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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. forget B.sporting C. perform D. supportive
2. A.facial B. economic C. oceanic D. beneficial
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. watercraft B. jet-skiing C. committee D. paralyse
4. A. gymnasium B. fertilizer C. competitive D. peninsula
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
5. ………..seasonal rainfall, especially in regions near the tropics, is winds that blow in at
opposite direction in winter than in summer.
A. Causing B. That cause C. To cause D. What causes
6. Only when air and water seep through its outer coat………..
A. does a seed germinate B. to the germination of a seed
C. a seed germinates D. for a seed to germinate
7. Sam’s on his way, so make him a coffee……………he arrives.
A. if B. until C. while D. when
8. The explosion was of such………….that it was heard five miles away.
A. intensiveness B. intensity C. intense D. intensification
9. –“Where’s Phong?”
–“I’m not sure. He……………….lunch.”
A. has to have B. must have C. might be having D. may have had
10. You’ll get a better ……………….of exchange at another bank.
A.rate B. value C. worth D. charge
11. Paul Samuelson revolutionized………… presenting his students with the most advanced
economic thinking at an introductory level.
A. to teach economics B. the teaching of economics
C. teaching that economics D. economics is taught
12. Is there anyone who………….the plan put forward by the committee?
A. differs B. disagrees C. objects D. opposes
13. He would win the race if he ………..his brother’s example and trained harder.
A. repeated B. followed C. answered D. took
14. OXFAM……………….the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief.
A. refers to B. works for C. applies to D. stands for
15. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as
different as………..
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. here and there
16. She…………………when she heard the good news.
A. let down B. cheered up C. got over D. gave up
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
17. –“Do you mind if I open the window?”-“…………….”
A. Yes, it’s my pleasure. B. No, I don’t. C. No, I hope not. D. Yes, I do.
18. –“Please accept my apology for disturbing you.”
A.I’m really sorry, too. B. That’s all right, don’t worry.
C. No, I don’t accept that. D. Yes, why don’t I?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. Scientists warn about the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals if we
don’t take urgen action to save them.
A.absolute B. imminent C. formidable D. improbable
20. I want you to weigh his words carefully. He seems sincere and presents his arguments well.
There is, however, something that doesn’t quite ring true about the candidate.
A. measure the mass B. put pressure on a scale C. think about D. be important
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. Helen’s attitude toward dealing with criminals has chaned over the years. She now believes
that some crimes are so heinous that those responsible should be shown no mercy.
A. guilty B. terrible C. impressive D. wonderful
22. Don’t feel stupid. Yes, you thought this worthless replica was a valuable work of art. But it
even fooled a lot of experts. It certainly looked like the real thing!
A. a dishonest act B. something genuine C. something valuable D. an imitation

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
23. In a restaurant, if we want to call the waiter, we can raise our hand and wave it slight to signal
that we need assistance.
24. While working as a travel agency, my elder brother specialized in arranging tours of the
Mekong Delta for foreign tourists.
25. Irrigation often studied together with drainage, which is the natural or artificial removal of the
surface and sub-surface water from a given area.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
26. My cousinshows a desire to put aside the status of the school child.
A. The status of the school child makes my cousin happy.
B. My cousin is determined to put up with the other school children.
C. My cousin decides to play down the status of the school child.
D. My cousin doesn’t want to be a school child any more.
27. It appears that the harvest workers think they were maltreated.
A. The harvest workers seem to think they were maltreated.
B. The harvest workers claim to have been maltreated.
C. It is thought that the harvest workers were maltreated.
D. It appears that the harvest think of being maltreated.
28. A simplified edition is easier to read than the original; it’s shorter.
A. A simplified edition which is shorter than the original is easier to read.
B. A simplified edition, which is shorter than the original, is easier to read.
C. The original, which is shorter, is easier to read than a simplified edition.
D. The original is longer than a simplified edition, and it is difficult to read.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.

29. The flood may rise higher. We have to move upstairs.

A. we’ll have to move upstairs soon if the flood rises any higher.
B. Unless the flood rises any higher we won’t have to move upstairs.
C. If we don’t move upstairs, the flood may rise higher.
D. We have to move upstairs in case the flood rises any higher.
30. People live together in one place. They form a community.
A. When people form a community, they live together in one place.
B. In order to live together in one place, people form a community.
C. People form a community when living together in one place.
D. Forming a community, people live together in one place.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During
this time, the body recovers from the (31)………….of the previous day. The rest that you get while
sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little (32)…………..than the one before. As you sleep,
your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you
(33)………….the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state
that when dreaming (34)……………, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly. This stage of sleep is
called REM, which stand for Rapid Eye Movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very deeply. Other people
believe that drinking warm milk will help make you (35)…………….There is also an old suggestion
that counting sheep will put you to sleep!


31. A. acts B. actions C. activities D. activeness

32. A. deeper B. lighter C. shorter D. higher
33. A. reach B. arrive C. attain D. achieve
34. A.exists B. appears C. survives D. occurs
35. A. tired B. drowsy B. dizzy D. awake

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.

When blood is sent to the lungs by the heart, it has come back from the cells in the rest of the body.
So the blood that goes into the wall of an air sac contains much dissolved carbon dioxide but very little
oxygen. At the same time, the air that goes into the air sac contains much oxygen but very little carbon
You have learned that dissolved materials always diffuse from where there is more of them to where
there is less. Oxygen from the air dissolves in the moisure on the lining of the air sac and diffuses
through the lining into the blood. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the air sac.
The blood then flows from the lungs back to the heart, which sends it out to all other parts of the body.

Soon after air goes into an air sac, it gives up some of its oxygen and takes in some carbon dioxide
from the blood. To keep diffusion going as it should, this carbon dioxide must be gotten rid of.
Breathing, which is caused by movements of the chest, forces the used air out of the air sacs in your
lungs and brings in fresh air. The breathing muscles are controlled automatically so that you breathe at
the proper rate to keep your air sacs supplied with fresh air.

Ordinarily, you breathe about twenty-two times a minute. Of course, you breathe faster when you are
exercising and slower when you are resting. Fresh air is brought into your lungs when you breathe in,
or inhale, while used air is forced out of you lungs when you breath out, or exhale.
(Source: www.
36. According to the passage, the blood going into the wall of an air sac contains………
A.much carbon dioxide B. a lot of oxygen
C. no fresh air D. very much moisture
37. In the respiratory process, only one of the following actions takes place: it is…………..
A. the diffusion of blood through capillary walls into air sacs.
B. the diffusion of carbon dioxide through capillary and air sac walls into the blood
C.the diffusion of oxygen through the air sac and capillary walls into the blood
D. the exchange of nitrogen within air sacs
38. The word “which” in the passage refers to…….
A.the blood B. the lungs D. the heart D. the body
39. The number of times per minute that you breathe is…………
A. independent of your rate of exercise B. fixed at twenty-two times per minute
C. influenced by your age and sex D.controlled automatically by the body
40. The process by which carbon dioxide and oxygen are transferred does not depend on…..
A.the presence of nitrogen in the blood B. breathing muscles
C. the flow of blood D. the moisture in the air sac linings
41. The author’s tone in this passage can best be described as………..
A.admirable B. objective C. personal D. ironical
42. Which of the following is the opposite of the word “inhale” in the last passage?
A. breathe out B. breathe in C. diffuse D. exchange
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
The sculptural legacy that the new United States inherited from its colonial predecessors was far from
a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculpture as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and
craftspeople. Stone carvers engraved their motifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of
death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds. Some skilled
craftspeople made intricately carved wooden ornamentations for furniture or architectural decorations.
While others caved wooden shop signs and ships’figureheads. Although they often achieved
expression and formal excellence in their generally primitive style, they remained artisans skilled in
the craft of carving and constituded a group distinct from what we normally think of as “sculptors” in
today’s use of the word.
On the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign
sculptors, as in the 1770’s when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina,
commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. Wilton also
made a lead equestrian image of King George III that was created in New York in 1770 and torn down
by zealous patriots six years later. A few marble memorials with carved busts, urns or other
decorations were produced in England and brought to the colonies to be set in the walls of churches-as
in King’s Chapel in Boston. But sculpture as a high art, practiced by artists who knew both the artistic
theory of their Renaissance-Baroque-Rococo predecessors and the various technical prodedures of
modeling, casting, and carving rich three-dimensional forms, was not known among Americans in
1776. Indeed, for may years thereafter, the United States had two groups from which to choose-either
the local craftspeople or the imported talent of European sculptors.

The eighteenth century was not one in which powered sculptural conceptions were developed. Add to
this the timidity with which unschooled artisans-originally trained as stonemasons, carpenters, or
cabinetmakers-attacked the medium from which they sculture made in the United States in the late
eighteenth century.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
43. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.There was great demand for the work of eighteenth-century artisans.
B. Skilled sculptors did not exist in the United States in the 1770’s.
C. Many foreign sculptors worked in the United States after 1776.
D. American sculptors were hampered by a lack of tools and materials.
44. It is stated in the first paragraph that the sculptural legacy that the new United States had from
colonial times was……….
A.not great B. very rich C. plentiful D. not countable
45. The word “motifs” in the passage is closest in meaning to………. B. prints C. signatures D. designs
46. The work of which of the following could be seen in burial grounds?
A. European sculptors B. carpenters C. stone carves D. cabinetmakers
47. The word “they” in the passage refers to…………
A. skilled craftspeople B. wooden ornamentations
C. architectural D. wooden shop signs
48. Why does the author mention Joseph Wilton in paragraph 2?
A. He was an English sculptor who did work in the United States.
B. He was well known for his wood carvings.
C. He produced sculpture for churches.
D. He settled in the United States in 1776.
49. What can be inferred about the importation of marble memorials from England?
A.Such sculpture was less expensive to produce locally than to import.
B. Such sculpture was not available in the United States.
C. Such sculpture was as prestigious as those made locally.
D. The materials found abroad were superior.
50. How did the work of American carvers in 1776 differ from that of contemorary sculptors?
A. It was less time –consuming. B. It was more dangerous.
C. It was more expensive. D. It was less refined.
The end

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