft and there are av ob sructions. Traffic is urban commute traffic. Free-flow speed on the ramps 4 £) MPH. 72200 VPH (6% trucks "NIT rural two-lane highway has 12 lanes a ie terrain, and has 20 percent no-Passiné 795% ye $ percent recreational vehicles: buses 402° Cyrreat Volumes is 60/40. The peak hour factor Per hour. What is the level of servic evel of Service aaa cnarsen 10: Capacity and Y esas, A rural vwo-tane highway rm 2a and ile em =, rrr, and has 69 PRICED zg, buses are negligible. Ths doctomal seat ional vehi: Wars 0.90. Carrent hourly vokume og ra of service? ‘a 4g is 70/30. The peak is wat is the level 0 vernon. pe ston ow fre ae ey ow a 108, Deer te information below a heavy vehicles 6 Peete Oe eae Non-CBD 10.20, Determine the saturation flow rate for the lane group shown below (che northbound ‘one-way approach) given the information below: Percent heavy vehicles 6 Grade 8 Parking maneuvers 20/h Bus blockage ion ‘Area type ne Conflicting pedestrians 200/h RT. percent of total flow 15 LF, percent of total flow 10 10.21. Determine the saturation through ow through and righ tur) given thn ange ven this tnformarina — — a Er0up shown below (she ease OO Bw percent heavy vehicles g Grade +1% maneuvers om pos blockage lon ‘Area {YPE . non. Conflicting pedestrians 50/h Rr, percent of total flow 39 a2, Using the planning analysis approach gece determine whether the inte: i capviy. ner capacity, or under cape SEW sod ope AY Mera, all ght turns share lanes with through yavesi {UMS have proteted sara tibed in the 1 oom share bang Zh moveme Pasi that the intersection is mot in a central business on ume that PHF = 9 24 0 120s. aa dist. Cyl lng my ad vary from ea eassiris —e i a ut re ‘Volume, VPH __ Volume, VPH__ ene 8S chy Northbound ic 100 1.000 1 Southbound so iso 180 Eastbound 100 135 1.278 estrone. Capacity in the Highway ver capaci "23, Using the planning analysis approach described im Sd operate can .d Level of Service 246 cuapter 10: Capacity am Volume, VPH Approach Left Right Through Northbound 125100) 950 Southbound 15075 1,075 Eastbound 1075 900 Westbound 50 950 10.24. Using the planning analysis approach described in the Highway Capacity Manual, determine whether the intersection shown below should operate over capacity, at capacity, near capacity, or under capacity. All left turns have protected phasing and all right turns share lanes with through movements. Assume that PHF = 0.90 and that the intersection is not in a central business district. Cycle lengths may vary from 60.t0 120s. owruTER EXERCISES smming. Write & computer props ‘ fam Wo caleulate the, z sok runway used for arrivals onl. The program shouldbe abi hogs MEM ot of aircraft. The minimum dis : "DW foe tere j fort, bfler matrix, approach speeds nd Lop nr Pc ca cy 7 tobe provided by the user as input. Output should include s mom Poa Pe separations, a matrix of unbuffered ime separations « mata bates ee tions, the weighted average time separation, and the capacity Tea the popran ok data from Problem 10.3 and the following data: me: SE ae Aircraft class Type Speed, knots Output should be Vj2 for merge, petween the ‘and diverge (if applicable), freeway the merge, the diverge, and the (AMP Oe pour ( be 15-min flow rates in com from Problems 10.12 and 10.13- MN TOA Spread sheet, Use a spread sheet 10 calculate the Capacity og cwartun 10: Capacity and Level of Servieg only. The seca sheet tou document the sper Tract My type anal should present in matrix form the umes separation rath feat ng tattle tor each aircraft pur. The spread shoes should alo cut ler, uate » Caley fn separation is seconds per aircraft and the runway capaci the ga ten spread sheet» work one oF more of Probleme hg! 2 a ra eran 104. Quread sheet, Use a spread sheet to work one OF MOTE Of Problems los The spread sheet sl I correcta hy 4. aig, user should look up from the ay 8), ld calculate et rate, capacity, or we ratio, the level a the “ree ge 10S, Spread sheer. Design and use a he level of serv nations of on- and of Is should documents and correction factors and be used to calculate all conversions of volumes wet fates in PCPH. It should also document the equation or auations used to cage y and/or Fro, the calculation of all flows used in the capacity themselves, 10.8. Spread sheet. Use a spread sheet to calculate the level of Service fora two-lane hghea, The spread sheet should document all input data and ‘Correction factors and calculate the Service flow rate and actual flow rate. Service flow rate calculating should be repeat unui the level of service is

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