Effective Education Empowers Today's Generation: By: Jan Anthonette Canindo Humss 12-A

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Effective education empowers today’s generation

By: Jan Anthonette Canindo


In today generation we know that when you are a degree holder you can apply on any job
you want as long as it is aligned on the profession you have finished. Unlike before, even you did
not finished college you can work abroad.
We go to school to gain knowledge not only for the money that gave by our parents.
That’s why I believe that effective education empowers today’s generation. And also if the
people use their gained knowledge in our everyday lives maybe no one or the poverty line may
be lessen. As long as we have a chance to study we must pursue and continue it, because when
the time come we will receive the fruit of our hardwork.
Education is easy to find. But effective education is not.
"Effective education empowers today's generation"
By:Camille Abaya
Humss 12-A

For me,education is the most powerful that the person have.Why?Because education is
very important in life.Think about it if you finish your studies you will get a better job.I believe
that "Education Is the Key to Success".And it will lead you to a better life.You will easily find a
permanent job.Education is really important for every individual because it has a big impact into
your life.But sometimes educated people use their knowledge to bring other people
down.Education and well mannered is the important thing that you have.

Just like the saying "right practice makes progress" i can say that effective education
plays a big role in molding and shaping our today's generation. Education is a necessity in each
and everyone, having knowledge is a prior to human. We should and we must have effective
education and how are we going to possess it? Two thing "teacher" and "you". First, it is hard to
apply your own knowledge in different situation if you at the first place dont have enough of it.
So, educators and how they work has a big impact. Next, you! yourself, it is difficult to teach a
person who doesnt want to learn. Remember, education is a must in every individual. We are in
the 21st century and we must not let our selves to be late in the continues flow of inovation.
Education is a gateway to our better and more successful life so we should take and grab our
chance in brighter future "Effective Education Empowers Today's generation".

As the new generation and as a student I can say that education is the rights of every
individual regardless of their social status, gender, sex, race and age. Education is the stepping
stone and the only thing that can help us in different field, education is the most important thing
that every human should have. I as a teenager my perspective about effective education
empowers today's generation, I can say that in today time our education system is better than
before, because we have kto12 that has a big part and contributed to have a good education cycle
but base on my experienced in today even we have kto12 curriculum but still there are provinces
and part of our country specially those people live in far places like mountains the improvement
of our education still not really reache the poorest areas that should need a help by our
government to have a equal opportunity and quality service in terms in having a building,
complete classroom the most important the fund and allowances to provide the books and all
Effective education empowers today's generation
By : Mary loi Guevarra
Humss 12-A

Education Empower Today's Generation

In my opinion our generation is more intelligent than before, more learned and more
wises even though , through uses our gadgets. We don't need any books in library and we can
provide it by using google and others to search or learn something the effective education or
legal power to our generation, it is easy to understand the lesson or discussion even that it will
become smarter to having a k-12 curriculum particularly of the specific school to preparing us to
improve our self or the student in the school , k-12 curriculum take us to college course
somehow it become more attentive to and also having thoughts to mind what we gonna use or
take the college course Today's Generation are more accurate but even now we can see that the
education we are having a certain problem to student's can't follow and difficult to understand the
lesson nor having dedication to study hard and even that they also having a bad quality of time to
know more, but even though this education , I can say that more effective even before they used
a Manila paper but now they can easily in projector or TV through the used of some of this
technology we are having the student and teacher can easily attached and more to understand the

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