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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69

A stream sediment geochemical re-investigation of the discovery of

the platiniferous Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex
R.G. Cawthorn*
Department of Geology, University of Witwatersrand, P.O. Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
Received 9 February 2000; accepted 17 October 2000

The platiniferous Merensky Reef was discovered on the farm Maandagshoek in the Bushveld Complex in August 1924. A
historical review of these events is presented, based partly on an unpublished report and a map by Dr Hans Merensky. It has
been supposed that Merensky first traced the platinum to discordant ultramafic pipes. However, a re-examination of the
topography and river systems in the area shows that this was not possible. A stream sediment study from this area has been
undertaken to determine the source of the platinum originally panned at the discovery site. Determination of the Pt:Pd:Au ratio
in these samples indicates a strong similarity with ratios in the Merensky Reef, and is completely different from the ratio found
in the pipes, which are deficient in Pd and Au. These ratios also suggest that weathering and transportation has occurred
predominantly due to physical rather than chemical processes. Two platinum-group element anomalies in the stream sediments
are found upstream from the Merensky Reef outcrops. This results from a change in the fluvial system due to Pliocene to recent
up warping with a reversal in flow direction. 䉷 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: platinum; Merensky Reef; stream sediments; history; recent uplift

1. Introduction provide some interesting observations and implications.

A short summary of the discovery of platinum in South
There have been previous reviews (Lombaard, 1945, Africa is first presented, and is followed by some spec-
1996a,b; Bartholomew et al., 1989; Worst, 1991; Wede- ulations on the events that culminated in the discovery of
pohl, 1995) of the history of the discovery of the the Merensky Reef.
Merensky Reef (Fig. 1). However, the development of Previous historical accounts suggest that Merensky
the geological database and exploration strategy used by traced the Pt in the streams to a mineralised, discordant,
Dr Merensky has never been investigated. While such ultramafic pipe. However, the topography, which is re-eval-
an undertaking might seem presumptuous, especially 75 uated here, does not permit such a source for the panned Pt.
years after the event, an examination of three infre- A number of new stream sediment samples from the area
quently referenced articles (Merensky, 1925, 1926; have been analysed for Pt, Pd and Au in order to establish
Wagner, 1925a), two of which were published within the source of the first panned Pt concentrates.
six months of the discovery, and a recently discovered
unpublished company report by Merensky (1924),
2. History of the discovery of the Merensky Reef
* Tel.: ⫹27-11-716557.
E-mail address: (R.G. Cawthorn). The first record of platinum-group elements (PGE)
0375-6742/01/$ - see front matter 䉷 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII: S0375-674 2(00)00163-1
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69
Fig. 1. General geological map of the Bushveld Complex. The three best mineralised ultramafic pipes occur on Driekop, Mooihoek and Onverwacht. Note the close proximity
between the pipes and the Merensky Reef, shown by dashed line denoted Pt. (Pprus is the town of Potgietersrus.)
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69 61

in South Africa was by William Bettel who identified which we now regard as a part of the Upper Critical
osmium–iridium alloy particles in concentrate from Zone.
the Witwatersrand gold mines in 1892, and that first Merensky (1924) reported that the first panned
Bettel in 1906 (as reported by Bartholomew et al., platinum came from the Moopetsi River, at the point
1989), and then Hall and Humphrey (1908) recorded indicated on Fig. 2. It is also apparent from Merens-
the presence of platinum in the chromitite layers of the ky’s map and description that the alluvial platinum
Bushveld Complex (Wagner, 1929). Wagner (1924) occurrences were extremely erratic. Two facts are
reported the presence of sperrylite in the sulphide-rich important with regard to the prospection. Platinum
ore bodies at Vlakfontein in the western Bushveld from the Mooihoek pipe (which was to become the
Complex (Vermaak, 1976). None of these occur- first significant ore body to be discovered) could not
rences of PGE was considered of any economic have reached the Moopetsi River as far north as the
significance, but collectively they demonstrated an site of the first panned platinum within the current
awareness of, and an ability to identify, the plati- drainage system (Fig. 2). The pipe itself lies immedi-
num-group minerals by South African geologists. In ately east of a slight rise which acts as the watershed,
fact, Wagner (1925a, p. 91) stated that in 1923 he was and so the water catchment boundary separates the
“assigned the task of systematically examining the pipe from the drainage system on Maandagshoek.
chromite of the Bushveld Complex for platinum. He Detritus from the pipe is more likely to have travelled
was forced reluctantly to conclude… that it would eastward. Hence, the Mooihoek pipe could not have
never pay to work the chromite rock for that metal been discovered by panning in the Moopetsi stream
[Pt] alone”. Wagner (1925a) also added that “The system shown in Fig. 2. Furthermore, there was no
professional geologist made only one mistake. He recorded platinum on Merensky’s map in the stream
followed too closely the experience gained in the which runs westward from close to the Mooihoek pipe
Urals, where platinum is always associated with chro- (labelled as samples E1–E4 in Fig. 2) to suggest that
mite.” As the Upper Group 2 chromitite layer of the prospecting in this stream could have led to the
Bushveld Complex is now considered to have an even discovery of the pipe.
greater PGE ore reserve than the Merensky Reef Since PGE from the Mooihoek pipe could not have
(Cawthorn, 1999; Vermaak and van der Merwe, reached the area they were panning, it is more likely
2000), perhaps the ‘professional geologist’ was not that they panned platinum from the next west-flowing
mistaken, but merely more than half a century ahead side-stream to the north, referred to by Merensky as
of metallurgical capabilities. the Dry River (on Fig. 2). In this very same valley are
The events in 1924 are recorded in detail by several ultrabasic pipes (Gain, 1985). These pipes do
Merensky (Merensky,1924, 1925, 1926) and Wagner not contain economically viable quantities of plati-
(1925a). A most important diagram, shown in Fig. 2 in num for mineralisation, but perhaps have sufficient
modified form, is taken from the unpublished report of quantities for some to have been discovered in this
Merensky (1924) and is the only known geological stream. Thus, the ultrabasic bodies on the farm Maan-
map of the discovered area. dagshoek, shown on Merensky’s map (and labelled as
Wagner (1925a) reported that the initial major dunite/pyroxenite with Pt by Merensky in Fig. 2), may
discovery of platinum in the Bushveld Complex was have been the first platinum-bearing outcrop to be
made by A.F. Lombaard in June 1924, panning in a identified. A search for outcrops of similar rocks
dry river bed on the farm Maandagshoek (Fig. 2). may have been aided by their striking appearance
Wagner (1925a) stated “he [Lombaard] suspected it (black, coarsely crystalline, ultrabasic rocks), which
to be platinum”, and sent it to Dr Merensky, a consult- aided in the subsequent discovery of the platiniferous
ing mining engineer in Johannesburg. Merensky Mooihoek pipe to the south (Fig. 2), and the Driekop
promptly joined Lombaard on 12th August in the pipe to the north (Fig. 2).
field, and “within three days succeeded in determining The first three occurrences documented (from north
platinum in a pyroxenite and associated ultrabasic to south-Driekop, Maandagshoek, Mooihoek), all
rocks on the farms Mooihoek and Maandagshoek” occur on hills and define a roughly linear trend, almost
(Merensky, 1925, p. 474), within a sequence of norites parallel to the regional north–northwest strike of the
62 R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69

Fig. 2. Map of the farm Maandagshoek, adapted from the unpublished report of Merensky (1924), including the geological data of Gain (1985)
and the author’s geomorphological observations. (The original, previously unpublished map by Merensky is shown on the front cover of the S.
Afr. J. Geol., 102(3), 1999.) The locality of the first platinum panned by Lombaard, the subsequently panned localitites, and the discovery site
of the Merensky Reef are shown. The Mooihoek and Driekop platiniferous pipes are shown as the shaded oval hills immediately east and north
of the Maandagshoek boundaries. Sample localities taken in this study are shown as open circles if PGE were detected, and as solid circles if
below detection limit.

layered rocks of the Critical Zone (Fig. 1). The occur- Driekop) occurrences were actually pipes — discor-
rence on Onverwacht, which was to become the rich- dant bodies cutting across the layering in the Critical
est source of platinum (Fig. 1), was only discovered Zone. Merensky (article dated 10th January, 1925)
by F.W. Blaine on 10th October (Wagner, 1925a; p. referred to the mineralisation as occurring along the
91). However, as of early September 1924 nobody had ‘Kopje Line’ (Kopje being Afrikaans for small, domi-
realised that the Mooihoek (and Onverwacht and cal hill). It is explicit in that article, and the report by
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69 63

Fig. 3. Copy of the cross-section produced by Wagner and Mellor (1925) of the Mooihoek pipe, as understood in early 1925. By the time their
paper was published, they added in a footnote that this geometry was incorrect, and that the platinum-bearing rock (dunite or serpentinite) did
not define a concordant layer. The solid lines refer to the cross-section drawn by Wagner and Mellor (1925) the dashed lines indicate the
subsequent interpretation of the geology based on mining (Wagner, 1929).

Wagner (1925a) that both authors considered these the hills occurred in a concordant layer, which was
occurrences to be a part of a concordant sheet or ultrabasic to pyroxenitic, within a strongly differen-
layer, albeit slightly irregular and lensoid, with very tiated noritic sequence, was coarse grained, and had
variable grades. A subsequent article by Wagner and clinopyroxene. It was possible that by using this
Mellor (1925) included a footnote, added at some date model, the first outcrop of the Merensky Reef was
after 2nd February 1925, which questioned whether located only 1 km from where the first platinum grains
these bodies defined a concordant layer, and noted had been panned (Fig. 2). However, this model
that in their diagram (shown here as Fig. 3) “the (correct, as it turned out to be) was based on an incor-
presumed shape [of the dunite/serpentinite] is not rect understanding of the geology of the first platinum
correct”. The first reference to a pipe-like geometry discoveries on Mooihoek.
is given by Wagner (1925b, article dated 16th Novem- There is another intriguing aspect of this story. It
ber), in which he indicated that information from relates to the source of the platinum found by
mining and lack of lateral stratigraphic correlation Lombaard in June 1924. Merensky (1925) stated
of these occurrences indicated that they are discordant that both ‘gold and platinum’ were detected in the
bodies. concentrate. Next, when Merensky (1925) described
It is perhaps also important to note that “The dunite the discovery of the Merensky Reef, he reported that
of the platinum occurrences was first recognised as ‘gold, and above all platinum’ was found in this rock.
such by Dr E.T. Mellor… early in December 1924” In both statements, gold was mentioned before plati-
(Wagner, 1925a, p. 96), and that it was only Wagner’s num. The locality given by Merensky (Fig. 2) for the
detailed study after that date that identified the iron- panned platinum indicates that the source could have
rich nature of the olivine. In August 1924 Merensky been north, west, or east. From the geology as we now
still referred to these rocks as pyroxenite and asso- know it, the PGE could therefore have been derived
ciated ultrabasic rocks (Merensky, 1925). He also from pipes, Merensky Reef or even UG2 chromitite,
emphasized that the platinum occurred in ‘strongly all of which are not more than 2 km away from the
differentiated’ sequences (referring to the fact that panned area.
the outcrops on Mooihoek and Maandagshoek It is now known (McDonald et al., 1995) that none
occurred within a sequence of pyroxenites, norites of the pipes contained any gold. If Merensky had
and anorthosites). The dark colour, the coarse grain realised that fact during the initial exploration of the
size and possibly the presence of large, poikilitic clin- pipes, he would have concluded that there must be
opyroxene grains in the platinum-bearing rocks would another source for this gold. Such an hypothesis
also have been noted. Hence, Merensky would have may have spurred him to continue his prospection to
based his subsequent exploration strategy on the find a platinum and gold source, and not to be content
assumption that the already discovered platinum on to merely evaluate the pipe occurrences.
64 R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69

Fig. 4. Geomorphological map of the area. There are two long, north-trending valleys from the Steelpoort River in the south as far as the Atok
Platinum Mine. Prior to epirogenic uplift, these rivers fed into the Steelpoort River, but now flow northwards, with a watershed which cuts
through the middle of Maandagshoek. The farm boundaries of Maandagshoek, which is shown in more detail on Fig. 2, are highlighted.

3. Geomorphology rugged Leolo Mountains composed of Main Zone

gabbros which overlie the Critical Zone and the
It is important to comment on certain aspects of the Merensky Reef. To the east lies another chain of
fluvial system and the geomorphology of the area. rugged hills underlain by the Critical Zone, and to
Maandagshoek straddles a broad valley about 3 km the east again is a second valley. The existence of
wide which trends almost due north (Fig. 4), within two parallel valleys, less than 5 km apart, is thought
which flows the Moopetsi River. To the west lie the to have been the result of glacial activity during the
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69 65

Table 1
PGE contents for stream sediment samples from the farm Maandagshoek (Localities of samples are shown in Fig. 2)

Sample number Size fraction (mm) Analytical method Pt (ppm) Pd (ppm) Au (ppm)

A1 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.20 ⬍ 0.08 0.022

C7 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.11 ⬍ 0.08 0.010
D2 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.17 ⬍ 0.08 0.010
D4 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.11 ⬍ 0.08 0.011
D5 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.16 ⬍ 0.08 0.016
D6 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.23 ⬍ 0.08 0.013
F5 ⬍ 250 ICP 0.14 ⬍ 0.08 0.015
C3 ⬍ 50 ICP-MS 0.19 0.072 0.074
C3 50–100 ICP-MS 0.11 0.045 0.019
C3 100–250 ICP-MS 0.088 0.048 0.015
E2 ⬍ 50 ICP-MS 0.39 0.22 0.025
E2 50–100 ICP-MS 0.79 0.55 0.032
E2 100–250 ICP-MS 0.10 0.033 0.013
D1 ⬍ 50 ICP-MS 0.42 0.11 0.047
D1 50–100 ICP-MS 0.21 0.12 0.02
D1 100–250 ICP-MS 0.38 0.30 0.031

Permo-Carboniferous period. A glacial origin for valley. Hence, erosion by the original, larger, south-
these two specific valleys has not been previously ward flowing river would have carried considerable
proposed, but it is well-known that the Bushveld PGE, resulting from the decomposition of the
area underlay mountainous terrain during the pre- Merensky and Upper Group 2 chromitite Reefs as
Karoo glaciation (Visser, 1987), and from which well as the Driekop pipe.
boulders of Bushveld granite have been found in
Karoo tillites far to the south (Du Toit, 1954). Permian
to Jurassic sedimentary rocks (the Karoo Supergroup) 4. Stream sediment geochemistry
infilled this entire area, but the valleys have been
exhumed to their original glacial morphology. Signif- Stream sediment samples were collected from
icant rivers in these two valleys originally flowed various sites on Maandagshoek for analysis for the
southwards, depositing considerable alluvium in the PGE. The localities of all samples are indicated on
valleys. There has been Pliocene to recent subsidence Fig. 2. At each site a variety of micro-depositional
of the Bushveld basin from Pretoria to Pietersburg environments was sampled, including dense mineral
(Fig. 1) to the west of this area (Du Toit, 1933), and traps behind large boulders, and visible dense mineral
uplift forming the Great Escarpment to the east of the (chromite and magnetite) concentrates on the outside
area in Fig. 1 (Partridge, 1998). As a result, both river of bends, within an area of 100 m 2. From each locality
valleys now contain an imposed watershed running the sample weighed over 3 kg. Each sample was
northeast–southwest across the original valleys weighed and then wet-sieved, and the ⬎250 mm frac-
(Fig. 4), with only ephemeral streams flowing away tion discarded. It was assumed that no grains of PGM
from the crest. These opposing streams on Maandag- would exceed this size, because no bigger grains of
shoek (both called the Moopetsi River) are now PGM occur in the Merensky Reef or UG2 chromitite
re-working the poorly consolidated sediment accumu- (Lee, 1996), and because there is no lateritic soil in
lated prior to the uplift. The outcrop of the Merensky this valley in which supergene growth of PGM might
Reef runs almost in the centre of the Moopetsi River have occurred (Bowles, 1986). The ⬍250 mm fraction
valley (Fig. 4), for over 30 km from close to the Atok was weighed and represented weights which were
platinum mine, all the way to the Steelpoort River. between 20 and 40% of the total weight of each
The Upper Group 2 chromitite lies approximately sample. For each of three samples, three sub-
1 km to the east of the Merensky Reef, also in this samples were collected, namely 100–250, 50–100
66 R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69

Fig. 5. Plot of Pt:Pd:Au ratios of stream sediment samples (encircled area) and platiniferous ore bodies (solid dots). In the inset the solid dots
refer to samples ⬍250 mm. The three joined symbols (small, medium and large open circles) refer to the different size fractions from three
samples C3, D1, E2 (⬍50, 50–100, and 100–250 mm). The solid dot, labelled UG2 is average grade for the farm Maandagshoek (Gain, 1985),
and is comparable to the average for the entire eastern Bushveld (Vermaak and van der Merwe, 2000). The composition of the Merensky Reef is
from Vermaak and van der Merwe (2000). ‘Pipe’ refers to the average of analyses from the platinifereous pipes (McDonald et al., 1995).

and ⬍50 mm fractions, to determine if there was any are not of importance in this study, but their relative
preferential concentration or fractionation of the PGE abundances are. All samples, for which all three
in the different size fractions. Analyses were elements were detected, plot within a relatively
performed in two batches at the Amplats Research small area within the Pt–Pd–Au triangle (Fig. 5).
Centre in Johannesburg, using ICP and ICP-MS. In The new sample from the original alluvial platinum
the first set of analyses by ICP the PGE contents in a discovery site (A3 in Fig. 2) in the Moopetsi River
number of samples were below detection limit, and so proved to be below detection limit for PGE. The only
a subsequent set was analysed by ICP-MS. For over sample to contain any PGE in that stream (A1) lay
half the samples analysed by ICP, concentrations of Pt upstream of the confluence with two other dry stream
were below detection limits of 0.08 ppm, and are not beds. Tracing the side-stream, denoted C, in which the
considered further. For others, Pd was below detection Merensky Reef outcrops yielded two samples with
limit, but Pt and Au gave detectable concentrations. detectable PGE (C3 and C7), one of which came
For the third group all three elements could be from upstream of the Merensky outcrop (C7). A
detected. The data are presented in Table 1 and plotted second side stream intersecting the Merensky Reef
in Fig. 5. Since all of these values are for concentrates, (B) proved totally barren. The west-flowing side-
the actual bulk sediment sample would have stream (D) proved the most successful. Where alluvial
concentrations which are only between 20 and PGE had been reported at two localities by Merensky
40% of these values. However, the absolute values (between D1 and D2, and D6) relatively high values
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69 67

of Pt were recorded. In the next side-stream to the 47 and 1% for UG2 for the eastern Bushveld
south (E on Fig. 2) which drained from close to the Complex. These figures are given as a percentage of
Mooihoek pipe, Merensky (1924) had not found any total PGE plus Au. Gain (1985) presented the
Pt (and so he could not have identified the Mooihoek averages of a large number of analyses of UG2 chor-
pipe on the basis of panning). However, one sample mitite from an exploration programme on the farm
from this stream (E2) contained the highest PGE Maandagshoek, and are very similar. The average
content of this survey. The locality where Merensky Pt:Pd:Au ratios for these two ore bodies are shown
identified Pt in stream F yielded no values, but sample in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the stream sediment
F5, downstream did contain PGE. In the eye of the samples (for which Pt, Pd and Au were reported) all
north-flowing Moopetsi River alluvial platinum had lie close to the average Merensky Reef proportions,
been identified by Merensky, but none was found in and are different from UG2 and especially pipe abun-
the present sample (G1). It is considered significant dances.
that this site and C7 lie upstream of the possible Pt Sample C7 (from this study) and locality G
sources (Merensky and UG2 Reefs and pipes). (sampled by Merensky) are of interest. Both lie
upstream from the Merensky Reef given the present
drainage pattern, and so there is no way that the
5. Interpretation present river systems could explain the presence of
PGE at either of those two localities. However, if
The Merensky Reef, the UG2 chromitite and the sediment had been transported from the north in
several pipes outcrop in or near to the Moopetsi the pre-upwarp river a source from the north
River valley, and so the originally panned platinum (Merensky or UG2) would be possible.
could have come from any of these sources. However, The stream sediment analyses can be examined in
a consideration of the Pt:Pd:Au ratios allows a distinc- slightly more detail, based on the sub-samples taken.
tion to be made between these different sources. The compositions of all size fractions still plot within
Based on the reports from Merensky (1925), and the a relatively small region of the Pt:Pd:Au plot in Fig. 5.
interpretation given above, it was inferred that he had A comparison of compositions for each sample shows
concluded that the presence of Au in the originally that there is no systematic pattern regarding relative
panned sample was a crucial fingerprint of the main enrichments within the different size fractions. In two
PGE mineralisation. He had not found any Au in any cases the three analyses define a linear trend, varying
of the samples taken from the Driekop and Mooihoek in Pt:Pd ratio, but with minimal change in Au content.
pipes, and so realised that there had to be a different In one the coarse fraction has the higher Pt content
source for the Au. This hypothesis can be tested more and in the second case the reverse is true. In a third
rigorously with the stream sediment analyses, plotted case, the fine fraction is enriched in Au with minimal
on Fig. 5. Data for Pt, Pd and Au for the pipes have difference between the two coarser fractions. It is a
been presented by McDonald et al. (1995). Their data limited data base, but there does not appear to be any
base is relatively small, but all analyses indicate mini- fractionation between the PGE taking place as a func-
mal Pd and Au. Of particular importance is the rela- tion of grain size of the PGM, nor is there much redis-
tive absence of Au. This conclusion is born out by all tribution of the relative proportions of the three
the petrographic studies on samples from all of the elements during erosion and reworking. Furthermore,
pipes, because no reference has ever been made to all stream sediment analyses fall close to the average
any Au being present in any of these descriptions for the Merensky Reef.
(Tarkian and Stumpfl, 1975; Stumpfl and Rucklidge, In order to suggest that the PGEs in the stream
1982; Rudashevsky et al., 1992; Lee, 1996). sediment were derived from the pipe ore it would
Analyses of Pt, Pd and Au for the Merensky Reef have to be argued that during reworking all samples
and UG2 chromitite have recently been compiled for became markedly depleted in Pt relative to Pd
the entire Bushveld Complex by Vermaak and van der compared to the pipe, but all by exactly the same
Merwe (2000). They reported average values of Pt, Pd proportion, such that they now have the same ratio
and Au of 58, 30 and 7% for Merensky Reef and 39, of Pt:Pd as the Merensky Reef, regardless of grain
68 R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69

size. However, the absence of Au in all of the pipes be a layer within the stratigraphic sequence of the
and its presence in the stream sediment, remains a Bushveld Complex rather than discordant pipes. It
problem for this interpretation. took a year of exploitation of these bodies before
If it were suggested that the PGEs in the stream the true shape began to emerge.
sediment came from the UG2 ore it would require However, another feature may have convinced
relative enrichment in Pt compared to Pd in the weath- Merensky that the ore bodies on Mooihoek and Drie-
ering process, fortuitously yielding the same Pt:Pd kop were not the source of the panned platinum. He
ratio as Merensky ore. Again the absence of Au in noted that Au was present in the panned concentrate,
the UG2 source compared to the sediment remains a but was absent in the pipe ores. He may have reasoned
problem. The PGM in the UG2 ore are extremely fine- that there had to be another Pt and Au-bearing ore
grained, even compared to the Merensky ore, with body in the area, which was why he continued search-
none exceeding 50 mm (Kinloch, 1982; Peyerl, ing, leading him to the true Merensky Reef. This
1982; Kinloch and Peyerl, 1990). Hence, the fact hypothesis has been substantiated by analysis of
that the coarser fractions (100–250 mm) contain stream sediments reported here. Their concentrations
comparable amounts of PGE as the ⬍50 mm fraction give Pt:Pd:Au ratios identical to those in the
would have required supergene enlargement of grains, Merensky Reef, but significantly different from
with all size fractions becoming equally enriched in Pt. those in the UG2 chromitite and pipe ores.
It was mentioned above that the original Moopetsi The interpretation of stream sediment assaying or
River followed the outcrops of the Merensky Reef and panning has been complicated by Pliocene to recent
the UG2 (approximately 1 km to the east) for many changes in the geomorphology of the area. Recent
km to the north of the discovery site (Fig. 4). In neotectonic up warping has resulted in the formation
contrast, there is only one (on Driekop), or possible of a watershed in the original river on Maandagshoek
two (if that on Maandagshoek is included), Pt-bearing and the splitting of this river into streams flowing in
pipes with diameters of only 100 m, upstream from opposing directions. The Merensky Reef outcrops
the discovery site. It therefore seems unlikely that the along the entire length of the original river as it flowed
concentrate panned by Lombaard could have been south and so accumulated significant alluvial PGE in
derived from the volumetrically minuscule pipes, its bed that is now being reworked by the current
rather than one of the continuous layers. In view of minor streams. The presence of alluvial platinum to
the clustering of all stream sediment analyses close to the west and upstream from the outcrop of the
average Merensky Reef it seems far more probable Merensky Reef is also consistent with this hypothesis.
that the alluvial material was actually derived from The most plausible conclusion may be that the
the Merensky Reef than from the UG2 or the pipes. original panned PGE actually came from the
Merensky Reef, not from the pipes. However,
Merensky and Lombaard traced the very sporadic
6. Conclusions tail of PGE in their pans to what they thought was a
layer, but which is now known to be a series of pipes.
The details of the history of Merensky’s discovery Merensky may have realised that these bodies
of the major platinum layer in the Bushveld Complex contained no Au, and so resumed his exploration for
as previously published may be significantly in error. an gold-bearing platinum reef, which he rapidly
Conventionally, it has been reported that the tracing of found. If this interpretation has any credibility, then
small nuggets of Pt in streams led to the discovery of a the acumen of Merensky deserves even greater credit
discordant ultrabasic pipe on the farm Mooihoek, rich than he has hitherto received.
in platinum. A re-examination of the topography of
the area shows that the mineralised pipe lies outside
the present-day drainage basin of the stream where the Acknowledgements
original alluvial platinum was panned.
The second misinterpretation is that the Mooihoek I thank the Merensky Trust for access to and permis-
and other similar bodies were initially considered to sion to publish information and diagrams from their
R.G. Cawthorn / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 59–69 69

archives, and also Amplats for performing the analyses McDonald, I., Vaughan, D.J., Tredoux, M., 1995. Platinum miner-
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