9 - 1934 SB19 Intro

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staUon No. U, located In Hardeman priated in aid of rural schools of the
Tezas, ln order to provide State of Texas in the emergency ap-
material and labor to reconstruct propriation to pay outstanding in-
bulldlng11 destroyed b;r lire on Janu- debtedness Incurred through the op-
ary 18, 1934; maklng an appropria- eration of the rural aid law as made
tion to said Agricultural and Me- by Chapter 173, Acts Regular Ses-
chanical College Sub-station No. 12, sion, Forty-third. Legislature; such
for said purposes, and declaring an unexpended balances to be used for
emergency." the purpose of supplementing · the
Read . llrst time and referred_ to rural aid appropriation as made by
the Committee on Finance. Chapter 211, Acts Regular Session.
Forty-third Legislature, such unex-
By Senator Duggan: pended balances or so much thereof
S. B. No. lS, A bill to be entitled as may be necessary tt> be used and
"An Act amending Section 3 of Chap- expended in aid of rural schools un-
ter 67, Acts of the First Called Ses- -der the provisions of Chapter 211,
sion of the Forty-third Legislature, Acts, Regular Session, Forty-third
same being S. B. No. 52, so as to pro- Legislature, and declaring an emer-
vide the method of prorating funds gency."
providing in said chapter, fixing date Read first time and referred to
for filing claims under said appro- the Committee on Finance.
priation providing that claims aris-
ing thereunder shall not lie negotia- Senate Resolut.ion No. 14.
ble or assignable; providing that no
commissions or fees shall be paid Senator Holbrook sent up the fol-
for presenting and/or prosecuting lowing resolution:
said claims; and declarln.; an emer.. Whereas, Hon. Robt. J. Cohen, Jr .•
gency." President Calveston Merchants Asso-
Read 11.rst time and referred to ciations, civic leader, and his party
tl!.e Committee on Civil Jurispru- are in the Senate Chamber-
dence. Whereas, He and his party added
to the plea.sure of the Senate la.st
By Senator Poage: evening;
S. B. No. 18, A bill to be entitled THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,
"An Act to validate the adoption pa- By the Senate, That he be invited tD
pers .that were signed by the adopt- address this body and tell us why he
illg parent or parents prior to J anu- came to town.
ary 1, 1923, and making the Acts of The resolution was adopted.
adoption prior thereto valid, wheth- 'fhe Chair appointed Senators Hol-
er th.e adoption papers were authen- brook and Blackert to escort Mr.
ticated or acknowledged as· deeds Cohen to the platform.
are required to be; or whether same This being done, Senator Holbrook
were filed for record prior to the introduced Hon. Robert J. Cohen, Jr.
death of the adopting parent or par- to the Senate, who briefty addressed
ents." j the Senate, and thanked the Senate
Read first time and referred to for the privilege of attending today's
the Committee on Civil Jurispru- session.
Mes~eFrom the Governor.
By, Senator DeBerr.v: Executive Department,
S. B. No. 20, A bill to be entitled Austin, Texas, Feb. 13, 1934.
"An Act amendiJ.g Articles 5740, To the Forty-third Legislature In
5742, 5744, and 5757 of the Revised Second Called Session:
CiVi.l Statutes of Texas, 19 25, relat-At the request of Representatives
ing to cooperative marketing associa-
Kayton, Hartzog and others, I am
tions, said articles being a portion of
what Is commonly known as the Co- submiWng herewith for your con-
operative Marketing Act of Texas; sideration a bill being entitled: "An
and declaring an emergency." Act to amend Chapter 29, Acts· of
Read first time and referred to the First Called Session of the
the Committee on Agriculture. Forty-third Legislature, . . . and
declaring an emergency."
By Senator Duggan: At the request of Representatives
S. B. No. 21, A bm to be entitled Kayton and Reader I am submitt-
"An A-et r~ppropriating any unex- ing herewith for your consideraiton
pended balances of the funds appro- a bill to be entitled: "An Act mak-

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