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ENGLISH GRADE 7 (July 3, 2019)

I. Objectives:

at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the genre of a material viewed.
b. Write the genre of a material viewed at home.
c. Appreciate the values shown in the material viewed.

II. Subject Matter: Observing Correct Subject-Verb Agreement


Materilas: laptop, speaker, illustration board, markers

III. Procedures:

A.) Motivation
The teacher presents a short video clip that presents humor. The students say that the video clip is a
comedy since it presents humor. The teacher introduces comedy to them as one example of genre.

B.) Lesson Proper

 The teacher introduces to the students different genres.

 The teacher shows different viewing materials (movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based
program, documentary, video, etc.)
 The students identify the genre of each material viewed.

C.) Application
The students will be divided into two groups. The game is called “Battle of the Brains”. The teacher
shows different video clips and each group identifies the genre of each clip shown. They would write it
in an illustration board and upon the teacher’s signal, each group raises their illustration board to
show their answer. The group with more points earned will be declared as the winner.

D.) Generalization
– Discussing the values shown in each material viewed and how would the student apply these
values in real life.

IV. Evaluation
Identify the genre of a material viewed.

V. Assignment

The students will write the genres of a materials they will view at home and share to the class.

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