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Rogne Keith R. Saratorio & Michelle T.

Magallanes November 09, 2019

BTLED-AFA 2 Mrs. Juliet Ruth D. Mozar

Philosophy of Education
Reaction Paper

Philosophy of education examines the goals, forms, methods, and meaning of education.
“Locke believed the purpose of education was to produce an individual with a sound mind in a
sound body. The common man only required moral, social, and vocational knowledge.” In this
philosophy Locke teaches us how to develop our inner self to become more knowledgeable and
confident, he also states in his book that we can learn more about in our own experience to make us
strong since we are orienting ourselves to the world. I believe that what he wanted to convey to us is
that education is very important, not just for the sake that we can learn, but to apply every experience
and learning that we received for our future use. It is important for us to live virtuously, we also have to
develop the poise, control and outward behavior of excellent manners for education which will lead to a
successful life in the practical affairs of the society.
“John Dewey believed that learning was active and schooling unnecessarily long and
restrictive. His idea was that children came to school to do things and live in a community which gave
them real, guided experiences which fostered their capacity to contribute to society.” John Dewey’s
philosophy is more on social interaction, and visual. Learning in school in short period of time but
enhancing outside, I think what he been trying to say is that we can learn easily outside the school by
actual experiences or what we learned in school will be enhanced if we can see/touch all the things that
have been discussed in class. This type of philosophy is learning through actual interaction. This allows
students to make connections between subjects rather than learn in isolation. He also stressed the role
of democracy in the classroom. Students and teachers need to plan what will be learned together.
Herbert Spencer’s says “The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” I think that
Spencer means that education is not just knowledge but it is also the actions that you do to use this
education, Spencer and Dewey have the same view in education, their philosophy is learning through
social interaction and students should be involved in problem-solving and the use of the scientific
method. This active form of learning engaged students and prepare them for the real world.
In my opinion, these philosophers came up with these ideas because they aim for a better future
for the people, and for the advancement of educational system. Their philosophies are really fit in our
education for today because the development of each country is moving fast. Maybe in their time there
are lots of young people who are not been able to achieve greater things because of lack of knowledge
and experience that’s why they think aloud to produce this kind of philosophy or method. Locke’s
philosophy can help us how to live virtuously, develop excellent manners and knowledgeable. Dewey
and Spencer also teaches us how to be productive not only in school but interacting inside and outside
the school, and enhancing the knowledge through actual.

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