MATH 856 Problem Set 11: N N N N

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MATH 856 Problem Set 11

Due November 8, 2019

1. Let f be a bounded measurable function on E. Show there are sequences of simple

functions on E, {ϕn } and {ψn }, such that {ϕn } is increasing and {ψn } is decreasing and
each of these sequences converges to f uniformly on E.
2. A real-valued measurable function is said to be semisimple provided its range is
finite or countably infinite. Let f be any measurable real-valued function on E. Show
that there is a sequence of semisimple functions {fn } on E that converges to f uniformly
on E.
3. Let f be a measurable, extended real valued function on E that is finite a.e. on E
and m(E) < ∞. For each  > 0, show there is a measurable set F contained in E such
that f is bounded on F and m(E\F ) < .
4. Let f be a measurable, extended real valued function on E that is finite a.e. on
E and m(E) < ∞. Show that for each  > 0, there is a measurable set F ⊆ E and a
sequence {ϕn } of simple real-valued functions on E such that ϕn → f uniformly on F
and m(E\F ) < .

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