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PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. the natural to the adoptive parents of
the custody and parental authority over
By l\lr. Witherspoon: an adopted child."
Petition of twenty-four citizens of
Motley county, protesting against the F..EPORT OF CO:i\l:MITTEE ON AGRI-
passage of the Kennedy Rate Bill. CULTURE.
Referred tQ the Committee on Common Committee Room,
Carriers. Austrn, '_1_exas, March l:j. J
BILLS SIGNED BY THE SPEAKER. Ho1:. Thos. B. LoYe, Speaker of the
House of RepresentatiYes.
The Speaker signed in the presence of Sir: Youi· Committee on Agricul-
the House, after giving due notice there- ture, to whom was referred House bill
of, and their captions had been read Nu. 610, haYing "had same under con-
Sfl'erally, the following bills: sideration beg lea Ye to report -same
House bill No. 299, "An Act to re- back to the Honse with the recom-
quire corporations and their officers to mendation that it do not pass. Messrs.
permit the Attorney General or his as- LiYely and Nelson, members of this
sistants to examine all the books, rec- ccmmittPe, "·ere granted the privilege
ordi;, documents, etc., of such corpora- of making a minority report.
tions; to take copies of same in certain CABLE, Chairman.
cases; making failure to comply with
thfo act a misdemeanor, and prescrib- REPORT OF COMl\IITTEE ON RFY-
ing punishment therefor, and providing ENUE AND TAXATION.
for 1 forfeiture of charter and cancella- Committee Room,
tion of permits of corporations for fail- Austin. Texas, )farch 12, 1907.
ure to comply therewith, fixing venue, Hon. Thos. B. Love,· Speaker of the
and declaring an emergency." House of Representatfres.
House bill No. 513, "An Act to vali-
date sales of school lands to actual set- Sir: Your Committee on Revenue
and Taxation, to whom was referred
tlers in such cases as the applicant did
settle on the land within the time re- House bill No. 387, have had the same
quired by law, but did not file in the under consideration, and I am instruct-
General Land Office the affidavit of set- ed to report it back to the House with
tlement within the time required by law, ' the recommendation that it do pass,
hut did settle and in person or by le- and the chairman has been authorized
gally substituted assignee continue to re- to make full report thereon. •
side upon the lands in good faith." KENNEDY, Chairman.
House bill No. 216, "An Act regulating REPORTS OF COl\IMITTEE ON PUB-
bail in criminal cases and relating to LIC HEALTH.
mode of trial of the defendant in prose-
cutions for felonies, with an emergency Committee Room,
clause." Austin, Texas, March 13, 1907.
Senate bill No. 7, "An Act authorizing Hon. Thos. B. Love, Speaker of the
the Southern Kansas Railway Company House of Representatives.
of Texas to take up and abandon that Sir: Your Committee on Public
part of its track and road extending Health, to whom was referred House
from Washburn to Panhandle, and in bill No. 440, have had same under con-
lien thereof locate, construct, maintain sideration. and beg leave to report it
and operate its road on a line extending Lack to the Honse with the recom-
direct from Panhandle to Amarillo." mendation that it do pass.
House bill No. 150, "An Act to amend RALSTON, Chairman.
ATticle 1538, Title XI, Chapter 2, of the
Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Committee Room,
Texas, relative to the powers and duties Austin, Texas, March 13, 1907.
of the county commissioners courts, and Hon. Thos. B. Love, Speaker of the
authorizing the levy of a tax of not ex- House of Representatives.
ceeding 15 cents on the $100 valuation Sir: Your Committee on Public
to pay jurors." Health, to whom was referred Senate
House bill No. 16, "An Act to amend bill No. 82, have had same under con-
Title I of the Revised Civil Statutes of sideration, and beg leave to report it
the States of Texas of 1895, relating to back to the House with the recommenda-
adoption of children, by adding thereto tion that it do pass .
.Article 2a, providing for the transfer by RALSTON, Chairman.

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