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ENGLISH GRADE 7 (July 2, 2019)

I. Objectives:

at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic interpersonal communicative situations.
b. Recognize idiomatic expressions.
c. Appreciate the importance of idioms.

II. Subject Matter: Using Idiomatic Expressions

References: English Communication Arts and Skills Through Philippine Literature

Materilas: textbooks, handouts, chalk, container,

III. Procedures:
A.) Motivation
The teacher asks the students to group themselves into four groups. Each group must pick a written
idiom from the container and create a picture representing the literal meaning of the idiom. For
example, the literal meaning of the idiom “foot the bill” was picked by the students. The students might
draw a picture of a foot with a dollar bill or a duck’s bill on it. Then, each group will show and explain
its picture to the other group. They are given ten minutes to do the activity.

B.) Lesson Proper

• The students are tasked to read the idioms they’ve picked after posting of the drawing on the board.
From that, the teacher will ask the students if how do they define an idiom.
• Afterwards, the teacher will present the definition of idioms.
• The teacher will ask the students of the importance of idioms in daily lives.

C.) Application
The students will be divided into four group. Each group should construct sentences as many as they
can from the given list of idioms and their meaning. Each sentence they may construct is equivalent to
two points. When the time is over, the representative of the group should read the sentences.

D.) Generalization
– What is idiom?
– What are the importance of idioms?

IV. Evaluation
Using Idiomatic Expressions

The students will be given a 10-item fill in the blanks test with the correct idiomatic expressions

V. Assignment

The students will identify at least 10 idioms from the hand-outs of the selection that will be given by
the teacher.

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