16.2 - 1951 SB38 Intro

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of special judges and the services of By Senator Kelly of Tarrant:

a clerk of said court; prescribing the S. B. No. 37, A bill to be entitled
salary of said judge; providing for "An Act assenting to the provisions
his removal; providing for the pre- of Congress entitled 'An Act to pr?-
serving of records in cases in said vide that the United States shall a1d
court and for the appointment of a the States in fish restoration and
reporter; prescribing the salary of management projects, and for other
such reporter and providing for the purposes,' approved August 9, 1950;
transfer of cases; providing a repeal- and declaring an emergency."
ing clause, severability clause and de- To Committee on Game and Fish.
claring an emergency."
To Committee on Judicial Districts. By Senator Kelly of Tarrant:
S. B. No. 38, A bill to be entitled
By Senator Parkhouse: "An Act amending Section 1 of Acts
S. B. No. 33, A bill to be entitled of 1947, 60th Legislature, page 1006,
"An Act amending Article 4605 of Chapter 424, (Section la of Article
the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 46a, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas),
1926, regulating the issuance of mar- prescribing certain facts relating to
riage licenses; prescribing penalties; petitioner and child to be included in
and declaring an emergency." petitions for the adoption of a minor
To Committee on Civil Juris- child; amending Section 6 of Acts of
prudence. 1931, 42nd Legislature, page 300,
Chapter 177, as amended, Acts of
By Senator Parkhouse: 1937, 45th Legislature, page 1324,
S. B. No. 34, A bill to be entitled Chapter 490, Section 1 (Section 6 of
"An Act providing for the release, in Article 46a, Revised Civil Statutes of
whole or in part, of certain powers Texas), relating to the written con-
of appointment, the manner and form sent necessary for the adoption of a
of accomplishing such releases, the child, and providing exceptions;
legal effect of such releases, the vali- amending Section 9 of Acts of 1931,
dation of certain of such releases ex- 42nd Legislature, page 300, Chapter
ecuted prior to the effective date of 177, (Section 9 of Article 46a, Re-
this act, and declaring an emer- vised Civil Statutes of Texas), re-
gency." lating to the status of adopted chil-
To Committee on Civil Juris- dren for inheritance and other pur-
prudence. poses; amending Section 1 of Acts of
By Senator Parkhouse: 1934, 43rd Legislature, 2nd called ses-
sion, page 300, Chapter 39, as
S. B. No. 35, A bill to be entitled amended by Acts of 1937, 46th Legis-
"An Act to amend Article 1821, Re- lature, page 1324, Chapter 490, Sec-
vised Civil Statutes of the State of tion 2, and further amended by Acts
Texas, 1926, as amended by House of 1947, 50th Legislature, -gage 1016,
Bill 75, Chapter 33, Acts Regular Ses- Chapter 434, Section 2 (Article 46b,
sion, 41st Legislature, 1929, repeal- Revised Civil Statutes of Texas), re-
ing all laws and parts of laws in con- lating to the validation of adoptions;
flict herewith, and declaring an providing a savings clause; and de-
emergency." claring an emergency."
To Committee on Civil Juris- To Committee on Civil Jurispru-
prudence. dence.
By Senator Parkhouse: By Senator Carney:
S. B. No. 36, A bill to be entitled S. B. No. 39, A bill to be entitled
"An Act prescribing the liability of "An Act to authorize the Board of
owners of dogs; authorizing persons Insurance Commissioners to make,
bitten or injured by dogs to recover approve or promulgate premium rat-
damages from the owner or owners ing plans designed to encourage the
thereof under certain circumstances; prevention of accidents which may be
making it unlawful to own; harbor or on an optional basis to apply pros-
have in custody any dog that bites, pectively or retrospectively and may
injures or attacks a person lawfully include premium discount plans,
upon the property of the scene of retrospective rating plans or other
the injury; limiting the application premium rating plans, systems, or
of this act and declaring an emer- formulas for Motor Vehicle, Work-
gency." men's Compensation and other lines
To Committee on Livestock and of Casualty Insurance applicable
Stock Raising. separately to each class of insurance

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