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Phoneme Example words with (phonetic transcriptions)
a- cat (kat) laugh (laf)
e peg (peg-) bread (bred-) friend (frend)
i- pig (pig-) busy (bizee) gym (jim) England (inglind)
o log (log-) honest (onist) cot (kot)
u plug (plug-) love (luv) blood (blud) double (dubul) putt (put-)
ae pain (paen) day (dae) gate (gaet) filet (filae) gauge (gaej)
ee sweet (sweet-) heat (heet) thief (theef) these (theez) ski (skee)
ie tried (tried-) light (liet) guy (gie) shine (shien) height (hiet)
oe road (roed) blow (bloe) bone (boen)
ue moon (muen) blue (blue-) grew (grue) fruit (fruet) shoe (shue)
oo look (look-) would (wood-) put (poot) wolf (woof)
au paw (pau) ball (baul) caught (kaut)
ur burn (burn-) circus (surkus) sister (sistur) pearl (purl) word (wurd)
ow down (down-) shout (showt)
oi coin (koin) boy (boi)
or- orange (orinj) poor (por) board (bord)
ar car (kar) heart (hart) sergeant (sarjint)
aer stare (staer) chair (chaer) prayer (praer) where (waer) their (thaer)
uer tourist (tuerist) cure (kyuer)
Consonant Phonemes
Phoneme Example words with (phonetic transcriptions)
b baby (baebee) bug (bug)
d dig (dig) add (ad) milled (mild-)
f field (feeld) photo (foetoe) enough (eenuf) half (haf)
g game (gaem) ghost (goest) guest (gest)
h hat (hat) who (hue)
j judge (juj) giant (jie-int) barge (barj) wage (waej) edge (ej)
k cook (kook) quick (kwik) mix (miks) Chris (kris) bouquet (buekae)
l lamb (lam) well (wel)
m monkey (munkee) comb (koem)
n nut (nut) knife (nief) gnat (nat)
p paper (paepur) pin (pin-)
r rabbit (rabit) wrong (rong) rhyme (riem)
s sun (sun-) mouse (mows-) psycho (sie-koe) science (sie-ins) pace (paes)
t tap (tap-) ripped (ript)
v van (van-) Stephen (steevin) of (uv)
w was (wuz) why (wie) quick (kwik) choir (kwie-ur)
y yes (yes-) onion (unyun)
z zebra (zee-bru) please (pleez) is (iz) scissors (sizurz)
th then (then-) thin (thin-) leather (lethur)
ch chip (chip-) future (fyuechur) righteous (riechus)
sh ship (ship-) mission (mishin) chef (shef) ocean (oeshin) special (speshul)
zh treasure (trezhur) usual (yuezhueul) division (divizhun)
-ng ring (ring-) spring (spring-) tongue (tung)

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