Applications of Combination Logic

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Application of

Combinational Logic Design

Session No: 06

• LO 02
• LO2 Explain the operation of logic gates and logic circuits and design
combinational logic circuits from truth tables using Boolean algebra and truth
• Content 02
2. Using combinational logic design process develop and design the gate
level logic for Adders/subtraction, mux/de-mux, encoder/decoder.
Design the circuit by using Decoder/Encoder, Mux/De-mux.
Learning outlines
• Application of Combinational logic design
• Design the gate level logic for
• Adders – Half adder, Full adder, Binary adder
• Binary Subtractor
• BCD Adder
• Binary Multiplier
• Magnitude comparator
• Decoders
• Encoders
• Multiplexers (MUX) /de-mux

• Half adder
Full adder
Binary adder
Binary adder/ subtractor
BCD Adder
Binary Multiplier
Magnitude comparator
3 χ 8 Decoder
3 χ 8 Decoder constructed with two 2 χ 4 Decoder
Multiplexers (MUX)

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