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Road Pavement Failure That Related With Soil Behaviour at

Jalan Parit Sempadan Laut

Muhammad Faris Danial Bin Malikhazulkifli1, Muhammad Rafizal Bin Md
Rosli1, Mira Madihah Binti Khairul Anuar1, Nur Sahirah Binti Sabtu1, Sarah
Yasmien Binti Zakaria1,*
Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental
Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia, Batu Pahat 86400, MALAYSIA.

Abstract: Pavement failure may be cause be many factors. This study has been taking place in the area Jalan Parit
Sempadan Laut, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor. In this study the student has to find the failure pavement and the
student were told to do the study on pavement failure that related with soil behaviour. One of the pavement failure has
to be identified in order to study about the soil properties that can be cause of pavement failure. This study also have
been to detail out about the soil properties that contribute to the failure of the pavement which conclude about the
factor of the pavement failure. The treatment also was concluded in this study in order to find the solution to this
issues about the failure of pavement. Therefore this solution are required to improve the strength of the soil and
prolong the useful life and durability of the road.


Surface transport system is important in rapid 1. To identify the location of pavement distress around
development of any country. A high quality of road the place chosen.
network system maximize its benefits to the society and 2. To determine the types of pavement failure.
facilitates to achieve the economic growth of the country. 3. To evaluate the possible causes of pavement
Pavement is the durable surface material laid down on an distresses.
area intended to foot traffic such as road or railway. In the 4. To understand the pavement failure mechanism.
past cobblestone and granite setts were extensively used,
but these surface have been replaced by asphalt or
concrete. The pavement structure normally consist of a Site observation of flexible pavement distress along
few layers of strong materials to ensure the stability of the Jalan Parit Sempadan Laut, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
traffic loads. Asphalt deteriorates when weather and Johor indicates frequent occurrence of small, bowl-
traffic wears fines aggregates away. When the fines are shaped depressions in the pavement surface that penetrate
worn away, there is nothing to bind the larger aggregates all the way through the layer down to the base course.
together and the surface begins to unravel. The weakness They generally have sharp edges and vertical sides near
of the pavement section and eventually allows water to the top of the hole. However, due to the complexity of tire
penetrate the sub grade which lead to pavement failure. and pavement interaction resulting from the tire geometry
Other than that, soil behaviour also can lead to and loading conditions, the accurate and fully
pavement failure. Type of soil properties has three type, representative distribution of surface stresses remains
which physical properties, chemical properties and partly unknown. The study of flexible pavement distress
biological properties. In the physical properties that can is advantages for the highway engineers because of the
lead to pavement failure is water holding capacity, following reasons:
drainage rate, cohesion between particles of soil, organic a) The knowledge about pavement distress enables
material of content, and shrink and swell potential of soil. us to gain more knowledge in efficiency and
The chemical properties is pH of soil, nutrient availability high performance pavement.
and organic matter content also maybe can lead to b) Therefore, the high performance pavement
pavement failure. And for biological properties is ensures efficient traffic flown and safety to the
microbial biomass and earthworm population. This study passengers.
was done is to find the pavement failure that related with c) Other than that, the study of pavement distress in
soil behaviour. that area helps in the improvement in design of
the pavement which may be so more effective in
the area.

Pavement deterioration or pavement failures are the There are two common types of disintegration
process which defects the pavements due to the effects of which is potholes and patches. Potholes are small, bowl
traffic loading and environmental conditions. There are shaped area on the pavement that penetrate all the way
four major categories of pavement failures which is through hot mix asphalt layer down to the base course.
cracking, surface deformation, disintegration and surface Generally, it have sharp edges and vertical sided near the
defects. The details for the pavement failures are stated top of the holes. Next is patches. Patches is an area of
below. pavement that has been replaced with a new materials to
repair the existing pavements. This patches also called a
defects because it never completely meshes with the
2.1 CRACKING existing pavements.
There are seven most common types of cracking on
the pavement which is fatigue cracking, longitudinal 2.4 SURFACE DEFECTS
cracking, transverse cracking, block cracking, slippage There are three most common types of surface
cracking, reflective cracking, and edge cracking. From defects which is ravelling, bleeding and polishing.
our case study, the types of pavement cracking are fatigue Ravelling occurs due to the loss of materials from the
cracking. pavement surface as a results of insufficient adhesion
Fatigue cracking is also called as alligator cracking. between asphalt, cement and aggregates. It usually occurs
This is a series of interconnected cracks that will create at older pavements that have already oxidized. For
small and irregular cracks of pavements. This is due to bleeding, it occurs when the bituminous mix contains too
repeated traffic loading. The cracks also will lead to the much asphalt cement relative to the aggregates. This can
disintegration of the surface. When the cracks became reduce the skid resistance of the pavements and making
worse, it will produce potholes. the pavements very slippery when it wets and it will
Next is longitudinal cracks. Longitudinal cracks are create hazard for the road users.
long cracks that occur at the centre of the roadway.
Transverse cracking form at approximately right angles to 3.0 FACTORS THAT CAUSES OF
the centre line of the roadway. Transverse cracks usually
begin as hairline or very narrow cracks on the road. For
A pothole is a depression in a road surface, this
block cracking, it is the interconnected series of cracks
pavement failure happens where traffic has removed
that will divided the pavement into irregular pieces. This
broken pieces of the pavement. This is because water in
sometimes results to longitudinal and transverse cracks
the underlying soil structure and traffic passing over has
affecting the area. The water has weak the underlying soil
Slippage cracking is a half-moon shape of cracks with
and it give the affect to traffic that will break the poorly
the both ends pointed towards the oncoming vehicles.
supported asphalt surface in the affected area. Besides,
These are creates by the horizontal forces of from traffic.
the pavement fatigue is the main reason behind the
Then, reflective cracking also occurs when a pavement is
formation of potholes.
overlaid with hot mix asphalt concrete and the cracks will
First, the occurrence of fatigue cracking will
reflects up through the new surface. For edge cracking,
interlock the road or soil structure to form alligator
the edge cracks will start as crescent shape at the edge of
cracking. The chunks between the crack formed in the
the pavement. It will expand from the edge until they
pavement, this will make the pavement become loose and
began to produce fatigue cracking.
it will be picked out under continuous loading and
stresses. As alligator cracking becomes severe, the
2.2 SURFACE DEFORMATION interconnected cracks create small chunks of pavement
In surface deformation, there are five basic types of and when the vehicle drive over them the pavement will
surface deformation which is rutting, corrugation, be dislodge. Then, the potholes on the pavement will
shoving, depressions and swell. Rutting is commonly a happened. Overtime, the distress will progress downward
failure of one or more layers in the pavements. It is the into the lower layers into the pavement and it will make
displacement of pavements materials that creates the vehicles tires are damaged due to large potholes.
channels in the wheel path. Next, corrugation. Another situation how the potholes begins forming are
Corrugation commonly occurs at which vehicles rain, sleets and snow work into the soil under pavement
accelerates and decelerates. Corrugation also referred to and as thawing occurs, the water runs away and the soil
wash boarding because the surface of the pavements has recedes, creating a hole under the pavement.
become distorted like a washboard. For shoving, shoving Next, the cold-path material poured and spread
is a plastic movement of the asphalt concrete surface into the pothole. The material must pour to a level
layers that will creates a localized bulging of the approximately half above the surface to allow
pavements. Depressions are small, localized bowl-shaped compaction. Then, prior compacting material, a liberal
area that may include cracking. Swell is also a localized amount of water was spread over patch material to
upward bulge on the pavement surface. penetrate and soak into material. Water will activate the
rapid curing mechanism within the patch material. Then,
compact material using suitable compaction method.

Water threatens the stability of soil and it is particularly Based on figure 1, Jalan Parit Sempadan Laut is
adverse to pavement structures since they are built located near the restaurant and hostel. Pekan Parit Raja
through areas of changeable moisture quantities. It has itself is known as centre of hub education because it has
been generally established that the increased subgrade university and we know that students in university is
moisture content during spring results in increased came from all over the country and makes the population
deformability for example decreased bearing capacity of of people increased thus the number of people who used
the pavement. the road as their main connector road also increased. In
Finally, potholes are failures on a roadway addition, we had used this road for everyday because it is
surfacing, it is mostly caused by weakness and fatigue of a connection road from our hostel to UTHM and it is also
the surfacing material and can occur anywhere on a had been used by many types of vehicles which is
roadway. Potholes will give damage to the vehicles and becomes one of the factor why we choose the location.
dangerous to the road users. Proper investigation can determine the factor of pavement
failure, how to avoid the pavement failure and the way to
4.0 CASE STUDY improve the pavement failures.


Figure 3


A pavement is the durable surface material laid down
on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic,
such as a road or walkway. In the past cobblestones and
granite setts were extensively used, but these surfaces
have mostly been replaced by asphalt or concrete. The
pavement structure normally consists of a few layers of
Figure 1 strong materials to ensure adequate stability under traffic
The study was concentrated on Jalan Parit Sempadan Pavement failure occurs when an asphalt surface no
Laut, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor as our main location. longer holds its original shape and develops material
This road is located in Pekan Parit Raja which is a town stress which causes issues. Pavement failure issues
in Batu Pahat District, Johor Malaysia. An investigation include cracking, potholes, depressions, rutting, shoving,
was conducted in the area revealing the failure on the upheavals and ravelling. Like any other element of a
road. property’s improvements, pavement has a natural life
cycle and at some point roads and parking areas will
require maintenance and repair. While most maintenance
and repair can be projected, sometimes pavement fails
prematurely. Such failure can happen over the course of
months or years or it can be very sudden. Because it is an
unplanned expense, many property owners attempt to
contain remediation costs by implementing surface
solutions to pavement problems.

Figure 2

Published by UTHM Publisher 3
Previous researches had shown that roads failed
due to various reasons like negligence of road
maintenance and poor soil properties like low CBR.
Inadequacies in design and poor workmanship, improper
mix proportion, poor quality control during construction,
poor drainage, inadequate thickness of the pavement
section to support the loads that travel across the asphalt
and weak or unstable sub grade components could also
lead to the failure of a pavement. Poor soils can seriously
impede construction of adequate subgrades, as well as
affect the long-term performance of a pavement during its
service life.
Although a pavement's wearing course is most Asphalt deteriorates when weather and traffic we
prominent, the success or failure of the pavement is more ar fines aggregates away. When the fines are worn away,
often than not dependent upon the underlying sub grade - there is nothing to bind the larger aggregates together and
the material upon which the pavement structure is built. the surface begins to unravel. This weakens the pavement
Sub grades can be made of a wide range of materials section and eventually allows water to penetrate the sub
although some are much better than others. It is stated in grade, which leads to pavement failure. About 90% of the
that a subgrade’s performance generally depends on three time when we have pavement failure, it is a problem with
of its basic characteristics (all of which are interrelated): the sub grade. Inadequate support in the base and soil
1. Load bearing capacity directly beneath the pavement can cause alligator
The sub grade must be able to support loads cracking and other pavement failures.
transmitted from the pavement structure. This
load bearing capacity is often affected by degree 4.3 SOIL PROPERTIES
of compaction, moisture content and soil type. A Soils are named and classified on the basis of physical
sub grade that can support a high amount of and chemical properties in their horizons known as layer.
loading without excessive deformation is Physical properties of soil consists of colour, texture,
considered good. structure, porosity, density, consistence, temperature, and
2. Moisture content air. Meanwhile, chemical properties of soil is the
Moisture tends to affect a number of sub grade interaction of various chemical constituents that takes
properties including load bearing capacity, place among soil particles and in the soil solution which
shrinkage and swelling. Moisture content can be is the water retained by soil. The chemical interactions
influenced by a number of things such as that occur in soil are highly complex, but understanding
drainage, groundwater table elevation, certain basic concepts will better help to manage turf and
infiltration, or pavement porosity (which can be ornamentals.
assisted by cracks in the pavement). Generally,
excessively wet sub grades will deform PHYSICAL SOIL OF PROPERTIES
excessively under load.  Colour Of Soil
3. Shrinkage and/or swelling Most of us thought soils are brown but the truth is
Some soils shrink or swell depending upon their soil colours range from black to red to white. Sometimes
moisture content. Additionally, soils with it can even be blue. Soil colour mostly comes from
excessive fines content may be susceptible to organic matter and iron. Topsoil is often dark because of
frost heave in northern climates. Shrinkage, organic matter. An even, single colour indicates the soil is
swelling and frost heave will tend to deform and well drained. In contrast, rusty spots and grey patches
crack any pavement type constructed over them. (sometimes even a light blue in colour) indicate poor
drainage. Colours of soils vary widely and indicate such
The type of soil in our location that we choose is important properties as organic matter, water, and redox
quaternary sediments deposited. It is refer to geological conditions.
deposits typically of quaternary age (less than 2.6 million  Texture Of Soil
years old). These geologically recent unconsolidated Soil texture is one of the properties that is related
sediments may include stream channel and floodplain with types of soil particles and their arrangement. It is
deposits, beach sands, talus gravels and glacial drift and refers to the size of the particles that make up the soil and
moraine. Quaternary geology has developed over time depends on the proportion of sand, silt and clay-sized
from being originally a branch of historical geology to particles and organic matter in the soil. Sandy soils feel
becoming a science on its own. gritty when rubbed between your fingers. Silts feel
A pavement is said to have failed when it is no l smooth like a little like flour while most clays are sticky
onger able to absorb and transmit the wheel loading and moldable. It is also are made up of different
through the fabric of the road without causing fairly rapid combinations of sand, silt and clay particles. Soils that are
further deterioration of the road pavement. a mixture of sand, silt and clay are called loams. The
name of the soil often identifies the dominant particle

such as Timaru silt loam describes a soil that has a molecules known as cat-ions, are attracted to the negative
predominance of silt. Other examples of New Zealand charges on the soil particles where it is called adsorption.
soils are Waikare clay and Te Kopuru sand. In addition, The sites where cat-ions attach to particles are cat-ion-
soil texture can influence whether soils are free draining, exchange sites Thus, clay retains more nutrients than
whether they hold water and how easy it is for plant roots coarser soils, just as it holds more water due to the greater
to grow. For example: surface area to which nutrients can adsorb. The ability to
1. Sand particles are quite big. The pore spaces hold cat-ion nutrients is called the cat-ion-exchange
between the particles in sandy soils are also capacity (CEC) and is an important characteristic of soils
quite large. This allows water to drain quickly in that it relates to a soil’s ability to retain nutrients and
and air to enter the soil. Sandy soils tend not to prevent nutrient leaching. Coarse soils have low CECs,
get waterlogged in winter but can be subject to while clays and highly organic soils have high CECs. A
drought during summer. sand may have a CEC of under 10 which it is a very low
2. Silt particles are too small for us to see with our figure meanwhile any CEC above 50 is high, and such
eyes. Silt soils have much smaller pore spaces soils should be able to hold ample nutrients.
but a lot more of them. The value shear strength  Salinity
for silt soils is 22 kPa. Some soils, particularly in arid regions, hold high
3. Clay particles are smaller than 0.002 mm in levels of salt. We discussed earlier how clay soils are
diameter. Clay soils are poorly drained and hold more prone to salt build-up, and the same principle
on to the water in their pore spaces for much applies to arid-region soils. Low rainfall prevents
longer. However, they can become very hard if leaching of salts, so they build up in soils. Pan layers,
they dry out. The value shear strength for clay common in arid regions, further inhibit drainage and
soils is 5 kPa. leaching. Some fertilizers and amendments also can
 Structure Of Soil increase salinity.
Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles into  Soil pH
different geometric patterns. It is classified into different Soil pH may be the single most important aspect of
types on shape, classes on size, and grades on stability soil chemistry. Strictly speaking, soil pH, or soil reaction,
and amenable. It also describes the way the sand, silt and is a measure of the number of hydrogen ions (H+) present
clay particles are clumped together. Organic matter such in a solution. In more common terms, it is a measure of
as decaying plants, animals and soil organisms like alkalinity and acidity. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14.
earthworms and bacteria influence soil structure. Clays, Seven is neutral, 0 is the most highly acidic value
organic matter and materials excreted by soil organisms possible and 14 is the most alkaline, or basic, value. Most
bind the soil particles together to form aggregates. Soil plants grow best in the range of 6.5 to 7.0, which is
structure is important for plant growth, regulating the acidic, but only slightly. The so-called acid-loving plants
movement of air and water, influencing root development prefer lower pH, in the range of 4.0 to 6.0. Under 4.0, few
and affecting nutrient availability. Good quality soils are plants are able to survive. Slightly alkaline soil is not
friable (crumbly) and have fine aggregates so the soil harmful to most plants (except acid lovers). In strongly
breaks up easily if you squeeze it. Poor soil structure has alkaline soils, however, nutrient-availability problems
coarse, very firm clods or no structure at all. Furthermore, related to pH result. Not to forget, the parent material of
soil texture and structure together regulate porosity, soils initially influences soil pH. For example, granitic
density, compactness, retention, and movement of water soils are acidic and limestone-based soils are alkaline.
and air in soil. However, soil pH can change over time. Soils become
 Porosity Of Soil acidic through natural processes as well as human
Soil porosity refers to the pores within the soil. activities. Rainfall and irrigation control the pH of most
Porosity influences the movement of air and water. soils. In humid climates, such as the north-eastern United
Healthy soils have many pores between and within the States, heavy rainfall percolates through the soil. When it
aggregates. Poor quality soils have few visible pores, does, it leaches basic ions such as calcium and
cracks or holes. The way in which a soil is managed can magnesium and replaces them with acidic ions such as
affect its porosity. For example, look at areas around your hydrogen and aluminum. In arid regions of the country
school where students regularly walk. If the grass is worn (less than 20 inches of rain per year), soils tend to become
away and the soil is exposed, it often looks different alkaline.
because it has been compacted and has had its structure
and porosity altered. These are also areas where puddles 5.0 CONCLUSION
form because the water is not able to drain away. As the conclusion, pavement failures are the process
which defects the pavements due to the effects of traffic
CHEMICAL SOIL OF PROPERTIES loading and environmental conditions that can lead to a
 Nutrition few categories of failures which are cracking, surface
Having discussed water relations, it now is a bit deformation, disintegration and surface defects. Most of
simpler to discuss nutrient-holding capacity. Soils hold the road maintenance works are by on emergency basis
onto nutritional elements in a way similar to the way they which can make the proper quality control not always
retain water. For example, positively charged nutrient possible. Highway and road need early and repeated

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