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For out group spot speed survey, the location that have been given to us is at in front of MAEPS
main entrance gate in Serdang, Selangor. There are few reasons why this place is the most
suitable place for us to do this case study. Firstly, this area is vast and spacious, so it is easier
for us (surveyor) to carry out this task. Next, the traffic in this location also is not too busy in
the early morning. So, we can manage to record all the 500 speed of the vehicles (every type)
within the time of this lab hour session which is almost one and a half hour. Besides, this road
also can be considered as the main road for the UPM students and staffs to go to SKVE highway
which can lead to IOI city mall and Hospital Serdang. Lastly, compared to other roads nearest
to our faculty, this is the most suitable road for the traffic engineering students to do the case
study efficiently. We did out best in order to record the accurate instantaneous speed of almost
every vehicle that passed by this road. Then, the analysis is made in order for us to interpret
and study this data.

As for the analysis of our data, the maximum speed of the vehicle is at 100 km/h while
for the minimum speed is at 16 km/h. The vehicle type for both of this speed recorded is car
type vehicle. As for the speed range, is 84 km/h. Then we convert this data to a cumulative data
as we can make a better analysis. This data is classified into 3 percentiles which are at 15th, 50th
and 85th. For the first one, which is at 15th, the interval range is in between 31 km/h to 40 km/h
and the speed is 40.43 km/h. Meanwhile at 50th percentile, the range interval is 51 km/h to 60
km/h and its speed recorded is 51.07 km/h. Lastly, for the 85th percentile, the range interval is
in between 71 km/h to 80 km/h and its speed recorded is 74.42 km/h. Furthermore, we also
calculated for the mean speed and the median speed and the outcomes are 58.32 km/h and
74.96 km/h.

Based on the mean speed mentioned above, which is 58.32 km/h, is very obvious that
it still lies below the speed limit which is at 60 km/h. Besides, the median speed is 74.96 km/h.
This data is left-skewed meaning that this road users mostly speeding above 60 km/h of all
time. From this data also, 251 numbers of vehicles drove above the speed limit on that day
which is against the traffic law. About 50% of the road users drove beyond the speed limit. The
minimum speed limit is at 16 km/h because there is T- junction on this location. So, road users
from MAEPS which were heading to SKVE highway, they will have lower acceleration. As
for the maximum speed, it can be said that, road user already speeding up from the UPM main
campus road, so it will continue to speeding unless there is road bumps. But then, after the road
bump, they will continue to speed up as the traffic at that time is not that busy. So, it make
sense that why the road user speeding up at this road. Subsequently, the geographic of the road
should be taken as vital parameter where the road is slightly uphill. Since this study was
conducted around 9 am until 11 am and it is not during peak hour session, so less vehicles at
that area, so no wonder why most of the road users felt free to drive above the speed limit.
At this location, the speed limit is 60 km/h which is suitable for this road. The reasons
why road users are speeding beyond the limit because the traffic is not so busy and the road is
very wide. They also may think that this road is not the main road, so less vehicles would be
using this road. But we already know that, when we drive cars or motorcycles at a very high
speed, the chance to having an accident is higher. The cars or motorcycles who wanted to enter
and exit the MAEPS also will be having difficulties. So, it is very suitable for the road users.

For that reason, some actions and also adjustments need to be carried out by the traffic
engineers to overcome this problem. Maybe they can set up an AES camera that will caught
the one who drive the vehicles beyond the speed limit. Road bumps also need be build up at
every straight and long road, as it will make the road users to slow down in order to pass the
road bumps. ‘Motivation words’ sign telling to slow down the speed should also be put on
beside of the road, so that the road users will think twice before speeding up. Lastly, this spot
speed study is very useful to engineering students as it can help us to control and monitor the
safety of our people.


In conclusion, from our data that we have obtained, maximum and minimum speed of
the vehicle are 100 km/h and 16 km/h respectively. The speed range, is 84 km/h. We also did
the cumulative data as we want to do the analysis precisely. There are 3 percentiles which are
at 15th, 50th and 85th. For the 15th, the interval range is in between 31 km/h to 40 km/h and the
speed is 40.43 km/h. Next, at 50th percentile, the range interval is 51 km/h to 60 km/h and its
speed recorded is 51.07 km/h. Lastly, for the 85th percentile, the range interval is in between
71 km/h to 80 km/h and its speed recorded is 74.42 km/h. Last but not least, we also calculated
for the mean speed and the median speed which are 58.32 km/h and 74.96 km/h respectively.
All of this were above the maximum allowable speed and can be increased the number of an
accident. In addition, 50% of the driver we detected to have driven over the speed limit. It can
be concluded that speeding is a problem at this location and may have contributed to road
accidents which have occurred at this location.

Other than that, as a student, we also be able to learn something valuable from this case
study. Firstly, we have learned on how the engineers conduct a spot speed survey on this kind
of location. With that, we also learned to handle and use the laser gun correctly. For the crucial
part, we be able to gain lots of knowledge that relate with this spot speed surveying. We also
have searched and discovered some information regarding this traffic sign. For example, the
speed limit on this location is 60 km/h. This information is very important as we be able to
analyse the data even more accurately. On top of that, we also success on recalling on what
we have learned statistic during last semester as well as during high school. So, we be able to
calculate the mean, median and also determining 15th, 50th and 85th values from theoretical
calculation and from the graph. Last but not least, as a future engineer, we also need to learn
on how to cooperate effectively, so with this survey, we had improved our teamwork skill in
order to complete this spot speed surveying.

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