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February 3, 1947 HOUSE JOURNAL '141

Market Road System, amending Sec- be paid out of the General Revenue
tion 2 of Article XVII, Chapter 184, Fund of the State of Texas of the sum
Acts of the Regular Session of the of Ninety-nine Thousand, Four Hun-
Forty-seventh Legislature, so as to dred Eighteen Dollars and Ninety-
increase the tax imposed upon motor two Cents ( $99,418.92) not other-
fuel sold, ·distributed and used in wise appropriated, to cover the pay-
Texas from the existing tax rate of ment of taxes on State Prison Farm
four ( 4) cents per gallon to a tax lands located in Fort Bend, Brazoria,
rate of five (5) cents per gallon; Walker, Houston, and Madison Coun-
amending Section 25 of said Act, to ties now due and unpaid, exclusive
reallocate and appropriate all of the of penalties and interest, by the State
funds collected under the provisions of Texas to said Counties and to the
of said Article; describing the pur- Independent School Districts in which
poses for which funds allocated to said lands are located, for certain
the State Highway Department can years; authorizing payment of said
be expended; providing for an allo- taxes by the Comptroller of Public
cation to the "Farm-to-Market Road Accounts upon proper statements;
Fund"; prescribing penalties; pre- and declaring an emergency."
serving all taxes, penalties, interest,
fines, forfeitures and bond liabilities Referred to the Committee on Ap-
existing prior to the effective date of propriations.
this Act and preserving all criminal By Mr. Willis of Tarrant:
penalties for offenses committed H. B. No. 3 9, A bill to be entitled
prior to the effective date of this Act; "An Act prohibiting fishing in the
cOlltaining a savings clause; and de- fresh or salt waters of this State
claring an emergency,"
outside of county of residence with-
Referred to the Committee on on t fishing license, providing for is-
Revenue and Taxation. suance and form and fixing fees, of
resident, nonresident and five-day
By Mr. Oltorf, Mr. Swanson, Mr. fishing licenses; providing for exemp-
Fleming, Mr. Pearson, Mr. Sellers, tion license; defining nonresident;
Mr. Kilgore, Mr. Bean, Mr. Blount, specifying who may issue licenses
Mr. McClain, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr. hereunder; providing for issuance of
\Vagonseller, Mr. Clifton, Mr. Aynes- duplicate license upon certain condi-
wol'th, Mr. Brool<s, Mr. Read of Har- tions and prescribing fee therefor and
din, Mr. Tippen, Mr. Wright, Mr. punishment for false swearing in con-
Holstein, Mr. Willis of Kaufman, Mr. nection therewith; providing for cer-
Peters, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Richards, tain records and reports, remission of
Mr. Mahan, Mr. Nokes, Mr. Murphy, fines and fees to Game, Fish and
and Mr. Bracewell: Oyster Commission, their deposit in
H. B. No. 37, A bill to be entitled State Treasury in Special Fish Prop-
"An Act amending Section 10 of Ar- agation and Protection Fund, speci-
ticle 46A, Vernon's Texas Civil Stat- fying purposes for which fund may
utes; permitting the State Depart- be expended; prohibiting fishing un-
ment of Public Welfare to have ac- der license of another; prohibiting
cess to information on adoptions as permitting another to fish under one's
reported to the Bureau of Vital Sta- license; providing for the effective
tistics, State Department of Health; date of Act; prohibiting failure or
providing for certain additional in- refusal to show license upon de-
formation, and providing for the mand by officer; prescribing suitable
safeguarding of the confidential na- penalty and license forfeiture for vio-
ture of adoption records; repealing lation of any provision of this Act;
clause; saving clause; and declaring repealing Article 4032a, Revised Civ-
an emergency." il Statutes 1925, and all other laws,
general or special or local, or parts
Referred to the Committee on Ju- thereof in conflict herewith; con-
diciary. taining a saving clause; and declar-
ing an emergency."
By Mr. Ward, Mr. Sallas, Mr.
Crawford, Mr. Etheredge and Mr. Referred to the Committee on
Lanier: Game and Fisheries.
H. B. No. 38, A bill to be entitled By Mr. Lehman:
"An act making an appropriation to H. B. No. 40, A bill to be entitled

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