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Caroline G. Apolinario-Lozano

In summer of 2009, our office(iSeNS Asia) received calls from several
companies in Philippine Export Processing Zone located at Rosario, Cavite.
The calls are focused in one problem. It’s about a letter of notice or warning
which they received from the Pilipinas Anti-Piracy Team (PAPT) stating that
the use of unlicensed and pirated software is a violation of the Intellectual
Property Code of the Philippines and is punishable by up to nine years
imprisonment and a maximum fine of 1.5 million pesos. They were served a
notice to comply to licensed software within 20 days from the receipt of the
Initially, they inquired for the cost of licenses of their operating system
and other productivity tool software. However, upon learning the huge amount
of cost that they need to purchase the licenses they asked for alternatives or
other solutions. Of course, our solution to their problem is the Free/Open
Source Software (FOSS). At first, our solution is quite alien to them since
most of them are not aware that these FOSS exists and that they can use it
without license cost at all. So we have to explain to them the pros and cons
in using FOSS vis-à-vis proprietary software. Finally, probably after
comparing the training cost they will incur in migrating to FOSS and the
license cost of the proprietary software, some companies migrated to FOSS.
In my experience, people have apprehensions in using FOSS because
of fear, uncertainty and doubt. Fear in using and adapting a new technology
like FOSS. Uncertainty in the continuity of support and availability of skill set
in case of technical problems and difficulties in using FOSS. Doubt in
effectiveness, security and free license mechanism of FOSS.
I am writing this paper to provide enlightenment about the
misconceptions most people have about FOSS. For a clear understanding of
FOSS, below is a brief definition of the term, which will be the basis of the rest
of the discussion in this paper. A more complete definition can be seen in
Appendix A.
Free/Open Source Software are programs whose licenses give users
the freedom to run the program for any purpose, to study and modify the
program, and to redistribute copies of either the original or modified program
(without having to pay royalties to previous developers).

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 1  

Examples of Free/Open Source Software commonly used are
GNU/Linux (which many abbreviate as “Linux”), the Apache web server, the
Mozilla Firefox web browser, and the office suite. More often
than not, these FOSS are compared to their windows counterparts:
GNU/Linux to Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, Apache Web
Server to Microsoft IIS, Mozilla Firefox to Microsoft Internet Explorer, and suite to Microsoft Office. For more examples of FOSS and
their equivalent windows applications, refer to Appendix B.
At present, FOSS has gained prominence in the ICT arena worldwide.
Google, Yahoo and Facebook are just few of the giant companies that are
using FOSS.
In the Philippines, University of the Philippines has pioneered the
adaption of FOSS in the desktops and servers all throughout its campus
network. I believe it’s high time for us to maximize the full potential of FOSS
in our ICT implementations. However, at present because of the limitations in
manpower skill set and the misconceptions about FOSS, there are handfuls
of Philippines ICT implementation using FOSS.
In a recent article published at last June 29,
2010, it states that “the Philippine Commission on Information and
Communications Technology (CICT) has warned about the rising use of
pirated software among government bodies, and reiterated its call for ‘open
source’ to be deployed as an alternative.” This was because of the recent
findings that there were several government agencies, which are utilizing
pirated software instead of spending millions of dollars for licensed software.

It further states “Software piracy continues to plague the Philippines

with the piracy rate unchanged at 69 percent, according to a Business
Software Alliance report in May.”
The use of pirated software can be resolved with the use of Free/Open
Source Software and the government plays a major role in the adaption of
FOSS. In order for this technology to flourish, the government should
mandate its use in government agencies and institutions. But there are
people/agencies who are asking if the government, particularly the
Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education, should
really encourage and mandate the use of Free/Open Source Software in
the education sector?  
Majority of the users of proprietary software disagree because they
believe that Free/Open Source Software does not have stable support, not
secured, not user friendly, and is more costly because of the scarcity of skill
However I firmly believed that the use of Free/Open source software is
more beneficial to the users, companies and/or organization whether private

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 2  

or government-owned because of its reliability, performance, scalability,
security and total cost of ownership.

It is not a coincidence that FOSS are so reliable. There are good
reasons why free software tends to be of high quality. One reason is that free
software gets the whole open source community involved in working together
to fix problems. Users does not only report bugs, they even fix bugs and send
in fixes. Users work together, conversing by email, to get to the bottom of a
problem and make the software work trouble-free. Another is that developers
really care about reliability. Free software packages do not always compete
commercially, but they still compete for a good reputation, and a program,
which is unsatisfactory, will not achieve the popularity that developers hope
for. What's more, an author who makes the source code available for all to
see puts his reputation on the line, and had better make the software clean
and clear, on pain of the community's disapproval.
According to the Fuzz Study, Free/Open Source Software is more
reliable. The paper “Fuzz Revisited” measured reliability by feeding programs
random characters and determining which ones resisted crashing and freeze-
ups. This approach is unlikely to find subtle failures, yet the study authors
found that their approach still manages to find many errors in production
software and is a useful tool for finding software flaws. What’s more, this
approach is extremely fair and can be broadly applied to any program,
making it possible to compare different programs fairly.
There is evidence that Windows applications have even less reliability
than the proprietary Unix software (e.g., less reliable than the FOSS
software). A later paper published in 2000, “An Empirical Study of the
Robustness of Windows NT Applications Using Random Testing”, found that
with Windows NT GUI applications, they could crash 21% of the applications
they tested, hang an additional 24% of the applications, and could crash or
hang all the tested applications when subjecting them to random Win32
messages. Indeed, to get less than 100% of the Windows applications to
crash, they had to change the conditions of the test so that certain test
patterns were not sent. Thus, there’s no evidence that proprietary Windows
software is more reliable than FOSS by this measure. Yes, Windows has
progressed since that time - but so have the FOSS programs.
Although the FOSS experiment was done in 1995, and the Windows
tests were done in 2000, nothing that’s happened since suggests that
proprietary software has become much better than FOSS programs since
then. Indeed, since 1995 there’s been an increased interest and participation
in FOSS, resulting in far more “eyeballs” examining and improving the
reliability of FOSS programs.

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 3  

The fuzz paper’s authors also found that proprietary software vendors
generally didn’t fix the problems identified in an earlier version of their paper
(from 1990), and they found that concerning. There was a slight decrease in
failure rates between their 1990 and 1995 paper, but many of the flaws they
found (and reported) in the proprietary Unix programs were still not fixed 5
years later. In contrast, Scott Maxwell led an effort to remove every flaw
identified in the FOSS software in the 1995 fuzz paper, and eventually fixed
every flaw. Thus, the FOSS community’s response shows why, at least in
part, FOSS programs have such an edge in reliability; if problems are found,
they’re often fixed. Even more intriguingly, the person who spearheaded
ensuring that these problems were fixed wasn’t an original developer of the
programs- a situation only possible with FOSS.
According to Netcraft’s May 2004 survey Netcraft’s May 2004 survey of
the top ten most reliable hosting providers, 80% of the top ten most reliable
hosting providers ran FOSS. Netcraft’s May 2004 survey found 4 running
GNU/Linux, 4 running FreeBSD, and only 2 running Microsoft Windows.
FOSS did very well in a separate uptime study by Netcraft; as of
August 3, 2001, of the 50 sites with the highest uptimes, 92% use Apache
and 50% run on FOSS OSes. Netcraft keeps a track of the 50 often-
requested sites with the longest uptimes at
Looking at the August 3, 2001 uptime report, it was found that 92% (46/50) of
the sites use Apache; one site’s web server was unknown, and three others
were not Apache. Of those three, only one reported to be Microsoft IIS, and
that one instance is suspicious because its reported OS is BSD/OS (this
apparent inconsistency can be explained in many ways, e.g., perhaps there is
a front-end BSD/OS system that “masks” the IIS web site, or perhaps the web
server is lying about its type to confuse attackers). In this snapshot, 50%
(25/50) ran on an FOSS OS, and only Unix- like OSes had these large
uptimes (no Windows systems were reported as having the best uptimes).
Comparing GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows performance on
equivalent hardware has a history of contentious claims and different results
based on different assumptions. FOSS has at least shown that it’s often
competitive, and in many circumstances it beats the competition.

Performance benchmarks are very sensitive to the assumptions and

environment, so the best benchmark is one you set up yourself to model your
intended environment. Failing that, you should use unbiased measures,
because it’s so easy to create biased measures.

In 2002, TPC-C database measures found that a Linux based system

was faster than a Windows 2000 based system. More specifically, an HP
ProLiant DL580 with 32 Intel Xeon 900MHz CPUs running Oracle 9i R2
Enterprise edition ran faster running on a stock Red Hat Linux Advanced

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 4  

Server than on Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server. You can see the
Linux and Windows reports; note that HP did not modify the Linux kernel to
get these results.

PC Magazine tested file server performance again in April 2002; Linux

with Samba beat Windows 2000 again, but Samba then surpassed Windows
2000 by about 100% and can handle 4 times as many clients. PC Magazine
published another comparison of Samba and Windows (a summary is
available electronically as “Samba runs rings around Win2000.”). They noted
that the later Samba software surpasses the performance of Windows 2000
by about 100 percent under benchmark tests, and found that Linux and
Samba can handle four times as many client systems as Windows 2000
before performance begins to drop off. Jay White, IT manager at electronics
firm BF Group, said that Samba is one of the most useful pieces of server
software available for a mixed Windows and Linux environment. “Our Samba
server has been online for 394 days so far. The total cost is the hardware plus
30 minutes of my time each year,” he said. Mark Twells, IT coordinator at a
large education facility, said, “We run six Samba servers on a variety of
hardware [and] we have around 1,000 users.”; this certainly excellent
evidence of Samba’s utility.

Microsoft themselves found that two FOSS operating systems, Linux

and FreeBSD, had better performance than Windows by many measures.
Paul Murphy’s “’Unix beats Windows’ - says Microsoft!” article of November 8,
2005, pointed out a Microsoft Research report about their research on their
“Singularity” research prototype. The report compares their research
prototype to Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD... exposing performance figures
that compare these operating systems directly to each other. Murphy writes,
“What’s noteworthy about it is that Microsoft compared Singularity to
FreeBSD and Linux as well as Windows/XP - and almost every result shows
Windows losing to the two Unix variants.” And where they didn’t do as well,
Murphy determines that it was because “there are better, faster, ways of
doing these things in Unix, but these guys... either didn’t know or didn’t care.”
These numbers certainly don’t prove that any one system is always the best
performer, but it certainly justifies considering them.
It has something to do with either growing to large-size or being able to
cover both small and large sizes. The large problems might include those
needing hardware platforms with extremely high performance, massive
storage, or a massive amount of software to do the job. The small sizes might
include personal digital assistants (PDAs), smart phones and tablets.
GNU/Linux dominates in supercomputing: 78% of the world’s 500
fastest supercomputers use GNU/Linux, most of the world’s ten fastest
supercomputers... including the world’s most powerful supercomputer (as of

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 5  

March and November 2005) uses GNU/Linux. By March 2005 Forbes noted
that 60% of the world’s fastest supercomputers use GNU/Linux, using data
from Top500 to determine which computers are the world’s fastest. Of those
top 500, the best available information shows that 301 run GNU/Linux, 189 on
Unix, 2 on FreeBSD (another FOSS Unix variant), and one on Microsoft’s
Windows. A few machines’ operating systems are unknown, but even so,
Forbes says “Linux clearly is by far the top choice for high-performance
More recent data from November 2005 shows this as an increasing
trend. Jay Lyman’s November 15, 2005 article Linux continues
supercomputer domination notes that on the November 2005 Top500 list,
78% of the world’s fastest machines (391/500) rely on Linux, far more than
anything else. Seven of the top 10 systems are running GNU/Linux (the other
three run AIX, UNICOS, and Super-UX), and as with the March 2005 survey,
the fastest supercomputer in the world runs on GNU/Linux. In contrast,
“Microsoft Windows didn’t even turn up on the list.” Erich Strohmaier, co-
founder and editor of the Top500 list, said that the FOSS “Linux is the
dominating OS in the supercomputing community and will keep this role... If
anything, it will only enlarge its prevalence.” In fact, he believes that “no other
operating system is likely to be used as much as [GNU/]Linux in the
foreseeable Top500 future.” Strohmaier said there were at least two reasons
for this: GNU/Linux was more cost-effective, and that it matches what many
organizations already run on their servers. Instead, GNU/Linux “has become
an industry standard in this community, and any other OS trying to break into
this market (Mac OS X, Windows, etc.) would have to fight a steep, uphill
At one time the security of FOSS systems was widely debated. Clearly
FOSS systems are not magically invincible from security flaws. But for most
of those who study the question, the issue of whether or not FOSS improves
or reduces security appears to be an increasingly settled issue. The
prestigious Communications of the ACM published “Increased Security
through Open Source” by Hoepman and Jacobs in January 2007 , which
stated that “We believe open source software is a necessary requirement to
build systems that are more secure.... opening the source of existing systems
will at first increase their exposure... However, this exposure (and the
associated risk of using the system) can now be determined publicly. With
closed source systems the perceived exposure may appear to be low, while
the actual exposure... may be much higher. Moreover, because the source is
open... the period of increased exposure is short. In the long run, openness of
the source will increase its security... [and] it allows users to make a more
informed choice about the security of a system....”

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 6  

Windows hosts most defaced web sites, and Windows sites are
disproportionately defaced more often than explained by its market share.
Another way to look at security is to look at the OS used by defaced web
sites, and compare them to their market share. A “defaced” web site is a site
that has been broken into and has its content changed (usually in a fairly
obvious way, since subtle modifications are often not reported). The
advantage of this measure is that unlike other kinds of security break-ins
(which are often “hushed up”), it’s often very difficult for victims to hide the
fact that they’ve been successfully attacked. Historically, this information was
maintained by A summary can be found in James Middleton’s
article, with the actual data found in’s web site.’s data
showed that 59% of defaced systems ran Windows, 21% Linux, 8% Solaris,
6% BSD, and 6% all others in the period of August 1999 through December
2000. Thus, Windows systems have had nearly 3 times as many
defacements as GNU/Linux systems. This would make sense if there were 3
times as many Windows systems, but no matter which figures you use, that’s
simply not true.

The majority of the most serious security problems only apply to

Microsoft’s products, and not to FOSS products, as suggested by the
CERT/CC’s “most frequent, high-impact types of security incidents and
vulnerabilities” and the ICAT database. Some security vulnerabilities are more
important than others, for a variety of reasons. Thus, some analysis centers
try to determine what’s “most important,” and their results suggest that FOSS
just doesn’t have as many vulnerabilities.

Total Cost of Ownership

The term Total Cost of Ownership or “TCO” is common but misleading

for most software, especially for proprietary software, because software users
often don’t own the software they use and thus don’t have the rights of
ownership. It might be more accurate to say that proprietary software users
often “lease” or “rent” the software, and thus this category could more
accurately be named “total cost to lease or own”.
Fundamentally, unless you arrange to have a software program’s
copyright transferred to you, you do not actually own the software -- you only
own a license to run the software in certain limited ways. That’s an important
distinction; in particular, with proprietary software you typically do not have
the rights associated with ownership. When you pay to own a physical
product (say a building or computer hardware), you typically have nearly
unlimited rights to modify and resell the product you bought (subject to legal
limits that prevent harm to others like zoning laws and limits on
electromagnetic emissions). In contrast, with nearly all proprietary software,
you do not have the right to modify the software to suit your needs.
FOSS costs less to initially acquire. FOSS costs much less to get

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 7  

initially. FOSS isn’t free in the monetary sense, because the “free” in “free
software” refers to freedom, not price. This distinction is usually summarized
as “free speech, not free beer”. FOSS isn’t cost-free, because you’ll still
spend money for paper documentation, support, training, system
administration, and so on, just as you do with proprietary systems. In many
cases, the actual programs in FOSS distributions can be acquired freely by
downloading them ( provides some pointers on how to get
For an in-depth analysis comparing the initial costs GNU/Linux with
Windows, see Linux vs. Windows: The Bottom Line by Cybersource Pty Ltd.
Here’s a summary of their analysis (in 2001 U.S. dollars):

Microsoft FOSS(GNU/Linux) Savings by using

Solution Solution GNU/Linux

Company A (50 $69,987 $ 80 $69,907

Company B (100 $136,734 $80 $136,654
Company C (250 $282,974 $80 $282,894

FOSS has gained significant market share in many markets, is often the
most reliable software, and in many cases has the best performance. FOSS
scales, both in problem size and project size. FOSS software often has far
better security, perhaps due to the possibility of worldwide review. Total cost
of ownership for FOSS is often far less than proprietary software, especially
as the number of platforms increases. These statements are not merely
opinions; these effects can be shown quantitatively, using a wide variety of
measures. This doesn’t even consider other issues that are hard to measure,
such as freedom from control by a single source, freedom from licensing
management (with its accompanying risk of audit and litigation),
Organizations can transition to FOSS in part or in stages, which for many is a
far more practical transition approach.

Realizing these potential and considering the economic crisis that our
country is facing, FOSS will surely provide a better alternative to costly
proprietary software. To achieve this, the government should encourage and
mandate its agencies, particularly the Department of Education and
Commission on Higher Education to adapt the use of Free/Open Source
Software instead of the proprietary software. This will ensure availability of
manpower skill set and lessen the hesitation to transition to Open/Free
Source Software because of “lack of Knowledge”.

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 8  

Appendix A: Definition of Terms:

Apache/Apache HTTP Server – is web server software notable for playing a

key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web.  
BSD/OS - Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD, sometimes called Berkeley
Unix) is a UNIX operating system derivative developed and distributed by
the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) of the University of
California, Berkeley, from 1977 to 1995.
Free or Open Source Software - is any software/program that meets any of
the following:

1. Free Redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving
away the software as a component of an aggregate software
distribution containing programs from several different sources. The
license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.

2. Source Code
The program must include source code, and must allow
distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Where some form
of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a well-
publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a
reasonable reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet
without charge. The source code must be the preferred form in which a
programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated
source code is not allowed. Intermediate forms such as the output of a
preprocessor or translator are not allowed.

3. Derived Works
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and
must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license
of the original software.

4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code

The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in
modified form only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files"
with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build
time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of software built
from modified source code. The license may require derived works to
carry a different name or version number from the original software.

5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

The license must not discriminate against any person or group
of persons.

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 9  

6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the
program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict
the program from being used in a business, or from being used for
genetic research.

7. Distribution of License
The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom
the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an
additional license by those parties.

8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product

The rights attached to the program must not depend on the
program's being part of a particular software distribution. If the program
is extracted from that distribution and used or distributed within the
terms of the program's license, all parties to whom the program is
redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in
conjunction with the original software distribution.

9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software

The license must not place restrictions on other software that is
distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license
must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium
must be open-source software.

10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual
technology or style of interface.

FUZZ - a software testing technique that provides invalid, unexpected, or

random data to the inputs of a program. If the program fails (for example, by
crashing or failing built-in code assertions), the defects can be noted.

GNU/Linux - refers to the family of Unix-like computer operating

systems using the Linux kernel. Linux can be installed on a wide variety of
computer hardware, ranging from mobile phones, tablet computers and video
game consoles, to mainframes and super computers.
Pilipinas Anti-Piracy Team (PAPT) - a state-led coalition to fight software
piracy, composed of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), the Optical
Media Board (OMB) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), has been
batting for the use of genuine licensed software for the past four years.
Tablets – sometimes called a computer tablet is a complete computer
contained entirely in a flat touch screen that uses a stylus, digital pen, or
fingertip as the primary input device instead of a keyboard or mouse which
may or may not be included.

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 10  

UNIX - A multiuser, multitasking operating system that is widely used as the
master control program in workstations and servers. The Open Group holds
the trademark for the UNIX name (spelled in upper case) on behalf of the
industry and provides compliance certification to the UNIX standard.

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 11  

Appendix B: FOSS equivalent to Windows Software  
Office and Productivity
Windows apps FOSS

Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, KOffice, Siag

Office package Office

OOWriter, AbiWord, KWord,

Word Word Processing

Notepad, Wordpad,
TheGun, EditPlus, KWrite, Kate, BlueFish, Gedit,
Text Editors
SciTE Joe

Access, dBase,
Kexi, OOBase Database
Foxpro, Paradox
Excel, Lotus123,
OOCalc, Gnumeric, KSpread Spreadsheet
Visio Kivio, Dia Diagramming
PowerPoint OOImpress, KPresenter Presentation
Imendio Planner, Kplato,
Microsoft Project
MOOS Project Viewer, Project management
MrProject, RationalPlan
Evolution, Kontact, BALSA,
Outlook, Thunderbird +
Thunderbird + Lightning, Personal information managers
Lightning, Sunbird
Alcohol 120%,
Discjuggler, Easy CD
K3b, XCDRoast, more CD burning
Creator, Nero Burning
GnuCash, KMyMoney,
Quicken, Microsoft jGnash, MoneyDance, Grisbi,
Money, TurboTax PLCash, CrossOver Office
with Quicken, lazy8ledger
Synchronization with Windows
ActiveSync SynCE
Mobile devices
WinEdt, TeXnicCenter Kile, Texmaker, LyX LaTeX IDEs
Veritas Backup Exec, UniSon, Veritas Netbackup,
Cobian Backup more

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 12  

Beagle, Recoll, Google
Google Desktop Desktop Search
Partition Image, g4u, Mondo,
Norton Ghost Disk imaging

Norton Partition Magic QTparted, GParted Disk partitioning

Disk Size Explorer File Light, Konqueror Disk usage analyzers

system call tracking (file monitor
Filemon, Regmon syscalltrack
& others)
WinMerge, SyncToy Meld, Unison, Synkron, rSync File synchronization
Every Linux distribution has an
infrastructure to manage
apt-get, Aptitude, portage, installed software which is quite
Windows Update,
rpm, urpmi, yast, yum, different from Windows. For
Add/Remove programs
Synaptic instance, all updates are
handled by a single program.
See package management.
automating interactive
WinRunner xautomation
Karchiver, File Roller, ark,
7-Zip, Winzip, Winrar Archivers
hjsplit; command line tools
check your file system (and the
chkdsk fsck
hard disk beneath it) for errors
Daemon Tools mount, GMount-ISO ISO mounting
Disclib gWhere Disk cataloging programs
Desktop Publishing
Windows apps FOSS

Dreamweaver, NVU,
KompoZer OOWeb, NVU, more Web Design

Quark, Quark Express,

Scribus DTP software
Microsoft Publisher
Adobe Acrobat PDF Adobe Acrobat Reader, Xpdf,
PDF readers
Reader Kpdf, Ghostview, Evince; more
Adobe Acrobat Distiller,
kprinter -- can convert to pdf. PDF authoring
Adobe Acrobat PDF pdftk, pdfedit, pdfjam, pdf studio, PDF editing tools

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 13  

editor more
SilverFast xSane, VueScan scanning

page-crunch, mpage, Kprinter, Document

psnup/PSutils, pdfnup/PDFjam printing/reformatting tools

Windows apps FOSS

Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Firefox, Galeon, Konqueror, Internet browsers for the
Netscape, Opera, Lynx, Netscape, Opera, more World Wide Web.

Outlook Express, Kontact, Evolution,

Outlook, Thunderbird, Thunderbird, Claws Mail Email clients.
Pegasus, Lotus Notes Sylpheed
ICQ, MSN Messenger,
PidgIn, Kopete, aMSN,
AIM (AOL Instant
Gabber, Emesene (MSN), Instant messaging software.
Messenger), Trillian,
Microsoft Netmeeting Gnomemeeting

Microsoft HyperTerminal minicom

FTP clients. Note that
dedicated FTP clients are
rarely needed on Linux, since
FileZilla FTP Client, KFTP
FileZilla FTP Client, WS the default file manager can
(KFTPGrabber), Kasablanca,
FTP, Bullet Proof FTP, usually browse FTP shares.
FireFTP, Konqueror, KBear,
CuteFTP Several GNOME programs
CrossFTP, Nautilus
can directly open and edit
files on FTP, SFTP and
WebDAV shares.
Konversation, Quassel, KVIrc,
mIRC IRC Clients
XChat, BitchX
TightVNC, RealVNC,
UltraVNC, TightVNC, rdesktop, FreeNX, x11vnc,
RealVNC, Remote Synergy, XDMCP, SSH with Desktop Sharing
Desktop X11 forwarding (-X or -Y

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 14  

MailWasher KShowmail
Forte Free Agent, Thunderbird, Pan, Sylpheed, News Reader (Usenet
Thunderbird, Pan See More Clients Here newsgroups)
eMule aMule ED2K P2P network clients
Azureus, Qtorrent, Ktorrent,
BitTorrent P2P network
Azureus, utorrent bittornado, Deluge,
Skype, Linphone,
Skype, Voipbuster VOIP software
OPenwenGo, Ekiga
gSTM is a front-end for
Bitvise Tunnelier gSTM managing SSH-tunneled port
Windows apps FOSS

Adobe Photoshop,Corel GIMP, GIMPShop, Krita, Pixel

Photo-Paint, GIMP, Raster graphics
(non-free high quality), LightZone
GIMPShop editors
(non-free high quality)
Vector graphics
Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator Inkscape
XnView, GQView, Mirage,
Irfanview, ACDSee Image viewers
3D Studio MAX, Blender,
Blender, Maya, Softimage, K-3D 3D modeling software
Windows Media Player, MPlayer, Xine, Totem, Kaffeine,
Video Players
SIA Smaart Live BRP-PACU Sound analysis
amaroK, aTunes, XMMS, BMP,
Winamp, Sonique, iTunes, Audacious, noatun, RhythmBox,
Music Players
aTunes xine will play aac and wma,
Windows Movie Maker,
Cinelerra, KDenlive, LiVES, Kino,
Adobe Premiere Video Editors
Audacity, Cubase, CoolEdit, Ardour, Rosegarden, Audacity, Digital audio
GoldWave GNUsound, Beast workstation software
Audio Catalyst,
Grip, Audacity Audio Editors
dbpoweramp, CDex

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 15  

Cakewalk kmid, kmidi
NoteWorthy Composer, Musical score
MuseScore, LilyPond typesetting
Guitar tablature
GuitarPro, TuxGuitar TuxGuitar
Microsoft Paint, Kid Pix, Tux Basic raster painting
Tux Paint, KolourPaint
Paint programs
Videora thinliquidfilm
TMPGEnc DVD Author, DVD authoring
Bombono DVD
Roxio DVDit software
Windows apps FOSS

KTouch Touch typing tutors

Computer algebra
Maple, Mathematica Maple, Mathematica, Maxima

Matlab High level numeric

Matlab, Octave, SciLab
computation environments
R-project, Stata, PSPP, S-
SPSS, Stata, EViews Statistical analysis
Plus, Gretl
Verilog iverilog Verilog Simulator
Google Earth, NASA World Google Earth, Celestia,
Geography and astronomy
Wind, Celestia, Stellarium Stellarium, Marble, Geody


Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 16  

Businesses in Luzon receive warning letters from PAPT: Inspections and
raids to follow shortly. March 30, 2009 article. Retrieved July 5, 2010 from
Calimag, Melvin G. (2009, February 12). Open source desktop adoption
flickers in the Philippines. Retrieved July 5, 2010 from
Fuzz Revisited: A Re-examination of the Reliability of UNIX ... Retrieved
September 5, 2010 from ftp: / / ftp. cs. wisc. edu/ paradyn/ technical_papers /
fuzz- revisited. pdf

Fuzz Testing Definition. Retrieved September 17, 2010 from
Linux software equivalent to Windows software. Retrieved October 3, 2010
PAPT raid in Ortigas nets over P5M worth of pirated software. Retrieved July
5, 2010 from
The Open Source Definition. Retrieved July 5, 2010 from
Wheeler, David A. (2007, April 16) “Why Open Source Software / Free
Software (OSS/FS, FOSS, or FLOSS)? Look at the Numbers!”. Retrieved
July 5, 2010 from
Okan, Ian R. Open Source Software in the Philippines. Retrieved September
17, 2010 from

Adaption of FOSS in the Philippines 17  

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