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By f'enator Berkeley: 000.00) dollars or so much thereof

s. B. "'" 46, A bill to l.Je entitled as may be necessary for the fiscal
"An. Act to provide for an adequate year ending August 31,' 1928, and the
system of vital satistics, and for the sum of one and one-half million
registration of all births and deaths ($1,500,000.00) dollars or so much
in this State, and for the compiling thereof as may be necessary for the
and preservation of records for such fiscal year ending August 31, 1929.
purposes, etc., and declaring an Sec. 2. Rural and small town
emergency." schools having a scholastic popula-
Read first time and referred to tion of not more than three hundred
Committe on Public Health. (300), shall be eligible to receive
aid not in excess of five hundred
By Senator Berkeley: ($500.00) dollars during any one
S. B. No. 47, A bill to be entitfod fiscal year upon satisfactory evidence
"An Act to better protect and pro- that said school has voted and is
mote the health of the people of collecting taxes in any sum from fifty
Texas: establishing the Department (50c) cents to seventy-five (75c)
of Health, to consist of a State Board on the one hundred ($100.00) dol-
of Health, appointed by the Governor, lars valuation of property assessed
a State Health Officer, appointed IJY at not less than the assessment for
the State Board of Health; fixing the State and county purposes; and pro-
term of office, etc., and declaring an vided said school meets all other re-
emergency!' quirements as to location, construc-
tion and equipment of building and
Read first time and referred to suitable campus authorized by the
Committe on Public Health. State Department of Education,
Conference Committee on s. B. No. 2. which shall be in conformity with
the school building laws of the State.
The Chair announced the appoint- (a). No school district shall be
ment of the following Free Confer- eligible to participate in the funds
ence Committee on S. B. No. 2: hereby provided which seeks by peti-
Bailey, Wood, Wirts, Lewis, Miller. tion, public election or otherwise to
reduce its tax rate below the rate
Senate Bill No. '1. being assessed at the time this meas-
ure takes effect. when said tax rate
The Chair laid before the Senate was equal to or in excess of the rates
on second reading the following bill: required under the first paragraph
S. B. No. 7. A bill to be entitled of this section. Satisfactory proof
"An Act making an appropriation that no elfort has been made to re-
for the year ending August 31, 1928, duce Its tax rate, when same was
and for the year ending August 31, equal to or in excess of the rates
1929, the same or so much thereof required under the first paragraph
as may be necessary to be for the of this section, shall be by each
purpose of promoting rural school school district applying for and
education and equalizing the school granted aid under this Act.
opportunities afforded by the State ( b). Funds hereby appropriated
to all school children of scholastic shall be used exclusively to provide
age living in small and financially or lengthen and extend, the school
weak districts: etc., and declaring term for or to a period of not less
an emergency." than six months, but none of such
Senator Moore sent up the follow- tunds shall be used to increase
. Ing amendment: monthly salaries paid instructors in
schools aided by these funds. Any
By Senator Moore: school district violating this provision
Amend s. B. No. 7 by striking out shall forfeit its right to aid under
all below the enacting clause, and this Act.
insert in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the
Section 1. For the purpose of ad- Superintendent of Public Instruction
vancing and developing public edu- of the county in which the school
cation in financially weak school dis- district making application for aid
tricts of the State, there is hereby under this Act is located, to make
appropriated from the general treas- personal inspection or the buliding
ury of the Stte of Texas the s"Qm of and equipment and financial condi-
one and one-half million ($1,600,-1 tion of the school district, and report

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