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(8-10) (4-7) (1-3)

Punctuation, spelling, Punctuation, spelling, A few errors in
capitalization are capitalization are punctuation, spelling,
MECHANICS correct. No errors. generally correct, capitalization.
Spelling, punctuation, with few errors.

Paper is logically Paper has a clear There is some level of

organized organizational organization though
STRUCTURE • Easily followed structure digressions, ambiguities,
• Organization • Effective, smooth, and with some irrelevances are too many
• Flow of thought logical transitions digressions, • Difficult to follow
• Transitions ambiguities or • Ineffective transitions
irrelevances • Rambling format
Exceptionally • Well-presented
Easily followedand Content is sound and
wellpresented and • Basic transitions
argued; ideas are solid; ideas are
argued; ideas are • detailed,
Structured format
developed present but not
detailed, welldeveloped, and supported with particularly
supported with evidence and details, developed or
CONTENT specific evidence & mostly specific. supported; some
facts, as well as evidence, but
examples and usually of a
specific details. generalized nature.

Meets all formal and Meets format and Meets format and
assignment assignment assignment
requirements and requirements; requirements; generally
evidences attention to margins, correct margins, spacing,
detail; all margins, spacing, and and
spacing and indentations are indentations; essay is
indentations are correct; correct; essay is neat neat but
FORMAT essay is neat and may have some assembly
and correctly assembled correctly assembled. errors.
professional look
Distracting errors
in punctuation,
spelling, capital

There is no
organization to the
• Difficult to
• No or poor
Content is not
No format

Fails to follow
format and
incorrect margins,
and indentation;
neatness of
essay needs

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