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Polynomial Functions

1. The dimensions of a fishpond are: height = 2x – 1 m, length = 6x + 1 m, and width = x +

2 m. If the volume of the fishpond is 156 cubic m, what is the value of x?

x= m
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Our Solution
156 = (2x – 1)(6x + 1)(x + 2)
0 =12x3+20x2-9x-158
0 = (x-2)(12x2+44x+79)
Answer: x = 2

2. You have to earn at least $3000 this summer, to be able to return to college, you found a
construction job that will let you take home $120 per day. The job site is 50 miles from your
home. You must drive 100 mi every day.The car you own costs 25 cents a mile to operate (It's an
old one),You bring your own lunch (using your parents food) so no expense there.How many
days will you have to work to have $3000 at the end of the summer.

Let x = number of days worked, f(x) = 3000

f(x) = 120x - x(.25*100)

Solution: Wages - car expense = required amt

120x - x(.25*100) = 3000
120x - x(25) = 3000
120x - 25x = 3000
95x = 3000
x = 3000/95
x = 31.58 days, so let's say you must work 32 days to reach your goal.

Check it using 32 days

120(32) - 32(25) =
Answer: 3840 - 800 = $3040.00
Polynomial Expressions
1. Let’s say you have a square piece of sheet aluminum that is 12 inches on each side. You want
to cut a square of dimension x by x from each corner of the sheet and then fold the sides up to
make an open topped box. What dimension should you select for x so that box you make has the
maximum possible volume?

If the original sheet of metal is 12" by 12", and you cut an x by x square from each corner, the
dimensions of the bottom of the box would then be 12 - 2x inches. Then the volume with respect
to the x dimension of the box would be .

First, let's test a couple of values to see if it makes any difference. Let's try x = 1. x = 1 means
that our box would be 10 by 10 on the bottom and 1 inch tall for a total volume of 100 cubic
inches. Let's try x = 3. x = 3 means that the box would be 6 by 6 on the bottom and 3 inches tall,
6 X 6 X 3 = 108 cubic inches. So clearly the selected value for x makes a difference in the

is the polynomial function, and the real life problem would

be to find the value of x that makes the volume a maximum.

The graph illustrates the situation. Values for x larger than 6 don't have any
application because if x were 6 or larger, there wouldn't be any metal left to make a
box. So the interval of interest is


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