Geoscience Examination Package: For Geoscience Graduates (Petroleum Companies Exams)

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Geology of Egypt
According to the map of Petroleum Exploration and Industry, Egypt is divided into three
main provinces:
1- Gulf of Suez: This is further divided into three sub-basins divided by two accommodation
zones (half grabens).
2- Nile Delta: either onshore or offshore, geologically is divided into two major zones
separated by a major zone of flexure (with a fault throw to the north by about 200 meters),
theses zones are:
a- the north delta block
b- The south delta embayment
3- Western Desert: This is divided into;
a- Norhtern basin; including north western desert district& Abu-El-Gharadik district.
b- Qattara ridge basin; which formed of dissected anticlines (intracratonic basins).

The Main Regional Tectonic Trends of Egypt:

1- NE/SW (Syrian arc system) Middle to Late Mesozoic.
2- NW/SE (Red Sea system) Early Tertiary.
3- E-W (Mediterranean Sea system) Late Tertiary.
4- N-S (Aqaba system) Quaternary.

Type sections and Type localities of the main rock units forming the geologic
column in Egypt are:
A- Paleozoic;
- Cambrian: Um-Bogma Fm (Sinai)
- Ordovician: Karkur Talh Fm (Gabal Uweinat)
- Silurian: Um-Ras Fm (Gabal Uweinat)
- Devonian: Tadrart Fm (Abu-Ras Plateau and Gabal Uweinat)
- Carboniferous: (Um-Ras Passage, south western desert)
Upper; North-Wadi-Abd-elmalik Fm
Lower; Wadi Abdel-Malik Fm

- Permian: Lakia Fm. (Gabal Uweinat).
B- Mesozoic;
- Triassic: Aref-El-Naga Fm (Gabal Aref El Naga, north eastern Sinai)
- Jurassic: Masajid Fm (Gabal Maghara, north Sinai)
- Cretaceous: Bahareyia Fm (Western Desert) & Abu Roash Fm (Gizah)
C- Cenozoic;
- Eocene: Mokattam Fm (Maadi, Helwan)
- Miocene: Gulf of Suez Road

Definitions of Important Petrophysical Parameters

Total Porosity: the volume of rock that is pore spaces
Effective (connected) Porosity: the volume of rock that is connected pores
Note that:
- Porosity increases with decreasing grain size
- Angular grains give higher porosity
Porosity occurs into two main types:
A- Primary Porosity: or original porosity which is formed during the original deposition of
rock. Types of primary porosity are intercrystalline, intergranular, interparticle, bedding
planes, and miscellaneous sedimentary voids.
B- Secondary Porosity: acquired later either mechanically (Fracture Porosity) or by solution
(Vuggy Porosity). Types of secondary porosity are solution, dolomitization, fracture and
miscellaneous sedimentary voids.
Total Pore Space
Total porosity, φt = Bulk Volume

Interconnected Pore Space

Effective porosity, φe =
Bulk Volume
-Permeability (fluid conductivity of rock): is the property that permits the passage of a fluid
through the interconnected pores of a rock without damage to or displacement of the rock

-Permeability is classified into Primary (Matrix) permeability, and Fractured permeability.
Effective Permeability: the ability of rock to conduct fluid in the presence of other fluid is
the effective permeability to that fluid
Relative Permeability: the ratio between the effective permeability, to a given fluid at partial
saturation, and permeability at 100% saturation.
-Permeability decreases by decreasing grain size (e.g. Shale), and clay minerals such as
Bentonite and Montmorillonite decrease permeability because they swell in fresh water, and
by cementation.
-for large and flat grains uniformly arranged with long dimension horizontal we will find that
horizontal permeability is greater than vertical one, and for large and uniformly rounded
grains will have high permeability in both directions.
-Water Saturation: the volume of rock that is filled with water
Hydrocarbon Saturation: the remaining fraction of rock pores that is filed by hydrocarbons
Wettability: the ability of rock particles to adhere water molecules
Or (it is the term used to describe the relative adhesion of two fluids to a solid interface).
Note that:
- Hydrocarbon Saturation is inversely proportional to Water Saturation

Sh α 1/Sw
This means that; as water saturation increases, hydrocarbon saturation will decrease
- Wettability decreases amount of hydrocarbons within a given rock and decrease its flow
ability for hydrocarbons, and increases by reducing pore volume (Shale has the greatest
Wettability of all rocks)

Petroleum Geology
Petroleum Traps:
1- Structural Traps;
Traps caused by folding:
- Low Circular Dome (Khalda, Alamein and Umm Baraka oil fields- Western Desert)
- Elongated Narrow Anticline, both symmetrical and asymmetrical (Umm Shaif Field-
Arabian Gulf)
- Overturned Fold - Hanging traps
- Diapir - Monocline
Traps caused by faulting:
Normal Faulting combined with a regional homoclinal dip (Gulf of Suez- Feiran,
Kareem, Belayim and Abu-Zenima Fields) which is found in two types:
-By single Normal fault
-By two or several intersecting faults
Reverse and Thrust faults
Traps caused by both faulting and folding
-Low fold with Normal fault
-Normal fault with a more acute fold (W.D. Egypt)
-Faulted diapiric fold (W.Texas & SE New Mexico, USA)
2-Stratigraphic Traps;
A-Primary Stratigraphic Traps
-Lenses and Facies changes in clastic rocks
-Interlayer Up-dip edge of Permeable on a homocline
-Shoestring-Sand traps
-Lenses of volcanic rocks
-Facies changes in Chemical rocks (Western Desert)
-Bioherms and Biostromes
Mohamed Fagelnour

B-Secondary Stratigraphic Traps
Traps associated with unconformity
3- Fluid Traps,
Where water flow (Down Dip) is against oil flow (Up Dip) and supposing that:

Oil flow=Water flow

4-Combination and Salt Domes;
-Intersection of an up-dip edge of Permeable layer in impermeable layer
-Arching across an up-dip edge of permeable
-Salt domes
Important Definitions:
-Reservoir rock; any rock that is porous and permeable may become a
-Types of Wells;
A-test wells- to collect data for oil and gas
B-wildcat well-in the hope of discovering a new pool
C-discovery- if the wildcat well taps a deposit of petroleum
D-dry hole- if the wildcat produced neither oil nor gas but only water
E-development well-wells drilled in the same reservoir after discovery
-Types of water found in a reservoir;
A-meteoric water- from rain by seepage and infiltration
B-connate water- interstitial water formed during deposition
C-mixed water- both meteoric and connate water
-Petroleum migration occurs in three types;
1-Primary migration-the movement of hydrocarbons from the fine-grained source rock
to the course-grained reservoir rock by expulsion.
2-Secondary migration-through the carrier bed (reservoir) due to buoyancy and
hydrodynamic forces.
3-Tertiary migration-an additional phase of secondary migration due to tectonic forces.
Mohamed Fagelnour

Thrust Traps Salt Dome Traps

Fundamental Trap Types

Geologic Sections of Egypt
1. Hydrocarbon Potentiality of the Western Desert of Egypt

Age Rock-Unit Reservoir Source-Rock

A&B limestone √

Abu-Roash Fm

C Productive (sand) √

D limestone
E limestone shale

F Carbonates

G Productive (clastic)

Baharyia Fm √

Kharita Fm √


Dahab Fm Sandstone

Alamein Fm Dolomite

Alam-El Bueib Fm
Matruh shale

Upper Masajid Fm √

Middle Khatatba (Safa) Fm

Wadi-El-Natrun Fm
Lower √

√ refers to either source or reservoir rock

Oil & Gas Fields: Salam, Tut, Khepri, Khalda, Safir, Lotus.

Mohamed Fagelnour

2. Hydrocarbon Potentiality of the Gulf of Suez of Egypt

Age Rock-Units Reservoir Source-Rock Cap-Rock

Gharandal Ras-Malaab
Zeit Fm Anhydrite

Middle to

South Gharib

Porosity 5-25 %,


1000 md
Belayim Fm Shale
Lower to

Kareem Fm Shale

Rudeis Fm Shale
Nukhul Fm

Middle Eocene Limestone Carbonates

Lower Thebes Fm

Paleocene-Eocene Esna Fm Shale



Sudr Fm Limestone Limestone


Matulla Fm Sandstone

Wata Fm Sandstone

Jurassic-Cretaceous Nubia- A Sandstone

Nubia-B Sandstone Carbonates
Carboniferous Nubia-C Sandstone

*************** Unconformity

Oil Fields: October, July, Morgan, Belayim, Shukeir, Abu-Rudeis.

Mohamed Fagelnour

3. Hydrocarbon Potentiality of the Nile Delta of Egypt

Age Rock-Units Reservoir Source-Rock Cap-Rock

Pleistocene Mit-Ghamr Fm
Upper El-Wastani Fm

Middle Kafr-El-Sheikh Fm √
Lower Abu-Madi Fm Ø up to 20%
Rosetta Fm Anhydrite
Upper Qawasim Fm

Middle-Upper Sidi-Salem Fm
√ √
Lower Moghra Fm

Oligocene Dabaa Fm Pure Shale

************** Unconformity

Gas Fields: Temsah, Port-Fouad Marine, Wakar, Kersh.

Mohamed Fagelnour


1-Porosity tools;
A- Neutron- theory: fast neutrons are emitted, scattered and slowed down throughout the
Formation, and captured by the nuclei of (H, Cl) atoms. Gamma rays of capture are emitted
and measured. The tool is calibrated for water-filled limestone and must be corrected.
Uses: for measurement of Neutron porosity which is converted into total porosity of the
Note: the amount of capture is lower in case of gas than oil than water, so that, Neutron
porosity is greater in water that oil than gas, and this is known as the (Excavation
B-Density-theory: Gamma rays are emitted toward a given formation. They loose energy
and are scattered upon striking it (Compton scattering). The number of scattered gamma
rays are detected and related to the bulk density of the formation.
Uses: for measurement of the bulk density of the formation which is then converted into the
total porosity of the formation.

Pma = matrix density, Pb = bulk density log reading, Pf = filtrate density

C-Sonic- theory: it measures the transit time required for a compressional sound wave to
travel through one foot of the formation.

Uses: for measurement of the Primary porosity of a given formation.
Note: the transit time is measured corresponding to the shortest acoustic path with the
lowest porosity, so it measures primary porosity.
2-Spontaneous Potential (SP)-theory:
it measures the difference in potential; arise from the Diffusion-Adsorption properties,
between fixed and movable electrodes.
Uses: detect permeable zones, locate boundaries, and determine formation-water resistivity,
shale volume.
Note: the tool operates only when Rmf ≠ Rw, in permeable and impermeable series.
Limestone causes distortion of the current when present.
3-Gamma ray- theory: it measures the amount of naturally released gamma rays due to
the disintegration of radiogenic isotope (such as Th, U, and K).
Uses: for correlation, shale volume determination, and accurate depth.

GR log – GR clean
Vsh = GR shale – GR clean
Note: maximum gamma (GR shale) ray is recorded against shale, while minimum gamma
ray (GR clean) is recorded against clean sand.
4-Resistivity tools-theory: it measures the resistivity of the formation which is related to
its conductivity and is measured in Ohmm.
Uses: depth of invasion, true resistivity, hydrocarbon and water zones, Oil/Water Contact.
Note: there are two types of resistivity tools which are
Dual latero log: This measures resistivity of the artificially induced current in the
formation. Also, it works mostly with water-base mud.
Induction log: This measures conductivity rather than resistivity and works with oil-
base mud
Archie Equation--

Rw, is the formation water resistivity,
Rt, is the true formation resistivity, and F is the formation resistivity factor.
0 150

Shaly Sand


Clean Sand

Sandy Shale


Volcanic Ash


Anhydrite / Salt

0 ------------------------------- 150 Sonic Neutron Density


Clean Sand

Compacted Gas
Shaly Sand
Oil / Water
Clean Sand

Compacted Oil / Water


Intercrystaline Gas
Vugy Oil / Water

Quick Look Interpretation Guide

Structural Geology
Secondary structures

-Joint: a fracture without displacement.

- Fault: a fracture with displacement.
- Normal Fault: a fault having the hanging-wall up-thrown.
- Reverse Fault: a fault having the hanging-wall down-thrown.
-Strike-slip Fault: a fault having a horizontal (Slip) movement on either sides of the
fault plane, and may be Sinistral (Left-Lateral) or Dextral (Right-Lateral).
- Graben: a depressed block bounded by a set of normal faults.
- Horst: an elevated block bounded by a set of normal faults.
- Fold: a set of beds curved by compressional tectonic forces. It may be:
Symmetrical (Equal-Limbs), Asymmetrical (Unequal-Limbs)
Anticline (Older-Core), Syncline (Younger-Core)
-Dome: a fold plunging in four directions.
- Dip: a direction along which bed elevation decreases. It may be:
True dip (normal to the strike direction)
Virtual dip (any direction other than normal to the strike direction)
-Strike: a virtual line passing a dipping bed which is always horizontal. Mohamed Fagelnour


-Unconformity: a stratigraphic break in the continuity of sedimentary layers causing a

gap in time between layers above and layers below.
- Angular Unconformity: an unconformity where the layers above lie with an angle
in relation to the layers below.
-Non-conformity: an unconformity where sedimentary layers above lie on igneous
rocks below.
-Dis-conformity: an unconformity where there’s an erosional surface between two
groups of horizontal sedimentary layers.
- Para-conformity: the same as Dis-conformity but there’s any evidence other than
erosion for stratigraphic break.
Seismic Exploration

Important Definitions:
-Seismic Wave: a type of energy propagates through the earth causing ground
movement, and may have a destructive effect.
-Two factors specify wave type: directions of propagation and ground motion and
according to these we have the following types:
1-Body Waves: travel through a body of strata and penetrate deeply and have;
a) Compressional waves: or P-waves, a type of waves having its ground
motion parallel to the direction of propagation.
b) Shear waves: or S-waves, a type of waves having its ground motion
normal to the direction of propagation.
2-Surface Waves: travel along the surface or the boundary between layers
and include;
a) Rayleih Waves: a type of waves having a transverse ground motion in
relation to the direction of propagation.
b) Love (Stoneley) Waves: a type of waves having its ground motion in an
elliptic retrograde motion in relation to the direction of propagation.
- Seismic wave propagation depends on elastic modulii which equals:
Elastic Modulus = Stress / Strain
It is including:
Young Modulus: the amount of change in length.
Bulk Modulus: the amount of change in volume.
Shear Modulus: the amount of change in shape.

Mohamed Fagelnour

Operation Geology

Rig Types


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